View Full Version : Cherie Blair flogs Tonys autograph for £10 on eBay

28th October 2010, 00:07
Obviously Legal Aid isn't such a good earner nowadays :icon_lol:


Despite seven homes, a highly paid job and a multi-*million-pound fortune, Cherie Blair has never been one to pass up a bargain.

While her husband was Prime *Minister, she famously shopped for 99p trinkets on eBay and has scooped up freebies at every turn.

Now Mrs Blair has again been using the internet auction site. And this time, astonishingly, she was selling a copy of her husband’s autograph – for the princely sum of £10.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1323958/Cherie-sells-Tony-Blairs-signature-eBay-makes-10.html#ixzz13bTkfMiO

28th October 2010, 00:16
What was it last used for ....to sign the political correctness charter, or the death sentence of the party of the working class ? :rolleyes:

28th October 2010, 00:21
Could have been either ! I'm not sure who I find the most repugnant him or her

28th October 2010, 01:00
What was it last used for ....to sign the political correctness charter, or the death sentence of the party of the working class ? :rolleyes:

or sign us upto europe...oh that was the tories :doh

28th October 2010, 01:28
or sign us upto europe...oh that was the tories :doh

Thursday 28th Messrs IainBusby and Bornatbirth in the school hall will jointly deliver the Ancient History Lectures "1973 Ted Heath and His Tory Lap Dogs Sell Us Down The River and Join the EEC" followed by "1998 Tony Blair EU Human Rights Act is a Nice Earner"