View Full Version : Favourite Drinks?

6th November 2010, 19:30
In a cheeky spin off sars_notd_virus (btw, what does your username mean???) thread on 'What is your most favourite movie?', lets go for a topic close to my heart, 'ALCOHOL'! What is your most favourite drink?

Well for me, I drink a lot of wine, and it's hard to decide between a good Chablis or a my other favourite 'Bombay Gin' with tonic!

This is something I imagine most Europeans have never heard of, but would highly recommend http://www.laithwaites.co.uk/LW/jsp/templates/article/chooserPage.jsp?removeAllFacets=true&searchQuery=pisco+sour&sortOrder=descending&_requestid=499383#_trail=_range=_search=~searchQuery=pisco+sour_p=prod512741

6th November 2010, 19:41
Pedigree (surprise)
A good red wine (Faustino No 1 is good)
Vodka and tomato
Bombay shapphire and tonic with lime not lemon
Tanduay superior and mango
A good white wine
Ethanol and coke (but only when times are desparate)

6th November 2010, 19:52
Glenmorangie and Chateau la Compagnonne.


stevie c
6th November 2010, 20:18
has to be newcastle brown ale for me nothing better:xxgrinning--00xx3:

6th November 2010, 20:39
jack daniels or jack daniels with ice or jack daniels with coke and ice :xxgrinning--00xx3:

6th November 2010, 21:23
tia maria/coke and ice :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

6th November 2010, 21:25
subseastu, how did I know that you'd have an excellent list. Who says that us seafarers are alcoholics?

Stevie C, would you believe that you can buy Newcy Brown in bars across the United States! Very popular in New York!

6th November 2010, 21:32
That me ol mate rick was the short list. Didn't want to embarrass myself!!!
The full list is:

Anything with an alcohol content.:cwm3:

THat should about cover it. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

But you're right, seafarers are not known for their hate of the good stuff! Do seem to be able to put it away a tad more than my shore side mates. Not bad for someone who (in theory) doesn't drink for 6 months of the year!

6th November 2010, 21:46
I love Jose Cuervo Tequila and cosmopolitan! :xxgrinning--00xx3: but I rarely drink coz I turn RED! :icon_lol:

6th November 2010, 22:14
red wine on a daily basis :omg:

and loveeee southern comfort neat!! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

:Hellooo: folks!!

stevie c
6th November 2010, 22:38
subseastu, how did I know that you'd have an excellent list. Who says that us seafarers are alcoholics?

Stevie C, would you believe that you can buy Newcy Brown in bars across the United States! Very popular in New York!

really ricky i wouldn't of believed that i shall remember that if i ever happen to visit the states:xxgrinning--00xx3:

6th November 2010, 22:50




for the obvious reason that I am a Scot ;)

I buy 5 cases a month from Makro. I have even been known to import it into the Philippines in my luggage a couple of times :)

6th November 2010, 22:53
In a cheeky spin off sars_notd_virus (btw, what does your username mean???) http://www.laithwaites.co.uk/LW/jsp/templates/article/chooserPage.jsp?removeAllFacets=true&searchQuery=pisco+sour&sortOrder=descending&_requestid=499383#_trail=_range=_search=~searchQuery=pisco+sour_p=prod512741

SARS = "Severe acute respiratory syndrome", the really interesting question given that our "sars" is not the virus, is what our "sars" really means ? ;)

6th November 2010, 23:02




for the obvious reason that I am a Scot ;)

I buy 5 cases a month from Makro. I have even been known to import it into the Philippines in my luggage a couple of times :)

i dont drink Anything with an alcohol content :cwm24:

tango apple or orange

mostly robinsons orange squash or summer fruits and coke some times :rolleyes:

but my fave is umbongo :xxgrinning--00xx3:


Arthur Little
6th November 2010, 23:07




for the obvious reason that I am a Scot ;)

I buy 5 cases a month from Makro. I have even been known to import it into the Philippines in my luggage a couple of times :)

:xxgrinning--00xx3: Good man, Jim ... guess you must be like me, in preferring soft drinks - even though the famous Barr's Irn Bru is reputed to be "made from girders"!!! :D Cheers, mate! :Beer:

Arthur Little
6th November 2010, 23:35
Folks, I dont want to come across as some sort of "wet blanket" ... nor am I completely teetotal. :NoNo: But I've never been overly keen on the taste of alcohol :anerikke: ... unless it happens to be either a sweet cider or lager copiously diluted with lime juice. And besides, as a borderline diabetic, I cannot be too careful about what I drink nowadays. :doh

Arthur Little
6th November 2010, 23:41
but my fave is umbongo :xxgrinning--00xx3:

:rolleyes: ... what's 'umbongo', Joe?

6th November 2010, 23:44
I rarely drink now days even then its like one or two beers and gotta say my Favourite has to be a Ice Tea with the little green fruit thingys cant beat it for me:xxgrinning--00xx3:

haha Umbongo takes me back a little :Rasp:

6th November 2010, 23:51
:rolleyes: ... what's 'umbongo', Joe?


I remember it as a kid can't say I've seen it around for a while :Erm:

6th November 2010, 23:55

I remember it as a kid can't say I've seen it around for a while :Erm:

yes you can buy it at morrisons but its in only like 200ml carton and expensive :angry:, i want a litre carton :D

7th November 2010, 07:26
coffee patron, baileys and vodka :xxgrinning--00xx3:

7th November 2010, 08:51
apple sours or neat vodka

7th November 2010, 11:36
In a cheeky spin off sars_notd_virus (btw, what does your username mean???) thread on 'What is your most favourite movie?', lets go for a topic close to my heart, 'ALCOHOL'! What is your most favourite drink?

SARS = "Severe acute respiratory syndrome", the really interesting question given that our "sars" is not the virus, is what our "sars" really means ? ;)

I made my account during the 'SARS' outbreak and it seemed like a good idea at the time..anyway,its ''notd virus'' so i'm pretty not dangerous,only when i'm upset or not getting any attention or when i'm not getting what i want ,when i think i'm missing out on something or at certain times of the month or in the morning,.. in the evening when im feeling a bit tired,.. after i've had a drink and my favorite drink is VODKA (vodka/redbull, vodka/cola),...but if i cannot get vodka i will drink cider,guinness,red wine but will not be happy about it:rolleyes::D:xxgrinning--00xx3:

7th November 2010, 12:26
ah ok, so notd is short for SARS Not the Virus? Gotcha!
Nothing wrong with a Vodka Redbull, except it keeps your awake for 200 hours afterwards lol

7th November 2010, 12:30
Pear cider
Singapore slings (on way to philippines)
White german wine
John smiths smooth bitter
Quality Lager

7th November 2010, 12:37
Les, sure your not a sailor too?

7th November 2010, 13:17
My favourite is Crystal... But that's so expensive and I can't get myself to buy something like that when I don't really drink alcohol...

So yeh, my favourite is crystal, but I'm not so into it or alcohol for that matter that I would go out and buy it. But if someone wants to give it to me for free :xxgrinning--00xx3:

7th November 2010, 13:44
Nothing wrong with a Vodka Redbull, except it keeps your awake for 200 hours afterwards lol

I discovered the mixture of vodka/redbull in one of the hotels i worked with in the Philippines,..I used to manage F&B department ,its nice to have it occasionally and doesn't give me headache in the morning..as what the saying goes ''a little and in moderation is good for the health'':xxgrinning--00xx3:

7th November 2010, 14:29
Must admit I do enjoy wine. Especially red wine.
Carina is also very fond of red wine Our favourite is Fleurie

If we're just relaxing at the weekend just eating snacks and making karaoke we both enjoy:-

Japanese Sake (any Junmai Daiginjo grade)
Jinro soju (sometime mixed with green tea)

For 'everyday' I like 'beer' especially Pilsner Urquell but nearly always good old Fosters.

In the Philippines I prefer San Mig Light

By the way for anyone who likes the taste of beer but non alcoholic I've found that
Becks Blue is really nice.

7th November 2010, 16:26
I like a good cup of PG Tips

7th November 2010, 16:29
I like a good cup of PG Tips

I never drink tea. Never really liked it. :NoNo:
I do like green tea though :xxgrinning--00xx3:

First thing in the morning has to be coffee. :hubbahubba:

7th November 2010, 17:26
OH, my all time FAVORITES: bloody mary, bailey's on the rock, malibu pineapple, (jose cuervo) tequilla... oh, yum!!! :hubbahubba::hubbahubba:

7th November 2010, 18:06
OH, my all time FAVORITES: bloody mary, bailey's on the rock, malibu pineapple, (jose cuervo) tequilla... oh, yum!!! :hubbahubba::hubbahubba:

Mmmm Bailey's on the rocks:hubbahubba:

7th November 2010, 18:11
I never drink tea. Never really liked it. :NoNo:
I do like green tea though :xxgrinning--00xx3:

First thing in the morning has to be coffee. :hubbahubba:

terpe, u put milk on your tea?.. jst asking..:)

7th November 2010, 18:16
terpe, u put milk on your tea?.. jst asking..:)

English tea. I've tried with and without milk.
I prefer without milk but still I just don't like the taste.
Green tea is just green tea.... nothing added. MMMmm:hubbahubba:
and healthy:xxgrinning--00xx3:

7th November 2010, 18:24
English tea. I've tried with and without milk.
I prefer without milk but still I just don't like the taste.
Green tea is just green tea.... nothing added. MMMmm:hubbahubba:
and healthy:xxgrinning--00xx3:

oh ic.. regular tea is also healthy..but i dont drink it' i prefer coffee.. terpe another question' coz im bored and not doing anything'lol..:icon_lol: everyday, how many cups of green tea your drinking?.. hubby can drink bout 10 cups per day when he's here..

7th November 2010, 18:48
I like Westons Old Rosie scrumpy cider 7.3 % cant drink many pints of it tho :Cuckoo:! also love JD and splash of coke over ice, and Baileys and brandy over ice is good too mmmm...:)

7th November 2010, 19:56
im not really a drinker but hey i love malibu with coke, frozen margarita and tequila sunrise :)...now im tipsy lol

7th November 2010, 20:03
Boddington's bitter, Jameson whiskey :xxgrinning--00xx3:

7th November 2010, 20:17
ah ok, so notd is short for SARS Not the Virus? Gotcha!

Glad that's been sorted out, as I often wondered how you pronounced your username? :xxgrinning--00xx3:


I used to like drinking Pernod Les, when I was in my late teens/early twenties...not sure I could drink it now? :Erm:

I like Beer really, Bitter...much like I am with life. :doh :icon_lol: Don't drink much though, these days.

Always nice to have a San Mig, or Redhorse with a meal in the Phils. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

7th November 2010, 21:08
English tea.

English tea that I have ever had in other countries is like dish water. I'm talking about a strong cuppa like PG or Yorkshire tea, the stuff where you can stand the spoon up. That so called 'english tea' isn't what we drink here, its a joke. :NoNo:

steve monty
7th November 2010, 22:09
I don't know why but I have never been able to drink hot drinks, tea, coffee or hot chocolate.

I do like a nice crisp lager like Peroni or any imported belgian lager, Nice to chill out with. Thats probably why i love having a San Mig or Red Horse while in Phils! :xxgrinning--00xx3: Still getting used to Tanduay rum. Shared a bottle with mahal's family one afternoon. I had one glass to myself and they were sharing between 6 so I was getting refilled quicker than others! I tried to give my glass to others but they were having none of it! I swear they were trying to get me drunk!! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

8th November 2010, 07:51
oh ic.. regular tea is also healthy..but i dont drink it' i prefer coffee.. terpe another question' coz im bored and not doing anything'lol..:icon_lol: everyday, how many cups of green tea your drinking?.. hubby can drink bout 10 cups per day when he's here..

bher, only 1 or 2 per day pure green tea.
Unless I mix with shoju then .....:omg:

9th November 2010, 20:11
sorry for me a cup of tea yorkshire tea is best

9th November 2010, 20:28
Ice cold Grolsch (Dutch not the brewed under licence by Coors in Burton), Heineken, DAB Dortmunder Actien-Brauerei

I used to be a real ale man but turned traitor a few years back.

This gives me nightmares though :D


13th November 2010, 02:25
If we're just relaxing at the weekend just eating snacks and making karaoke we both enjoy:-

Japanese Sake (any Junmai Daiginjo grade)
Jinro soju (sometime mixed with green tea)

Where can you get sake? I've always wanted to try it.

13th November 2010, 06:21
Ricky... the one and only pint of BLACK!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

GUINNESS... hmmm:hubbahubba:

13th November 2010, 06:54
Where can you get sake? I've always wanted to try it.

Try your local oriental/asian store or supermarket.
Wing Yip supermarkets (various locations)
Online Japanese store

13th November 2010, 12:38
I used to like and drink Kahlua Milk and Vodka sprite:) Grey goose is my brand aw!
I miss those days :Jump:

13th November 2010, 13:41
I have no favourite drinks today and will never ever drink alcohol ever again.
Anyone got any good hangover cures?

Apparently 'Wine and Beer very queer' is correct. :cwm3:

13th November 2010, 14:04
I have no favourite drinks today and will never ever drink alcohol ever again.
Anyone got any good hangover cures?

Apparently 'Wine and Beer very queer' is correct. :cwm3:

Hahaha !! Self inflicted eh :omg:
Ricky, enjoy while you can. As you get older the hangovers get faaaaaar worse. ;)

13th November 2010, 22:21
I have no favourite drinks today and will never ever drink alcohol ever again.
Anyone got any good hangover cures?

Apparently 'Wine and Beer very queer' is correct. :cwm3:

drink it again the next day...(antidote) effect :Cuckoo::xxgrinning--00xx3:

13th November 2010, 22:48
Zagu jamacha almond.....with a splash of brandy "matador":40__s:

20th November 2010, 22:02
Rum-coke goes always, using dark rum, especially havanna club, tanduay, captain morgan

Otherwise gin-tonic, wheatbeer, well many kinds of beer (im german hehe), caipirinha (preferable with the 51 cachaca from brazil) and other cocktails....

And sometimes i am also one of those *******s who can waste the taste of a single malt with coke and ice :D