View Full Version : looking for cash on hands job

6th November 2010, 23:48
im cherry from kent looking for a part time job. i can clean house and i can do hand washing clothes. please help me so i can support my self.im on a marriage visa and not allowed to work legally yet..tnx:doh

6th November 2010, 23:52
if you get caught working when your not allowed to , you risk getting in trouble with UKBA, you would be breeching the conditions of your visa and at the very worse deported and the employer fined £10,000 :NoNo:
so don't do it, get married and get FLR(M) first.

Emma Julia
7th November 2010, 01:05
Just help her, don't scare her!

7th November 2010, 01:19
Just help her, don't scare her!

Sorry, but Joe is right. He may be blunt, but he tells it as it is. Cherrysorra really cannot afford to jeopordise her visa, for the sake of waiting until she is legal to work here.

Plus if she does work & is caught, it could have a negative effect, on everyone else who is trying to obtain a visa. In this case, you really do have to play by the rules. :)

7th November 2010, 01:40
Just help her, don't scare her!


Arthur Little
7th November 2010, 02:42
Just help her, don't scare her!

:olddude: Believe me ... no one's trying to scare her. :nono-1-1: But most of us on this site have gone through "hell and high water" :23_111_9[1]: trying to bring our loved ones to the UK legally! And :23_116_6[1]: anyone who deliberately flaunts the rules is, quite frankly, being unfair to others by acting in a selfish manner that can only jeopardise the situation for the vast majority of honest people wishing to settle here with their British partners in the future.

Emma Julia
7th November 2010, 02:51
I totally agree. Sorry gentlemen!

Arthur Little
7th November 2010, 02:56
I totally agree. Sorry gentlemen!

:) Apology accepted ... :welcomex: to the filipino/uk forum. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Emma Julia
7th November 2010, 02:58
Thank you kindly Arthur.

7th November 2010, 15:05
We do not support any forms of illegal activity on this forum, either play by the rules for your own sake, or gamble your future in this country.

7th November 2010, 15:14
im cherry from kent looking for a part time job. i can clean house and i can do hand washing clothes. please help me so i can support my self.im on a marriage visa and not allowed to work legally yet..tnx:doh

Please take note of Joe's advice.
You would perhaps be shocked and surprised to learn just how many people will REPORT you to HMRC. This happens every day.

Be aware that if your are cleaning or washing that CAN be deemed as 'working' even you do not get paid.

Think very very carefully about how you live your life in UK

8th November 2010, 06:07
Hi cherrysora,
why don't you do the work at home. an outsource job for US or maybe UK clients if there is any. you only need to be at the comfort of your home and earn money. You don't need to be working by cleaning house or do hand washing. you will only need a computer, a bit of research in the internet, or google it on what is the best home based job.
welcome to the forum.

8th November 2010, 14:16
Be aware that if your are cleaning or washing that CAN be deemed as 'working' even you do not get paid.

your not even allowed to do volunteer work :NoNo:

work paid or unpaid is classed as work :NoNo:

8th November 2010, 15:09
looking for cash on hands job

Actually I am looking for someone that provides a hand job service..
PLEASE pm me for salary details.