View Full Version : Photocopies of Applications for Settlement

9th November 2010, 08:48
The VFS website says that applicants should submit a full set of photocopies of all supporting documents with their applications for settlement. I am wondering if they really mean ALL documents and, if so, what is the purpose of it.

I can understand that importants docs such as birth certs should be photocopied but to copy everything (eg photos, bank statements, love letters (!)) seems over the top and impractical. Some people have a huge amount of supporting evidence so must all of it be photocopied?

VFS have a photocopy and photo service. Has anyone used these services?


9th November 2010, 10:36
When I applied at the VFS last year, I have given them photocopies of each of my documents as in all! So they dont have any excuse and reason to say you need to 'photocopy this and that'! So they took them all. :icon_lol:

9th November 2010, 10:40
I used the the photo services in the malls as it is much cheaper. But the bank statements and passport I used my own printer to copy it.

9th November 2010, 10:59
I photocopied all my documents as it is required prior to submission, I scanned the important one's (like sponsors passport/my passport/mortgage documents) ..I think they send the original to the Embassy and the photocopies for the VFS perusal and files.

Arthur Little
9th November 2010, 11:06
Good Morning ... you must be wondering "wotsit all about, Alfie?", right enough and, to be honest, :iagree:; I thought it was all a bit OTT myself! But it's best to supply everything asked for, even though - as you say - VFS themselves are bound to have photocopying facilities. And, as regards Birth Certificates, Bank Statements and the like ... well ... I seem to recall those needed to be original copies ... especially the *Marriage Certificate ... which must be the one *verified by the NSO. Good Luck with your fiancee's application. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

9th November 2010, 11:28
I always took photocopies of everything also.
Including a copy for our own file.

Have to agree it is a pain, but seems necessary.

I do remember when we went to Croydon for ILR we had a hugh file folder full of photocopies, then when it was our turn for interview thay told us they didn't want the
photocopies. :doh
I'd carried them all the way.
Then carried them all back home for shredding.:doh

stevie c
9th November 2010, 11:48
Hi alfie my wife has just been granted her spouse visa & i photo copied all the important docs such as bank statements,birth cert, receipts, decree absolute, western union, i didnt photo copy love letters greeting cards yahoo transcripts i think as long as you photo copy the most important docs you should not have a problem,:xxgrinning--00xx3:

10th November 2010, 08:26
Thanks for all your advice. I tend to agree with Steve C that it is only the most important ones that really need to be copied (save the planet!!!!) but better to be safe than sorry I suppose.
