View Full Version : Lust or Love???

12th November 2010, 21:01
How will you know if you are in lust or Love? and how do you recognize if somebody is in love or just lust with you????

12th November 2010, 21:04
at first i think it could be lust love takes time, its such a easy word for people to say, love, but saying it and meaning it is so wonderful when its true :)

12th November 2010, 21:34
i prefer some of both, being in lust with somebody you love cant be beat :D

Doc Alan
12th November 2010, 21:54
Lust is a passionate desire and love is a strong feeling of affection. Either may involve sex but it's possible to lust after material goods or love somebody without sex. The difference is that lust is a selfish desire ; love is unselfish, altruistic, and unconditional. You will soon recognise the difference both in your own feelings and those of somebody else. If you're searching for happiness, lust alone is not the answer. But you can be happy and love somebody with or without lust.

12th November 2010, 22:59
I agree with the Doc...........but another definition ???it may be a bit simplified , but when you're in Love she's the first thing you think of in the morning and last thing at night, always had been and always will be for me

12th November 2010, 23:21
Yep, if you can face each other in the morning, and look forward to seeing each other the NEXT morning...with or without make-up....not a bad start. :)

13th November 2010, 00:53
Lust is a passionate desire for something or someone.
Love is the side of you accepting the "undesirable" and desirable part of that someone.
for me, both L&L have to be in a relationship to be truly happy.:)

13th November 2010, 09:28
Lust and love are not mutually exclusive.
You can love someone and have lust for them, too.

Without lust, we might never find that 'special someone'.

Love exists above the belt, lust below. :D

But, while lust keeps us "looking around," it is our desire for romance that leads us to attraction and finally commitment.

Lust, Attraction, romance, Attachment and commitment.
When all of these happen with the same person, you have a very strong bond.

13th November 2010, 09:56
Yep, if you can face each other in the morning, and look forward to seeing each other the NEXT morning...with or without make-up....not a bad start. :)

i must be onto a good thing then i dont wear makeup and emma still looks at me in a nice way , perculier sometimes yes but still nice:icon_lol:

13th November 2010, 10:42
LDR's tend to side heavily on the love side first before lust, if you meet someone directly then lust usually the big favourite first, especially for guys.

So girsl, if you're looking for someone who is interested in you for who you are, rather than what's in your knickers, go for an LDR :xxgrinning--00xx3:

13th November 2010, 21:13
I love lusting after my wife :hubbahubba:

13th November 2010, 22:57
LDR's tend to side heavily on the love side first before lust, if you meet someone directly then lust usually the big favourite first, especially for guys.

So girsl, if you're looking for someone who is interested in you for who you are, rather than what's in your knickers, go for an LDR :xxgrinning--00xx3:

:Erm: What's an LDR ?

13th November 2010, 23:04
:Erm: What's an LDR ?

long distance relationship.

14th November 2010, 00:04
we kinda agreed on this line back in August...

"Lust without love is crap and short term, and love without lust is boring and long term. The short term ones will think, "What am I doing?" And the long term ones will think, "What have I done?"

mark and I are in BOTH. so when we say goodnight, it's always...

I LOVE YOU....BUT I LUST YOU MORE. TO THE MOON AND BACK, NO MATTER WHAT :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th November 2010, 01:05
lust is to sex...love is to heart...in relationship its good to have both.

14th November 2010, 01:12
Too old for lust,too cynical for love :icon_lol:

21st November 2010, 12:34
Lust is a passionate desire and love is a strong feeling of affection. Either may involve sex but it's possible to lust after material goods or love somebody without sex. The difference is that lust is a selfish desire ; love is unselfish, altruistic, and unconditional. You will soon recognise the difference both in your own feelings and those of somebody else. If you're searching for happiness, lust alone is not the answer. But you can be happy and love somebody with or without lust.

If you wrote this - without sourcing it from somewhere else - you are then truly a genius... actually, near enough godlike... :icon_sorry:

This is absolutely spot on.

Doc Alan
21st November 2010, 13:24
If you wrote this - without sourcing it from somewhere else - you are then truly a genius... actually, near enough godlike... :icon_sorry:

This is absolutely spot on.
It was not sourced from somewhere else, and if you don't believe me I challenge you to find the source. Thanks for the compliment.

7th December 2010, 08:09
I know that I'm in love and in lust with my wife.

I love her deeply as a person and she's the sexiest woman I've ever met so she ticks all the boxes for me.

What more could you want?

7th December 2010, 09:12
I agree with Doc.

Lust is sinful by itself. A person may lust for material possessions, things, food or to a person. To lust is to desire more than the usual. Therefore when you love someone, it must not be lust. When you love someone, you desire for her but not too much. When your desire becomes excessive it will become lustful. Anything that is excessive is not good. For example to like alcohol is okay but to be drinking too much is bad, you become alcoholic. Thus, everything must be balanced. So when you love someone, it follows that you are attracted to her, you find her sexy, appealing but you don't lust for her. I don't think love goes with lust.