View Full Version : Disturbing Ritual..

15th November 2010, 14:37
I am intrigued to discover if our members think that this is normal practice and acceptable....

On this trip to Philippines we decided to rent an apartment to be able to spend more time together doing what we wanted when we wanted..
Its quite a nice large room with private bathroom and shower. Slight nightly downside is the music from the KTV bar a few houses away.

This afternoon we came back from lunch and relaxed for the afternoon.
All was very quiet...

Here is the issue..
On opening the door to leave tonight for dinner we discovered "blood" scattered in front of the door and around the communal living area and down the stairs.

My 1st reaction was had some on been injured or had there been a fight.. but as i said all was quiet...

It was and still is quite a disturbing sight....

On inquiry, i understand it is the anniversary of some one who was killed (shot ) i believe there a year or so ago...

Is this normal in Phils?

I complained stating that at least it would have been courteous to knock the door and explain the situation etc or to leave a message.

Sorry afterwards and blind ignorance from the landlord don't really cut it in my opinion.....

I am very interested in all your views.


15th November 2010, 14:43
:yikes: :doh i don't believe it is a normal ritual :NoNo: :Erm:

15th November 2010, 14:48
Quite Scary and Unusual Ritual:Erm::cwm24:

15th November 2010, 14:54
first time i heard of this story... definitely not a ritual :NoNo:
where are you staying in the philippines?

15th November 2010, 14:57
Thanks Girls..... i thought as much. There is a very small photo and a candle burning now!
@Rani, I am in Bohol

15th November 2010, 15:01
a small photo and candle burning is common to remember the dead but i really am not sure about blood scattering.... you may want to browse the internet for some rituals specifically done in bohol..

15th November 2010, 15:37
Maybe its something specific to Boholanos?I have seen blood shed during holy-week in Siquijor when chickens were slaughtered for kulam and gayuma but never heard of the ritual you described,there used to be a anthropology museum,small but fascinating a short boat ride from Tagbilaran over in Dumaguete at silliman Uni,it contained plenty of stuff like spells and dolls from visayan magic rituals,maybe its just a superstition:Erm:

15th November 2010, 16:06
From the little I have experienced there appears to be quite a lot of superstitions and
beliefs in the Phils. Some involving sacrificial blood.

I have seen the sacrificial blood of a chicken added to the foundations when building
a new house.
I've also seen the chicken blood splashed over wooden carvings when villagers prayed for a good rice harvest.

In both cases the chicken was then cooked and eaten.

The Sandugo was a blood compact, performed in the island of Bohol.
(At the time of the Spanish). Maybe some link?

Must say the incident you describe is somewhat bizarre, apart from the photo and
lighted candle.

Might be interesting to ask the meaning of the blood splashing?

Different culture different rules.

15th November 2010, 18:35
Very bizarre Alan. Don't let it spoil your break with you mahal:xxgrinning--00xx3:

16th November 2010, 01:57
Alan.. Where are you exactly? Very few KTV bars here so Im kind of narrowing it down..
Never seen anything like that here but I will ask the natives and see what they have to say.. Bizarre!!

16th November 2010, 03:03
Morning Fred,Its an apartment block just opposite Soledad suites.....

Not so bad as the "mess" has been cleaned by morning.....

But as you say quite "bizarre"...


16th November 2010, 06:18
I've stayed at Soledad suites during a convention I attended last year in Bohol and when hubby and I went there early this year.

As far as I know, when there is a candle burning and a photo. It could be that someone died on that very spot. Thus the candle and the photo. It the same when there are shootings of killings or a person died in an accident, the family member will light a candle in the very spot the person died.

Soledad is safe area in Bohol. I like Bohol, not much of rowdy, crowd, pollution, no girlie bars and prostitution. I was looking forward of relocating there with hubby one day. If only my family visit visa was granted last time. We would be relocating in Bohol by April..grrrr

22nd November 2010, 21:59
I have heard of the odd magnok being scarified and of course eaten:D

But does sound a little odd not doubting what the owner said but to do such a thing and not let the guests know does sound very odd.

23rd November 2010, 07:15
Hi alanmf1, Did you ever find out anything about this ?

23rd November 2010, 08:10
nothing more than has been discussed here, sorry.