View Full Version : new but old

ken and arlene
22nd November 2010, 19:13
hi everyone!:Hellooo::)

hi,im arlene.I am new here but my husband is already member (forgotten his password so i decided to register as new). its been a long time since, we log in and chat on here.just to introduce myself, im a filipina,married to a british national(obviously his name is ken :)).ive been here for over A year now.and we got married last January 9th, 2010.:iloveyou::4::) Then, Last September 12th, i gave birth to our first baby boy name MARCUS-our pride and joy.:Jump::BouncyHappy: Now,im currently enjoying being a mum.:caddy::ironing:Although its kinda tough really to be a mum.:omg::BouncyHappy: I havent cope yet of being tired and sleepy everyday.Having said that, when i see my baby smiles at me,it fades away my tiredness.:)
I had my spouse visa last MAY 2010.YEHEEY!:Jump: My birth month! I would like to asked,if its allowed to get a child benefits with my visa? i havent change my single surname yet,( expires on 2014).so they issued me the national identity card with my single surname on still although,i sent our marriage certificate. So,im planning to amend my surname to married name or renew my passport next year.:) really before,i couldnt travel so long coz of experiencing travel sick.(preggy).

Im still waiting for the council to hear from them,about my pregnancy grant.:Erm:Did anyone here with spouse visa and been pregnant here, got there pregnancy grant already?

Also, i would like to asked,if its allowed to travel outside the country like PHILIPPINES, to have a holiday?Im confused.:Help1::confused:Me and my husband are planning to baptism our baby there in a catholic church while on holiday.He was born here.

Would be delighted to hear from u.:):xxgrinning--00xx3:

Maraming salamat!

Arlene and Ken + Marcus

22nd November 2010, 19:26
Hi Arlene, nice to have met you, Ken and Marcus at Steve & Emma's wedding. I can't answer your questions, but I am sure someone can help.

take care

ken and arlene
22nd November 2010, 19:49
Nice to hear from u too.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

22nd November 2010, 20:51
if your visa says 'no recourse to public funds' then you shouldn't be claiming benefits in your name, but as your married to a Brit, if your husband qualifies for a benefit , you both need to fill in the application form BUT ONLY YOUR HUSBAND SHOULD MAKE A CLAIM.

he should be able to claim child benefit at the moment, but the gov looks like they will end it for those with well paid jobs. he might be able to claim Tax Creds depending on his income.

he should have claimed these benefits as soon as your baby was born, because they can only be back dated think for 3 months !

health in pregnancy granted you should be given that, a few have received it on here.

yes you can go for a holiday, there is no actual time limit you need to be in the UK to be able to claim ILR, but if you spend say a max of 3 months a year out of the Uk it should not effect you getting ILR or Citizenship.

baptising you baby should not effect your visa's in anyway :rolleyes:

22nd November 2010, 20:58
Welcome back and congrats for the birth of your son

ken and arlene
22nd November 2010, 21:22
Hi joebloggs!:)

Thank you for the quick response.:Jump::)much appreciated it. I feel relief .:xxgrinning--00xx3:.It was big help your info and advise to me.
it is really reliable this forum.
Now,i can sleep deeply without any confusion.


ken arl + marcus

ken and arlene
22nd November 2010, 21:28
HI Joebloggs!:)

Thank you for your quick response.:Jump: Much appreciated it! I feel relief now. It was big help your info and advise to us.i will take notice of this informative advise.

Now,i can sleep deeply without any confusion.:xxgrinning--00xx3:
This site is really reliable and infomative.:xxgrinning--00xx3:


Ken arl + marcus

Arthur Little
22nd November 2010, 21:34
Congratulations on the arrival of your son, Marcus :baby1: ... and a warm :welcomex: back among us. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

ken and arlene
22nd November 2010, 21:42

ken and arlene
22nd November 2010, 21:45
thank you for warmth welcome Arthur Little! It was a pleasure going back here.:Jump::)

22nd November 2010, 21:50
your husband can claim child benefit online http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/Diol1/DoItOnline/DG_4017545

also find out what other benefits he might be entitled to claim here . http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/Diol1/DoItOnline/DoItOnlineByCategory/DG_172666

stevie c
22nd November 2010, 22:24
HI arlene & a warm welcome back to the forum:Wave:

ken and arlene
22nd November 2010, 22:26
Hiya!:Hellooo:cheers!stevie c:)

23rd November 2010, 00:51
Hi ken and arlene, welcome to this forum, hope someone can help your problem here.

up up and away! :Jump::Jump:

23rd November 2010, 06:34
:Hellooo: welcome back ken and arlene to the forum.
Congrats for your happy family.
Life is good :xxgrinning--00xx3:

ken and arlene
23rd November 2010, 22:14
thank you Terpe:Hellooo:! Yeah,life is good and full of surprises!:):xxgrinning--00xx3:

ken and arlene
23rd November 2010, 22:16
cheers faye and brian!it was nice to be back here.yeah,joebloggs,answered all my queries.:xxgrinning--00xx3::)

ken arl +marcus