View Full Version : Getting fit?

23rd November 2010, 17:52
I know this sounds terribly vain, but 6 weeks before I go on holiday I start my daily work out routine to make sure I don't look like a beached whale when I'm sunbathing. It's nothing too strenuos, I'm not aiming to be a body builder but want to look reasonably toned up and involves:
60 sit up/stomach crunches
30 Press ups
40 bicep curls
40 tricep presses.

I've been a healthy eater for about 10 years and wont eat any processed food or anything that contains white flour or processed sugar.

Do any of you start a fitness regime or diet before you go on holiday? If so, what do you do?

23rd November 2010, 18:03
i am the beached whale :D

23rd November 2010, 18:07
i lose all my weight before a holiday with worry and the nerves kick in by sitting on the loo, but once up in the air i am fine

23rd November 2010, 18:08
[QUOTE=stevewool;259159]i lose all my weight before a holiday with worry and the nerves kick in by sitting on the loo, but once up in the air i am fine[/QUOTE


stevie c
23rd November 2010, 18:09
i lose all my weight before a holiday with worry and the nerves kick in by sitting on the loo, but once up in the air i am fine

hey steve & theres me thinking you lose all your wieght when you take your wallet out of your pocket:icon_lol:

23rd November 2010, 18:12
i am wondering why i am so light now steve, its because emma is holding my wallet:xxgrinning--00xx3:

23rd November 2010, 18:13
i am the beached whale :D

nice made me laugh ash:icon_lol:

Arthur Little
23rd November 2010, 18:15
At fourteen and a half stone - which I reckon isn't too bad for someone who's 6ft tall - I guess I'll be needing to lose a bit of weight ... and drastically modify my eating habits after an initial appointment with a Diabetic Nurse on December 1. :doh

stevie c
23rd November 2010, 18:17
i am wondering why i am so light now steve, its because emma is holding my wallet:xxgrinning--00xx3:

wow steve tell emma not to open your wallet because she will disturb the cobwebs:icon_lol:

23rd November 2010, 18:20
now now steve, infact i have told emma about my winning bet and she has lightened my wallet of that drink, i tried to say drinks dont cost £20 each :icon_lol::icon_lol:

23rd November 2010, 18:20
arthur thats a good weight for someone 6ft:xxgrinning--00xx3:

stevie c
23rd November 2010, 18:24
now now steve, infact i have told emma about my winning bet and she has lightened my wallet of that drink, i tried to say drinks dont cost £20 each :icon_lol::icon_lol:

i hope my florsel luck carries on as i told her to pick six numbers for the lotto & she won herself £10 on her very first time now for the big one :hubbahubba:

23rd November 2010, 18:30
thats good steve might be able to get a round in if this carries on in a weeks time

23rd November 2010, 18:33
At fourteen and a half stone - which I reckon isn't too bad for someone who's 6ft tall - I guess I'll be needing to lose a bit of weight ... and drastically modify my eating habits after an initial appointment with a Diabetic Nurse on December 1. :doh

I'm 6 foot too Arthur and weighed 14 1/2 stone about 10 years ago. After changing my diet I've been between 11 and 11 1/2 stone for almost 10 years.

Good luck with your diet and with controlling your diabetes:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Doc Alan
23rd November 2010, 18:36
I know this sounds terribly vain, but 6 weeks before I go on holiday I start my daily work out routine to make sure I don't look like a beached whale when I'm sunbathing. It's nothing too strenuous...

Do any of you start a fitness regime or diet before you go on holiday? If so, what do you do?
It really isn't vain Ian :xxgrinning--00xx3:
I won't use this as an excuse to lecture on the benefits of fitness ...:doh
except to say that it's actually better to take regular exercise at all times. It doesn't have to be strenuous :NoNo: ! I swim almost daily (only 20 minutes) and walk or cycle daily (for about an hour). I eat healthy, drink moderately, and don't smoke.
Trust me, there are so many advantages in regular moderate exercise (and so many disadvantages to being unfit and overweight) ...cutting your risk of heart disease and cancer, and living longer are three good reasons for starters!:Hellooo:

23rd November 2010, 18:36
Ian you dont have any fat on you at all in your pictures or are you just sticking your head on some models body,

23rd November 2010, 18:38
yes Alan but you have your own pool and bar :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

23rd November 2010, 18:39
oh gosh!!! getting fit is my problem..well actually just my tummy!!! :doh

23rd November 2010, 18:41
i have a little belly no matter what i do it will not move, well downwards and outwards thats all, i know i am fit , have never smoked ,drink very little and have started to excisize more , walking mainly but i am happy

Arthur Little
23rd November 2010, 18:41
arthur thats a good weight for someone 6ft:xxgrinning--00xx3:

:iagree:, Steve ... it seems to be more my high blood sugar levels that are giving cause for concern.

23rd November 2010, 18:45
thats your diet to sort out arthur, no more cakes, chocs, rice whisky, oh, happy xmas too:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
23rd November 2010, 18:51
I'm 6 foot too Arthur and weighed 14 1/2 stone about 10 years ago. After changing my diet I've been between 11 and 11 1/2 stone for almost 10 years.

:cwm24: ... Wow! That's marvellous, Ian ... what's your secret?

Good luck with your diet and with controlling your diabetes:xxgrinning--00xx3:

:68711_thanx:, mate ... I imagine the nurse will keep me on track. :xxaction-smiley-047

23rd November 2010, 18:55
I'm a delivery driver and deliver (what are often) heavy boxes everyday, it's a fairly physical job, but a friend of mine who is keen on fitness has told me that despite my physical job, I'm still not doing enough exercise!!:yikes:

Well how much is enough for gawds sake!?:doh

23rd November 2010, 19:02
a delivery driver nigel wow who for , and i must say you are not doing enought drops , that makes you fit the more you do the better you become

Arthur Little
23rd November 2010, 19:09
thats your diet to sort out arthur, no more cakes, chocs, rice whisky,

Yeah ... despite being a :Kilt:, I'm not too worried about the whisky. :NoNo: But the others ... ???

oh, happy xmas too:xxgrinning--00xx3:

:cwm24: ... you kidding? Nah ... you're right, mate :rolleyes: ... same to you! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
23rd November 2010, 19:23
I'm a delivery driver and deliver (what are often) heavy boxes everyday, it's a fairly physical job, but a friend of mine who is keen on fitness has told me that despite my physical job, I'm still not doing enough exercise!!:yikes:

Well how much is enough for gawds sake!?:doh

:gp:, Nigel ... lifting heavy boxes is certainly exercise! Maybe your friend is referring to the amount of time you spend behind the wheel!?

Doc Alan
23rd November 2010, 19:39
yes Alan but you have your own pool and bar :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:
That's what I tell my fifty filipina facebook friends :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:
The truth is ...many of them are in relationships, the pool is 5 minutes' walk and the bar is 3 minutes' walk from my apartment :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

23rd November 2010, 19:45
Hi Ian,

Just a tip. Go on any cardiovascular exercises it will make you well toned.

As for me, I do concentrate on bigger muscles like legs, back, shoulder, triceps, biceps. I start with heavy weights for the first set on 15 reps then drop the weight 50% and make 2 sets of 25 reps. It will make your body well toned in matter of 2 weeks. Specially if I go to beach and wants to have a well toned body. They call this dynamic workout. On abs I do 25 reps each abs exercise and I do about 15 different abs exercise and in only 2 weeks I get a well toned tummy :) plus cardio and I only eat organic foods. I'm 9 stones and 5'6" tall, been wanting to lose at least half a stone for a trimmer body. Not for vanity but for health sake and it makes me feel good too:xxgrinning--00xx3:

23rd November 2010, 20:40
Hi Ian,

Just a tip. Go on any cardiovascular exercises it will make you well toned.

As for me, I do concentrate on bigger muscles like legs, back, shoulder, triceps, biceps. I start with heavy weights for the first set on 15 reps then drop the weight 50% and make 2 sets of 25 reps. It will make your body well toned in matter of 2 weeks. Specially if I go to beach and wants to have a well toned body. They call this dynamic workout. On abs I do 25 reps each abs exercise and I do about 15 different abs exercise and in only 2 weeks I get a well toned tummy :) plus cardio and I only eat organic foods. I'm 9 stones and 5'6" tall, been wanting to lose at least half a stone for a trimmer body. Not for vanity but for health sake and it makes me feel good too:xxgrinning--00xx3:

If I had the time, I would do something like that, but I really only have about 15 minutes. As I said I'm not trying to get big muscles, just stay reasonably toned. I do other exercises too, plenty of walking and playing football with my kids, so I'm quite happy with my fitness for a 40 something yr old :)

23rd November 2010, 20:46
:cwm24: ... Wow! That's marvellous, Ian ... what's your secret?

Lots of fresh vegetables and salad, nuts, real meat and fish (not processed), no white flour, potatoes or refined sugar. That means sweets, cakes, biscuits, crisps, chips are off limits. TBH I really enjoy eating proper food and don't miss any of the above nasties - although I do allow myself the odd treat every now and then.

I very rarely drink in the Uk, if I do, it's only ever red wine or light beer (much less sugar in both)

23rd November 2010, 20:49
It really isn't vain Ian :xxgrinning--00xx3:
I won't use this as an excuse to lecture on the benefits of fitness ...:doh
except to say that it's actually better to take regular exercise at all times. It doesn't have to be strenuous :NoNo: ! I swim almost daily (only 20 minutes) and walk or cycle daily (for about an hour). I eat healthy, drink moderately, and don't smoke.
Trust me, there are so many advantages in regular moderate exercise (and so many disadvantages to being unfit and overweight) ...cutting your risk of heart disease and cancer, and living longer are three good reasons for starters!:Hellooo:

I completely agree with you Doc, I try to live as healthily as I can, exercise, good diet, I dont drink a great deal, but my weakness is smoking, unfortunately I have been smoking 20 a day for all of my adult life and it really is time to quit

23rd November 2010, 20:51

23rd November 2010, 20:57
thats not good ian 20 a day:NoNo:

23rd November 2010, 20:59
Ian you dont have any fat on you at all in your pictures or are you just sticking your head on some models body,

haha, no my fb pics are really me :icon_lol: If i'd photoshopped myself I'd put a new head on me too :D

23rd November 2010, 21:49
I used to find that being a Tunneler kept me lean and fit, up to 40 odd, and now cycling and hiking around the Phils (and here).

6'1" - 80kgs now.

My boy does mixed martial arts and gym.
Just wish he'd stop practicing on me ! :xxsport-smiley-002:

Needless to say...he's a bit bigger now. lol!


Doc Alan
23rd November 2010, 22:07
... my weakness is smoking, unfortunately I have been smoking 20 a day for all of my adult life and it really is time to quitI did notice Elaine has quit :xxgrinning--00xx3:
The other thing you might be surprised for me to say is that if you give up now, in 10 years time you have a reasonable chance of being as healthy as if you never smoked !:)

23rd November 2010, 22:12
I did notice Elaine has quit :xxgrinning--00xx3:
The other thing you might be surprised for me to say is that if you give up now, in 10 years time you have a reasonable chance of being as healthy as if you never smoked !:)

Yes, hopefully she wont start again when she get's over her current health problems.

I have read that before, which is another good reason why I really should attempt to do it now (well the New Year).

Another thing, the money I'd save would pay for 3 economy return tickets to Manila each year:doh

24th November 2010, 00:56
so you are telling me ian there are other price tickets to fly to the phils:icon_lol::icon_lol:

24th November 2010, 08:37
so you are telling me ian there are other price tickets to fly to the phils:icon_lol::icon_lol:

I believe so, but I'm not paying for a Business or First Class ticket out of my own pocket :icon_lol:

24th November 2010, 10:25
Do any of you start a fitness regime or diet before you go on holiday? If so, what do you do?

Sports keep me and my family fit...we did aikido,swimming,badminton in the philippines,and we continue our training here in the uk plus netball & fitboxing(for our little girl),it help us stay focus and keep us happy and healthy...we dont have special diet we eat,drink what we want what is important is we sweat in a day!!

24th November 2010, 10:31
but my weakness is smoking, unfortunately I have been smoking 20 a day for all of my adult life and it really is time to quit

Hello Ian , I am into sports but I am also a smoker:NoNo:....what I do is I dont smoke after training or exercise because that can really stress our lungs:xxgrinning--00xx3:

24th November 2010, 10:40
I get involved in sport every day ..... I watch footy, horse racing, cricket, tennis.... soooo knackering :D