View Full Version : Applying for Spouse visa soon!

25th November 2010, 19:59
Hi People!!!

First of all very well done on running this thread it was great laugh reading and gaining information about the immigration system. I am getting married to my British wife in a few days and applying for spouse visa very soon. I have been living in the uk for 4 years now on student visa, We will be staying at her mum's who owns a house and is willing to spare one bedroom for us (Double master bedroom in a Victorian house) We have millions of pictures together to prove the genuineness of our relationship we have been together for 3 years. I earn about 20k a year and she is going uni so she is only working a part time contract at 5k a year. I have 4 months remaining on my visa. Has anyone here been in a similar situation as me? I am reading alot of cases where they refuse you for silly things! and my wife is absolutely depressed thinking they will turn me down and i will have to leave her... Can anyone shed some light. I am going to hire a solicitor to help?

Please reply:):):):):)

26th November 2010, 00:52
your getting married in a few days, have you a COA ?

26th November 2010, 09:22
Didn't you also say you're on a student visa? Doesn't that mean you can only work for a max 20 hours a week? Which if I'm right, what job do you do that gets you 20k a year on 20 hours a week?! :)

26th November 2010, 11:31
I am going to hire a solicitor to help?

Hello ronald197 welcome here!!
Yes, i think you will be needing a solicitor if you don't have COA(certificate of approval) to marry or civil partnership in the UK as you currently hold a visa (student visa) that is not based on your relationship.
After this and the ceremony(marriage) you may be able to apply to remain in the UK on the basis of your marriage or civil partnership.

check and read this links:

26th November 2010, 12:01
Didn't you also say you're on a student visa? Doesn't that mean you can only work for a max 20 hours a week? Which if I'm right, what job do you do that gets you 20k a year on 20 hours a week?! :)

well spotted dave :D

26th November 2010, 13:43
As Joe has said before you get married, your need to apply for a Certificate of Approval (COA), which is written permission to marry in the UK, unless you get married in an Anglican Church

In order to qualify for a Certificate of Approval, you must have been granted a student visa for at least six months and at least three months must remain.
Application for COA does not allow you stay in UK beyond your current visa expiry.

After marriage, you apply for leave to remain in the UK as a spouse.
There are strict requirements that you will have to meet. FLR is not automatic.

If you go ahead and get married without following correct procedures, you will put your
chances of getting FLR in danger.

26th November 2010, 13:48
Forgot to mention that although the application forms for FLR(M) don't ask for student attendance records, but be aware they often write and request these in this type of case.

26th November 2010, 16:21
well spotted dave :D

I have my moments! They're rare so when they happen I usually take the rest of the day off work! :)

26th November 2010, 18:16
Yes I get 20k working 20 hours :) I work as an assistant manager in one of the largest UK retail Brand :) I can earn up to 35k with a company car!! if i did work F/T :)

I have COA guys i am marrying tomorrow a bit nervous!!!! lol

So what do u guys evaluate then?

Arthur Little
26th November 2010, 18:40
I have COA guys i am marrying tomorrow a bit *nervous!!!! lol

:rolleyes: ... perfectly understandable, Ronald! :welcomex: to the filipino/uk forum, and have a great :wedtoss: tomorrow.

26th November 2010, 19:13
Thank you so much u all are lovely, cheerful and a lot of help

27th November 2010, 14:27
Congratulations Ronald and welcome to the forum.

stevie c
27th November 2010, 16:11
best wishes for your specialday :xxgrinning--00xx3:

28th November 2010, 16:34
congratulation ronald and to your wifey...