View Full Version : I need some lists of Provisional Bookings pls help....

26th November 2010, 06:40
Hello Everyone,

Please advice me as to what other provisional bookings you have in your mind we already have photographer and an invoice from the florist any other suggestions? We've been given 3 weeks to comply that pls reply as soon as possible....

26th November 2010, 07:02
I hope someone will reply to this thread today :cwm3:

26th November 2010, 07:44
Hi there kamikilla, welcome here.
Would like to help, but not sure what help you need? :Erm:

26th November 2010, 07:52
Hello Terpe,

We have some problems we lodged our application on November 19th and after 2 working days our solicitor told us that the ECO sent an e-mail that we didn't provide any wedding plans or arragement so we need to do that and he has given us 3 weeks. We already have florist invoice and a photographer booked for the wedding we stil' don't have reception :(. I just don't understand them why they are making this hard for us we've known for 6 years now and we have a lot of evidence that there will be a wedding...Please help...

26th November 2010, 08:02
Hi there kamikilla, welcome here.
Would like to help, but not sure what help you need? :Erm:

This is what they sent us.

You recently applied to this office for entry clearance to travel to the UK
to be married to your fiancé. Your application has been deferred for further
evidence and enquiries.

You have provided no information with your application as to when you and
your sponsor intend to marry I the UK and no evidence of any wedding plans
or preparations.

26th November 2010, 08:06
What visa have you applied for ?? Is it a Marriage Visitor Visa?
Marriage Visitor visa is granted only for the purposes of getting married in UK and then returning to your home country.

To qualify for a Marriage Visitor visa you need to comply with:-

•Applicants must have the intention to give notice of marriage or civil partnership,
or marry or form a civil partnership, in the United Kingdom within the period for
which entry is sought;
•Intend to leave the United Kingdom at the end of the period of the visit;
•Do not intend to engage in employment, business and studies; and
•Are able to maintain and accommodate themselves and any dependants.

So you are being asked to provide satisfactory evidence of the arrangements for
the planned wedding or civil partnership ceremony to take place. This is required for
Marriage Visitor Visa.

Don't forget you will still need to provide evidence of sufficient funds during your
stay, as well as accommdation.

26th November 2010, 08:10
What visa have you applied for ?? Is it a Marriage Visitor Visa?
Marriage Visitor visa is granted only for the purposes of getting married in UK and then returning to your home country.

To qualify for a Marriage Visitor visa you need to comply with:-

•Applicants must have the intention to give notice of marriage or civil partnership,
or marry or form a civil partnership, in the United Kingdom within the period for
which entry is sought;
•Intend to leave the United Kingdom at the end of the period of the visit;
•Do not intend to engage in employment, business and studies; and
•Are able to maintain and accommodate themselves and any dependants.

So you are being asked to provide satisfactory evidence of the arrangements for
the planned wedding or civil partnership ceremony to take place. This is required for
Marriage Visitor Visa.

Don't forget you will still need to provide evidence of sufficient funds during your
stay, as well as accommdation.

I applied for Fiance Settlement Visa we have gave them the documents already but the ECO needs some evidence of wedding plans which we haven't included in our supporting documents. That is why he's asking for it.

26th November 2010, 08:12

has he registered the wedding with his local registry to get the CNI? that could be used for evidence of wedding preparations

26th November 2010, 08:16

has he registered the wedding with his local registry to get the CNI? that could be used for evidence of wedding preparations

The UK Border Agency's online Entry Clearance Guidance for
fiancé/fiancée applications states at Chapter SET 1.18 "The ECO (Entry
Clearance Officer) needs to be satisfied that it is intended that a marriage
in the UK will take place. The law relating to marriage in England and Wales
does not allow for any arrangements to be made with a Registrar until the
foreign national has arrived in the UK. Of itself, a booking at a Register
Office or church is not proof that a marriage will take place.

26th November 2010, 08:27
I think there's no time if he gets CNI we only given 3 weeks :( and to get CNI it takes a month :(

26th November 2010, 08:31
The UK Border Agency's online Entry Clearance Guidance for
fiancé/fiancée applications states at Chapter SET 1.18 "The ECO (Entry
Clearance Officer) needs to be satisfied that it is intended that a marriage
in the UK will take place. The law relating to marriage in England and Wales
does not allow for any arrangements to be made with a Registrar until the
foreign national has arrived in the UK. Of itself, a booking at a Register
Office or church is not proof that a marriage will take place.

sorry about that my dear, thats the only thing i thought that could show evidence of wedding preparations. hope someone on the forum can help you.

26th November 2010, 08:36
sorry about that my dear, thats the only thing i thought that could show evidence of wedding preparations. hope someone on the forum can help you.

I wish that we knew that from the start. What we have instead for some evidence of preparations are a Photographer booking receipt, a florist invoice and we still looking for a reception.

26th November 2010, 09:01
Hello Terpe,

Are these ok for some wedding preparations? Invoice receipt from florist, booking receipt from the Photographer Company and a reception..

26th November 2010, 09:06

26th November 2010, 09:13
Are these ok for some wedding preparations? Invoice receipt from florist, booking receipt from the Photographer Company and a reception????????????

26th November 2010, 09:30
Are these ok for some wedding preparations? Invoice receipt from florist, booking receipt from the Photographer Company and a reception????????????

Entry Clearance Officers already know that it's not possible to make any firm arrangements until you have your visa.

The ECO is really asking that you show you have made some tentative plans for the wedding.
Any evidence to show that wedding arrangements are in hand will help.

I would reccommend that you get some quotes and photos for halls, rings, wedding outfits, invitations, cake, cars, flowers, menu plans etc.. You don't have to have booked anything as obviousely you can't until you have been granted your visa. Include as much as you can as it will all help to demonstrate your intention to marry.

Although you cannot get confirmation of wedding bookings at a register office,
it may be possible to book an appointment online at the local register office. (just an idea worth checking)

26th November 2010, 09:38
Entry Clearance Officers already know that it's not possible to make any firm arrangements until you have your visa.

The ECO is really asking that you show you have made some tentative plans for the wedding.
Any evidence to show that wedding arrangements are in hand will help.

I would reccommend that you get some quotes and photos for halls, rings, wedding outfits, invitations, cake, cars, flowers, menu plans etc.. You don't have to have booked anything as obviousely you can't until you have been granted your visa. Include as much as you can as it will all help to demonstrate your intention to marry.

Although you cannot get confirmation of wedding bookings at a register office,
it may be possible to book an appointment online at the local register office. (just an idea worth checking)

Thank you so much for replying. I will tell my fiance about that and let him do what you've advised me. I'll be looking forward to more advises.....God Bless....

26th November 2010, 13:25
When we applied for fiance visa we mentioned in the covering letter what our plans were - i.e. to get married in January 2009 - but did not submit any documentation as there simply wasnt any! AS it happened the planned wedding date was brought forward to November 2008 because the visa was dated from point of issue rather than the intended date of travel date included in the application. We felt it would be too much hassle to try to get the visa changed.

Good luck anyway

Just a thought: is it the solicitor who has raised this or has it come from the ECO? Most people here have applied directly themselves, with success, and without requiring the use of a solicitor. IMO this forum contains everything you need to know.

26th November 2010, 14:22
When we applied for fiance visa we mentioned in the covering letter what our plans were - i.e. to get married in January 2009 - but did not submit any documentation as there simply wasnt any! .

thou its better to provide evidence of a planned wedding, i know some people on here have not and got the visa..

i wonder if they have some concerns about your app, thtas why they are asking for it,,, maybe to do with you have known each other 6yrs.. :Erm: most are engaged or married within a couple of years..

26th November 2010, 17:49
Kamikilla ....
I echo what xebec & Joe Bloggs say.

In our case (and I guess in many other's) we merely stated on the application form "as soon as practically possible"
in regard to the marriage question.
We did not enter any further details, or produce/show provisional bookings etc.

So, the question is.... has this "request" come from the ECO at the British Embassy, or the legal people you've employed ?
My first thought is to ask to see the actual request for further info.
If it's correct .... it's a really strange request, as it's physically impossible to do much more than provisionally book anything.
... and to be honest, that really ain't worth the paper it's written on.

As Joe Bloggs mentions .... I think it's really to do with your (past/historical) relationship.
You've gotta convince them that you are genuine, you are a partnership etc etc.
You've gotta show visits (passport stamps), hotel bookings etc etc .. photos over the whole period.

Perhaps I'm second-guessing the ECO here, but in your profile u say u are 22yrs old.
So, if you've been an "item" for 6yrs ...... then you were 16yrs old when u met ????
Perhaps that's what has caught their attention ?

27th November 2010, 01:27
Hello Everyone,

I'm gonna give you the lists that we gave to the VFS when i submitted it on 19th November for Settlement FE/FEE Visa.

Here's the lists:

1. My Philippine Passport.
2. Certified copy of my Fiance's British Passport.
3. My Birth Certificate.
4. Proof that i am single. (CENOMAR)
5. My transcript of records.
6. Certificate of attendance and completion from my school.
7. Letter of support from my fiance's mother.
8. Letter of support from my fiance's friend.
9. Print out of video call between my fiance and me. x 2
10. Greeting cards sent to me from the UK. x 8
11. Greeting card to my fiance from me.
12. Greeting card to his mom c/o my fiance from my mom.
13. Western union receipts dated 2004-2010. x 148
14. Text messages sent to me from my fiance dated 2004-2010. x 28 pages
15. PLDT phone records - Addressed to my mom. x 59
16. Various photographs x 22 ( we only gave 22 pictures but we have more than that.)
17. His travel documents and receipts. x 4
18. Letter from Department of Justice - Certification.
19. Letter from Department of Justice - Visa extension
20. Medical Certificate for my fiance
21. My Record Clearance (NBI)
22. Letter from his work company. ( Certificate of Employment)
23. 7 months payslips.
24. P60
25. Phone bills to my fiance
26. 7 months bank statements
27. Tenancy agreement
28. Receipts for payment of rent. x 5
29. His online shopping receipts
30. Letter from his landlady
31. His schedule of costs
32. Letter of support from my fiance
33. Letter of support from my mother
34. Letter of support from my Godmother

We initially met online and our relationship developed soon after, which has led to being engaged and intending to marry. We've been planning this a long time ago but just been saving for the right moment. He always visits me when it's my birthday and once spent his Christmas and new year here with my family. He has met my family, relatives and friends. We have everything that you mentioned that our relationship is genuine. And yes it came from the ECO that he wants some additional document that there are some arrangements and plans for the wedding. So basically my application has been deferred for further
evidence and inquiries.:anerikke:

27th November 2010, 06:19
Will this be a reason also that my application won't be successful? :(

27th November 2010, 09:55
You listing looks OK. You have covered all the key elements that the ECO needs.
To me, it does not appear that the ECO is considering a refusal. Just needs additional evidence of your intention to get married within the visa duration.
Whatever is driving the requirement for this we just don't know, could be anything, or could even be the manager.
Just as long as you can satisfy the request it should be OK.

As I said before the ECO knows very well you cannot provide firm bookings until your visa is granted, but just tentative plans.

Don't panic, just provide the info you can.

27th November 2010, 09:58
By the way kamkilla, what did your solicitor advise you following the e-mail from the ECO??

Final very important point is to be sure you make the reply within the deadline.

27th November 2010, 12:37
By the way kamkilla, what did your solicitor advise you following the e-mail from the ECO??

Final very important point is to be sure you make the reply within the deadline.

My solicitor said that we should make some reception booking instead of quotes just to satisfy the ECO other than that nothing else. We will be sending the documents via courier on Monday thru FedEx.

Arthur Little
27th November 2010, 17:38
My solicitor said that we should make some reception booking instead of quotes just to satisfy the ECO other than that nothing else. We will be sending the documents via courier on Monday thru FedEx.

I've noticed on another thread that your name is Krissy. Well, Krissy ... as Terpe has explained, :rolleyes: the staff at the British Embassy [and your solicitor] are - or should be - aware of the practical and financial implications involved in arranging any firm bookings before a visa is issued. A CNI, on the other hand, IS an essential document in all cases. So I would urge you to check over every piece of important advice you've been given here before finalising your paperwork for submission. :welcomex: to the filipino/uk forum ... Good Luck with your application ... and please keep us abreast of developments. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

stevie c
27th November 2010, 19:59
I think there's no time if he gets CNI we only given 3 weeks :( and to get CNI it takes a month :(

HI kamikilla the waiting time for a cni is 22 days max as i myself acquired a cni in september of this year A collected it on the 22nd day the amount of days i was told it would take to be available :xxgrinning--00xx3:

27th November 2010, 21:39
HI kamikilla the waiting time for a cni is 22 days max as i myself acquired a cni in september of this year A collected it on the 22nd day the amount of days i was told it would take to be available :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I know but we have given 3 weeks only for it to be submitted to the British High Commission so basically there's no enough time to get one and we still have to courier it to them and that will take 3 days max. The only way to supply some evidence of wedding preparations are bookings and arrangements :(
I'll keep you posted about my visa application results. I'm just worried about the outcome of it because he has spent too much on this and has been working really hard i just hope that i get granted so we can be together soon and have a happy family..We haven't seen for almost 1 year now in person although we always communicate thru internet. Pray for us guys....:)

27th November 2010, 22:02
And thank you all for replying to this thread. I really appreciate all the advices i get it's very encouraging...I really thought it wouldn't take us too long to get my visa, i thought we really have strong evidences don't you think?:Erm: Not to mention he's never been married before and me too:) Anyways just keep on replying here guys....:)

28th November 2010, 11:28
Hello Everyone,

Please advice me as to what other provisional bookings you have in your mind we already have photographer and an invoice from the florist any other suggestions? We've been given 3 weeks to comply that pls reply as soon as possible....

Have you given them a specific date for marriage because if u did then the ECO will look for proof...????
I've confirmed with a friend who is on a fiance visa and she said that her bf/fiance went to the registrar( booking) and he was given a form and he then sent the blank form to the Philippines to use for the fiance visa application.
You can do all the bookings for florist,photographer and can change the wedding date once you are here.

28th November 2010, 15:46
Have you given them a specific date for marriage because if u did then the ECO will look for proof...????
I've confirmed with a friend who is on a fiance visa and she said that her bf/fiance went to the registrar( booking) and he was given a form and he then sent the blank form to the Philippines to use for the fiance visa application.
You can do all the bookings for florist,photographer and can change the wedding date once you are here.


We have booked a reception, photographer and a quote from the florist and then a letter of support from the solicitor.