View Full Version : marriage settlement visa appeal tribunal

29th November 2010, 20:47
Hi, we would like to know if anyone has information about the waiting time for a marriage settlement visa appeal tribunal. We lodged the appeal in August 2010 in UK and have been informed that a hearing date would be announced in January 2011. My Philippina fiancee is currently residing in Israel where the visa application was made. Our solicitor has told us there could be several months more to wait as the visa takes time to process once an appeal is upheld. Has anyone had a similar experience?

29th November 2010, 21:31
I think if you had appealed in Israel it would have been quicker..

Where should I lodge my appeal?

You can either lodge your appeal at the Entry Clearance Office where the original decision on your application was made, or you can lodge your appeal directly with us at the FTTIAC.

In most cases, an appeal lodged at post will be heard three weeks earlier than appeals lodged with the FTTIAC. This is because the Entry Clearance Office can begin work on reconsideration and preparation of documents as soon as they receive the appeal. They do not have to wait until we notify them.


30th November 2010, 09:48
Hi, we would like to know if anyone has information about the waiting time for a marriage settlement visa appeal tribunal. We lodged the appeal in August 2010 in UK and have been informed that a hearing date would be announced in January 2011. My Philippina fiancee is currently residing in Israel where the visa application was made. Our solicitor has told us there could be several months more to wait as the visa takes time to process once an appeal is upheld. Has anyone had a similar experience?

Thanks for the information. We decided to lodge our appeal in UK because my fiancee works 6-7 days per week in Israel so obtaining legal advise there would be difficult thus reducing our chance of success. Lodging an appeal without legal representation is complicated and risky as there are deadlines for returning documents. We lodged the appeal in August and now tribunal say that they will announce the date of the hearing on January 9th 2011 which happens to be a Sunday. We think the delay is unreasonable and only hope that the hearing date will be fixed soon after being announced in January.

30th November 2010, 12:03
if you dont mind, why did they refuse the visa ? was it not possible you could have asked for reconsideraton ?

30th November 2010, 13:57
if you dont mind, why did they refuse the visa ? was it not possible you could have asked for reconsideraton ?
hi joe the reason of refusal is the about the subsisting relationship. we submitted the skype history but they said that it's from the dating website. after i took my passport i asked the lady bout the skype history but she told me that anything that belongs to a printed/photocopied form. We're 2 months in a relatioship by the time we applied here in the British Consulate in Israel. The visa refusal came from the Consulate General in Istanbul, Turkey since they don't process visa here. So it would be difficult to appeal in istanbul.

1st December 2010, 08:53
The reason given for refusal of the visa was that the UK Border Agency did not believe we have a subsisting relationship.

1st December 2010, 08:57
We would have been able to apply for reconsideration if the UK Border Agency had returned all of our submitted documents but they did not.

1st December 2010, 09:00
All visa applications to the UK consulate in Tel Aviv are dealt with by the UK Consular General in Turkey.

1st December 2010, 12:02
i see, 2 months is not very long but nothing to stop people in the uk getting married in a shorter period, how many times had you met ?

13th December 2010, 19:49
We had met on three separate visits to Israel by myself , between May and June 2010. To date I have made seven visits to Israel to see my fiancee. Now after waiting five months for an appeal tribunal date we are intent on abandoning the appeal process as my fiancee might have to return home to the Philippines beacause her working visa in Israel is uncertain and expires in February 2011. Failure to obtain a new working visa in Israel would invalidate the appeal. In any case the procesing time for a UK fiancee visa is up to three months once the appeal is upheld which could take us to Summer 20111. We are not prepared to wait this long anf hope that by marrying in The Philippines and applying for a UK spouse visa the whole process will be faster. What do you think Joe?

15th December 2010, 15:42
Why does not obtaining a new work visa in Israel invalidate an appeal to UK authorities for a Fiancee Visa?