View Full Version : What can you tell me about Guardian Angels?

1st December 2010, 19:17
I'd love to know more about Guardian Angels, it seems to be clouded in myth and legend? especially on the internet!

The reason I ask is because I've been experimenting with Astral Projection a bit lately, (I think) I had a briefly successful Astral Projection that was very pink/yellow and blue (not very detailed but..) anyway I saw an outline of a very pretty girl in blue...:rolleyes:
I have explained this on a different website and a guy suggested to me that the girl I saw was probably my Guardian Angel..:rolleyes:

Shortly after this experience I asked the question whats my guardian angels name? (I was in a kind of meditation when I did this..) but anyway I recieved the name "Jackie" with white letters on a black background in my mind.

Is there anyone here who has some realiable info on Guardian Angels?:rolleyes:

P.S. Jackie, love yaaaaaaaa!

1st December 2010, 19:42
whos jackie :Erm:

1st December 2010, 20:03
they were big in the late 80's, they wore burgundy berets and kept the druggies and gansta's off the streets

1st December 2010, 21:50
they were big in the late 80's, they wore burgundy berets and kept the druggies and gansta's off the streets

:icon_lol: Was gonna say the same thing. Came from America & were going to keep commuters safe on the London underground. :D

1st December 2010, 21:59
Beat you to it Sim :D

Arthur Little
2nd December 2010, 01:25
I'd love to know more about Guardian Angels, it seems to be clouded in myth and legend? especially on the internet!

Well, Nigel ... whoever your "guardian angel" is, one thing's for certain: S/heJackie was most assuredly "keeping watch" over you earlier in the day; 'nuff said! :rolleyes:

2nd December 2010, 03:25
Astral projection and rainbow'esque colours Nigel :Erm: maybe its psilocybine related or a 60's flashback to the days of peace,love and pure acid?I actually looked at a guardian angel yesterday in 9mm,beautiful she is,17+1 and fitted the hand like a glove,who could ask for more;)

2nd December 2010, 03:29
I actually looked at a guardian angel yesterday in 9mm,beautiful she is,17+1 and fitted the hand like a glove,who could ask for more

Take care mate!

2nd December 2010, 04:34
Always careful Jim,but theres been a few murders locally lately,last one was three days ago,guy was shot AND stabbed:Erm:you can never have too many angels watching over you:icon_lol:

2nd December 2010, 10:31

How strange.
Look here:-

3rd December 2010, 17:17
they were big in the late 80's, they wore burgundy berets and kept the druggies and gansta's off the streetsI remember them guys...hehe but that's not what I meant! :icon_lol:

3rd December 2010, 17:25
I also asked when was she born? I recieved "1837" with white letters on a black background, I didn't mention this earlier, cause I was frightened it might be spectacularly wrong!:icon_lol: I don't think it is though, besides 1837 is a significant year anyway, it was the year Queen Victoria was crowned Queen, and therefore the beginning of Victorian times!:) So it seems clear she was here during Victorian times..I'm so into everything Victorian now!:)

I was hoping someone might be able to give me some info on Guardian Angels, I thought the catholic religion was connected to it? No?

4th December 2010, 10:36
They are a figment of the human imagination Nigel .... if not then my guardian angel must have a very warped sense of humour and be called Nigel :laugher:

4th December 2010, 11:31
yep there wore berets which where sort of red cant spell burgendy, so if yours was blue they are from u f o and they where the space intercepters, but this jackie thing is throwing me , are you getting it mixed up with the comic there nigel

4th December 2010, 11:50
Images like these have convinced me for a very long time that Guardian Angels are myth! 457145724573457445754576

I now think of them as spectacular tributes to Guardian Angels, but of course they don't have wings and harps and stuff, they look like you and me and exist in the Astral Plane. Images like this are a beautiful tribute to them that's all.

Frankly they've been reason why I've found it so hard to believe in Angels.:cwm3:

I now recognize that they are symbolic of Guardian Angels, a fantastic tribute which I now enjoy! (I wish someone would have made this clear to me when I was younger..:doh)

4th December 2010, 14:29
if my angels where all like those nigal, i would be a right horny devil

4th December 2010, 16:05
What can you tell me about Guardian Angels?

Everyone has at least one Guardian Angel, and sometimes two or three.
A Guardian Angel is a being that is dedicated to serve and to help you throughout your lifetime. However, the relationship is somewhat deeper than that.
Your Guardian Angel was created out of the same essence that makes up your soul. It could be said to be a higher, or essence aspect of yourself. Your Guardian Angel isn't essentially separate from you, it has absolute and unequivocal dedication to you and travels with you on every journey that you as a free will entity choose to make.
Your Guardian Angel makes an agreement with your soul to assist it in completing any task it has decided to undertake.
This is the reason why Angels have been known to make miraculous rescues from accidents.
If a soul has decided to remain focused on the Earth Plane for a given length of time, an Angel will assist in getting someone out of trouble who's 'time is not up'.

Your Guardian Angel has the purpose to provide you with a reflection of your true nature so that you may never totally forget.
You could say, your Guardian Angels holds the 'blueprint' of what you truly are in focus so that you may awaken to that ultimate truth. The ultimate being that you are, that you are God!

4th December 2010, 18:52
What can you tell me about Guardian Angels?
Your Guardian Angel has the purpose to provide you with a reflection of your true nature so that you may never totally forget.
You could say, your Guardian Angels holds the 'blueprint' of what you truly are in focus so that you may awaken to that ultimate truth. The ultimate being that you are, that you are God!

Hi Nigel ;) :D :xxgrinning--00xx3:

4th December 2010, 18:59
Thanks for that Terpe! I find that stuff about our blueprint interesting...where did you come to learn about this? Do you do it through meditation or is it taught in your religion?:)

Do you listen to Binaural beats etc?

4th December 2010, 19:42
We are, each of us angels with only one wing; and we can only fly by embracing one another.

I will have more soon. Maybe. If you need?

4th December 2010, 19:55
wow what a nice thing to read there terpe

5th December 2010, 18:19
We are, each of us angels with only one wing; and we can only fly by embracing one another.

I will have more soon. Maybe. If you need?
That's incredibly nice Terpe! To tell you the truth I'm convinced I have an eternal paradise ahead of me, I've become aware of how spectacularly lucky I am right now.:)

So have you been Astral Projecting Terpe? I've been trying to with Binaural Beats, the fequencies to use are 4Hz 5Hz 6Hz and 7Hz!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Note!!! These frequencies are also sleep frequencies!!! You'll fall asleep after 20 or 30 minutes....well I do anyway!:doh

It's been said that the best time to try Astral Projection is in the early hours...about 4am I guess...there's various techniques...I'm new to it myself to be honest...:)

5th December 2010, 18:45
No Astral Projecting :NoNo:
No Binaural Beats :NoNo:
I can fall asleep easily within 20 mins at my age :olddude:
4am I am just waking up (it's an age thing :olddude: )

Keep the faith in Humankind :xxgrinning--00xx3:
Compassion and Community is the key to eternal paradise

5th December 2010, 18:59
Compassion and Community is the key to eternal paradise

Sorry forgot Comradeship.

Compassion, Communtiy and Comradeship that's the key to eternal paradise.

It's better to be alone but never lonely than
lonely but never alone. :D

6th December 2010, 01:21
That's incredibly nice Terpe! To tell you the truth I'm convinced I have an eternal paradise ahead of me, I've become aware of how spectacularly lucky I am right now.:)

So have you been Astral Projecting Terpe? I've been trying to with Binaural Beats, the fequencies to use are 4Hz 5Hz 6Hz and 7Hz!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Note!!! These frequencies are also sleep frequencies!!! You'll fall asleep after 20 or 30 minutes....well I do anyway!:doh

It's been said that the best time to try Astral Projection is in the early hours...about 4am I guess...there's various techniques...I'm new to it myself to be honest...:)

Nigel you already won the cosmic lottery, you are here, alive, self aware, that alone is a huge privilege.

In the world you are in right now you have the ability to explore an incredibly vast range of experiences and thoughts, don't push yourself into a corner sir.

21st January 2011, 22:46
More pics..:)

22nd January 2011, 12:42
The angel 2'nd from the bottom looks like she is wearing leather hipster knickers :Erm: If thats the case I will have me one of them ;):icon_lol:

22nd January 2011, 21:01
I cant tell you much about them but, we've all got one, like it or not :D

23rd January 2011, 01:52
I'd love to know more about Guardian Angels, it seems to be clouded in myth and legend?

I always believe i got a guardian angel who is with me all the time,but am not ready to see him yet...I've been reading ''The Big Book of Angels''(by editors of beliefnet) ,its a very nice book about angelic encounters,listening to and working with your guardian angel!!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

24th January 2011, 23:03
And more pics..

24th January 2011, 23:05
I cant tell you much about them but, we've all got one, like it or not :D

I can tell you they take spectacular care of us...:)

24th January 2011, 23:17
The angel 2'nd from the bottom looks like she is wearing leather hipster knickers :Erm: If thats the case I will have me one of them ;):icon_lol:

I've come across Angel pics that show bare boobs!:yikes: I guess it's a want to express how beautiful they are that makes artists do that..but...I think our Guardian Angels are much more intellectual than we imagine, I don't believe they have wings and harps and all that, again I think that's a willingness to express how beautiful they are that makes that happen..

I believe they tend to have woolly dreadlock hair, perhaps multicoloured, it's not dyed they grow multicoloured hair! They can be all shapes and sizes... some have the body of an infant perhaps...although they are not young at all...

So we would do well to think of these pics as a fantastic tribute perhaps...rather than assume they truly look like this..:)

****One thing that seems worth mentioning... it's thought some them do have pointy 'spock' like ears...there's people that believe it!****

24th January 2011, 23:23
They are a figment of the human imagination Nigel .... if not then my guardian angel must have a very warped sense of humour and be called Nigel :laugher:

I too have found it hard to believe we have Guardian Angels in the past.... given time you will know that they do exist!:) You will also learn that this life experience is in no way physical...it's a kind of telepathy.. a holograph...

If your like me it's the pictures themselves that make you a non believer, but those pics are TRIBUTE to their beauty I think..:rolleyes:

3rd February 2011, 19:46
More pics..

3rd February 2011, 19:54
Nigel, you already know enough. Published pictures are just not going to cut the mustard.
Do what you feel you need to do, do it properly and don't cheapen dream.

No one ever stumbled on to anything great while they were standing still. You have got to move. The pursuit of dreams inspires personal growth and development. Never stop defining your vision of what life could be.

3rd February 2011, 20:20
Terpe sometimes you exhibit a strange depth :D

There is a bit of the Philosopher in there ;)


And for Nigel (radio extract)


Ako Si Jamie
3rd February 2011, 21:36
What can you tell me about Guardian Angels?

Everyone has at least one Guardian Angel, and sometimes two or three.
A Guardian Angel is a being that is dedicated to serve and to help you throughout your lifetime. However, the relationship is somewhat deeper than that.
Your Guardian Angel was created out of the same essence that makes up your soul. It could be said to be a higher, or essence aspect of yourself. Your Guardian Angel isn't essentially separate from you, it has absolute and unequivocal dedication to you and travels with you on every journey that you as a free will entity choose to make.
Your Guardian Angel makes an agreement with your soul to assist it in completing any task it has decided to undertake.
This is the reason why Angels have been known to make miraculous rescues from accidents.
If a soul has decided to remain focused on the Earth Plane for a given length of time, an Angel will assist in getting someone out of trouble who's 'time is not up'.

I believe this 100%

3rd February 2011, 23:43
i have pixie's at the bottom of my garden and i married a munchkin :D

5th February 2011, 13:53
Now I did this pic so don't laugh at it!:)


5th February 2011, 20:05
Now I did this pic so don't laugh at it!:)


OK Nigel, where did you find my photo??:)