View Full Version : Roast Pork Chops With “Adobo Sauce” a la Marketman

5th December 2010, 17:10
http://www.marketmanila.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/15.jpgAHA!!! Followed by a "why didn't I think of that sooner?" The day after we had this roast pork (http://www.marketmanila.com/archives/easy-roast-rack-of-pork-a-la-marketman), we had two large "chops" worth left over... We were busy in the dining area with Christmas related tasks, and a strong aroma of adobo came wafting through the house. That combination of vinegar and soy is something most filipinos would probably equate with comfort food the same way Americans might do with hamburgers on a grill... I went into the kitchen to see what type of adobo was being cooked up for lunch, and was informed the wonderful pot of chicken and pork adobo was the crew's meal. :) We, on the other hand, were slated to consume the two humongous leftover porkchops. Not wanting to mess with their meal (though I am certain they wouldn't have minded), I decided to try something new that would make use of the leftover chops and satisfy the hankering for adobo sauce...

Content from... (http://www.marketmanila.com/archives/roast-pork-chops-with-adobo-sauce-a-la-marketman)

5th December 2010, 23:42

6th December 2010, 06:38
Roast pork chops.......:hubbahubba:

Adobo sauce .........:NoNo: