View Full Version : Christmas!

6th December 2010, 22:16
So what's everyone's plans for Christmas? I'm spending it with all my family at home and going to our church carol service to midnight mass.
I have a birthday this Thursday the 9th. I can't believe how quick the year has gone. :)

6th December 2010, 22:21
Have a great Christmas and Happy Birthday for the 9th :)

6th December 2010, 22:47
Last year we spent 4 weeks in the Philippines! :D:D:D

But this year won't be anything like that. My wife is even working on Christmas day! :doh

We've got plans to see family and friends, enjoy plenty of food and drink, attend two filipino Christmas parties, etc.....

My wife has been pestering me for the last 6 weeks to put up the tree. I kept on telling her that it was too early, but last weekend I gave in and I'm now sitting beneath a massive tree. There are some presents under it already! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

That reminds me.... I had better start thinking about doing my Christmas shopping! :Help1:

6th December 2010, 22:57
Just quiet for me, I hope to see Charie through the day on the cam. I expect I'll go out after and find somewhere to be alone.

6th December 2010, 23:33
as for me not sure about this coming xmas...
Usually spend it with relatives, sort of a reunion with childhood friends, neighbors with exchanging gifts, cooked food being shared on one table for everyone, dancing music, games, drinks, and overnight partying along the street with fire crackers. It is fun, warm xmas.

I'm looking forward to it already like a 10 year old kid:Jump::Jump::Jump:

7th December 2010, 00:54
I'll wake up to no presents as usual.... got to my parents for Xmas dinner and sit with my miserable sister..... so a great day expected :icon_lol:

7th December 2010, 01:57
I'll wake up to no presents as usual.... got to my parents for Xmas dinner and sit with my miserable sister..... so a great day expected :icon_lol:

Same for me except parents dead now,so you got it good,I'm guessing I'm working too:bigcry:

7th December 2010, 08:53
I ll be cooking for 10 people:omg: and then consuming an amount of alcohol considered dangerous by most :cwm3:. Quite looking forward to it

7th December 2010, 11:15
@Englishman, thanks. Yes It's going to be a good Christmas for us :)

7th December 2010, 12:30
well its my first xmas in phils so im being told some of the family will visit, which dont exactly fit with my plans of taking my better half to thailand over the xmas period, so i guess im going to have to do as instructed. being still early days in our marriage im still waiting my job description from the good lady, have a feeling suprises have been left out grrrr

7th December 2010, 13:34
It will be a very quiet one for me!
Am not looking forward to it one bit.

7th December 2010, 14:07
I ll be cooking for 10 people:omg: and then consuming an amount of alcohol considered dangerous by most :cwm3:. Quite looking forward to it

Ah! A kindred spirit. :D

I'm hoping Xmas day will be quiet, so I can crack on with cooking the lunch and enjoy
the chef's bonus swigs.
Carina will be working as usual, but only from 6am until 11:30am
I do enjoy a get-together but xmas day I just like to do my own thing.

7th December 2010, 14:34
I'm looking forward to a nice Christmas Day with my kids, it will be my first one as a single dad and I'm really looking forward to spoiling them rotten. I'm not so bothered about Christmas myself, but I want to make it really special for them.
New Years Day is what I'm more excited about, I'll touch down in Manila at about 1.15 PM local time, and will hopefully meet my mahal outside the airport at about 2ish :)

7th December 2010, 20:38
New Years Day is what I'm more excited about, I'll touch down in Manila at about 1.15 PM local time, and will hopefully meet my mahal outside the airport at about 2ish :)

Wish I was going to phils for New Year :bigcry:

7th December 2010, 21:10
Just quiet for me, I hope to see Charie through the day on the cam. I expect I'll go out after and find somewhere to be alone.

room at the inn here steve dont be alone mate:xxgrinning--00xx3:

7th December 2010, 21:53
room at the inn here steve dont be alone mate:xxgrinning--00xx3:
Thanks my friend :)

7th December 2010, 22:37
Wish I was going to phils for New Year :bigcry:

Have you any plans to go back to the Phil's soon Terpe?

I was there for last New Year too. The difference this time is that I will be celebrating New Years Eve and watching the displays and fireworks in Hong Kong whereas last year I was waiting in transit at Doha airport for 9 hours.

8th December 2010, 09:28
Have you any plans to go back to the Phil's soon Terpe?

I always have plans to go back to the Phils :D
Unfortunately my financial plans went astray this year due to extended family emergencies. :bigcry:
As it stands now next visit will be Xmas & New Year 2011.

Strange as it may sound, one of my best ever New Year celebrations was when I was alone in Japan many years ago. Just wonderful!! Still in contact with two of the people I met at that time.

8th December 2010, 10:46
I always have plans to go back to the Phils :D
Unfortunately my financial plans went astray this year due to extended family emergencies. :bigcry:
As it stands now next visit will be Xmas & New Year 2011.

Strange as it may sound, one of my best ever New Year celebrations was when I was alone in Japan many years ago. Just wonderful!! Still in contact with two of the people I met at that time.

At least you can look forward to next Christmas there, I'm sure it will be worth the wait:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Before I was married, I celebrated 4 successive Christmas and New Years in Goa, India. They were very simple celebrations, but I had some of my best ever experiences there and made some really great friends who I went back with every year. Sadly one of my best friends and travelling companions on many trips all over India passed away a couple of years ago, I don't think it would be quite the same now if I went back without my old "Kingfisher" drinking buddy