View Full Version : true copy of the document for applying a spouse visa

8th December 2010, 15:45
hello john.. u need to print out pictures, but make sure u save them to usb or cd so that u stil have your own copy coz embassy won't give it back to u as soon as u send it to them... xerox copies are dark and blurred sometimes so u better print them or bring them to the photo printing station & they will print it for u.. hope this can help.. goodluck:)

8th December 2010, 15:55
Hi John,

I got my visa and they returned the photos along with the original documents that I submitted to them.
as for the documents, to have your visa processed right away have the originals and photocopies of each. It was a mistake we did when we applied for spouse visa that causes anxieties.

8th December 2010, 16:24
purple, can i ask?.. why mine they haven't give back to us?.. and i remember i read one of the thread here they won't give the pictures back.. ty

8th December 2010, 16:40
I don't know. I given then pictures that I pasted on the a scented paper. LOL must be it.. the eco might have not liked the scent? LOL

I've got everything back. And I use this program called dropbox so where ever I go I always have access to important files and can easily print them.

8th December 2010, 17:01
so u pasted them in a scented paper ha (arte arte pla ng sayo e lol).. hay, i haven't done that.. i jst send mine as it is.. well' wait and see on the nxt application' atleast they have copies... thank you girl..:)