View Full Version : The cost of marrying a filipina

11th December 2010, 12:12
Sitting here happily married and now living in Manila i was just reading some old threads on the cost of marrying a filipina I decided to look through the costs of our wedding. this changed to working out the costs from my first visit here 20 months ago,to the 13 or 14 times i came to visit her through to the wedding and honeymoon.

After a few mins and realising what i had spent over this time i was a little stunned so decided to work on a list of ways she could repay me ;) i was dong well on the jobs list until she looked over the sofa and smiled at me. :D

At this point i realised that if she billed me for the pleasure :Sex::do_it: ooops i mean :icon_lol::):D happiness she gave me I would be owing a small fortune.

The amazing thing is IF 20 months ago id known what i would have spent over this time i maybe would not have taken the same course of events over this period.

So i guess what im trying to say is theres nothing in life that comes close to being in love and feeling loved by a filipina. Just priceless!!! A Big THANK YOU TO MY WIFE MARIBETH :Jump: LOVE you more each day

11th December 2010, 12:16
Personally speaking...if it's the wrong one...about £150,000. :bigcry:

11th December 2010, 13:03
what a nice read there tomboo indeed we all can say it cost this and that and if only, well you have answered for many of us on here, rather be happy and as we are then maybe a little richer and alone, i know people that are not short of cash but what a life they have , cheating on each other because they are not happy well i am happy and yes could do with a little more cash but for what?? i have all i need

11th December 2010, 13:34
Personally speaking...if it's the wrong one...about £150,000. :bigcry:

well that made me :bigcry: graham as i thought how much i'd 'given' to me misses even b4 i met her :crazy: after 10 yrs i hate to think of the figure, but i've gone from having a nice nest egg in the bank to owing the bank money :cwm24:

well it's paying off now, she earns alot more than me, i've just got to find those remit receipts from years ago :rolleyes::D

11th December 2010, 15:16
Hasn't stopped me looking for another one though. This is worse than drugs. :doh

11th December 2010, 15:19
Hasn't stopped me looking for another one though. This is worse than drugs. :doh

well no filipina can marry me for my money :laugher:


11th December 2010, 15:34
Me too !!! :icon_lol:

11th December 2010, 15:41
me three a up i am married

11th December 2010, 15:46
well no filipina can marry me for my money :laugher:


Thats what I told my mahal from the start, and she still loves me. I don't need material wealth, I have all the richness I need just by being loved by my beautiful girl. :heartshape1:

11th December 2010, 17:36
hey theres hope for me then being broke and welsh :omg:

11th December 2010, 18:20
hey theres hope for me then being broke and welsh :omg:

now you are taking the :piss2: ash :laugher: :D

well steve i was doing ok, and now :cwm3:

11th December 2010, 22:05
The costs dont stop at the wedding. Your wife will want to help back home, rightly so. Where the westerner wife would normally put her money in the family pool here, that is unlikely to happen with your Filipina wife, of course she will want to help her family who brought her into this world, rightly so!. Holidays too, where the the western set up is say 2 weeks on the costa's, we are looking at 3 weeks min in the Philippines each year, rightly so! So, on reflection, the costs of the wedding and the travel before is small fry compared to whats going to be paid out. Having said all that. I would not change my Mrs for all the Euro million jackpots in the world.

Arthur Little
12th December 2010, 00:51
So i guess what im trying to say is theres nothing in life that comes close to being in love and feeling loved by a filipina. Just priceless!!! A Big THANK YOU TO MY WIFE MARIBETH :Jump: LOVE you more each day

HEAR, hear, Tom ... :iagree: ... and fully concur with others' heartwarming responses too!! All the best to you and Maribeth! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

12th December 2010, 22:22
The costs dont stop at the wedding. Your wife will want to help back home, rightly so. Where the westerner wife would normally put her money in the family pool here, that is unlikely to happen with your Filipina wife, of course she will want to help her family who brought her into this world, rightly so!. Holidays too, where the the western set up is say 2 weeks on the costa's, we are looking at 3 weeks min in the Philippines each year, rightly so! So, on reflection, the costs of the wedding and the travel before is small fry compared to whats going to be paid out. Having said all that. I would not change my Mrs for all the Euro million jackpots in the world.

So so true the costs dont stop once married or even once the wife has a British Passport.
Compared to two British born people marrying it seems.

Phone calls, emegency money, Trips to Phill, Phill foods, sending boxes home, heating, Driving lessons and test/s, possible further education possibly, dreading the unexpected phone call ,sms, facebook message, im, email informing us of a situation back in da phills.. If there are dependents (little siblings, older family members etc) needing to stay in contact daily to ensure all is well. Plus the possibilty at any moment the Phill partner will be hit by devasting homesickness which can be sudden and very painful:NoNo:
Not always actual costs in the pocket but they normally hit you there:rolleyes:

Like Gwapito wouldn't swap the situation for all the Tea in Tesco:xxgrinning--00xx3:

12th December 2010, 22:47
I agree, somebody. Jane been here a year and still, at times she is crushed with home sickness. It was not my intention to spoil the flavour of this thread but, when those rose tinted glasses come off, well...Anyway Somebody We dont mention driving lessons in our house! Not a good idea.

12th December 2010, 23:03
I agree, somebody. Jane been here a year and still, at times she is crushed with home sickness. It was not my intention to spoil the flavour of this thread but, when those rose tinted glasses come off, well...Anyway Somebody We dont mention driving lessons in our house! Not a good idea.

I dont think it would ever go and in its own can be a costly part of a marriage for alsorts of reasons. Even if its just the Phone Bill and paying for the little comforts which remnd of home like foods and pocket books at crazy imported prices...

Haha Driving lessons ok say no more:D

12th December 2010, 23:35
My ex still hasn't passed her driving test after 15 years of trying, but she does have a British degree in nursing now. :)

13th December 2010, 01:01
Yes Somebody I dont think it will ever go. The wife had her first experience of proper English food last Christmas and not to my surprise, she did not like. Not a problem, i prefer Phil food anyway. All our meals are all rice based. I was not keen to start with but, when we changed to Pandan rice its much better. We got a good Thai food store close by. Also , Jane gets her daily fix of 'eat bulaga' and 'korean novel' She managed to find a site where it downloaded for free. Phone calls, she has a number to call first then the Phil number at a cost of 8p per min from our land line. We also got Mother Mary in various forms over the house so, we have got ourselves a mini Philippines! i know what you are saying Graham, say no more on that otherwise i will be getting the wrong side of Jane's tongue

13th December 2010, 02:32
The costs dont stop at the wedding. Your wife will want to help back home, rightly so. Where the westerner wife would normally put her money in the family pool here, that is unlikely to happen with your Filipina wife, of course she will want to help her family who brought her into this world, rightly so!. Holidays too, where the the western set up is say 2 weeks on the costa's, we are looking at 3 weeks min in the Philippines each year, rightly so! So, on reflection, the costs of the wedding and the travel before is small fry compared to whats going to be paid out. Having said all that. I would not change my Mrs for all the Euro million jackpots in the world.

"Rightly so" is an interesting mantra gwap but with the exception of real medical emergencies and recognising the "family" would like early retirement as would I it aint going to happen any time soon , from what you say though you are a Pinoy families dream well done:xxgrinning--00xx3:

13th December 2010, 03:38
Kind words Keith but, I would not go as far as saying that dream stuff! Im not the easiest to get along with. I tend to say it as it is, not always wise. Having said that Jane has 'attitude' as well so we never go to bed with things playing on our minds. As for retirement, out of the question. We got a planed baby on the way and like you said, everything is on going.

13th December 2010, 12:42
Retirement ?

You're only a kid ! :icon_lol:

By the look of it I'll have to work til death.:rolleyes:

14th December 2010, 01:17
Graham You said 'working til death' Nothing wrong with that Graham, thats the way I want to go. Even the good book frowned on idle hands.

14th December 2010, 08:47
To Hell with the money, if you want happiness, find yourself a Filipina...but find the right one. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

All my money has been spent, but worth every penny/peso. :love2::philippines::unitedkingdom:

4th January 2011, 06:07
Personally speaking...if it's the wrong one...about £150,000. :bigcry:

SO TRUE...HAHAHA:icon_lol:

4th January 2011, 08:14
Money comes and goes, you just can't put a price on love.
Filipinas (maybe I have been lucky) have this in abundance, and the wonderful mentality of "just saving money, dear. I know how hard it is to get" :xxgrinning--00xx3:
Mindyou, I have noticed the "sexy shoes" in the house seem to be multiplying......... :)

4th January 2011, 08:41
......the wonderful mentality of "just saving money, dear. I know how hard it is to get" :xxgrinning--00xx3:

This is a new and alien concept for my wife. However, some progress is being made
with her education. She's quite adaptable.
And as time moves on she'll need to be:D

4th January 2011, 08:48
This is a new and alien concept for my wife. However, some progress is being made
with her education. She's quite adaptable.
And as time moves on she'll need to be:D

I hope your wife will embrace the concept of teamwork, Terpe.
It will add quality to life :)

4th January 2011, 08:52
To Hell with the money, if you want happiness, find yourself a Filipina...but find the right one. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

All my money has been spent, but worth every penny/peso. :love2::philippines::unitedkingdom:

Forgive me if I don't know your full situation Sim11UK, but make sure you save a "little" bit for tiny feet that may arrive one day :xxgrinning--00xx3::Rasp:

4th January 2011, 08:59
the shoes yes, seems every week they multiply and the pages on the computer seems to be shoes and more shoes too

4th January 2011, 09:52
I hope your wife will embrace the concept of teamwork, Terpe.
It will add quality to life :)

She actually has too broad a concept of teamwork.
I need to help her to trim down the team:D

4th January 2011, 10:28
Sitting here happily married and now living in Manila i was just reading some old threads on the cost of marrying a filipina I decided to look through the costs of our wedding. this changed to working out the costs from my first visit here 20 months ago,to the 13 or 14 times i came to visit her through to the wedding and honeymoon.

After a few mins and realising what i had spent over this time i was a little stunned so decided to work on a list of ways she could repay me ;) i was dong well on the jobs list until she looked over the sofa and smiled at me. :D

At this point i realised that if she billed me for the pleasure :Sex::do_it: ooops i mean :icon_lol::):D happiness she gave me I would be owing a small fortune.

The amazing thing is IF 20 months ago id known what i would have spent over this time i maybe would not have taken the same course of events over this period.

So i guess what im trying to say is theres nothing in life that comes close to being in love and feeling loved by a filipina. Just priceless!!! A Big THANK YOU TO MY WIFE MARIBETH :Jump: LOVE you more each day

A very good thread....
I have similar views to most in that i dont believe you can put a price on finding your true lifes partner and if that partner is a Filipina then so be it.
Like Graham says ,if it ends painfully then quite a lot having gone through a very expensive divorce 7 years ago

4th January 2011, 10:41
She actually has too broad a concept of teamwork.
I need to help her to trim down the team:D

like my misses maybe shes doesn't know there is NO I in team :rolleyes:


4th January 2011, 12:35
Graham You said 'working til death' Nothing wrong with that Graham, thats the way I want to go. Even the good book frowned on idle hands.

The "good" book :yikes:

4th January 2011, 15:46
Mr. Aposhark, I'm shocked. :cwm24:

Fortunately our Christian friends usually have a sense of humour...unlike those who prefer the 'other' book of wisdom from which we extract the Michael at our peril. :NoNo:

4th January 2011, 19:58
Mr. Aposhark, I'm shocked. :cwm24:

Fortunately our Christian friends usually have a sense of humour...unlike those who prefer the 'other' book of wisdom from which we extract the Michael at our peril. :NoNo:

I don't hold back with my views on religion, Graham.

I will defend Muslims if their religion is singularly put down though, as I feel they are unfairly victimised.

To me, all religions are as bad as each other.

I think religion and politics should be private and discussed with like-minded people.

4th January 2011, 21:03
I don't hold back with my views on religion, .....
I think religion and politics should be private and discussed with like-minded people.


4th January 2011, 21:27

Terpe, in reponse your "Erm".....
I would be extremely happy if religion or anything religious was not mentioned on this forum.
It is just that religious people always want to mention it, so IMO, it cannot be any shock to them if there is a rebuttal.

4th January 2011, 22:38
I am now expected to pay to enter York Minster, an official 'house of god'...and they don't even know I'm an atheist. :Erm:

5th January 2011, 16:48
Apo You would be happy if the said subject not to be mentioned on this forum How many times have you started a thread on the said subject. Come to think of it, you are always 1st in there for a reply. Goodness me Apo You talk nonsense. As my mother would say, if you are going to tell big ones You got so have a good memory tsk tsk tsk

7th January 2011, 13:44
isnt this a forum? i thought it is meant to share views, as long as its not blind racism and just an opinion, then there will be people with a view..or maybe the forum is not what i thought, no chat, no debate and everyone shares the same views so no need to comment or reply

7th January 2011, 13:46
i for one enjoy commenting on cultures and religion, having spent several years in saudi, seeing both sides of religion it still intruiges me and i enjoy other peoples views

13th January 2011, 11:08
what if their family asks you for money, surely this put the cost up ?

thankfully it hasnt happened to me, but I have heard stories

13th January 2011, 11:13
That's why I'm taking time to find an orphan. :icon_lol:

It is something that you need to budget for though, plus regular trips to the Phils.

13th January 2011, 11:15
you cannot count the cost of true love , you either want it or dont , add up what you pay a year a lifetime , if you are with someone that means the world to you and you to them then its worth every penny, it is really frightning if you sat down and looked what you had payed out , most is for this visa and that visa everything else you would be paying for in this country with out our wives , girlfriends, and if anyone asked me was it worth it or is it worth it, YES YES YES would be my answer all the time, so what cost you are asking , the cost of being happy i am saying

13th January 2011, 11:17
if the family ask for money , you have a tonge in your head to ssay yes or no, its beiing sensible and listerning then taking time to think is it what they need, you have to live here and pay here too, that always comes first

13th January 2011, 14:47
asking for money? from time to time i will help with emergencies, but i wont be relied upon to support a family where people are of a working age and could support themselves, its that simple to me and was something i made clear early in our relationship, i work for my living so expect others to do the same, fortunately i dont have that problem

15th January 2011, 08:13
Well said Tommo,otherwise they sit on their asses and wont work gamble and drink,I have seen this many times on my visits to the Phills

16th January 2011, 08:54
marrying a filipina...

if u found the right one it is priceless..
if u found the wrong one..its a great financial disaster

16th January 2011, 18:35
Hi all,:Wave:
Getting back to the basics just what is the amount of money needed nowadays?

It has been suggested a first trip to the Philippines could cost £2,000

If you have 3 trips to hopefully get to know each other, then marry on the 3rd trip that indicates to me a total amount of money required as around £9,000 with £2,000 of that as necessary savings.

Would you think that a starting point?

16th January 2011, 22:42
It would probably be cheaper to go for 3 to 6 months rather than multiple trips, if you could spare the time, and so much more enjoyable. :)

Preferably for the whole of winter, which is also the best time of year for weather in the Phils...slightly cooler, and drier.

Rent a small furnished house or apartment and make yourself at home.
Much cheaper than hotels.

17th January 2011, 01:02
When I meet my present wife,I spent 3 months there rented a apartment around p10.000 a month, then she came to Australia for 3 months,then another trip for 3 months then got married,then I went back for 1 month,when my wives spouse visa was approved went back for 3 weeks came back to Australia with her,in all its cost me around $10,000 Australian but all worth it.

I get many friends and people I know asking me to get then a Filipino wife,lets be honest if you have no money you are wasting your time,my best friend interested in my wife's sister,but he has bad attitude towards females,that why he never been married at the age of 60.Sure this man is well off but could not recommend to my sister in or any descent Filipino girls.
I have other people I know who are alcoholics ,have money problems,mental issues , don't work gambling problems etc., so no way am I go to introduce my wife's friends and relations to these people.

17th January 2011, 01:31
Didn't know we'd met. :laugher:

17th January 2011, 04:56
When I meet my present wife,I spent 3 months there rented a apartment around p10.000 a month, then she came to Australia for 3 months,then another trip for 3 months then got married,then I went back for 1 month,when my wives spouse visa was approved went back for 3 weeks came back to Australia with her,in all its cost me around $10,000 Australian but all worth it.

I get many friends and people I know asking me to get then a Filipino wife,lets be honest if you have no money you are wasting your time,my best friend interested in my wife's sister,but he has bad attitude towards females,that why he never been married at the age of 60.Sure this man is well off but could not recommend to my sister in or any descent Filipino girls.
I have other people I know who are alcoholics ,have money problems,mental issues , don't work gambling problems etc., so no way am I go to introduce my wife's friends and relations to these people.

Well he is your best friend so for $1000 i will introduce him to one where they both desrve each other:xxgrinning--00xx3:

17th January 2011, 08:04
asking for money? from time to time i will help with emergencies, but i wont be relied upon to support a family where people are of a working age and could support themselves, its that simple to me and was something i made clear early in our relationship, i work for my living so expect others to do the same, fortunately i dont have that problem

This is very true!!...:xxgrinning--00xx3:

17th January 2011, 08:05
marrying a filipina...

if u found the right one it is priceless..
if u found the wrong one..its a great financial disaster

HAHAHAHA...great one!!

17th January 2011, 12:01
Worth every penny: :xxgrinning--00xx3:
