View Full Version : Sanity & long winters evenings....

12th December 2010, 20:25
For those of us who are separated from our loved ones this winter and coming Festive season what do you do to stop the boredom and loneliness in the evenings at home:Erm:

Is it the forum?:xxgrinning--00xx3:
Maybe planning your next trip to Phils.......:airline:

Is it longing for the clock to go forward to around wake up time in Phils?:)

Perhaps there is a similar situation 7000miles away that is similar and the girls have the same feelings too.....

Is it just LDR blues...:crazy:


12th December 2010, 20:56
I don't have time to be bored.... :Hellooo:..... I always thought for guys Loneliness = PEACE :icon_lol:

12th December 2010, 21:07
Clarity as always Boss.....:doh:xxgrinning--00xx3:

12th December 2010, 21:18
I'm so bored I've taken an interest in womens health! Been learning to do massages and stuff!:icon_lol:

12th December 2010, 21:20
I thought you were behind the sofa....:yikes:

PS mate pass on that scary pic..!!

12th December 2010, 21:28
even when we are with our love ones we still can be a little lonely , i need the sunshine that is what i miss most, i am lucky having my emma with me this year and many many more to come too i hope, dont have to be lonely now just switch on the com and say hi someone will come along soon to say hi back

12th December 2010, 22:17
All depends what you have to occupy your down time. Work for me is busy, and I have a good friend and colleague in my office who helps me bitch and moan all through the day, so the days pass quite well.
At home I have my fish to look after each night and the xbox and here. But my mahal is never far from my thoughts. Her photo is my wallpaper on my phones, she is my laptop wallpaper, I have her photos next to my bed. I never stop thinking about her, waiting for her to wake up in the morning so we can chat before I go to sleep, we sms all through the day and chat on messenger when I am at work (I am lucky to do that, but I have to go careful lol)
It's not easy Alan, I know she feels the same too, we just plan and wish the days away until we are together again, we know why we are apart right now, even though we always wish wish wish we can be together.
Charie said to me earlier, 'come over, do it now!!' Oh, how I wish I could afford it.