View Full Version : please help

20th December 2010, 05:29
Good day!
I'm from Cebu.
I would like to ask help regarding my NSO marriage certificate.
I've been depressed thinking of whom I should ask help about it.

My husband and I got married in July 2010. He was born in September 1960.

Since his birthday was on September, I was confused what age I should write on the paper because it was still July.

I asked the personnel about it and was told it was ok to write 49 since his birthday didn't pass yet at that time.

So, I did what was told.

Do you think this could affect my cfo seminar at St. Mary's and spousal application at the Embassy?

Would they let me change it?
It's 2010 and he was born in 1960. Should I have written 50 years old instead?

Please help me.

Thanks for the time spent in reading. God Bless!

20th December 2010, 08:38
Hi there & welcome :Hellooo:
Well if you put 49 & he hadn't yet had his 50th Birthday, then you wrote his right age at the time.
Don't worry, relax & enjoy your christmas. :)

20th December 2010, 10:16
No need to be depressed you answered the correct way :Wave:

20th December 2010, 12:16
Hi there & welcome :Hellooo:
Well if you put 49 & he hadn't yet had his 50th Birthday, then you wrote his right age at the time.
Don't worry, relax & enjoy your christmas. :)


Thank you very much.

Now, I'm half at ease. Merry Christmas!

20th December 2010, 12:17
No need to be depressed you answered the correct way :Wave:


Thanks a lot. Merry Christmas!

Arthur Little
20th December 2010, 16:53
You're obviously a "worrying type" ... like me! :rolleyes: But there's no need to concern yourself unecessarily in this instance :NoNo: ... since your husband's actual age at the time the wedding took place was 49! So relax and enjoy the Festive Season.

21st December 2010, 02:10
You're obviously a "worrying type" ... like me! :rolleyes: But there's no need to concern yourself unecessarily in this instance :NoNo: ... since your husband's actual age at the time the wedding took place was 49! So relax and enjoy the Festive Season.

Arthur Little:
Yes, sir. Not wanting to be away from my husband anymore makes me a worrywart. However, the warm reply from the people in this forum make me relax.
Thanks and enjoy the holidays with your loved ones as well!