View Full Version : My christmas wish was granted!

22nd December 2010, 11:51
I would like to tell anyone how happy I am today. I just got my christmas wish granted! God is great! My Mum and son just got their visa application approved. They lodge their application Dec 6, 2010, and 2 weeks later, just as i got home from work, like everyday, I always track the status of their application. And I was in shock as the updates says: Processed application returned to courier. I was so overjoyed and I called my Mum straight away! They have not got any text yet from the vfs but she assured me she will give me a call soon when they received it. I went to bed after, feeling euphoric and at the same time nervous, not knowing what to expect. But after 3hours my 7yo son called me in skype and told me excitedly the good news! And it's been a year ago since I got the same news, when I got my spouse visa application approved. :Jump:

I just like to extend my heartfelt thank you to everyone who has taken their time to help me out on my queries. You guys rock! I just want to know if there is anything else to do after this? I do not think that my Mum will need to get a cfo sticker as she will only on family visit, but what about my son? Will he needs one? and will he needs travel clearance from dswd as well? Any advise and suggestion to where we can buy a cheap airline tickets please. I know January is a peak season. We might wait til February. I appreciate all your help. Thank you very much xx

God bless!! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!! :Hellooo:

22nd December 2010, 12:03
Congratulations on your great news ! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I would check with DWSD about your son travelling, but should be ok if with his Lola.
They will ask for documents of course.

(This is related to 'anti-people trafficking' laws).

Good luck anyway.

22nd December 2010, 12:05
:xxgrinning--00xx3: dee
your son has a settlement visa ? (dependent of you)

22nd December 2010, 12:21
Thank you Grahamw48. Yes, My mum got all the legal papers as my son's legal guardian prepared by a lawyer just in case they need it for any legal purposes. But will check dswd website for any info. Thank you and Happy Christmas!

@ joebloggs. Yes, my son got his settlement visa and Mum got her family visit visa. Thank you once again! Happy Christmas Joe! :D

Arthur Little
22nd December 2010, 14:00
I would like to tell anyone how happy I am today. I just got my christmas wish granted! God is great! My Mum and son just got their visa application approved.

Marvellous news ... 'twill indeed be a joyful :BouncyHappy: Christmas for you, Dee!

22nd December 2010, 15:44
What a lovely Christmas gift Dee!!! Congratulations!!!

22nd December 2010, 15:50
Congrats Dee :xxgrinning--00xx3:

22nd December 2010, 15:54

22nd December 2010, 15:57
Congratulations Dee, well done. :xxgrinning--00xx3:
Merry Christmas !

22nd December 2010, 18:49
Good news, glad you will be re-united with your family. :)

22nd December 2010, 22:19
Congratulations, I'm sure you will have a great Christmas now:)

28th December 2010, 01:37
@ Arthur Little. Thank you Arthur! It was the best christmas gift ever! :D

@ Sars. Thank you! :Jump:

@ Liane. Thank you chick! :Wave:

@ PAT. Thank you! :Jump:

@ Terpe. Thank you Terpe. And Merry Christmas to you too! x

@ Sim11UK. Indeed a great news! Thank you xx

@ Englishman2010. Thank you. They will be here next month, so i am looking forward to the new year!

HAPPY NEW YEAR Everyone!! xxx:Hellooo::Jump:

28th December 2010, 02:29
Congratulations Dee! I hope my son will get his visa too along with mine...my parents are too old to take care of my son.

Happy New Year to you!

28th December 2010, 10:56
Congratulations Dee! My 6 year old nephew arrived in the UK last month on settlement visas with his mum and they were asked to provide chest xrays at Heathrow airport. They left the Philippines in a rush and weren't aware of this requirement but fortunately were let through immigration in the UK on the understanding that they would have xrays here. Just thought that I would make you aware of this possible requirement for your son which is used for TB screening.

Happy New Year, I hope that you will be together again very soon :xxgrinning--00xx3:

1st January 2011, 23:13
@ Mickaela. Thank you! You will have yours soon!! :xxgrinning--00xx3: Happy New Year to you too chick! xx

@ Rosie. Thank you for the advice. I thought children below 11 years old are exempted. but I guess I'm wrong. Happy New Year Rose! Looking forward to be with my little son son! xxx