View Full Version : Benefits Christmas

22nd December 2010, 18:17
This maggot is having a nice Christmas with £ thousands of benefits money :angry:


Like many mothers, Eloise Little has been stockpiling her four *children’s Christmas presents for months.

She’s had to budget, too: what with the designer clothes and expensive gadgets on their wish lists, she needs to spend at least £300 to £400 on each of them in order to meet the demands for laptops, computer games, trainers and bikes.

Then there’s all the food and drink required to see the family through the festive season.

That, she reckons, will set her back several hundred pounds, on top of the thousand of pounds or so she spends on other presents and festivities over the season.

They’re the sort of figures that would surely make the average working parent stare gloomily into their Christmas eggnog - few, after all, are in a position to contemplate spending such a sum.

But then, as 27-year-old Eloise, from Penryn, Cornwall, admits, she’s not a member of your average working family.

She’s on benefits, meaning that effectively it’s your money which is paying for her children’s Christmas - Xboxes and all.

22nd December 2010, 18:23
meaning that effectively it’s your money

Yours perhaps...Be assured...Not mine.:NoNo:

Arthur Little
22nd December 2010, 18:54
Eloise Little

:cwm24: ... lest there be any doubt, let it be known that the aforementioned :santa: is no relative of mine! :NoNo:

22nd December 2010, 20:29
Dont sit on the fence Dedworth Say what you really mean

23rd December 2010, 00:08
Dont sit on the fence Dedworth Say what you really mean


I think she's Pondlife

23rd December 2010, 00:34

I think she's Pondlife

you should get some manners :xxgrinning--00xx3:

why do you think shes on benefits, the trouble here is... look how much people can claim and how much you need to earn to get the same amount, its the system and a lack of decent paying jobs that is the problem and not the individual.

i prefer a work to earn system :D

Arthur Little
23rd December 2010, 01:18
why do you think shes on benefits, the trouble here is... look how much people can claim and how much you need to earn to get the same amount, its the system and a lack of decent paying jobs that is the problem and not the individual.

i prefer a work to earn system :D

:gp: ... I'm with you there ...

Arthur Little
23rd December 2010, 01:26
... and if you look at the link, you'll see that she can't be faulted as a mother - apart from being in danger of "spoiling" her kids, perhaps - but the children are [apparently] well-cared-for and well behaved!! :ReadIt: And that's something she can be proud of in this day and age!

23rd December 2010, 01:33
thats why shes not pondlife!

if she got a job and payed for somebody else to look after her kids...how much will she need to earn to equal her benefit payments :Erm:

23rd December 2010, 01:45
The system is ****ed up.

We reduce her benefits so she has enough to feed the kids and keep the house warm.

Then if she wants the luxury's in life she has to get her lazy **** to work like the rest of us:cwm23:

Years ago it was shameful to be in her situation,people had pride and responsibilities ,now it's the "norm" to claim as much as you can.:censored:

People like this woman have been brought up in this social climate and think the world owes them a living.

Said it many times so once more that the best career move for a 17 year old is get pregnant,have no idea who dad is then you are set up for life:censored:

23rd December 2010, 01:50
thats why you have a work to earn your benefits system, where you get sent to work, no work no benefits....

Arthur Little
23rd December 2010, 02:09
... her lazy **** to work like the rest of us:cwm23:

Be fair, Les ... I'd hardly call a stay-at-home mum with 4 children lazy; :NoNo: on the contrary, :rolleyes: it's a full-time job in itself - coping with children as young as hers - WITHOUT having to go out to work too!! And I admire her for that if nothing else! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

23rd December 2010, 02:20
Lestaxi, I would give you a star for your No10 post but, i cant! Im sat in a queue of trucks opposite a queue of taxis, using a cell phone with limited interaction hence why my post format is like this! I agree with what you say and to a degree with Dedworth. We had a thread like this a few weeks back, to be honest, that wore me out. Next time I use my home pc like 20mins a week to pay bills etc I will send you both a rep.

Arthur Little
23rd December 2010, 02:29
Indeed, my own daughter gave up a well-paid career as a Speech & Language Therapist after 15 years ... in order to devote herself to looking after her youngsters. And - although she and her husband may not have nearly as much money coming in as they'd been used to for so long - she has absolutely NO regrets. None whatsoever! :nono-1-1:

Arthur Little
23rd December 2010, 02:37
Lestaxi, I would give you a star for your No10 post but, i cant! Im sat in a queue of trucks opposite a queue of taxis, using a cell phone with limited interaction hence why my post format is like this! I agree with what you say and to a degree with Dedworth. I will send you both a rep.

So :rolleyes: ... won't Jane be giving up work when your baby arrives?

Arthur Little
23rd December 2010, 02:45
I will send you both a rep.

Be sure you don't forget now, Mark ... :anerikke: ... although I expect they'll both remind you anyway!

23rd December 2010, 08:00
I partly agree with Les. The problem is with the system, benefits should enable people to support themselves when they've fallen on hard times such as this situation. Being able to afford a life of luxury, live in a better house then those that work, have more cash then those that work and having all the sky TV etc isn't what the system should be all about, and it's not given to people to give them a good life.
The problem is that if you cut the benefits, they'll still buy the SkyTV and crap, then complain they can't feed the kids....

I do have sympathy for people who fall on hard times, but benefits is there to help them survive and not to live the rest of their life on.

When people are not working, you begin to overload the infrastructure thats paid for by tax payers, you see a deterioration in the NHS and all the services and quality of life you expect from that 30-40% of your salary that you freely give away to the government everyday and then give away another 20% of that on everything you buy, and give away more on road tax, council tax etc etc.

Give people a way to survive through the hard times, help them reeducate themselves and get interviews. But don't take money away from the NHS to give these people Sky TV and everthing they want for Christmas.

This country is going down, and you can blame the politicians and the lawyers for that. Don't blame this women, she's only taking what the government gives her.

23rd December 2010, 08:53
:icon_lol: £3,000 on xmas :D

it is a :piss2: take by the Tory mail

about free dental care and specs ALL children under 18 are entitled to it .. benefits or not so that should not be on the total amount of money she gets in benefits

i bet its not all that it seems, the cost of feeding, clothing 4 kids :yikes:

anyway i hope the father is paying for a fair share of this money back :cwm24:

23rd December 2010, 10:43
The system is to blame but what angers me his her attitude:cwm23:

She thinks we all owe her a living and she will grab what she can,I agree with Dedworth she is pond-life

I don't see why part of my or your income should pay for her to have a great xmas.

I'm having to replace my taxi in 2 weeks:xxgrinning--00xx3:
Here are my working hours over xmas.

Xmas eve 8am til midnight.
Xmas day 9am til midnight
boxing day 12pm til midnight
no Xmas at all for me really and it's because I have to buy a car and convert it into a taxi and it costs a lot of money so I get my not lazy **** out there forgo Xmas and graft like **** to earn it.
Now it's my choice and no one is making me do it but I will spare a thought for that poor lady having such a tough time on benifits having a lovely xmas with all her benefit money partly paid for by myself working extra hours over Xmas!

I hope her turkey is dry and tasteless and her wine is "corked":icon_lol:

23rd December 2010, 11:16
The system is to blame but what angers me his her attitude:cwm23:

She thinks we all owe her a living and she will grab what she can,I agree with Dedworth she is pond-life

I don't see why part of my or your income should pay for her to have a great xmas.

I'm having to replace my taxi in 2 weeks:xxgrinning--00xx3:
Here are my working hours over xmas.

Xmas eve 8am til midnight.
Xmas day 9am til midnight
boxing day 12pm til midnight
no Xmas at all for me really and it's because I have to buy a car and convert it into a taxi and it costs a lot of money so I get my not lazy **** out there forgo Xmas and graft like **** to earn it.
Now it's my choice and no one is making me do it but I will spare a thought for that poor lady having such a tough time on benifits having a lovely xmas with all her benefit money partly paid for by myself working extra hours over Xmas!

I hope her turkey is dry and tasteless and her wine is "corked":icon_lol:

I use to work Xmas When I had my black cab. I worked all the hours night and day, only stopping work for a few hours to sleep, even ate when i was in the cab. good old days not

23rd December 2010, 11:27
I hope her turkey is dry and tasteless and her wine is "corked"

I wouldnt worry about the wine, It will be champagne for her.

Its a frustrating article but i find it hard to blame her, shes playing the system, but its the system thats evolved through our choice of goverment over the years.

I agree with the people who point out shes taking the P*** but to be fair shes only one of hundreds of thousands if not a million or two. In her defence shes saving (and borrowing) to give her kids the best she can and i respect her for that, shes clearly putting her kids first.

But hell,,,,,,,, if we all see this kind of situation as being wrong, then why does it only continue to become worse and not better.

I wonder how much the kids father is giving towards their upkeep, nothing i guess, and i really do wonder if hes still living there in the home but hiding the fact to ensure her benefits are maximised.

How do i as a guy become such a successful scrounger, sounds like its worth exploring :icon_lol:

Lastly, why would anyone give this kind of interview? seems strange to me, unless of course, shes being paid to give it. MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE

23rd December 2010, 11:33
I love my job and it's well paid but I would of been happier with her if she had said that she feels awful having to claim etc.

She clearly thinks we all owe her a living,think of how the mothers of the past looked after a family, worked damned hard and were to proud not to take handouts!

My mum was one of those and although no longer with us typified how people used to be,hard-working and proud.

I've upgraded my anger level now and hope she has a power cut while cooking the feast of feasts and they have to have pot noodles :icon_lol:

23rd December 2010, 12:01
i knew a grumpy old mad section would be popular :D

i hope she as a great xmas and you all think of them on xmas day :icon_lol:

23rd December 2010, 12:02
Lastly, why would anyone give this kind of interview? seems strange to me, unless of course, shes being paid to give it. MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE

your right about that, why do it ?

les i agree with you, my misses is working the same hours as you, it will take her an hour to drive to work , work 12 hrs+ and another hour to drive back, shes worked her :action-smiley-081: off for the last 5yrs and never claimed anything :NoNo:

dont blame her kids thou, but her and the father should be paying for thier kids, its their responsibility not mine or yours :doh
the same responsibilites my stepson has, hes got 2 kids to support, ill or not my misses sends him to work :D

23rd December 2010, 12:16
No sign obviously of the feckless father, she will soon be banging out another kid next year to increase the benefit cash flow

23rd December 2010, 12:23
Call my cynical if you like but perhaps there is more than one father:icon_lol:

23rd December 2010, 12:24
Looks like Father been there already.(father-Christmas) Look at the smiles on the kids faces. and the no smile on mother.

23rd December 2010, 12:25
Call my cynical if you like but perhaps there is more than one father:icon_lol:

I thought the same Les - a trollop like her

23rd December 2010, 12:28
I thought the same Les - a trollop like her

there are, don't you read your own post :icon_lol:

23rd December 2010, 12:32
there are, don't you read your own post :icon_lol:

I did but only made it one waster

23rd December 2010, 12:34
I did but only made it one waster

Oh, only one waster then.

23rd December 2010, 12:56
This maggot is having a nice Christmas with £ thousands of benefits money :angry:


Like many mothers, Eloise Little has been stockpiling her four *children’s Christmas presents for months.

Let us not forget that Christmas is actually for ''kids'' and should be the one benefitting during christmas season.

I rest my case on this as of my rant on my previous thread http://filipinaroses.com/showthread.php/27550-Benefit-Britain... nothing we can do about it,:rolleyes:...its the government job/duties/responsibilities and problems in the end,unless it change for the better??i hope lol ......
anyway,i still consider the ABLE and the workers who works hard for their future ,,,.very lucky indeed and should be most proud of.. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Happy Christmas!!!

Arthur Little
23rd December 2010, 13:45
Be fair, a stay-at-home mum with 4 children ... it's a full-time job in itself - coping with children as young as hers - WITHOUT having to go out to work too!! And I admire her for that if nothing else! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

:iagree:, with much of what others have said ... BUT ... still maintain that she has my admiration for staying at home to ensure her family is well-looked-after. Four kids is quite a handful!!!!

23rd December 2010, 21:08
Hi Arthur. In reply to your question 'will Jane be giving up work when baby comes' the answer to that is, yes and no. As soon as we found out she was pregnant it was under my instruction that she was to stop work that day. Reason being The work she was doing was heavy for a girl of Jane's size. I was not going to allow her to risk losing what we have both wanted so badly, a child of our own. By the way She had her anomally scan yesterday, all is as it should be and its a boy. Baby is due May 14. Anyway going back to the thread. Yes Jane will go back to work at her own request on a part time basis only. This time working shop or office No more manual! Its not for the money as I provide more than enough Its for her own well being and independence. Her Aunt will child mind. As for the women in question I quote Arthur ' you admire her 4 kids are a handful' what is there to admire about. All I see is a women unable to provide for the kids she brought into this world and expects the few tax payers on this forum and of course the rest of the country to provide all the high tech stuff even I cant afford to buy. That is not right. Anyway Im back to work Ive had my break xxx Oh by the way. As pointed out by I think it was Jim Ottley. The unemployed generally have a shorter life so, no im not jealous of there lazy life. Im working till I drop out of choice. Although it wont be driving hgv 1 trucks for Tesco like i am now!

23rd December 2010, 22:55
:iagree:, with much of what others have said ... BUT ... still maintain that she has my admiration for staying at home to ensure her family is well-looked-after. Four kids is quite a handful!!!!

No admiration from me,she chose to have the kids and now expects the world to pay for them-selfish cow!

Bet she has tough days watching Jeremy Kyle and loose women:doh

24th December 2010, 07:19
Like most hard working tax payers I dont like to see tax payers money wasted on lazy scroungers. I don't know enough about this lady to make a judgement, but in reality not all single mums on benefits are lazy scroungers.
When a couple with kids separate, it is usually the mother who ends up caring for the kids. This is going to limit her ability to work full time or even part time if she can't find affordable child care. Sometimes the father of the kids won't take his share of the responsibility or contribute to the cost of raising kids, meaning the mother has no choice but to be dependent on benefits. I'm sure most respectable mothers would love to go back to work from a pride point of view, but if it's not in their financial interest to do so, who can blame them for getting what they can from the state?
The system is wrong in this country - Firstly, the father should be made to pay towards his childrens upbringing. There should be affordable/State assisted childcare from the age of 6 months to encourage mothers to return to work.
I'm sure there is also a lot of discrimination from employers who are reluctant to employ a mother with young children in a senior role (despite her qualifications and experience) due to the fear that she may have to take days off at short notice due to childrens sickness.

Not my usual uncompromising centre right reply, but in reality this is the case. Most single mum's I know are respectable people and would love to go to work if they could.

24th December 2010, 12:09
centre right, just common sense :D

24th December 2010, 21:01
This is going to limit her ability to work full time or even part time if she can't find affordable child care.

you might not know this Englishman but if you qualify the gov will pay upto 75% of child care costs, because of the cost of childcare, for some people they are better off not working (and i dont mean claiming benefits):NoNo:

24th December 2010, 22:08
you might not know this Englishman but if you qualify the gov will pay upto 75% of child care costs, because of the cost of childcare, for some people they are better off not working (and i dont mean claiming benefits):NoNo:

Officially my kids are with their mother, although they do spend about 1/3 of the time with me. I don't qualify for anything as they are resident with their mum more than me, and as it's all means tested and I'm well over the threshold I wouldn't qualify for any kind of support anyway.

Kids do get 5 free half day sessions per week in a Nursery from the age of 3 and a half, but this is only in term time, so it's not much use during 13 weeks of School holidays.

If the Government really wanted to incentivise mums to go back to work, they should provide affordable childcare from the age of 6 months for 52 weeks a year.

24th December 2010, 23:28
Kids do get 5 free half day sessions per week in a Nursery from the age of 3 and a half, but this is only in term time, so it's not much use during 13 weeks of School holidays.

If the Government really wanted to incentivise mums to go back to work, they should provide affordable childcare from the age of 6 months for 52 weeks a year.

i think the free (for 3 and 4yr olds) nursery time can cover hols now,

for most people the gov does provide affordable child care, they pay about 70% of our childcare costs, but come april we will get 0 :Help1: but were lucky they are both at nursery or school now, but child care b4 and after school cost us £130 a week :cwm24:

alslo remember they use your income from the previous year so if the mother does get a part time or full time job it should not effect what child care benefit they get for a whole year.

Ako Si Jamie
26th December 2010, 00:46
There are people out there who are on benefits who choose not to work, not because they’re lazy but because there’s no incentive to do so.
Working a forty hour week on minimum wage instead of claiming benefits for some is not worthwhile as they’ll only be making a few quid extra or nothing at all. I don’t have a problem with that. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Eloise Little claims the reason she won’t work is because she’ll come out with less money but it sounds to me that her initial intentions were to have several kids and rake in the child benefit so she didn’t have to. She’s never had a job yet she claims she deserves the money. Get a grip! Then she brags about the presents she buys her kids, which no doubt will create jealousy & resentment towards her amongst her community as well as alerting the local scallies in targeting her property next Christmas. Smart move! :rolleyes:
On top of that she says she’ll ‘bust a gut’ to get her kids anything they want. Hmmm……. she doesn’t work so how can she a ‘bust a gut’? :doh

I’m just wondering if she has to declare the money she received from the newspaper to the DHSS because it might be classed as income. If it is, her plan to make some easy cash has backfired and has made herself look pretty foolish in the process. :icon_lol:

26th December 2010, 02:15
Do the children have any father? Should he pay any child support for the children.
Another problem down the road is that when the children are grown up, she will be too old and with no experience to enter in the job market.

Ako Si Jamie
26th December 2010, 11:37
Yes they do and he's meant to support the kids but doesn't.

All too common these days. Child support from the government should only be given to a family of no more than two children. If a couple want more than two it should come out their own pockets. Stop all this multi breeding.

26th December 2010, 11:46
Yes they do and he's meant to support the kids but doesn't.

All too common these days. Child support from the government should only be given to a family of no more than two children. If a couple want more than two it should come out their own pockets. Stop all this multi breeding.

if everything was so black and white, how do you know the father(s) are not paying anything, you don't know how long shes been claiming benefits, could have been recently, who is to blame for the break up?, if its the mother why should the father have to pay the crazy figures the CSA want? (my friend years ago, had to pay nearly 1/3 of his wage to the CSA, how the :censored: could he live on what he had left (without the need to claim benefits :crazy:) sure the father (or mother) pay to support their children, but everyone should pay not just some


Ako Si Jamie
26th December 2010, 12:15
if everything was so black and white, how do you know the father(s) are not paying anything, you don't know how long shes been claiming benefits, could have been recently, who is to blame for the break up?, if its the mother why should the father have to pay the crazy figures the CSA want? (my friend years ago, had to pay nearly 1/3 of his wage to the CSA, how the :censored: could he live on what he had left (without the need to claim benefits :crazy:) sure the father (or mother) pay to support their children, but everyone should pay not just some

http://www.weeklygripe.co.uk/a341.asp Taken from the article.

Certainly, elements of Eloise’s tale are all too familiar: a teenage *pregnancy, a fractured relationship and four children left without a father who contributes not a single penny to their upkeep.

And if she's only recently claimed benefits how has she supported herself and her kids in the past because there's no mention of her ever working.

26th December 2010, 12:57
Taken from the article.

Certainly, elements of Eloise’s tale are all too familiar: a teenage *pregnancy, a fractured relationship and four children left without a father who contributes not a single penny to their upkeep.

And if she's only recently claimed benefits how has she supported herself and her kids in the past because there's no mention of her ever working.

i dont believe much i read in the press :rolleyes:
but I'm sure there are many 'fathers' who don't contribute a penny :NoNo: maybe the gov should charge them a higher rate of tax ? but what about the mother ??

the article will not mention if she has worked, its meant to :censored: taxpayers off, to try and justify benefit cuts, I'm sure Cameron or Osborne will not miss their £1,000 child benefit each year :D

Ako Si Jamie
26th December 2010, 13:41
i dont believe much i read in the press :rolleyes:
but I'm sure there are many 'fathers' who don't contribute a penny :NoNo: maybe the gov should charge them a higher rate of tax ? but what about the mother ??

There are plenty of fathers who don't contribute but there's a government department called the CSA (Child Support Agency) which chases up the parents who fail to support their kids. I'm not sure if the father in this case though will be made to pay as he himself is on benefits.

26th December 2010, 14:07
There are plenty of fathers who don't contribute but there's a government department called the CSA (Child Support Agency) which chases up the parents who fail to support their kids. .....

Call me cynical for this comment, but..... the CSA generally try to meet targets by maximising the payments of those who show a willingness to pay, rather than over-extending their resources tracking down errant fathers and enforcing support payments.

Ako Si Jamie
26th December 2010, 14:19
Call me cynical for this comment, but..... the CSA generally try to meet targets by maximising the payments of those who show a willingness to pay, rather than over-extending their resources tracking down errant fathers and enforcing support payments.
Interesting. I wonder if the tax man has a similar strategy ? :icon_lol:

26th December 2010, 14:23
Interesting. I wonder if the tax man has a similar strategy ? :icon_lol:
In short yes!

26th December 2010, 14:57
Call me cynical for this comment, but..... the CSA generally try to meet targets by maximising the payments of those who show a willingness to pay, rather than over-extending their resources tracking down errant fathers and enforcing support payments.

no i think your right, why waste time and money chasing people who do their best to avoid paying, and why not :censored: the ones who are willing to pay something. same with the visa game :rolleyes:

26th December 2010, 15:00
Interesting. I wonder if the tax man has a similar strategy ? :icon_lol:

i think its the same with banks to, they'll send you threatening letters etc if you owe them money, but when it gets to the point they know they probably will not get anything out of you, they sell the debt on to debt collectors for like 1/10 of the debt.

28th December 2010, 21:01
so what must you think of the members on here that bring children 6500 miles to claim benefits for them? tax credits etc. they must be total pondlife. your choice of paper tells me your the pondlife.the mail blames asylum seekers for just about everything under the sun.
This maggot is having a nice Christmas with £ thousands of benefits money :angry:


Like many mothers, Eloise Little has been stockpiling her four *children’s Christmas presents for months.

She’s had to budget, too: what with the designer clothes and expensive gadgets on their wish lists, she needs to spend at least £300 to £400 on each of them in order to meet the demands for laptops, computer games, trainers and bikes.

Then there’s all the food and drink required to see the family through the festive season.

That, she reckons, will set her back several hundred pounds, on top of the thousand of pounds or so she spends on other presents and festivities over the season.

They’re the sort of figures that would surely make the average working parent stare gloomily into their Christmas eggnog - few, after all, are in a position to contemplate spending such a sum.

But then, as 27-year-old Eloise, from Penryn, Cornwall, admits, she’s not a member of your average working family.

She’s on benefits, meaning that effectively it’s your money which is paying for her children’s Christmas - Xboxes and all.

28th December 2010, 22:03
not a fan of dedworth then :rolleyes:
he's like marmite, you love or hate him :D
thou i wonder to why he reads the tacky papers :Erm:
me and my misses claim child care element of tax creds, thou becuase my wife now earns a decent wage, we will not get a penny come april :bigcry:, but we've taken from the tax payer, now in april we'll be paying it back :Help1: :D swings and roundabouts as my old boss would say :D

28th December 2010, 22:55
The system is a farse.. im all for paying nothing in and getting nothing out.. when I am contracting in the UK my payments to these leeches or should I call it income tax? is over £500 per week and before people start saying well if i can afford to lose that.. I spent 9 years studying (And working full-time) to get where I am. It sickens me when I see people thinking its "ok" to take from the system.. there is no system its tax payers money.. If people give up their jobs to stay at home with the kids thats fine as long as one of the parents is earning enough to pay for it otherwise its completely wrong.
Partly why I moved to the Philippines as I hit my tax bracket and get on a flight everything is taxed to the hilt and its going to get worse thanks to the people that havent covered their debts and government overspending for the last decade on false projects.. on a happy note Happy New Year.. are we funding that for her aswell?

29th December 2010, 03:28
so what must you think of the members on here that bring children 6500 miles to claim benefits for them? tax credits etc. they must be total pondlife. your choice of paper tells me your the pondlife.the mail blames asylum seekers for just about everything under the sun.

Thanks for your contribution - have I ever commented on members here claiming the benefits they are entitled to ? No I guess they are like me.

It's always enlightening to see someone who judges others on the paper they think they read, I'm off to spend my discount vouchers on the Independent shortly.

I eagerly await your input to a few other topics on this board - where are you on the Football ?

29th December 2010, 08:58
The system is a farse.. im all for paying nothing in and getting nothing out..

I am. It sickens me when I see people thinking its "ok" to take from the system.. there is no system its tax payers money..

but those on work permits/tier 1 are tax payers, they have to pay in, and can't get nothing out til they have ILR, for most that will take more than 5yrs, hows that fair ?

Doc Alan
29th December 2010, 10:50
Our friends from the Philippines who, like me, read all your posts, might find uncritical repetition of the term "pond life" confusing, especially if they are taking an English Language test.
It's a derogatory term comparing someone with the many different organisms living in ponds, dating from the 1980's, but at least further up the evolutionary scale than the US equivalent "pond scum".
Even tne "Daily Handwringer" (another term which our friends may not understand) published beautiful photos of pond life recently ( www.guardian.co.uk/environment/gallery/2010/jun/15/pond-life?INTCMP=SRCH) which makes one question the use of the term.
I'm happy to contribute to the forum on topics other than health as my association with the Philippines goes back as far as 1978. However, I'm sorry to admit to knowing very little about football !
Happy New Year :xxgrinning--00xx3:

29th December 2010, 11:07
I'm sorry to admit to knowing very little about football !
Happy New Year :xxgrinning--00xx3:

and it's best you stay that way doc Alan :D

religion and football cause more :furious3::action-smiley-060::xxsport-smiley-002: than anything else on here :cwm24:

Happy New year Doc Alan :xxgrinning--00xx3:

29th December 2010, 14:05
Our friends from the Philippines who, like me, read all your posts, might find uncritical repetition of the term "pond life" confusing, especially if they are taking an English Language test.
It's a derogatory term comparing someone with the many different organisms living in ponds, dating from the 1980's, but at least further up the evolutionary scale than the US equivalent "pond scum".
Even tne "Daily Handwringer" (another term which our friends may not understand) published beautiful photos of pond life recently ( www.guardian.co.uk/environment/gallery/2010/jun/15/pond-life?INTCMP=SRCH) which makes one question the use of the term.
I'm happy to contribute to the forum on topics other than health as my association with the Philippines goes back as far as 1978. However, I'm sorry to admit to knowing very little about football !
Happy New Year :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Good idea pointing out the idiom Pond Life for anyone taking the ELT for their further benefit I'd point out that another idiom with similar meaning is low life :)

Have a great New Year :D

29th December 2010, 20:20
Ha ha ha Very funny thread That made me laugh. Keep it up!

Arthur Little
30th December 2010, 00:37
I'm sorry to admit to knowing very little about football ! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Join the "Club", Alan ... nor do I! :NoNo:

Arthur Little
30th December 2010, 00:56
... nor do I! :NoNo:

And yet, curiously enough, my father and brother both played the sport :football3::football3: in their respective youth ... indeed, I still have a photo of my dad circa 1930s when he captained 'Bearsden Amateurs'. I believe he later had one or two "Senior" games with Dumfries side, Queen of the South!!

Arthur Little
30th December 2010, 01:13
Yup ... soccer-wise :football21: ... at any rate ... guess yours truly turned out to be the black sheep :xxanimal-smiley-085 among male members of my clan! :Kilt:

Arthur Little
30th December 2010, 01:21
:omg: ... how did we manage to stray so far :icon_offtopic: ?

Arthur Little
30th December 2010, 01:30
Ha ha ha Very funny thread That made me laugh. Keep it up!

:rolleyes: ... you sure you're on the right thread?

Arthur Little
30th December 2010, 01:38
Ha ha ha That made me laugh.

What made you :laugher:?

30th December 2010, 01:43
having a ramble to yourself arthur :Erm:

Arthur Little
30th December 2010, 01:49
Keep it up!

What ... the ball? :icon_lol: ...

:olddude: ... in Glasgow, kids used to play "Keepie-up" :football21: in the side streets.

Arthur Little
30th December 2010, 01:57
having a ramble to yourself arthur :Erm:

:olddude: ... my memory's taken me back to recollections :rolleyes: of my early childhood in Glasgow ... that's all ... it's just an 'age' :D thing, laddie!

30th December 2010, 13:07
whats the difference between members & the women &her kids.? she not entitled to her money but they are? you would have a society like philippines with armed guards on the doors of stores.if she was working the state would be paying as much if not more for her child care.the amount of money that is available for the benefit system is never anywhere near claimed. you must have been to the phils so you would see the poverty, difficult to see why you want that in uk. football i do think the players are UNDERPAID @ alot of the smaller clubs in the premier league.sky has ruined the game but you cant do anything about that.non-league is a joke with ground regulations.
Thanks for your contribution - have I ever commented on members here claiming the benefits they are entitled to ? No I guess they are like me.

It's always enlightening to see someone who judges others on the paper they think they read, I'm off to spend my discount vouchers on the Independent shortly.

I eagerly await your input to a few other topics on this board - where are you on the Football ?

30th December 2010, 17:14
and it's best you stay that way doc Alan :D

religion and football cause more :furious3::action-smiley-060::xxsport-smiley-002: than anything else on here :cwm24:

Happy New year Doc Alan :xxgrinning--00xx3:

And it's great fun:icon_lol::xxgrinning--00xx3: