View Full Version : Is the Philippines a multicultural society ?

23rd December 2010, 15:18
The UK is often touted by the liberal left as being "multicultural" which we are led to believe is a great benefit. I for one think it is a liability, "dustbin" would be a more apt description and would far prefer to be living in the Britain I grew up in.

But how about the Philippines - are they multicultural ? Do Pinoys/Pinays feel it has changed for the better, worse or stayed the same since their childhood

The Germans seem to have kicked "Multiculturalism" into touch


Attempts to build a multicultural society in Germany have "utterly failed", Chancellor Angela Merkel says.

She said the so-called "multikulti" concept - where people would "live side-by-side" happily - did not work, and immigrants needed to do more to integrate - including learning German.

23rd December 2010, 15:31
Is the Philippines a multicultural society ? - NO

Singapore is the model multiculturalism should aim for.

23rd December 2010, 15:31
Integration is never an option in the Philippines, as a 'foreigner' you are different and they make it almost impossible for you to truly integrate. You will always be given white man prices, even if you speak the language fluently and will always be treated so.
I know this comes across as negative, but you can still have a good life in the Philippines, I just wouldn't say its multicultural. It's Filipino cultural, adapt and survive or leave.

23rd December 2010, 15:38
Is the Philippines a multicultural society ? - NO

Singapore is the model multiculturalism should aim for.

Singapore is a good example, with ethnic Chinese, Malays, Indians and Europeans seeming to intergrate fairly well, although I believe that the ethnic Chinese are still at the top of the pecking order, with Bangladeshi's near the bottom. There are not many people of African origin there (except for Euro/American Africans).

There is probably a far more diverse range of nationalities in New York, London, Amsterdam, Copenhagen, Paris...etc, but I don't think they are anything like as well intergrated.

23rd December 2010, 16:12
It's Filipino cultural, adapt and survive or leave.

How very sensible :iagree: I've always advocated a Fit in or F*ck Off policy for the UK

23rd December 2010, 17:42
Well our little sub division here in Cavite is a mix of British,Americans,swedish,Germans,Australians, Maltese and Filipinos...We also have a family of Bombay's living here but thats purely for financial personel loans etc etc..
We all get on like a house on fire!!

23rd December 2010, 18:28
Pinas isnt multi-cultural at all,no way,no shape,no form,but neither is the UK,Nigerians will always flock to Peckham,Somalis are now heading to Southall slowly ousting the Indians from their stronghold,Kashmiris will stick in Luton etc,people are tribal,ethnicities abroad normally mix like oil and water.

23rd December 2010, 18:36
Pinas isnt multi-cultural at all,no way,no shape,no form,but neither is the UK,Nigerians will always flock to Peckham,Somalis are now heading to Southall slowly ousting the Indians from their stronghold,Kashmiris will stick in Luton etc,people are tribal,ethnicities abroad normally mix like oil and water.

and the Afghans and Pakistanis flock to Bolton

23rd December 2010, 18:36
Pinas isnt multi-cultural at all,no way,no shape,no form,but neither is the UK,Nigerians will always flock to Peckham,Somalis are now heading to Southall slowly ousting the Indians from their stronghold,Kashmiris will stick in Luton etc,people are tribal,ethnicities abroad normally mix like oil and water.

and the Afghans and Pakistanis flock to Bolton

28th December 2010, 22:30
Good topic.. covered the Nigerians the other day on my blog after the Fockers emptied my skype and Paypal account so they could call home.. so nice of them to call their relatives on Dec 25th letting them know they are still busy scamming and stealing.. didnt leave me any cash to call my relatives mind..

But from a social system in the UK which actually works to keep people in their own communities its naturally a failure it has to fail as there is no intergration. On the other hand the Philippines doesn't like foreigners it likes foreign money no doubt about it just look at the visa system its all about the $$ no Pinay no tourist visa? give us $50,000 in a frozen account and you can stay as long as you like. Same as if complaining "if you don't like it leave" often comes up which is a joke with a country with 10% of its population abroad :-s what if everyone else took that approach?

So answer is a definite no.. and someone mentioned before "white man price" which is actually wrong its "foreign" reason being several of the guys here where I am are American blacks they get the same issues! same as Tagalogs coming to Cebu do (internally people get overcharged!) But I will say smile tell them to their face they are ripping you off and refuse to buy it telling them you will never come there again..

Ive got an example i want to post will add it separately..lol