View Full Version : Question, Why do filipina's think they are not good looking??

31st December 2010, 00:34
I have spoken with a few and seen pic's incl the dreaded facebook.

And they all look like supermodel's!!!

I'm sitting there on a dating site yes i know tut tut.
Profile uploaded etc.

and interest. Holly c..p this really beautiful woman is speaking to me.
I'm thinking what the hell is going on over there.

Are filipino's blind?? All these beautiful women going about and all trying to get a foreign boyfriend.
If these women where in the uk and had the same principils as filipina's

Would the be dismissed by men?? I think not!!

Plus when you start talking to them they are so down to earth and genuine. Not stereo typical. Towards you at all.

I know Gen and i got on really well and she was nice person both inside and out.

Anyone else have an opininon on this subject.



31st December 2010, 00:59
have you seen all these ladies on cam, theres a lot of fake profiles and photos out there :Erm:

31st December 2010, 07:59
There are a lot of 'old photos' also used in profiles, So once slim people may now be a few (or many) kilograms heavier that they were.

That said, I guess the whole world tend to stereotype people . When I was first looking for a gf I looked in Thailand, later in Phil. My sons said that was great because 'all Thais are prostitutes and all Filipinos are nurses.' Stupid but 'normal.'

Orientals (easterners) and Occidentals (westerners) tend to see the other as more attractive than people who are the same as themselves. Thus Westerners mostly want to be tanned, Asians to be white.

'Opposites attract'

31st December 2010, 09:13
i was just like you , and still am , the first time you go on cam or just talk you are like a kid in a sweet shop so many lovely things that you see you want them all, beauty is in the eye of the beholder they say and i do say that all i have met in the phils and here are all beautifull inside aswell as outside thats whats important,everyone that knows Emma sees she is a beautiful women and even more so she is beautifull inside too, my family and friends think she is so nice and has been so good to me , i know i have struck lucky in finding emma among so many thousands from the internet , maybe the right time and place for us both , goodluck to anyone that is starting out on a new life together or thinking of it:)

1st January 2011, 00:07
I'm just grateful for any attention they give me nowadays. :icon_lol:

I was in my thirties (and a bachelor) when I first went to the Phils, so things aren't going to be quite the same for me now in the romance department....would be a fool to think otherwise. :NoNo:

Ako Si Jamie
1st January 2011, 02:02
You've moved on quickly from that religious girl :icon_lol:

1st January 2011, 02:47
It's because some filipinas know and saw american and european women are pretty, tall, white complexion and their noses arent flat like that of some of the filipinas. And if they compare themselves to them, they wouldnt look pretty.

1st January 2011, 06:16
I've certainly noticed a bit of crisis of confidence with some 'darker' Filipinas. I think it is partly cultural too. I note a lot of profiles say that they don't want men who are arrogant or who are braggards. So no surprise that they are very modest themselves.

1st January 2011, 09:24
Beauty takes the shape of many ways...........for me I love my gfs dark complexion.
The western influence can create an inferiority complex in some Filipino's from what i have observed.
There are beautiful women in every culture , .......and no one should be made to feel that they are somehow inferior to other races

1st January 2011, 11:30
I love those dark-skinned Filipinas.

The ex always used to amuse me...dodging out of the sun all the time so she didn't get tanned and look like a 'provincial'...which she was. :icon_lol:

1st January 2011, 16:43
You've moved on quickly from that religious girl :icon_lol:

Jamie mate. I dont see the point in mucking about, I'm not a player i just want to find the right person to be with
And as spoken about re religion, She was a nice lass and we connected well, But i'm not prepared to change my beliefs. Support yes but not converting.

I have 4 woman now speaking to me and i'm really not sure of this whole dating/ site thing. I'm a little uncomfortable with it in short.

1 of them wants to do rather interesting thing's to me and wants a visa out of it lol. Dont worry not interested i'm not a mobil passport office!!!

1 Does not seem to know why shes on any site. The other 2 are both really nice and whilst 1 is on facebook and talks alot and is a good laugh.
The other 1 is not on FB i have asked her to join it and see what she thinks. She also suggested she would buy a webcam to talk to me and most like show thats she real...

1st January 2011, 17:37
I think filipinas are generally all smokin hot looking, the way they smile at you is just amazing..:smileybigtmouth:

Ako Si Jamie
1st January 2011, 18:33
Jamie mate. I dont see the point in mucking about, I'm not a player i just want to find the right person to be with
And as spoken about re religion, She was a nice lass and we connected well, But i'm not prepared to change my beliefs. Support yes but not converting.

I have 4 woman now speaking to me and i'm really not sure of this whole dating/ site thing. I'm a little uncomfortable with it in short.

1 of them wants to do rather interesting thing's to me and wants a visa out of it lol. Dont worry not interested i'm not a mobil passport office!!!

1 Does not seem to know why shes on any site. The other 2 are both really nice and whilst 1 is on facebook and talks alot and is a good laugh.
The other 1 is not on FB i have asked her to join it and see what she thinks. She also suggested she would buy a webcam to talk to me and most like show thats she real...
I wasn't suggesting you are a player. You've done the right thing.

Might be an idea to go on International Cupid or Filipina Heart too, but they do cost about £20 p/m if you want to start sending messages. I think you can browse the sites for free though to see who's out there.

1st January 2011, 21:16
Jamie mate never said you did. Just meant in general sorry if i offended you mate.

Yeah better in the long run mate letting her know, As was not fair on her and i'm not in habit of hurting anyone.

Yeah Filipino Cupid is where i was speaking to that nice Lass. I'm Speaking to another nice lass!!
Wish British women where so approachable and speak to you and not bite your head off. They have alot to learn over here!!!
It's 40quid for 3 month membership for send email/private msg.
I ended up opening yahoo im and just speak on there.


Ako Si Jamie
1st January 2011, 21:40
Jamie mate never said you did. Just meant in general sorry if i offended you mate.

Yeah better in the long run mate letting her know, As was not fair on her and i'm not in habit of hurting anyone.

Yeah Filipino Cupid is where i was speaking to that nice Lass. I'm Speaking to another nice lass!!
Wish British women where so approachable and speak to you and not bite your head off. They have alot to learn over here!!!
It's 40quid for 3 month membership for send email/private msg.
I ended up opening yahoo im and just speak on there.

You didn't offend me. :D I only said that because I thought I offended you!

I know what you mean about British women on the whole. Arrogant and self-obsessed are just two words I can think of to describe them.

1st January 2011, 22:07
Mate i'm Scottish i dont take offence easy.

Aye i think every bloke here probably thinks the same as i do re, brit women.
It's a shame that the majority wreck thing's for the small amount who are really nice

2nd January 2011, 03:38
It's 40quid for 3 month membership for send email/private msg.

Consider Date In Asia too. It's free and they have some way of ensuring the scammers are kept away.

2nd January 2011, 14:00
well i do think im good looking lolll....is that sounds better :icon_lol:

2nd January 2011, 22:31
Yeah been on asian dating as well.

Nice women again both mentally and physically.
Only thing that gets me is the never ending, Info in email you have an interest.... everytime i go on i'm getting anything from 10 to 20 emails from that site alone.
Worst thing is i would say my appearance is normal bloke.

We shall see how thing's progress.

One thing is for sure i'm defo going on holiday.... ASAP

Arthur Little
2nd January 2011, 23:10
I'm just grateful for any attention they give me nowadays. :icon_lol:

I was in my thirties (and a bachelor) when I first went to the Phils, so things aren't going to be quite the same for me now in the romance department....would be a fool to think otherwise. :NoNo:

Graham ... you're never too old, mate. :NoNo: I was well into my 60s when I met Myrna. Spent my 64th birthday with her, in fact ... and got married a couple of months later.

2nd January 2011, 23:15

My boy will be away to Uni' Sept 2012, so maybe there is some hope after that. :)

I'll bag myself an OAP's bungalow and move her in there. :olddude:

Arthur Little
2nd January 2011, 23:30
If I remember correctly, :rolleyes: someone on this forum once had the following inscription as his "signature":

"There is no such thing as an ugly Filipina!"

I'll second that! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

7th January 2011, 23:17
findloveasia.com is another one people use, very very popular with filipinas and is free.

8th January 2011, 13:47
Question, Why do filipina's think they are not good looking??

all women got its own differences and class,but we filipinas is extremely ahead of any race...our skin is brown!! and yes we are good looking!!;):rolleyes:

8th January 2011, 14:58
Question, Why do filipina's think they are not good looking??

all women got its own differences and class,but we filipinas is extremely ahead of any race...our skin is brown!! and yes we are good looking!!;):rolleyes:

Too right ! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Stick to rice and fish though, cos Filipinas also tend to put lots of weight on when eating western junk food. :)

8th January 2011, 15:31
Question, Why do filipina's think they are not good looking??

all women got its own differences and class,but we filipinas is extremely ahead of any race...our skin is brown!! and yes we are good looking!!;):rolleyes:

You got it! :xxgrinning--00xx3:
Asian, Malay and Spanish, a very exotic and beautiful blend.

10th January 2011, 13:38
Too right ! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Stick to rice and fish though, cos Filipinas also tend to put lots of weight on when eating western junk food. :)

i noticed that :Erm:

11th January 2011, 05:29
I've certainly noticed a bit of crisis of confidence with some 'darker' Filipinas. I think it is partly cultural too.

You're right, that is cultural. All our colonisers have been white (Spaniards, Americans and Brits) so the impression is usually that if you have fair skin or have features that make you look Caucasian, you either descended from a hacienda owner/galleon owner/some other well-off coloniser ancestor, therefore you come from a higher social class. If you ask any fair-skinned Filipina how many times she's been told that she's "kutis mayaman", which means her skin makes her look "moneyed", chances are she hears that quite often.

I love those dark-skinned Filipinas.

The ex always used to amuse me...dodging out of the sun all the time so she didn't get tanned and look like a 'provincial'...which she was. :icon_lol:

LOL! That's nothing! The only time I've ever seen my aunt Becky get any kind of physical exercise was sprinting from shadow to shadow screaming "I don't want freckles! OMG, keep the sun away from me!":rolleyes::icon_lol: She and my aunt Lili both looked like ninjas when we went white water rafting in CDO.:icon_lol: The only things that weren't covered in thick clothing and a thick layer of sunscreen were their eyes. That wasn't very safe... I don't know about you, but I'd rather get freckles/a tan than drown in a wet balaclava.:doh

That makes me think though. How come we all laugh at the "natives"? Even I'm guilty of that. Don't get me wrong, I love my brown skin and button nose (that Filipinos consider "too flat"). But now I'm wondering when in my lifetime was I taught that being Filipino and descending purely from the Malay race makes a person "cheap"?:Erm:

I think filipinas are generally all smokin hot looking, the way they smile at you is just amazing..:smileybigtmouth:

You just have to get past all the cultural self-deprecation.:D

It's 40quid for 3 month membership for send email/private msg.
I ended up opening yahoo im and just speak on there.


Wow, I didn't realise there were pay sites for meeting Filipinas. Do a lot of people pay for those things? Are they even worth it?

Question, Why do filipina's think they are not good looking??

all women got its own differences and class,but we filipinas is extremely ahead of any race...our skin is brown!! and yes we are good looking!!;):rolleyes:

I love your attitude!:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

11th January 2011, 11:07
I always laugh and comment when I'm there...'you want to be white and we want to be brown'....mad isn't it . :NoNo:

Well, I'm helping to solve this age-old dilemma by creating at least one coffee coloured person. :D

(My boy..who actually looks a lot darker in this pic)


11th January 2011, 13:30
thanks Graham,Terpe and Dontpushme:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Filipinas were also called 'Bebot'(chick,babe) ...and of course we are all beautiful, sexy, intelligent and sometimes bitchy thats why ''you'' love us so much lol ;):xxgrinning--00xx3:


11th January 2011, 14:00
...and of course we are all beautiful, sexy, intelligent and sometimes bitchy thats why ''you'' love us so much lol ;):xxgrinning--00xx3:

There's a word missing........ now what is it......................... now I remember...


11th January 2011, 14:14
There's a word missing........ now what is it......................... now I remember...


My husband will AGREE with you terpe:icon_lol::xxgrinning--00xx3:
..he never wins on my ( feistiness):D

13th January 2011, 00:27
i think the problem lies with the celebs in the philippines, with their skin whitening treatments and "thank you doctor noses" which gives them that caucasian look.
i think the celeb fillipinas look great but the look of the ordinary filippina is equaly as good, if not better

2nd February 2011, 19:47
Consider Date In Asia too. It's free and they have some way of ensuring the scammers are kept away.

Date in Asia sorted it for me!
Its a good site and has made the owner a lot of money with the ads on the side. { Free for the user}
Most of the girls are Filipina and there are a lot of genuine girls on there, as ever there are the fakes but you can detect those easily enough if you try.
MOST importantly get them on cam in the internet cafe firstly.
Never send money!:yikes:
I have a lot of experience in the Phils and many friends there, all respectable girls would never ask you for cash no matter what their circumstances ( 90% are very poor both in the cities and the provinces} but pride and their upbringing will refrain them from asking.
Cam girls are easy to spot, lots of make-up and always the partioned wall/curtain ever present for when a leering paying " guest" comes online. ( They are hoping to attract a "keeper" with the dating sites.}
As i said DIA is the way to go for many who are stuck here.
If a long time there, Phils friends and relatives are always willing to help.:)

2nd February 2011, 19:54
beuty comes from within :cwm3: