View Full Version : new years eve

31st December 2010, 09:24
what do you like to do new years eve, in my old life was to throw a party seemed to be always us but they were good drinking and eating and dancing, towards the end off that old life they did become boring and thats when you think i would rather be in the house a good film and then bed when you wanted to go to bed, sometimes i thought would be nice to be away fro new year too, well the last few years of my new life i have done those things , staying at home watching joels holland and enjoying that, last year in manila for new year that too was great,but is it the older you get the more quite you want to be , say a few friends and nice food and just talking with back ground music , not the full on stupid look at me thing , well thats just me a grumpy old man thinking out aloud, a happy new yaer everyone and just looking what i wrote , may start to write in paragraphs soon :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

31st December 2010, 09:25
this year its fireworks at mall of asia for me, looking out over the bay with a few beers. oh well, someones gota do it

31st December 2010, 10:42
I'm with Stevewool on this one. :xxgrinning--00xx3:
I used to enjoy those mad crazy New Years Eve parties.
These days, for me, I just feel it's overated and over-hyped.

The past few years just stayed at home with my wife and a couple of like-minded friends.
Eating some great tasty food along with some nice wine or bottle of champers.

Well that's what we'll be doing again tonight.
Boring ??
Maybe it is for some. But for me it's the perfect way to see in the new year. ;)
Watch the countdown on TV and of course the fireworks. Then kiss someone I really want to. :D

We can spend time together reflecting on the past year, remembering friends, the happy times and making plans for the new year to come. Who knows what it will bring.

I'm not a grumpy old man. I just enjoy being relaxed and happy in familiar surroundings. :)

Now where's my pipe and slippers..? :D

31st December 2010, 11:09
this year its fireworks at mall of asia for me, looking out over the bay with a few beers. oh well, someones gota do it

we was at the marriot near the airport over looking manila and makati last year, that was great seeing the fireworks

31st December 2010, 11:42
I hate going out New Years Eve these days, much prefer to stay in.

I've had some great times going out, but equally some bad ones too. Too many get so drunk, they become maudlin & want to pick a fight. :NoNo:...Then there is all those desperate people trying to find someone to kiss...URRGGGHHHH!!!!!!!!!! A terrible hangover the next day...No thanks....very overrated. :action-smiley-081:

31st December 2010, 11:50
, emma just wants to see the new year in on cam from the phils and talk to her sister there then we shall cook and have a fun night ourselves

31st December 2010, 11:59
I prefer to snuggle up outside next to the bonfire of old tyres, and watch the homemade fireworls go off.... usually Mancs set on fire :D

31st December 2010, 12:39
thinking about it now, im 40 today, so actually, i really dont like new year. unless its true and life begins at 40 :Rasp:

31st December 2010, 13:01
thinking about it now, im 40 today, so actually, i really dont like new year. unless its true and life begins at 40 :Rasp:

Happy 40th...I was quite depressed on mine, but life seems to have got better since. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
31st December 2010, 13:03
thinking about it now, im 40 today, so actually, i really dont like new year. unless its true and life begins at 40 :Rasp:

Oh well, then ... in that case, you've a double cause for :xxparty-smiley-050: celebration!! :birthday:

31st December 2010, 13:22
lol thanks guys,, im feeling the girl im with, so nice and young:Sex:

Doc Alan
31st December 2010, 13:24
Happy birthday Tomboo and Happy New Year to everyone :xxgrinning--00xx3:
Spent two hours so far talking to filiipina friends - lucky me :icon_lol: - then tonight will have a meal at my brother's, after that seeing in the New Year at my local bar which is 2 minutes' walk from my apartment. The Health Club and swimming pool is 5 minutes' walk but it's closed anyway so I have no choice ! In the New Year a good topic could be Alcohol :yikes: (

31st December 2010, 13:25
Happy birthday Tomboo and Happy New Year to everyone :xxgrinning--00xx3:
Spent two hours so far talking to filiipina friends - lucky me :icon_lol: - then tonight will have a meal at my brother's, after that seeing in the New Year at my local bar which is 2 minutes' walk from my apartment. The Health Club and swimming pool is 5 minutes' walk but it's closed anyway so I have no choice ! In the New Year a good topic could be Alcohol :yikes: (

i will drink to that topic doc

31st December 2010, 14:03
Wishing everyone a very Happy,Prosperous & Successful New Year!!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

31st December 2010, 14:30
thinking about it now, im 40 today, so actually, i really dont like new year. unless its true and life begins at 40 :Rasp:

happy birthday tomboo have a drink on us all:xxgrinning--00xx3:

31st December 2010, 17:31
thinking about it now, im 40 today, so actually, i really dont like new year. unless its true and life begins at 40 :Rasp:

I too wish you a very happy 40th b'day :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Life begins tomorrow. Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of your life.

Advice from an old guy like me is to always live your life with a dream. Don't think about all the dreams you already realised in the past, always have another dream to go.
Once you stop dreaming life becomes so boring and mundane.
Happy b'day and happy new year
God Bless all there
Think only about the future tomboo. that's where you'll spend the rest of your life

31st December 2010, 18:23
what a great way to be terpe, my ex hated dreams , were me i always had them and still do :xxgrinning--00xx3:

31st December 2010, 19:20
what a great way to be terpe, my ex hated dreams , were me i always had them and still do :xxgrinning--00xx3:

"If you don't have a dream, then how you gonna have a dream come true"...as the song goes :)

31st December 2010, 19:45
Dreams are illustrations... from the book your soul is writing about you.

Going into London in a while to watch the fireworks :)

31st December 2010, 20:01
Dreams are illustrations... from the book your soul is writing about you.

Going into London in a while to watch the fireworks :)

Wow!! How true :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Have a great time at the fireworks Tawi2 , I will be watching on TV, Give me a wave :icon_lol:

31st December 2010, 22:41
Going into London in a while to watch the fireworks :)

and where ever tawi lays his hat, thats his home :rolleyes:

is not long ago you were in the phils outback, now london, how many miles a year do you do :D

happy new year to you and your son :xxgrinning--00xx3:

31st December 2010, 23:24
Three in a bed for me this year :xxgrinning--00xx3:
My baby daughter, my wife and me.
Couldn't get any better :laugher:
Wouldn't want to be anywhere else in the world.

31st December 2010, 23:30
Three in a bed for me this year :xxgrinning--00xx3:
My baby daughter, my wife and me.
Couldn't get any better :laugher:
Wouldn't want to be anywhere else in the world.

Bliss in 2010:)

31st December 2010, 23:47
Feeling a little down, as on my own and my boy doesn't get back from Sweden until the 3rd. :cwm3:

He did send me a nice happy new year's message though, and said he'd had SEAL for Xmas dinner at his mother's. :Erm:

I've got some rum, but not Tanduay unfortunately, so will have a little drink or two.

Happy New Year to all. :)

31st December 2010, 23:51
Happy New Year to everyone here :Jump:

31st December 2010, 23:53
Happy new year to all from me as well:)

2nd January 2011, 02:20
Lets face it many of us on almost two weeks of holidays to be honest i couldn't even remember what day it was so at first:rolleyes: We didn't bother and the Wife was working new year day so we stayed in saved the money and will have a slap up meal with friends at normal rates over the weekend. More people can make this dinner than on the night for many reasons (baby sitters, obligations, poor value and bonkers COST mainly)

Many i can remember being stressed out about making sure they celebrated like they do with Christmas!! When you take that pressure off its often far more fun:) If your out your out if your indoors no problem if you doze off at midnight oh well:D

Can remember wasting a lot of money on New years eve paying hyped up prices. But no more for me save it for another day and have a better time:xxgrinning--00xx3:

The money we saved by not being ott at Chrimbo and NYE we used on parcels and remittance to help the family in Phill have a special time where it is still a special holiday, treat and a good time.

Lets face it many in the UK eat and drink like its Christmas day and NYE most weekends :rolleyes::D

2nd January 2011, 02:45
2 weeks off at Christmas! Not where I work. That period is a holiday ban. We are allowed to take off up to 6 weeks in one go if we so wish during the not so busy times like January to March and October to mid December which works out just fine for the Philippines. I agree with 'somebody' on his thoughts of Christmas and New Year

2nd January 2011, 09:24
the best thing about having nearly two weeks off at xmas i can fly out anywhere and for a month and just using another 2 weeks from my holidays ,great :xxgrinning--00xx3:

2nd January 2011, 09:53
Three in a bed for me this year :xxgrinning--00xx3:
My baby daughter, my wife and me.
Couldn't get any better :laugher:
Wouldn't want to be anywhere else in the world.

:NoNo: little joe's 4yrs old and still in our bed :bigcry:, worse hes in the middle :angry:
even tells me when to go to bed :bigcry:
he tells me his childs bed (next to ours) is tooo small :NoNo::Help1:

good luck you'll need it apo :rolleyes:

2nd January 2011, 11:55
:NoNo: little joe's 4yrs old and still in our bed :bigcry:, worse hes in the middle :angry:
even tells me when to go to bed :bigcry:
he tells me his childs bed (next to ours) is tooo small :NoNo::Help1:

good luck you'll need it apo :rolleyes:

I miss my boy being 4. :cwm3:

Don't get to play with all those toys anymore.:)


2nd January 2011, 12:11
I always enjoy your photos Graham :xxgrinning--00xx3: