View Full Version : Filipina has both husbands murdered

Ako Si Jamie
1st January 2011, 21:17
Story about Sonia Rios, a Filipina, who had both of her western husbands popped off.

It happened a few decades ago so it's an old story.


1st January 2011, 21:48
i've not watched it all yet..

but reminds me of the amazing story of gina french who killed her husband


1st January 2011, 21:48
I dare say, I speak for many of us guys on here, when we sleep at night ( the time they normally strike) is with our backs against the wall with one eye open at all times. You get used to it as the years pass.

1st January 2011, 21:55
I dare say, I speak for many of us guys on here, when we sleep at night ( the time they normally strike) is with our backs against the wall with one eye open at all times. You get used to it as the years pass.

i keep both eyes open :icon_lol:

1st January 2011, 21:58
i keep both eyes open :icon_lol:

i just paint eyes on my eye lids, so when i'm asleep the misses thinks i'm awake :D

Ako Si Jamie
1st January 2011, 23:03
i've not watched it all yet..

but reminds me of the amazing story of gina french who killed her husband


Interesting story although Gina French can't be compared with Sonia Rios. Her husband was a wife & child beater. Pure scum. IMO she did the world a favour!

1st January 2011, 23:07
Read "For the Love of my son" by Margaret Davis,pretty crappy book and I always thought she was quite naive about her son but it gives some indication that Pinays arent always sugar and spice and all things nice :icon_lol:

1st January 2011, 23:18
Interesting story although Gina French can't be compared with Sonia Rios. Her husband was a wife & child beater. Pure scum. IMO she did the world a favour!

no you cant compare them, nearly completely oppersite, yes he was :censored:, but she could have left him while he slept instead of killing him, she could have gone to prison for years :NoNo:

Ako Si Jamie
1st January 2011, 23:45
but she could have left him while he slept instead of killing him, she could have gone to prison for years :NoNo:
Easy to say. She may have had nowhere to go and at breaking point this was her only way in her mind of ending the torture, plus there's the fact she was mentally ill. That's the reason she was charged with manslaughter and not murder.

1st January 2011, 23:53
well after killing him she decided to flee, i'm not defending him at all, but she could have got 7yrs or what ever in prison and what would happen to her son then :NoNo:

why wait til he was asleep :NoNo:, could have left while he was a sleep or at work ,

anyway we dont know the full story and im in no way defending the :censored:

Ako Si Jamie
2nd January 2011, 01:24
well after killing him she decided to flee, i'm not defending him at all, but she could have got 7yrs or what ever in prison and what would happen to her son then :NoNo:

why wait til he was asleep :NoNo:, could have left while he was a sleep or at work ,

anyway we dont know the full story and im in no way defending the :censored:
She's got a book out so it probably contains all the details. Could be a good read!

2nd January 2011, 01:53
She's got a book out so it probably contains all the details. Could be a good read!

yes i've seen her promoting her book on tv, think she was on 'this morning' a couple of years ago

Arthur Little
2nd January 2011, 03:07
:omg: ... I've just finished watching a dramatised version of 'Brides in the Bath'. Based on a true story, the film starred Ross Kemp as bigamist and serial killer, George Smith who - using a string of other [assumed] names - bluffed his way into marrying at least four young ladies ... all of whom he "dispatched" swiftly thereafter by drowning them in a bathtub and claiming their inheritances/life assurance policies. The crimes took place between 90 and 100 years ago. Smith was eventually apprehended, brought to trial ... and executed in 1915.

It was screened on ITV3 from 11.30pm till 01.30am; did anyone else see it? :rolleyes:

Arthur Little
2nd January 2011, 03:16
And so to bed ... perchance to dream! :yikes:

2nd January 2011, 06:04
What an awful thing to happen,now I believe I am a very lucky man,where my ex wife was concerned,her uncle was a nasty man was rummored he was involved in a murder,I must omit I feared for my life,always being watched,they were always trying to get me to go places alone with him,which I refused,thank god I did not tell my ex wife I had an insurance policy .

Ako Si Jamie
2nd January 2011, 11:11
:omg: ... I've just finished watching a dramatised version of 'Brides in the Bath'. Based on a true story, the film starred Ross Kemp as bigamist and serial killer, George Smith who - using a string of other [assumed] names - bluffed his way into marrying at least four young ladies ... all of whom he "dispatched" swiftly thereafter by drowning them in a bathtub and claiming their inheritances/life assurance policies. The crimes took place between 90 and 100 years ago. Smith was eventually apprehended, brought to trial ... and executed in 1915.

It was screened on ITV3 from 11.30pm till 01.30am; did anyone else see it? :rolleyes: Was that on last night?

Arthur Little
2nd January 2011, 20:08
Was that on last night?

Yup ... on ITV3 from 11.30 until 1.30. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

2nd January 2011, 22:45
Story about Sonia Rios, a Filipina, who had both of her western husbands popped off.

It happened a few decades ago so it's an old story.


that was interisting story very sad and that sonia she is crazy and greedy with the money

Ako Si Jamie
2nd January 2011, 22:58
Read "For the Love of my son" by Margaret Davis,pretty crappy book and I always thought she was quite naive about her son but it gives some indication that Pinays arent always sugar and spice and all things nice :icon_lol: I'll look out for it!

3rd January 2011, 12:17
This thread reminds me of the Filipina that had her Brit husband murdered in Manila in 2003 and would have got away with it had it not been for his mother who swore she would get justice for her son..
It took her over two years but eventually she had the evil wife imprisoned for 40 years..Not only that but she took the two children back with her to the UK .. Not sure how she managed that?
The BBC documentary used to be on youtube but doesnt seem to be there now which is a shame.
For the love of my son
Margaret Davis' son was murdered in the Philippines in 2003. She has written a book about her experience.http://www.bbc.co.uk/nottingham/content/images/2006/10/04/steven_davis_body_150x240.jpg


3rd January 2011, 12:53
Not only that but she took the two children back with her to the UK .. Not sure how she managed that?

i would have thought they had British passports, their gran was a legal guardian:Erm:, the phils court found compelling reasons that the kids should not be with the mother.. :Erm:

3rd January 2011, 12:59
This is all I could find Joe..

Margaret Davis could hardly contain her excitement. 'All we have to do now,' she told her husband, 'is to get Evelyn's agreement for us to borrow the children for a while.' 'And enough evidence to have her arrested as well,' he replied.

But before anyone could assemble that evidence, the British Embassy rushed both Mr and Mrs Davis and granddaughter Jessica (the other child, Joshua, was with Evelyn's family in a remote province) out of the Philippines, so concerned were they that their lives were in danger because of possible reprisals from associates of the two men charged.

She charged her mother-in-law with abducting her children, which meant Margaret could be arrested if she returned to the Philippines.

3rd January 2011, 13:06
This thread reminds me of the Filipina that had her Brit husband murdered in Manila in 2003 and would have got away with it had it not been for his mother who swore she would get justice for her son..
It took her over two years but eventually she had the evil wife imprisoned for 40 years..Not only that but she took the two children back with her to the UK .. Not sure how she managed that?..............

I remember this story being shown on TV. I recorded it on tape and still have it somewhere.
The 'wife' and her associates schemed for quite a few years. The husband was based in HK i think.
Very very sad story.

3rd January 2011, 13:11
This is all I could find Joe..

Margaret Davis could hardly contain her excitement. 'All we have to do now,' she told her husband, 'is to get Evelyn's agreement for us to borrow the children for a while.' 'And enough evidence to have her arrested as well,' he replied.

But before anyone could assemble that evidence, the British Embassy rushed both Mr and Mrs Davis and granddaughter Jessica (the other child, Joshua, was with Evelyn's family in a remote province) out of the Philippines, so concerned were they that their lives were in danger because of possible reprisals from associates of the two men charged.

She charged her mother-in-law with abducting her children, which meant Margaret could be arrested if she returned to the Philippines.

well the kids were british citizens and maybe at risk so i take it the embassy were not too bothered about abduction laws in the phils :D

3rd January 2011, 17:37
The husband was based in HK i think
Correct :xxgrinning--00xx3: the guys mother made him out to be saintly in the book :rolleyes: He relocated to Pinas and was a regular on the Angeles bikini-party scene :rolleyes:The wife was a 17 year old prostitute when he met her.

3rd January 2011, 18:37
Angeles bikini-party scene :rolleyes:

is that the place its xmas everyday :Erm: or are they too lazy to take the xmas tree lights down :Erm:
one day i'll go there :rolleyes:
you must have been there Tawi :D

3rd January 2011, 18:43
I only went to one pool-party,loads of bikini clad prostis,seen one ya seen them all,not my cup of tea really,I am more refined nowadays :)

3rd January 2011, 22:08
yes i've seen her promoting her book on tv, think she was on 'this morning' a couple of years ago

A bit of a write up here
