View Full Version : Marrying and living in the Phils

keith britten
2nd January 2011, 21:36
Hi, I have just joined this site after being a browser for many months and have gained a lot of usefull information from here, thanks to you all.
I met a Filipina lady online nearly six months ago and over that time we have definately fallen in love and we will meet for the first time in the spring. I plan to marry her and then live in the Philippines. Neither of us are spring chickens, I'm 64 and she's 40 and I know thats a big age difference but despite my attempts to point out the disadvantages of marrying an older guy she still wants to go ahead and so do I. We have all the documentation needed or a marriage licence an idealy I would like to marry her on my first visit but it seems to take 7 weeks to get the marriage licence which would be to long, does anyone know how to fast track it? After we are married I will come back to uk alone and sort out my affairs then hopefully go back to the Phils to live. Here lies my concerns about the Non Quota Visa, ok I have no criminal record and have been a respectable citizen of the uk all my life but the medical scares me to death. Firstly does anyone know how much it will cost to get this medical, I assume that I can't get under the National Health. Secondly, I have'nt seen a doctor for over 50 years and I assume that I'm in good health, but what happens if they discover something at the medical, will this impare my visa application?
Sorry for rambling on so much but I have a lot of questions and can't seem to get the answers. Thanks for reading.

2nd January 2011, 23:40

Type CNI into the search function, top right hand corner...You will require this.
Once you are in the Philippines & you have changed your CNI, for the Philippine version, you can apply for the marriage license, which will take 10 days.
Once gained, you are free to marry.

This answers the first part of your post.

:Erm: Are you sure you've thought this through? :Erm:...It's a big step, to marry someone you've never met, then move to a difficult country, I'm assuming you've never visited?

2nd January 2011, 23:52
Whoa, hold your horses there pardner !:yikes:

Lots and lots of beautiful Filipinas from 21 upwards, and most happy to marry a guy in his sixties.

Been there done that.
In fact I had virtually identical plans way back in 1990.
I did NOT marry the girl I'd been corresponding with for a year, and for whom I'd got all the marriage documentation readied.

DON'T sell your property (if any) in the UK and rush off to the Phils !

I suggest you think all this through and get a bit more advice on this forum.

REALLY there need be no rush. :)

Phils is cheap to holiday in, and with respect that is what I suggest you do first.

May save you a nightmarish future, or alternately bring you many years of happiness because you paused for thought. :)

Arthur Little
3rd January 2011, 00:28
Hi, I have just joined this site after being a browser for many months and have gained a lot of usefull information from here, thanks to you all.
I met a Filipina lady online nearly six months ago and over that time we have definately fallen in love and we will meet for the first time in the spring. I plan to marry her and then live in the Philippines. Neither of us are spring chickens, I'm 64 and she's 40 and I know thats a big age difference but despite my attempts to point out the disadvantages of marrying an older guy she still wants to go ahead and so do I. We have all the documentation needed or a marriage licence an idealy I would like to marry her on my first visit but it seems to take 7 weeks to get the marriage licence which would be to long, does anyone know how to fast track it? After we are married I will come back to uk alone and sort out my affairs then hopefully go back to the Phils to live. Here lies my concerns about the Non Quota Visa, ok I have no criminal record and have been a respectable citizen of the uk all my life but the medical scares me to death. Firstly does anyone know how much it will cost to get this medical, I assume that I can't get under the National Health. Secondly, I have'nt seen a doctor for over 50 years and I assume that I'm in good health, but what happens if they discover something at the medical, will this impare my visa application?
Sorry for rambling on so much but I have a lot of questions and can't seem to get the answers. Thanks for reading.

Keith ... :welcomex: to the filipino/uk forum.

As I understand it, you're planning to travel to the Phils come the Spring. And that's fine. Now, it's none of my business :NoNo: ... but I cannot help feeling that it IS a bit premature :rolleyes: for a couple to be contemplating marriage without having actually met in person. You mention being 64 years old - and the lady in question being 40 - a sizeable age gap although not all that unusual in "the greater scheme of things".

But first and foremost, I [B] do feel you need to meet and spend as much time as possible getting to know one another well; indeed, the British Embassy insist on this as a prerequisite to applying for a Spousal Visa on behalf of a Non-European subject - lest the union be construed as a 'marriage of convenience' - IF (and I'm aware you've said you plan to live in the Philippines) you intend bringing your partner to the UK at some stage in the future.

3rd January 2011, 04:28
Keith..Dont worry too much about the medical..Its all pretty straight forward and The R.P consul told me there has never been a refusal from applicants in the UK..The medical,blood tests,chest Xray etc cost me about 250 Quid..
I suggest that you come over in the spring on a 59 day visa and extent for as long as it takes for you decide whether or not this woman or the Philippines is for you..It can be a pretty daunting culture shock for first timers which you will either love or hate.. If like me,you decide its where you want to hang your hat,then you can apply here for the 13a non quota..It will be a lot cheaper but there will be some running around at immigration a year on to make your visa permanent..The residence card has to be renewed every 5 years and you will need to report in once a year and pay 300 Pesos.
Where in the R.P does she come from?? If its anywhere near Manila give me a shout and I`ll help you out with short term/long term accommodation (if you need it) in a safe and secure sub division..There are also people here within our building that can give you free advice and help keep you going in the right direction till you find your feet..

3rd January 2011, 05:21
DON'T sell your property (if any) in the UK and rush off to the Phils !

This is particularly important. Don't break ties with the UK because it would very difficult if everything went wrong.

3rd January 2011, 08:51
:Hellooo: Hi Keith, welcome to the forum :Wave:

Wise words indeed in the replies. There are quite a few threads on this site giving details and tips about life in the Phils. Please take some time to read them.
Are you able to give us some more information, such as whereabouts would you plan to live? I take it you have never visited Phils before?

There's lots of people here who can support and advise you with their experience.
Please grab the opportunity to learn from them.

3rd January 2011, 09:00
Hi Keith,

I would echo what the others have said here regarding the age gap - my wife is 30 years younger than me and it is not a problem to either of us.

Meet your lady first and spend some time together, then come back to the UK and think things through carefully.
If you are still in love, plan to go back.

Don't rush so fast, fast can be ok, but not this fast :yikes:
There have been many bad stories, she could be a wonderful lady but be careful :rolleyes:
One male forum member went to meet his mahal and found out it was a man when he landed.
There have been many stories about scammmers too. I am not saying she is one but you need to be 100% sure.

Keep some property in the UK if you can, you never know about the future and any health scares and it is a nightmare trying to come back to live in the UK again if you have closed everything down.

All the best.

3rd January 2011, 10:58
i cannot add much more then what as been said by all the friends before, just slow down seeing someone face to face is so differant to seeing and talking on the com, go there for a vacation first then see how you feel, yes you may be 64 and thinking of moving to another part of the world which is great but months or even years of planning is needed , she will wait and so will you if you are both ment for each other, good luck

keith britten
3rd January 2011, 11:33
Thanks for all the helpfull advice guys I will take it all onboard. I have been browsing this site for months and have discovered most of the pitfalls but any more advice will be most welcome. As for a scammer, I don't think so, we have been video chatting every day for months and also exchanged gifts through the post,(although the Phils post is a nightmare). I have met her parents and numerous brothers, sisters, cousins, etc online and have even joined in their Christmas and New Year celebrations. She lives in Bago-Oshiro, Davao and runs her own store there and the thought of being a store keeper appeals to me lol. I'm trying very hard to learn some basic visayan so tyhat I know what the customers require. I won't be severing all my ties with the uk but I live in rented accomodation so there's no worries about selling up. Once again thanks or all your help.

3rd January 2011, 11:55
Keith, looks like you have done some research. Good for you.
Lucky you Keith. Davao area is really very nice. (Birth place of my wife)

If you want to try your hand at learning the language, take a look here:-

Just check Cebuano in the drop down menu

I'm sure there are many other sites.

Keith, living in the Philippines is all about swings and roundabouts. You just need to work out how to swing, when you really want to roundabout, and all is well

Please ask some of those questions you need to have discussions with. Best way to understand possible solutions and to meet new friends.

3rd January 2011, 12:35
Thanks for all the helpfull advice guys I will take it all onboard. I have been browsing this site for months and have discovered most of the pitfalls but any more advice will be most welcome. As for a scammer, I don't think so, we have been video chatting every day for months and also exchanged gifts through the post,(although the Phils post is a nightmare). I have met her parents and numerous brothers, sisters, cousins, etc online and have even joined in their Christmas and New Year celebrations. She lives in Bago-Oshiro, Davao and runs her own store there and the thought of being a store keeper appeals to me lol. I'm trying very hard to learn some basic visayan so tyhat I know what the customers require. I won't be severing all my ties with the uk but I live in rented accomodation so there's no worries about selling up. Once again thanks or all your help.

Its not cheap living in the philippines,...if you dont work or have no job you wont get nothing, in short no benefits...the cost of medical is blooming astronomical,...but i guess youve set your mind and you and your partner is prepared to live a simple filipino life...so,relax enjoy goodluck and have a happy wedding!!!

3rd January 2011, 17:44
I'm trying very hard to learn some basic visayan so tyhat I know what the customers require
Your going to pick up visayan quickly serving in a sari-sari or similar small store,I have done it a few times when helping friends out :)
I know bago oshiro,let us know when your serving in the store and I might pop in for a cuppa :)

22nd January 2011, 23:15
firstly, hi keith, i am in a similar situation as youself, my philipino gf is 36 yrs old im just gone 56,i have not met her in person yet was supposed to be spending 2 weeks in israel right now, but she had some problem and is going back to philipines next week, glad to say from there she is going to get a tourest visa, come to uk and visit me so to speak, i will return with her to philipines, and get married, i intend to live there, we chatted now approx 2 yrs and not met in person yet, the advice here is priceless, take it all in and concider all possibilitys, i have had great advise, and iv still things to find out,,,,,,,,,,,, such as ,,,,,, if no one minds me buting in here to ask,,none quota visa ?,,,Medical ? is this a requirment to be able to live in philipines ?and is it done here or in philipines ?i know im going senile but im sure i not heard this before , regarding age difference, iv 3 daughters 2 of are married to older guys, there is a trend to that being acceptable here in uk too now, my oldest daughter being married to her own age group and she is the same age as brenda my gf. good luck keith,i wish you happiness, stewart

23rd January 2011, 00:11
Medical ? is this a requirment to be able to live in philipines ?and is it done here or in philipines ?

No its not a requirement..You can live here for up to 2 years on tourist visas..(leave the country for a day,come back and start over) To acquire a 13a the most important requirement is to be married to a Filipino citizen..You can apply in the UK or over here although better to apply in the UK.
There are another options for long term stay for those that are not married.. Google search 13b quota visa and SRRV which is a retirement visa for more info..
Obviously..If you are married and you enter the country with your spouse you can avail of the balikbayan stamp which allows you to stay for one year..Good thing is..Its free.

23rd January 2011, 01:15
thanks fred, the 13 a is the married visa i take it?. i intend to marry my philipino gf and stay in philipines, only come back to uk if i have health probs ect, i only get 1 year visa if i marry her there, do i at some point get citizenship and no longer require visa?
so at the moment im concentrating on what i require to marry there and stay, originaly i was going to sell my house after the 1st year, but with all the good advice iv had here,and from brenda my gf too, its now my plan to keep it for much longer and rent it,

thanks again, stewart

23rd January 2011, 01:37
thanks fred, the 13 a is the married visa i take it?

Its a visa that you can apply for once you are married..If you apply for it here in R.P it will be temporary for one year..You will then need to re apply to make it permanent for 5 years..Apply in the UK and it is permanent for 5 years but there is a days work at B.I here for final processing.
Once a year you will need to report to any B.I office and pay 310.00 Pesos..

but with all the good advice iv had here,and from brenda my gf too, its now my plan to keep it for much longer and rent it,

Probably a very good idea Stewart!

12th February 2011, 09:20
No its not a requirement..You can live here for up to 2 years on tourist visas..(leave the country for a day,come back and start over) To acquire a 13a the most important requirement is to be married to a Filipino citizen..You can apply in the UK or over here although better to apply in the UK.
There are another options for long term stay for those that are not married.. Google search 13b quota visa and SRRV which is a retirement visa for more info..
Obviously..If you are married and you enter the country with your spouse you can avail of the balikbayan stamp which allows you to stay for one year..Good thing is..Its free.

sorry, im still dont understand about why and in what circumstances a medical is required,?can anyone clear that up for me ,thanks

13th February 2011, 02:35
hi! we have the same situation.. i met my husband on the internet and after 10 months of talking on cams, calls, texts.. we decided to get married on our 1st meeting. im 28 and he is 25. we both took a risk on getting married not seeing each other 1st. i understand what the others are telling u not to rush but on our case, we rushed and here we are happy ^_^ now my husband wants to live here and we are also planning to apply the permanent residence just need to sort all whats on their checklist and our problem is what to write on the notarized letter. we have the NSO marriage cert and others just not the letter by me and the BI Clearance.

Reading your concern, after you apply for permanent residence after the probation, in 5 years you can apply for citizenship. i say applying for permanent residence is cheaper than applying for extensions, we did that last year b4 he went back to Belfast on December it was expensive for us because we have to go back just to extend. He came back this January because we both cant move on with our lives living separately so he decided to live here.

As of writing this, my husband is beside me. He is saying that he took a big risk coming here, giving up what he has back in Belfast to be here. Well you can say its somewhat exciting but its really up to you. we got married not because we are rushing but because of love. now if you really really feel love, nothing will stop you both from getting married ^_^

anyway i also need help on what to write on the application letter coz the 1st requirement for permanent residence is a "a duly notarized letter of filipino spouse" need help there. thanks!!! oh and goodluck keith. i would suggest that you get your certificate of legal capacity to get married there and not here in the philippines. once you have the legal capacity from your local hall, just present it in british embassy, will only take 1 day for u to get it.

interesting he didnt have to go back to Ireland though he could have popped over to hong kong came back the next day and started again I never met a european who bacame a Philipine citizen that would be a first:xxgrinning--00xx3:

13th February 2011, 10:50
sorry, im still dont understand about why and in what circumstances a medical is required,?can anyone clear that up for me ,thanks

Last I heard you need an AIDS test for some resident-type visas.

13th February 2011, 14:27
when i go to philipines end of april beginning may, i might be there up to a year , possibly more, i may get married within the 1st few months there, under these circumstances do i need x ray and medical ? anyone know or what circumstanes i would need this, because i have many options and choices what i do, and want to be prepared, if i do need these things, can it be done in philipines? thanks stewart

13th February 2011, 16:04
:Erm: I've never heard of any kind of medicals being needed other than when applying for permanent residency. ...which I don't think you'll be doing for a long time yet.

Main things you'll need to take with you if anticipating getting married there, are notorised cert of non-impediment (to marry) from your solicitor here, and your full birth cert.

I did all this a long time ago, so others on here may be able to update you.

13th February 2011, 18:03
no medical required on tourist visa you can also get the cni here if 120 days is not enough time dont forget any divorce decree absolute not copy full birth cert thats it

14th February 2011, 12:11
sorry, im still dont understand about why and in what circumstances a medical is required,?can anyone clear that up for me ,thanks

From what you said before I assumed you wanted a residency permit after you got married in R.P??
When I applied for mine there was a medical involved.. Some people that have applied in R.P since have said the rules have changed in regards medical requirements..
I have no idea.. Good news if its true!

Last I heard you need an AIDS test for some resident-type visas.

Not true.

14th February 2011, 19:04
thanks fred :)

keith britten
15th February 2011, 13:36
Hi Stewart, Seems like we will be in the Phils at the same time, I will only be staying for 5 weeks though and then if all goes to plan I will return later in the year to marry my g/f and stay. This whole immigration process is a nightmare especially the 13a, so many views on what you need to do and whats nesesarry and knowone seems to know for sure about the medical. As far as I've made out is that if you marry a Filipia lady and apply for a 13a in the Phils you don't require a medical, (now waiting for someone to correct me on this, lol ). Hope all goes well for you. Keith.

15th February 2011, 14:11
thanks keith, yes a nighmare , the marrying staying in phils requirments seem a little short of sure details,i can choose to wait a while in phil, renewing visa untill fully decided, my girl friend wishes to marry soon,and so did i, at 1st before i came to this site i thought staying in phils required a visit to hong kong every 2 months in order to renew visit visa,which made it seem more practical to marry sooner, iv learnt a lot here,from everyone and had excellent advice, i think one piece of good advise is not to sell any uk property if you do have, if all goes wrong it is your bridge back to uk,it is imortant that anything we learn from our experience that we share this with others on here , good luck keith, keep posting your news, like to hear how your getting on , stewart:)

15th February 2011, 14:34
Here are the requirements for 13a visa on Bureau of Immigration website:-

keith britten
15th February 2011, 22:56
Hi Stewart, As far as I'm able to work out you can renew a 59 day tourist for up to 16 months by just going to a local immigration office every 59 days without the need to leave and come back. Within that time you can apply for a 13a if you wish to stay and live with your Filipina wife. The Bureau of Immigration requirements for 13a "seem" to be different if you apply in the Phils, (so I have been told). The fact is that no one can seem to give a positive answer to the 13a requirements, the latest info I have from members on this site and others is that if you apply in the Phils a medical is not required.

15th February 2011, 23:19
thanks keith :) looks like it could be me and you paving the way ,and bringing our exprience in the 13a requirments to this forum,
i will be applying in the phils,

16th February 2011, 10:25
This forum is a great resource. Take some time a search, there's plenty of good info to be found.

On the issues of getting to Philippines, visa', visa extensions and long term staying:-

Please take some time to visit the links, I'm sure they will provide useful info for you.

When you travel to the Philippines from UK you get a free 21 day visa at arrival immigration.
When you arrive you must have an ongoing ticket to either your orgininating country or another country. Lots of people use what is called a cheap "throw away" ticket.

If you want to stay longer than 21 days you can get a 38 day extension (21days + 38days = 59days) at an immigration office in the Phils.
Better to do this at least one week before your visa expiration.
I have seen on this forum that some members state that it's possible to purchase the extension at arrival at the airport. But I have no experience of this. Nor how much it would cost.

If it was me, I would get the 59 day visa from the Phils Embassy/Consulate in UK before you leave.
This could be a money saver as the cost is only about £22 (I think the 38 day extension is about £50 in Phils)

If you have all your ducks lined up with your paperwork etc, you should have no problems getting married within the 59 days.
You may need to check the latest info for paperwork needed but in principle

Your Birth certificate

Certificate of No Impediment to Marry from local registry office. Then present these documents to his Embassy/Consulate in the Philippines to be issued a Certificate of Legal Capacity to Marry. This certificate is needed for the application of a marriage license.
BTW some forum members are now reporting that they were also required to obtain a CENOMAR (Certificate of No Marriage) from NSO (National Statistics Office) so you might need to do thid as well.

Apply for the marriage license in your fiancée's home town at the registry office. (or locality of where marriage will take place)
After you apply for the license there is a mandatory 10 day waiting period while the marriage banns are published

Sometimes (sometimes depending on your ages) you might also be requested to attend counseling sessions prior to being allowed to be married.

Anyway there's no reason why you can't accomplish all this in less than 30 days

Staying on beyond the 59 days requires you to extend your visa in two month increments at any immigration office up to 16 months. Beyond that, further extensions require approval by the main office in Manila. This can continue up to a total of another 8 months (4X two month extensions). Eventually you will have reached 24 months in Phils.
At that point you must then leave the country. Although you can return immediately to start another 24 month process.

Look here for fees of all the above:-


You will notice that after 59 days extension you need the Alien Certificate of Registration.
This is now the ACR I-Card and is a microchip-based credit card-sized identification card issued to registered aliens replacing the paper-based ACR.
It has an embedded computer chip with biometric security features capable of data management and can be updated electronically.
It is fraud and tamper-proof/resistant with the following data:

1.Personal information such as name, age, date of birth, place of birth, etc.
3.Date and status of admission
4.Visa type granted/date granted/date issued/expiry date
5.Biometric information (2 digitalized fingerprint templates)
8.Travel details
9.Payment of immigration fees details

The ACR I-Card serves as the Emigration Clearance Certificate (ECC),
Re-entry Permit (RP) and Special Return Certificate (SRC) of the holder upon payment of the required fees.

Your other long stay options are the 13a visa (PHILIPPINE IMMIGRATION VISA) and the SMILE, (was SRRV-Special Resident Retiree's Visa)

Non-Quota Philippine Immigration Visa (Section 13(a) of the Philippine Immigration Act)

Info and application form here:-

But I have seen in posts on this forum that it is much easier and simpler to apply and obtain this visa from within Philippines. However it may help you to understand just what is needed if you take a look here:-


All documents to support your application must be properly certified as true copy.
Sworn statements or affidavits should be notarized.
Foreign documents must be duly authenticated by the Philippine Embassy or Consulate at the place where they are issued.

This visa is only available to citizens of a country which grants permanent residence and immigration privileges to Philippine citizens.
This non-quota immigrant visa is a one-year multiple entry visa which should be renewed in the Philippines for three (3) consecutive years.
On the fourth year (3rd renewal), the applicant may apply for permanent residency in the Philippines.

SMILE (previously known as Special Resident Retiree's Visa)

For all details on this look here:-

To be perfectly honest I have never known or known of anyone who ever took this up. Also, I admit I have never really studied or researched if there are any cost/value benefits.

Finally, don't forget that UK has a Double Taxation Agreement with Philippines so your pensions (incl state pension) could be agreed for taxation purposes to be taxed in Philippines rather than UK. Since the Philippines has a tax rate of zero on pensions, means your pensions will be tax free. (This agreement does not apply to government pensions such as civil service and most other public sector)

Hope this helps

17th February 2011, 18:24
hi! we have the same situation.. i met my husband on the internet and after 10 months of talking on cams, calls, texts.. we decided to get married on our 1st meeting. im 28 and he is 25. we both took a risk on getting married not seeing each other 1st. i understand what the others are telling u not to rush but on our case, we rushed and here we are happy ^_^ now my husband wants to live here and we are also planning to apply the permanent residence just need to sort all whats on their checklist and our problem is what to write on the notarized letter. we have the NSO marriage cert and others just not the letter by me and the BI Clearance.

Reading your concern, after you apply for permanent residence after the probation, in 5 years you can apply for citizenship. i say applying for permanent residence is cheaper than applying for extensions, we did that last year b4 he went back to Belfast on December it was expensive for us because we have to go back just to extend. He came back this January because we both cant move on with our lives living separately so he decided to live here.

As of writing this, my husband is beside me. He is saying that he took a big risk coming here, giving up what he has back in Belfast to be here. Well you can say its somewhat exciting but its really up to you. we got married not because we are rushing but because of love. now if you really really feel love, nothing will stop you both from getting married ^_^

anyway i also need help on what to write on the application letter coz the 1st requirement for permanent residence is a "a duly notarized letter of filipino spouse" need help there. thanks!!! oh and goodluck keith. i would suggest that you get your certificate of legal capacity to get married there and not here in the philippines. once you have the legal capacity from your local hall, just present it in british embassy, will only take 1 day for u to get it.

i am from Belfast myself,im just back from the phills (Butuan City) after meeting my 'internet philippina' we have decided to marry at the end of the year (2011) after she finishes the training course shes just started, shes 38,im 59, ive only just started to investigate 'marrying in the philippines',its not as straight forward as i had hoped. any advice would be very helpful.
and yes i got a shock when i arrived there,i arrived at Cagayan airport and traveled by bus for 5 hours back to Butuan,it was an eye opener,actually the first night i was ready to turn around and head straight home, but thankfully a few days later i had come to my senses and now i'd love to live there except ive no money worth talking about and i'd never find a job there,being just a lorry driver, the people are very friendly ,i was a bit un-nerved at first by people staring at me,but i got used to it,.they actully treat u like your something special,which im not of course.but its nice to meet people with manners,unlike parts of Belfast. oh well, im hoping all goes well for us though getting her back to belfast through immigration might be a bit of a headache.me being unemployed,we actually a 'carer' for my elderly mum. but my intended is a born again christian and i believe as well so with Gods help we'll get there. time will tell.

23rd February 2011, 10:28
You seriously think these women love you guys How stupied can u be For one your old enough to be the fathers grandfathers and they are only in love with one thing ur wallet.
All these women are trained from birth to prostatute themselfs, so You all need to take one big look at yourselfs open your eyes your being used,
As for now they tell u they love u yea till your dead they can take all ur belongings and move on to the next uk man
not only is it wrong its sick.
Come on would you want your 16 year old daughter marrying at 60 year old man .
Why you think half the women come to uk?
Cause the parents marry them off basicly sell them for pasos
This is just as bad as traficking sick

23rd February 2011, 11:52
You seriously think these women love you guys How stupied can u be For one your old enough to be the fathers grandfathers and they are only in love with one thing ur wallet.
All these women are trained from birth to prostatute themselfs, so You all need to take one big look at yourselfs open your eyes your being used,
As for now they tell u they love u yea till your dead they can take all ur belongings and move on to the next uk man
not only is it wrong its sick.
Come on would you want your 16 year old daughter marrying at 60 year old man .
Why you think half the women come to uk?
Cause the parents marry them off basicly sell them for pasos
This is just as bad as traficking sick


Thanks for posting.

You are perhaps 50% right. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

23rd February 2011, 14:34
Come on would you want your 16 year old daughter marrying at 60 year old man .
Why you think half the women come to uk?
Cause the parents marry them off basicly sell them for pasos

whats a pasos :Erm:

no one is marrying a 16yr old

Age Requirements, Parental Consent, Parental Advice:
If you are under the age of 18, you can not get married in the Philippines even if your parents are okay with the marriage.
Individuals must be at least 21 years old to get married in the Philippines without written parental consent. If your parents cannot appear with you before the local civil registrar, a legal affidavit with the signatures of two witnesses may be accepted.

Individuals between the age of 21 and 25, must "... ask their parents or guardian for advice upon the intended marriage. If they do not obtain such advice, or if it be unfavorable, the marriage license shall not be issued till after three months following the completion of the publication of the application therefor. A sworn statement by the contracting parties to the effect that such advice has been sought, together with the written advice given, if any, shall be attached to the application for marriage license. Should the parents or guardian refuse to give any advice, this fact shall be stated in the sworn statement."
Source: Title I, Chapter 1, Article 15 Family Code of the Philippines

also she must be 21yrs or older to come to the UK, so next time do a bit of checking first :xxgrinning--00xx3:

23rd February 2011, 15:01
You seriously think these women love you guys How stupied can u be For one your old enough to be the fathers grandfathers and they are only in love with one thing ur wallet.
All these women are trained from birth to prostatute themselfs, so You all need to take one big look at yourselfs open your eyes your being used,
As for now they tell u they love u yea till your dead they can take all ur belongings and move on to the next uk man
not only is it wrong its sick.
Come on would you want your 16 year old daughter marrying at 60 year old man .
Why you think half the women come to uk?
Cause the parents marry them off basicly sell them for pasos
This is just as bad as traficking sick

Northampton gir... You are still very hurt because of what happened to your Dad..
Even though I have no idea of the circumstances I completely understand your anger and upset..
There are some really nice members on this site that would be prepared to listen to your story should you decide to share.. Dont judge the membership here with ignorant Brit stereotypes and stuff you may have read in the Sun or heard at work from people that have never travelled or experienced time away from UK borders..
Your Father would probably have advised the same..

keith britten
2nd March 2011, 20:58
Northampton_gir I think you have one big chip on your shoulder and taring every Filipina woman with one brush. Just take a long look at this excellent site and then make some sensible comments. My Filipina girl friend comes from a poor, honest and christian family, if she wanted a rich western guy as a husband she certainly would'nt have picked me. We have both been honest with each other from the start and she most certainly knows that I have'nt got any riches and how much of a struggle it has been for me to save the air fare to go and see her. Granted there is a large age difference but we are both mature and ask for nothing but love and trust from each other. If anything I will be the one who is better off by living in the Phils and when I'm gone all that will be left will be happy memories and dust, no pot of gold, no mansion in the uk and not even gold fillings. My girl friend knows this but she still wants to be with me and I with her so please credit all the members of this site with some intelegence.

stevie c
2nd March 2011, 21:19
:iagree: well said keith i couldnt agree with you more these narrow minded people really pissme off they are ignorant to learn the facts :cwm23:

2nd March 2011, 21:37
age is just a number my emma says and you know what , it is and how happy we are , why is it so many people are so narrow minded , like graham says you may be 50% right but its the other 50% that matters,

15th March 2011, 12:21
How do you no what happen to my Dad?
Also My dad was only in philopines 12 weeks and murderd So if u guys read the news you will no that your all targets
your all being taken for mugs
And the rule to be 21 is faulse because i no men who have married 16 year old filopinos,
And i have done research on all this and i no what i am talking about.

15th March 2011, 12:29
You may be married to a Filipina if . . .

your refrigerator is always full but you cannot find any food that you recognize.
instead of a dowry, you got the whole bill for the wedding and honeymoon.
most of the decorations in your house are made of wicker.
you are expected to be able to read her mind just by watching her eyebrows move up and down and which way her lips are pointed.
all her relatives think your name is Joe.
the instant you are married you have 3000 new close relatives that you can't tell apart.
your house isn't really on fire, but there is a very charred fish right on top of the stove burner.
all the desserts are sticky and all the snacks are salty.
she eats her fruit with giant salt crystals and her fried chicken with ketchup.
even the ketchup tastes weird . . . very weird.
you throw a party and everyone is fighting to chop the leathery skin off a dead pig.
all your kids have 4-5 middle names.*
your in-laws take 10 years to acknowledge your existence and to call you by something other than "that white guy."
you try to call her up on the phone and someone tells you "for a while" and you want to know "for a while, what??"
you are trying to go to sleep and she keeps asking for the comFORT'r, and you ain't got a clue what she's talking about . . .
your first Christmas present is some funny looking baggy see-thru shirt made out of leftover lace doilies.
your phone bills are all international and average 3 hours per call.
she sweeps with something that witches usually fly around on.
her idea of classy, expensive champagne is Asti Spumante
the rice cooker is on 24 hours a day and uses up 50% of your electric and food budget.
on your first trip to the Philippines, you have 18 giant boxes that weigh 1000 pounds each and your "carry on" luggage requires a small forklift truck.
the same luggage is over filled with things that cost an average of 15 cents each like old magazines and M&Ms -- the worst part is when you get off the plane, the same stuff you've been hauling around half way around the world is available in every store in the airport for half the price!
all her pajamas look like they were worn by the Dalai Lama until they got too faded.
the first time she's pregnant you have to go out at 4:00 in the morning looking for some weird type of greasy sausages, green mangoes and bagoong.
You buy a new $500 freezer so she can store 200 pounds of SPAM and CORNED BEEF that was on sale.
everything in your house was bought on sale, even if you don't need it .. as long as it was a "bargain" is all that matters.
she gets really excited by sucking the fat out of pig knees.
your daughter gets her ears pierced when she's 2 minutes old but your sons are not circumcised until they turn 21.
all your postage bills instantly double.
you hire a yaya because your wife thinks you clean mirrors with soap and a sponge and the yaya seems cheaper than a divorce.
the only "white meat" she likes is You, and that's if you're lucky . . .
her favorite sauce is called patis, Americans call it turpentine.
she actually thinks that bowling and golf and billiards are real sports and are more important than baseball and football.
you were married 5 years before she explained to you that "ARAY!" doesn't mean "ooh, baby!"
she prefers bistek to beef steak.
her idea of new upholstery is rinsing the bagoong stains out of the slip covers.
she can eat and talk at the same time, in fact that's her especialty!
her favorite meal is leftovers, her favorite fancy dessert is Jello mold and for something REALLY romantic, she'll offer you a halo-halo with 2 straws.
you still don't know what's the difference between manong and manok.
she and the kids are always saying "Daddy made utot" and you still don't know what it means but they think it's pretty funny.
other than eyebrow raising and lip puckering, her next most expressive form of communication is grunts and pssst's
she goes to the movies just for the AC.
her homeland has more Megamalls than islands.
before every holiday and visit, her sisters fax you a 10 page "bilin" list which says "suggestion only."
your kitchen table has a merry-go-round in the middle.
all the vegetables she buys at the Filipino store look like they were grown at Chernobyl.
your in-law's first visit lasted 5 years.
her friends are named Chinky, Girlie, Boy and Bimbo and you are not allowed to smirk.
her home economics course only taught shopping, eating and siesta; cooking, cleaning and sewing were not electives.
her idea of edifying reading is gossip magazines.
all your place settings has the silverware backwards and there are no knives.
she washes her hair with a bucket and her car with a broom.
she uses an umbrella even if its not raining.
her favorite book (she has 3 copies) is "1001 New Recipes for Pig Parts You Were Gonna Throw Out"
you are the only family in a 200 mile radius with 2 VCRs, 3 televisions.
she's done her best job planning a surprise party for you if she manages not to tell you about it until a week or two before.
she "cleans" her closet by throwing all the crap into your closet.
AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST: you are pretty proud of yourself because you think you snagged up for yourself some unique, rare, tropical goddess type until you go to the Philippines and can't tell her apart from anyone else in the whole country (unless she's taller than 5'1", then it's a bit easier).
BONUS ENCORE: it was your wife's idea for you to write this cause she thought it was funny . . . for a while though until the list got TOO LONG!!!

15th March 2011, 13:10
Yawn.......... and your point is exactly ????? :Erm:

15th March 2011, 14:18
Yep....that's what I like about Filipinas and their culture.

What I don't like is the way they tend to double in weight after a few years in a Western country. :rolleyes:

15th March 2011, 14:27
What I don't like is the way they tend to double in weight after a few years in a Western country. :rolleyes:

thats one for her to add to the list :xxgrinning--00xx3:

this research is very useful :rolleyes: thanks :xxgrinning--00xx3:

15th March 2011, 17:43
Ok so not all women there are the same I no some very nice filopino ladies they are my friends,
But what i am saying is cant you see for one moment that they really want you? i no that the women i no wouldnt marrie a uk man because they are not attractied to them because there age,
So why cant u find a women that pretty from uk?
Because these women u are marrying only want one thing and thats your money. you ever watched hostel this it what is happening,
99 percent of these women work in the Bars and sell themselfs everynight
So if they can find one man to sell themselfs to they be happy wont they.
Iam not a rasit at all i like and did love the philopines But all i can see it is trouble
All these uk and american men are being killed out there and the police dont seem to mind ,
If u servive in philopines without being rob or killed you are very very lucky But I am telling you all now you are playing with fire Why do you have to think i am being bad or horrible Iam only telling you how it is go on youtube and watch soco news you see for yourselfs ok

15th March 2011, 17:55
well i have just wasted a few minutes reading what you have said and i am sorry to say this and dont take offence but you are one sad .... , become a lesbian and see how great life could become if you then could find a fillipino that dont want you for your age and your money and what ever else you may be thinking mine and most others lives are great, is yours

15th March 2011, 18:02
well i have just wasted a few minutes reading what you have said and i am sorry to say this and dont take offence but you are one sad .... , become a lesbian and see how great life could become if you then could find a fillipino that dont want you for your age and your money and what ever else you may be thinking mine and most others lives are great, is yours
No my live isnt great its quite .... actully as my dad was murderd in philopines because he aswell wouldnt listen to me or anyone else I told him not to go And his filopino fantacy well killed him in the end didnt it Because a british man in philopines is not safe And if i can stop at least one man from uk going there ill be happy
If you love these women bring them here to uk

15th March 2011, 20:00
Because these women u are marrying only want one thing and thats your money.,
99 percent of these women work in the Bars and sell themselfs everynight

I find your opinion quite offensive and I am sure that all the members here who are happily married or in relationships and have children with a filipina will also be offended by your ludicrous views on our lifestyle.
I will give you my fiancee's phone number so you can explain to her how she is robbing me of my future and tell her that she is a prostitute and only wants me for my money. She will make you feel so small I think you are a joke or are having a good laugh.
I personally think you are very sad, and just because something that happened in your past has tainted your view of the Philippines dont wave that brush at me or my fiancee thank you very much.
If you have nothing good to offer this forum, maybe this is not the right place for you to stay. Your opinion is not very welcome.

15th March 2011, 20:11
I find your opinion quite offensive and I am sure that all the members here who are happily married or in relationships and have children with a filipina will also be offended by your ludicrous views on our lifestyle.
I will give you my fiancee's phone number so you can explain to her how she is robbing me of my future and tell her that she is a prostitute and only wants me for my money. She will make you feel so small I think you are a joke or are having a good laugh.
I personally think you are very sad, and just because something that happened in your past has tainted your view of the Philippines dont wave that brush at me or my fiancee thank you very much.
If you have nothing good to offer this forum, maybe this is not the right place for you to stay. Your opinion is not very welcome.

I never once mentioned your wife did i?
You are obviously having thoughts in your own head about her to bring her into this
I said 99 percent girls work in bars?
Did u meet your wife in bar did i say you did NO
Take a look at yourself If you are so happy with your life why you waisting it commenting on here? When its not even about you is it Or is it? What matter Hit home did i

15th March 2011, 20:20
You wave a big brush and I have had enough of your accusations about 'our' loved ones. You are the one who said that 99% are bar working prostitutes .. Like I said, if you have nothing better to add to our forum, then please go away. Your comments are not wanted.

15th March 2011, 20:32
Yea well its true you ask any normal filopino women she will tell you herself, i never said ur wife is one . But not all off them are nice They take take take
Anything tthats not nailed down they will take beleive me.
how am i hurting you or anyone who is in a happy relationship with my post If you and your wife are happy then good for you ,

15th March 2011, 20:41
You have a very distorted view because of what happened to your father. Did he enjoy the company of his partner? was he also happy with her? Why was he in the Philippines? was he finding love that he could not find in the Uk? Hard questions for you to answer?? What happened to him could have happened in his own back yard, there are plenty of women here who will take you for all you have, dont worry about that. So you have a problem with Filipinas, have you ever been there? Take a look at your posts and reason for posting, then you may understand why I am using the tone that I am with you. The past is the past, time for you to move on.

15th March 2011, 20:52
Problem is my dad was blinded like alot of british men by these women ,
whilst he was lying dead in his own house his partner so called family stole everything from him all because they was theifs scavingers
He gave that family everything whilst he was alive and this is how they repay him
How comes then i have read online about this country alot off murders all for money robberys every day? Children murderd raped everyday
And you would seriously want to bring your child up there?
never mind the fact its a 3rd world country
move on how dare you tell me to move on
I hope you never have to lose someone like this in ur life and then be told to move on
How can i move on

15th March 2011, 20:56
I said 99 percent girls work in bars?

You are talking absolute :censored: crap. get a life or get out of here :cwm23:

15th March 2011, 21:09
You are talking absolute :censored: crap. get a life or get out of here :cwm23:
Totally agree Jim.

I dont have to justify my life with the one I love or her family wo I also accept and love. When I am dead and gone, whoever I have loved is welcome to whatever I leave behind. People are the same the world over. You are so blinded that you do not want to see, you just have anger.

Let this be a warning, I have tolerated your rubbish in this thread for longer than I should have. You have nothing positive to say and are just provoking bad feeling towards yourself. We can play that game, but to be honest, I don't care.
Time for you to search inside yourself for some sort of peace.

15th March 2011, 22:25
Ok so not all women there are the same I no some very nice filopino ladies they are my friends,
But what i am saying is cant you see for one moment that they really want you? i no that the women i no wouldnt marrie a uk man because they are not attractied to them because there age,
So why cant u find a women that pretty from uk?
Because these women u are marrying only want one thing and thats your money. you ever watched hostel this it what is happening,
99 percent of these women work in the Bars and sell themselfs everynight
So if they can find one man to sell themselfs to they be happy wont they.
Iam not a rasit at all i like and did love the philopines But all i can see it is trouble
All these uk and american men are being killed out there and the police dont seem to mind ,
If u servive in philopines without being rob or killed you are very very lucky But I am telling you all now you are playing with fire Why do you have to think i am being bad or horrible Iam only telling you how it is go on youtube and watch soco news you see for yourselfs ok

You spell worse than single celled fetus, which probably also has a more realistic view of the real world than your blind alley view.

No one called you a 'rasit' :laugher:

You seem to think people on here know nothing!! :doh Ya muppet :crazy: .... they've all had more cultural experiences than you've had English lessons :Rasp:

15th March 2011, 23:00
hahahahaha..funny.. :laugher: it's not like only the Philippines has the worst crimes in this world..when someone is being one sided and has not had his/her facts straightened out, expect that lots would laugh at your ignorance..

yeah your dad was unlucky for everything that happened to him..but NOT ALL have the same experiences..remember DO NOT GENERALIZE..so if you are so broadminded, does it also mean all UK girls are broadminded? if one UK girl had a baby at a young age, does it mean all UK girls have babies now? if a UK girl got divorce, does it mean all UK girls are divorcee?:rolleyes:

think about it girl..these british guys only found the love of their lives and are acting on how they feel..it's not that they don't have a choice to backout if something wrong is going on..

--- from the girl who's working in a multinational IT company and not in a bar as you think 99% of Filipinas do..:D

15th March 2011, 23:28
I think your so so right about alot of the things your saying northampton_gir
These women do use the men for money.
And thats how its always been for years .
And so this girl cannot spell Big deal I bet she still has morals and Values,
Think about it why would a pretty young women wanna wed an old ugly man?

15th March 2011, 23:33
I think your so so right about alot of the things your saying northampton_gir
These women do use the men for money.
And thats how its always been for years .
And so this girl cannot spell Big deal I bet she still has morals and Values,
Think about it why would a pretty young women wanna wed an old ugly man?

Registering under another name and agreeing with your previous posts is pretty lame, and worthy of a ban .... oh, you are banned already! :doh

15th March 2011, 23:35
do they have the same ip add steve? sorry i'm at work and just on my mobile..

15th March 2011, 23:35
I've seen more prostitutes in Vegas than I have in the Phil, but then it isn't called SIN CITY for nothing.

Children are murdered/raped every day in the US. 11% of all murders in the US each year are minors (over 5 a day) , in the UK that figure is around 14%, most are under the age of 6..... before speaking, check the facts, as you are making yourself look more stupid than you alreay have :Rasp:

15th March 2011, 23:38
You don't need to check the IP Rayna.... the grammar is the same :icon_lol:

I guess young women in the West don't go with old ugly men with money..... the Playboy Mansion is just a fantasy ;)

16th March 2011, 00:31
Ok so not all women there are the same I no some very nice filopino ladies they are my friends,
But what i am saying is cant you see for one moment that they really want you? i no that the women i no wouldnt marrie a uk man because they are not attractied to them because there age,

You must be joking!!!:icon_lol::icon_lol:
you got some filipina friends??? ....you'll be beaten into tiny flat pieces once they discover the real you and read all your nasty comments and remarks for us filipinos:D:xxgrinning--00xx3:......Oh dear ,just let people of all races live and breath and do whatever makes them happy,...am sure your father knows whats best for him when he went to the Philippines...do you know whats best for you northamptongir??? ..I'll give you a clue,....SHUT UP! because you're upsetting my spell checker:rolleyes::Cuckoo:

16th March 2011, 00:51
Spull Chucker ;)

Arthur Little
16th March 2011, 01:44
I've seen more prostitutes in Vegas than I have in the Phil, but then it isn't called SIN CITY for nothing.

Oh! Las Vegas is called 'Sin City'? :devil: And here's me thinking that was Cincinatti!

16th March 2011, 01:53
Why wouldn't a pretty young Filipina fall for a finely matured British gentleman anyway ? :Erm:






16th March 2011, 01:59

16th March 2011, 02:20
Problem is my dad was blinded like alot of british men by these women ,
whilst he was lying dead in his own house his partner so called family stole everything from him all because they was theifs scavingers
He gave that family everything whilst he was alive and this is how they repay him
How comes then i have read online about this country alot off murders all for money robberys every day? Children murderd raped everyday
And you would seriously want to bring your child up there?
never mind the fact its a 3rd world country
move on how dare you tell me to move on
I hope you never have to lose someone like this in ur life and then be told to move on
How can i move on

You really should move on because what other choice do you have?
I have listened to your story and I am truly sympathetic but now I find that it is boring me due to a general lack of facts.
Sorry and I don't wish to appear rude or without empathy but could you please provide a link to a news story regarding your Fathers murder?
My advice to you is to call the Samaritans ASAP as they are far better qualified to help you manage your obvious grief and bitterness than anyone on this forum could..
Hang in there and seek professional help.

16th March 2011, 02:28
You really should move on because what other choice do you have?
I have listened to your story and I am truly sympathetic but now I find that it is boring me due to a general lack of facts.
Sorry and I don't wish to appear rude or without empathy but could you please provide a link to a news story regarding your Fathers murder?
My advice to you is to call the Samaritans ASAP as they are far better qualified to help you manage your obvious grief and bitterness than anyone on this forum could..
Hang in there and seek professional help.

checking from her old posts Fred, here's her dad's story it seems.. http://filipinaroses.com/showthread.php/26248-Western-Filipino-couples-targets?p=242387&highlight=#post242387

16th March 2011, 03:05
checking from her old posts Fred, here's her dad's story it seems.. http://filipinaroses.com/showthread.php/26248-Western-Filipino-couples-targets?p=242387&highlight=#post242387

Ahh...OK Rayna, thanks..
Looks like her father was another victim of Mark Dizon.. From reading the story his partner died with him on that sorry day..
I wonder if they ever raised enough cash to fly his body home?

Im hearing rumours here that Dizon may be released because of lack of evidence.. I hope the rumours are proved wrong.

Arthur Little
16th March 2011, 03:49
Looks like her father was another victim of Mark Dizon.. From reading the story his partner died with him on that sorry day..

Yes, :iagree: ... he - James Bolton - was, Fred ... and apparently he and his Filipina partner were BOTH murdered - and their house ransacked in pursuit of robbery - by Dizon. :angry:

I wonder if they ever raised enough cash to fly his body home?

:gp: Yes, according to a 'Sky TV' news bulletin, dated August 6, 2010 ... they [the family] managed to raise £10,000 - of which £6,000 was received from a donor who wished to remain anonymous - in order to repatriate his body.

Im hearing rumours here that Dizon may be released because of lack of evidence.. *I hope the rumours are proved wrong.

So do *I ... otherwise it's going to do nothing to appease his three daughters and allow their father to rest in peace. :nono-1-1:

Small wonder they're :furious3: if this should happen to be the case. Two of Mr Bolton's daughters' - Jessica the eldest ... and Becky (presumably the youngest at 21) - names appear in several news articles on the internet. Becky had evidently newly graduated from University the day before the tragedy.

I'm curious to know which of the three siblings is 'Northampton Girl'? It would certainly explain this lady's understandable anger! But WHY is it being directed at Filipinas in general and his partner's relatives in particular? :rolleyes:

16th March 2011, 08:42
You really should move on because what other choice do you have?
I have listened to your story and I am truly sympathetic but now I find that it is boring me due to a general lack of facts.
Sorry and I don't wish to appear rude or without empathy but could you please provide a link to a news story regarding your Fathers murder?
My advice to you is to call the Samaritans ASAP as they are far better qualified to help you manage your obvious grief and bitterness than anyone on this forum could..
Hang in there and seek professional help.

sorry :bigcry: I am jess the child of jim killed by dizon And i dont no why i blame philopines Its just wen i read things online of the bad things it makes me sad
I just didnot want anyone else to be killed for being british having a filopino wife
i have never traveld there and once wanted to
Seems i get told all this stuff about the place seems scary but maybe its all lies then .Seems I am not a nasty person Sorry :Wave:

16th March 2011, 09:09
sorry :bigcry: I am jess the child of jim killed by dizon And i dont no why i blame philopines Its just wen i read things online of the bad things it makes me sad
I just didnot want anyone else to be killed for being british having a filopino wife
i have never traveld there and once wanted to
Seems i get told all this stuff about the place seems scary but maybe its all lies then .Seems I am not a nasty person Sorry :Wave:

Hi Jess, I have read and follow all the reply and reactions of all your reply in this thread, It was really indeed a serious and so sad happenings in your father that's why you have the grudge inside your heart towards my country.

That's why I appreciated your courage to accept that you've been wronged in judging all the Filipino women here.The grudge that you have in your heart will not help you in moving on, hope you could look into the brighter side of your life, I guess it would take time since the scenario is still fresh, but in the meantime, you should have to dig up more on what really is the Filipino. Every crimes happen not only in our country but all over the world.

I hope you could find peace in your heart:):)

16th March 2011, 09:13
sorry :bigcry: I am jess the child of jim killed by dizon And i dont no why i blame philopines Its just wen i read things online of the bad things it makes me sad
I just didnot want anyone else to be killed for being british having a filopino wife
i have never traveld there and once wanted to
Seems i get told all this stuff about the place seems scary but maybe its all lies then .Seems I am not a nasty person Sorry :Wave:

Thank you for that Jess,
You know we can empathise with you to some degree, it was a terrible thing that happened to your father and his partner. Angeles is not the best place to survive, but nor are places in our own country either.
Please don't blame ALL Filipino people, 99% are kind generous and loving people, and that was probably the reason why your father was there.
You hurt many feelings with your outbursts about the Filipine people, but believe me, none of us would be in relationships without having our eyes open. We have all been there and know exactly what we are getting into. Living in the province, where my house is located is not like city living, very different, very rural much safer and community spirited.

I hope you find some inner peace and turn your obvious anger into something positive that will help you become a stronger person and someone that your father would have been proud of. One insane and beastly Filipina man did this dreadful thing to your family, not the whole population.

take care :)

16th March 2011, 09:43
I am sorry if i hurt your feelings I dont no what i was thinking.
I just read these comments on Dads news and some people have said its his own fault for marry one of them women etc and he deserved to die because the age gap
And i surrpose it tainted my view
But i was proud of my Dad And i didnt care what people said about him being in love with mellissa When he left for the philopines I told him i was happy that he had finally found love and i wanted him to be happy My Dad was just unlucky. maybe Sometimes i dont no who to cry to or shout at and i geuss yesterday was just another one off my Bad days :bigcry:

16th March 2011, 10:07
But i was proud of my Dad And i didnt care what people said about him being in love with mellissa When he left for the philopines I told him i was happy that he had finally found love and i wanted him to be happy My Dad was just unlucky. maybe Sometimes i dont no who to cry to or shout at and i geuss yesterday was just another one off my Bad days :bigcry:

You know, I am sure your dad was very happy with Mellissa and loved her very much. Like all of us here, we love our wives, girlfriends and partners. We sometimes get the comments about 'Thai brides' and the age old stereotyped biggoted views, but these come from people who have been nowhere and done nothing and are jealous of our happiness. Your dad was obviously a big hearted guy.
We can never understand the grief you feel at losing your dad in such a manner, and screaming at someone can help sometimes. Screaming at us on a bad day didn't really help, but now you are calm, we can understand you. :)

16th March 2011, 10:25
I think Steve.r summed it up perfectly above. Of course we all sympathise with you, for the loss of your Dad, his girlfriend & the other victims.

16th March 2011, 10:30
I am sorry if i hurt your feelings I dont no what i was thinking.
I just read these comments on Dads news and some people have said its his own fault for marry one of them women etc and he deserved to die because the age gap
And i surrpose it tainted my view
But i was proud of my Dad And i didnt care what people said about him being in love with mellissa When he left for the philopines I told him i was happy that he had finally found love and i wanted him to be happy My Dad was just unlucky. maybe Sometimes i dont no who to cry to or shout at and i geuss yesterday was just another one off my Bad days :bigcry:

Hi Jess ........... I am so sorry to hear about your poor Dad and his Filipina partner. It’s hard enough losing your father (I lost mine too last year) but when there is foul play and such a distance involved, it must be so very difficult to deal with.

I’m glad that you have acknowledged that your previous comments have been made out of grief for your Dad and that you realise that not all Filipino are the same. That is certainly a step forward.

Since you appear to be having great difficulty in coming to terms with what has happened, I would strongly urge you to contact Cruse, a charity that supports those in need of help in dealing with bereavement and grief. Their telephone number is 0844 477 9400, email helpline@cruse.org.uk and website address is http://www.crusebereavementcare.org.uk/

You don’t have to suffer alone, they will help you to come to terms with what has happened and help you to deal with your feelings. You really do need to talk to a professional who can help you through this awful time in your life.

Take care
Rosie :)

16th March 2011, 10:46
Thank you rosie I am already on waiting list for cruse :)

16th March 2011, 14:10
I had a gut feeling that your outbursts here were part of something far deeper and Im so glad you have opened up a bit which is a big step in itself... Im sure you feel so much better already..Am I right?
I have something in common with your Dad as I was hooked on Filipino culture years ago and something I have never ever regretted.. I married my Mrs when I was 24 after 5 years living here..She was 21 at the time and next year we will celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary.. Much like your Dad,I was hooked...Hook line and sinker with the Filipino way of life and I live here until this day enjoying every last minute as Im sure your Father did..
Please do not listen or bother reading comments from a few ignorant Brits that have never left British shores,, They have no concern for your feelings and are only interested in shallow sound bites that they would probably have forgotten by morning,,
If ever you wish to experience the Philippines that perhaps your Dad tried to explain to you at one time please allow me to welcome you to our place here whenever you wish.. I`ll show you you around and introduce you to people that will astound you with generosity and hospitality.. That is a serious offer BTW.
Im really glad you found this forum because it is full of genuinely nice people that are prepared to help you in many ways..
God bless..

16th March 2011, 14:33
Hi Jess...we all do sympathize with what has happened to your dad and the great impact it has done to u and your family..trust me, no one here tolerates such incidents..though i admit Philippine justice isn't to be proud of.. you can read stuffs here that even we filipinos hate about the justice system..just stick around here and you can meet lots of good filipinos :)

16th March 2011, 15:06
Thank you fred for the offer to come philopines Maybe one day ill take you up on this offer,
Right now I am to frightend to go there
I wanted to go for the court trial but i am worried i might be not safe
I have never really stood on own too feet always had Dad here to advice me tell me whats best And now he is gone.
I liked all Dad told me about the country we was all going to visit him after he was due to come home this april then we was going to stay with him in a nice hotel in tarlac But we never got to do it
My dad started wrighting a book about his life out there and would send us updates on emails they was so funny and exciting
He enjoyed the little time he had in philopines
Maybe one day ill be able to move on from this and carry on his funny updates

16th March 2011, 15:25
Hi northamton-gil, Extremely sorry for your loss and my apologies for my outburst.
Time is a great healer, though some times can take too long. Fred is right don't let the ignorant Brits poison your mind. Take care.

16th March 2011, 15:50

Dont worry about court dates etc as I doubt that your appearance would make any difference to the out come..Its not something that I feel you should become involved with.
Of course you will be a little scared to visit and that is very understandable...
One day when you feel you are ready to visit , I will be very happy to personally guarantee your safety and show you some of the wonders present here in South east Asia..
Just send me a private message any time you wish and I`ll assist you in a journey that you will never forget.. I feel that at some stage its a trip that you must make in order to give some of the things that have happened in your life some perspective..
Perhaps then,you can continue to move on..

Whenever you are ready!!

16th March 2011, 15:53
hey northampton girl:xxgrinning--00xx3: just been reading all these posts, cant beleive ppl react the way they hav.. maybe you hit a nerve with a few of them eh! From what i can see your just trying to warn ppl. I think you have every right to be angry and you shouldn't be apologising to any one.. as one has already said the justice system is not one they are proud of. Keep your chin up girl :) I'm sure your Dad would be really proud of u. Take care :xxgrinning--00xx3:

16th March 2011, 15:57
Troll warning.....

16th March 2011, 16:10

16th March 2011, 16:11
hey northampton girl:xxgrinning--00xx3: just been reading all these posts, cant beleive ppl react the way they hav.. maybe you hit a nerve with a few of them eh! From what i can see your just trying to warn ppl. I think you have every right to be angry and you shouldn't be apologising to any one.. as one has already said the justice system is not one they are proud of. Keep your chin up girl :) I'm sure your Dad would be really proud of u. Take care :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I don't know who you are or what your motives are for posting that rubbish. I know you are from the same area, maybe another relative.... I advise you read the posts through properly and understand what happened. You obviously have not understood the journey which Northampton' travelled on last night and today. Her eyes have been opened because she was able to see through the anger and understand what we do here and how we choose to live our lives and how her father lived his. She has also been offered some grat advice and support, and even a very genuine and open offer to visit one of our respected members in his home in the Philippines.
I am not going to go over it all again, but if you have nothing positive to add, I will appreciate you not adding fuel to a fire that is now out. :doh

16th March 2011, 16:38
I have read all the posts on here and am entitled to my opinion. I am just shocked at some of the responses i ve seen. Some of you have said some really horrible things to northampton girl when some of YOU dont know all the facts! You all seem to want to start an arguement with anyone that doesnt agree with you... Oh an by the way I m not a relative but a good friend of Jim's. And as for northampton girl having her eyes opened it looks more like she s been bullied and abused by some of you lot until you actually read what happened to her dad.

16th March 2011, 16:46
I have read all the posts on here and am entitled to my opinion. I am just shocked at some of the responses i ve seen. Some of you have said some really horrible things to northampton girl when some of YOU dont know all the facts! You all seem to want to start an arguement with anyone that doesnt agree with you... Oh an by the way I m not a relative but a good friend of Jim's. And as for northampton girl having her eyes opened it looks more like she s been bullied and abused by some of you lot until you actually read what happened to her dad.

It appears you need your eyes opened too, 'there are none as blind as those who wont see'
It is people like you, who cannot let it lie that stir up trouble and ill feeling, what do you 'know' of the philippines apart from what you have seen on tv???.
Give the girl credit for her posts today, she has shown great strength and maturity today, and all you want to do is open up the wound again. Nice friend you are !!

16th March 2011, 16:50
Most forum members browse posts and respond without doing in depth research...
Its not always possible to know whats happening behind the scenes and at first glance,certain messages may come across as insulting to some which results in opposing views..
As Steve has mentioned,the people now viewing and replying are better informed and I think you will now see a difference in the general tone... on both sides..
Leave it at that please..

16th March 2011, 17:04
All you are doing is disrespecting his daughter by continuing your personal rant.
How about this for me being mature ... you are gone!! :Wave:

16th March 2011, 17:08
finlay32..if you are a friend of their family, help them to recover from this tragedy in ways that would ease their pain..if you're one of the people passing on stories to them about how awful my country is and what a big mistake her dad did, then you're not helping them..you just build up her anger and resentment until she cannot move on...like what i've said from my earlier posts, we do not condone what happened to her dad and no one wanted that..and crimes do happen in every country..not just the Philippines alone..so just help their family to recover and be a great friend to them.:)

Arthur Little
16th March 2011, 17:42
NO, Finlay :NoNo: ... what happened to Jim Bolton was a tragedy. There's no disputing that! He and Melissa were the unfortunate victims of a fatal shooting in the wake of a robbery gone horribly wrong. Similar incidents occur worldwide - not least, here in the United Kingdom - and, sadly ... until human greed on a global scale is stamped out - which seems highly unlikely, as YOU are well-aware - the pattern will continue.

So please ... GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT before "jumping on the bandwagon"!!! As pointed out, what's happened CANNOT be undone. The most sensible thing you can do right NOW for Jess and her two siblings is to be as supportive as possible. I mean ... surely - in your heart of hearts - you, yourself, must realise that absolutely NOTHING can be achieved by ranting and raving at people who are bending over backwards to lend a sympathetic ear to the bereaved family. Together with the counselling she receives from CRUSE and the help WE are prepared to offer - which YOU can choose to be an integral part of as a close friend of Jim - Jess can gradually move forward. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

16th March 2011, 18:01
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RzBYc5J8vAE maybe u might like to see dad on this video:)

Arthur Little
16th March 2011, 18:38
Jess ... what a beautifully- poignant and touching tribute to a much-loved dad and grandad. :thankyou: so much for sharing it with us - your friends here. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

16th March 2011, 18:51
we all jump to quick sometimes,i do it all the time i am told , well after reading what has be said on here i cant add much more but sorry northampton_gir, there are lots out there that just jump onto the band wagon about the phils and the people, me being married to one i would defend her for ever, well i jumped onto you without knowing the facts, so please forgive my ignorance, time does heal most things

16th March 2011, 19:01
I am just shocked at some of the responses i ve seen. Some of you have said some really horrible things to northampton girl when some of YOU dont know all the facts!.

All responses were based on the facts of the thread, of which the input from Gir was nothing short of abusive on this forum, and she got the response people showing the same disrespect would get no matter who they are. She returned today with an open mind, and gave the thread further facts so we all understood her situation, and that is when members switched to supporting and offering help to her. They are the FACTS.

16th March 2011, 19:22
I beautiful tribute to your Dad, Jess.

Thank you for sharing

16th March 2011, 20:34
Thank goodness we are all fully aware of the situation now, and able to extend our sympathy and understanding to this poor young lady.

It is natural for us to be on the defensive though, as we too have loved ones who just happen to be Filipinas. Our motivations for marrying them are of course our own business.

It does need to be pointed out (for those whose impressions of the Philippines and the Filipino people are perhaps less than accurate) that murder and robbery are crimes committed the world over. Yes, it perhaps is a little less safe in certain parts of the Philippines for a Foreiigner, but the dangers are magnified out of all proportion by the media and by ignorant people who have no first-hand knowledge of life there as an ex-pat.

I have been visiting and living with my family in the Phils for more than 20 years.
Also I have lived in Angeles City for a total of 5 years...the last time from 2000-2003.

The town is very much a tourist town, and has a large 'girly bar' district, being formerly (for 70 years) the location of the largest US airforce base outside the United States.

My wife was not a bar worker in Angeles or anywhere else for that matter, and many of the expats are attracted to the town because of its westerner-friendly environment, and in many cases because they are US veterans who have chosen to retire there with Filipina wives they met while still in the armed forces.

My 3 children all went to school there, and we led a happy, peaceful and contented life.
Both my wife and I ran businesses totally unconnected to the 'bar scene'.

In a country where there is much poverty and deprivation, of course one has to be careful about personal security, but only in a low-key common sense sort of way.

I certainly felt safer there than I would on a Saturday night out in the average city in the UK. :rolleyes:

From what knowledge I have of the case, the perpetrator was not a desperately poor robber, but from quite a well-off family. He simply appeared to have been mentally deranged.

It is no comfort to the victims I know, but this kind of crime can occur absolutely anywhere.

Tragically Jess's father was in the wrong place at the wrong time.
There are several thousand foreigners living in Angeles as expats, quite apart from the tourists passing through.

It is very very sad that your dad's life was ended in this way Jess (and that of his girlfriend), but I can assure you that both the local Filipino people and the expat community have been truly shocked by the heinous crimes of this lunatic.

As for the 'justice' system in the Phils, well that is something that unfortunately none of us have any control over. The locals suffer because of its inadequacies more than we could comprehend.

Our home in Angeles:


16th March 2011, 20:42
I for one was not offended by any of Northampton girl's posts. There was much truth in all of it, be it slightly slanted.

My baby boy won't getting his willy messed with, that's been decided and cut in stone:D

T hank you for sharing your video with us.

God bless


16th March 2011, 21:20
My baby boy won't getting his willy messed with, that's been decided and cut in stone:D

That sounds ironic :Erm:

16th March 2011, 22:19
Can't beat a bit of irony :D

Far from Jess's initial comments being ignorant I would say the opposite is more true. In fact she showed a lot of insight. The description fitted my ex wife to a tee.

I don't understand why the family friend was banned, Fred told him to let it go, in so many words then steve. R jumps in and bans him. Even after explaining that he was a friend of Jim, cut no ice.

Bereavement is tough, unless you've been through it, you will never understand it, we say and do things totally out of character.

I would of thought, given the circumstances, more tolerance and understanding would of been shown.

Just the opinion of a simple truck driver :rolleyes:

16th March 2011, 22:46
All these women are trained from birth to prostatute themselfs, so You all need to take one big look at yourselfs open your eyes your being used,
As for now they tell u they love u yea till your dead they can take all ur belongings and move on to the next uk man

99 percent of these women work in the Bars and sell themselfs everynight

Far from Jess's initial comments being ignorant I would say the opposite is more true. In fact she showed a lot of insight. The description fitted my ex wife to a tee.

Bereavement is tough, unless you've been through it, you will never understand it, we say and do things totally out of character.

I would of thought, given the circumstances, more tolerance and understanding would of been shown.

Just the opinion of a simple truck driver :rolleyes:

a truck driver with 50yrs of experience, tolerance and understanding gwapito

sometimes we all say and do things without thinking, and time is a great healer

16th March 2011, 22:56
steve. R jumps in and bans him.

Just the opinion of a simple truck driver :rolleyes:

Well it was the opinon of myself, a simple filipine/Uk Moderator to remove someone who was being inflammatory. I know you like a good argument, but his comments were not helping anyone. I hate banning people, but I have my hand on the button, and will use it :ReadIt:

17th March 2011, 00:32
Well it was the opinon of myself, a simple filipine/Uk Moderator to remove someone who was being inflammatory. I know you like a good argument, but his comments were not helping anyone. I hate banning people, but I have my hand on the button, and will use it :ReadIt:

I'm not surprised certain members have left of their own accord or post less often then, with that aggressive attitude....seemingly pointing the finger at all of us.

May I suggest that you are in danger of coming across as a megalomaniac.

I don't think that is helpful either....to the whole forum.

That is why I no longer participate in any kind of debate on here.

17th March 2011, 00:32
a truck driver with 50yrs of experience, tolerance and understanding gwapito

sometimes we all say and do things without thinking, and time is a great healer

You've taken my last post a bit too literal :NoNo:

O fcourse I didnt mean those particular things she said:NoNo:

Yes Steve your the man with the finger on the button

17th March 2011, 00:46
Yes Steve your the man with the finger on the button

its only a mouse button :icon_lol:

17th March 2011, 00:55
i guess leaving everyone to beat the hell out of eachother is far more civilised. :doh

17th March 2011, 02:01
Hi northampton_gir

Sorry to read here of your loss.

Perhaps one day you will visit the Philippines and see for yourself why so many people love going there.

It really is hard to forget such a terrible thing that you have had to endure, but time is a healer.

Many people here do have younger wives and are very happy (me included) and indeed have children too.

My wife here looks after our baby and the home (the hardest job) while I work every hour I can to bring money home.
It is our lot and we do everything we can to live a happy life.

Maybe one day you will go to the Philippines.
It will not be easy at first, but I think you will be bowled over when you see the kindness and respect that is all around you when you visit.

There is nowhere quite like the Philippines in my opinion.

If you are lucky one day you will see the beauty of family life there, and you will realise why your father loved it so much :xxgrinning--00xx3:

17th March 2011, 02:14
Im not argumentative Steve, I just like lively debate :xxgrinning--00xx3:

17th March 2011, 08:48
You've taken my last post a bit too literal :NoNo:

O fcourse I didnt mean those particular things she said:NoNo:

Yes Steve your the man with the finger on the button

gwapito you get me wrong to, i'm sure your much wiser, more tolerent and eaiser going than when you were younger, i know i am :rolleyes: time and experience of living sure changes your views :D

but if she said those things to my misses face she would be :cwm3:, this is a friendly forum and we dont need people insulting other people :NoNo:

a death is probably the most traumatic experience you can go thru, for that i'm sorry for her fathers death :NoNo:

17th March 2011, 10:28
in uk i am liable to pay tax on rental income from my property if i fall into that bracket,

if i live in phil while recieving this rent, am i also liable to pay tax again on my uk rental income to the phil government,?

does anyone know how this works

17th March 2011, 10:43
What a wonderful video thanks for sharing northamptongir!!

I too lost my Dad ages ago and felt so heartbroken ,..tears mixed with anger and hurt when you remember your old times together...but I'll tell you it will help you to be strong and grow up...with the support of your good friends and family and of course time, it will all be healed.
and once your ready ,..you can come and visit the Philippines and see for yourself how beautiful people we are.

17th March 2011, 10:57
What a wonderful video thanks for sharing northamptongir!!

I too lost my Dad ages ago and felt so heartbroken ,..tears mixed with anger and hurt when you remember your old times together...but I'll tell you it will help you to be strong and grow up...with the support of your good friends and family and of course time, it will all be healed.
and once your ready ,..you can come and visit the Philippines and see for yourself how beautiful people we are.

Oh sorry about your dad Was he murderd too?
I have been told by people that losing someone to murder is not grief alone its Sudden and Traumatic Deaths - Trauma I at this moment i only see a bullet in my Dads face and not my dads nice face everytime i close my eyes
Also i think of him lying in his own house dead for 3 hole hot days before anyone found him decomposed
I never got to say goodbye or even the chance to no he was going to die,
Or even the chance to put nice clothes on him for his funeral He was banndaged up like a mummy Not even did they imbarm him so i could have the chance to see him one last time even though we paid the funeral director there 8 and half grand for what?
Also he was robbed off everything I dont even have a pair off his socks left Nothing After he wasnt even berried he was still in police custerdy and people of the public came in and took what was left Even his shoes ffs
So no i most probably will never move on from this I hope to one day be able to understand why I will never no why Dad was murderd But why was me and my family treated so bad

17th March 2011, 11:33
Oh sorry about your dad Was he murderd too?

No,its cardiac arrest ...every death for me is traumatic.

17th March 2011, 11:37
No,its cardiac arrest ...every death for me is traumatic.

:bigcry: death is very sad for anyone i no x

17th March 2011, 11:48
:bigcry: death is very sad for anyone i no x

sorry, I need to explain myself, I didnt say that death for me is only grief or being sad...I consider every death sudden or not as traumatic....even if you did say goodbye or not to your love one, if it will happen ,it will happen and we cannot get hold of it.

17th March 2011, 12:01
Oh sorry about your dad Was he murderd too?
I have been told by people that losing someone to murder is not grief alone its Sudden and Traumatic Deaths - Trauma I at this moment i only see a bullet in my Dads face and not my dads nice face everytime i close my eyes

as sars has said all deaths can be traumatic, wether mudered or not, your imagining what happened to your father and if you had seen the death of your father it would have been more traumatic for you, my stepdad died like SArs father of a heart attack, and i had to try and resuscitate him :NoNo:, something i'll never forget, those minutes til the ambulance came seemed like a life time but i knew he was dead .. :NoNo:

time is a great healer and i wish you well

17th March 2011, 12:03
I totallly understand you What you mean,
But what i mean was that if dad had been ill id be expecting it But he was stolen from us because of one man
I was talking to him the day before he had died I had just had my baby everything was so happy and then 3 days i waited online for dad He never came back Then i was told he was murderd I no if i had had chance to say goodbye i would still be very heartbroken and just as sad But least id have the chance to say the things i need to say if u no what i mean xxxx

17th March 2011, 12:07
your imagining what happened to your father and if you had seen the death of your father it would have been more traumatic for you,
I have seen the pictures of my dads Body on his living room floor blood everywhere Because these pictures was publicy put all over the net so yes i have seen my dad lying dead
And i do understand if i had watched dad have a heart attack i would feel just as bad watching so that must have been so bad for you sorry about your dad :bigcry:

17th March 2011, 12:57
It was truely tragic what happened. We see it happen in movies every night on tv but we know it is not real. Seeing your precious loved one, who ever it may be struggling for life, or already passed away is a horror we can never mentally forget. I myself have seen people killed in real life, I have been witness to terrorist bombings, air crashes and road accidents, the sight never leaves you.

Jess, you say that the images of your Dad when you think of him now are of how he was left lying on the floor, I cannot imagine how I would feel faced with that... but... for the close, loved ones who have left my life, I always try to remember a smile on their face, an happy moment together, remember them calling my name, something that I can remember that makes me smile too. I know it is a huge wall for you to climb to get to that point where you see the happy moments first, but with time you will get there. Now you have a lovely child, you can tell them just what a wonderful person their Grandfather was with a smile in your heart. Stay strong, take care. :)

17th March 2011, 13:36
.........my stepdad died like SArs father of a heart attack, and i had to try and resuscitate him :NoNo:, something i'll never forget, those minutes til the ambulance came seemed like a life time but i knew he was dead .. :NoNo:

time is a great healer and i wish you well

Same thing happened to me with my Mum :bigcry:

We have to move on, there is no other way...........

Northampton Gir will also

17th March 2011, 14:10
I totallly understand you What you mean,
But what i mean was that if dad had been ill id be expecting it But he was stolen from us because of one man
I was talking to him the day before he had died I had just had my baby everything was so happy and then 3 days i waited online for dad He never came back Then i was told he was murderd I no if i had had chance to say goodbye i would still be very heartbroken and just as sad But least id have the chance to say the things i need to say if u no what i mean xxxx

thats how death is most of the time, you dont get to say good bye :NoNo:, my stepdad was in the next room, he could have been dead upto an hour until i saw him, i could have, maybe should have gone and checked on him sooner, maybe help save his life, you cant turn back time, and what is, is .. life is full of regrets and guilt but you just have to keep carrying on one day at a time..

17th March 2011, 14:18
Same thing happened to me with my Mum :bigcry:

We have to move on, there is no other way...........

Northampton Gir will also

yes mrshark, i've been thru the same with my mom, got a call my mom was in hospital, consultant and nurse in A & E took me to the room (been there b4 , i knew what they were going to say :NoNo:) told me she wouldn't make it, nothing they could do, intensive care wouldn't even take her :NoNo:, they put her on a ward with a free bed to die, but against all odds and with the skill of a couple of consultants she pulled thru, was in a coma for 3 days, spent the next 6 months in hospital.. something kept her going. what i dont know .. that was nearly 6yrs ago :rolleyes:

17th March 2011, 14:54
Yes joebloggs, death is not easy for the family members left behind but the ones we lose would surely want us all to carry on to the best of our ability :xxgrinning--00xx3:

17th March 2011, 15:52
I too lost my Dad through heart attack June 21 2008 I was there, I will remember that until the day I die. He was buried July 3, my birthday.

your life is never the same, you mature very quickly. What was important now pales into insignificance.

Strangely my niece gave birth to her first born 3 days after dad died as well.

H ewas poorly for 5 years, deep down, it was expected, he was 78.

It still hits you like a bolt from the blue.

Only God knows what you are going through Jess given those traumatic of circumstances.

My heart and best wishes go out to you and your family.

Yes, it could quite easily be one of us.

17th March 2011, 16:06
I too lost my Dad through heart attack June 21 2008 I was there, I will remember that until the day I die. He was buried July 3, my birthday.

your life is never the same, you mature very quickly. What was important now pales into insignificance.

Strangely my niece gave birth to her first born 3 days after dad died as well.

H ewas poorly for 5 years, deep down, it was expected, he was 78.

It still hits you like a bolt from the blue.

Only God knows what you are going through Jess given those traumatic of circumstances.

My heart and best wishes go out to you and your family.

Yes, it could quite easily be one of us.

Thank you sorry about your Dad :bigcry: See my Dad was not poorly he was just age 50 and was so full off life he used to love life and wanted to have some fun and happyness i reckon he would have had least another 30 years in him.
He wanted to make a book about life in philopines but he never finished it :NoNo:
But you are right anyone could have been murderd that day or any other day Had to be someones dad geuss my dad got the short straw ay And only god will ever no why he created monsters

17th March 2011, 16:49
Your Dad, 50 years young, same as me.

I actually dreamt about this last night. It shook me to the core.

Ive had a past bad experience of getting involved with a wrong one through my own stupidity, like my daughter aged 28 warned me she was not good for me, I too, took no notice.

I lost well over 140 thousand pounds for my troubles over a 2 year period. Im truly grateful I lost nothing else.

17th March 2011, 17:07
The upside of my tale woe is, Ive a Filipina wife, living in the uk with no immediate plans to go back.

Even my wife doesn't feel safe there compared to living in the Wiltshire countryside.

I love my filipina wife to bits, she's the complete opposite to that hell on 2 legs.

To top it all, we are expecting our first baby boy May 14.

I know my cloud had a silver lining, so will yours Jess

17th March 2011, 17:10
T otop it all, we are expecting our first baby boy May 14.

Hey congrats to both of you Gwap' :xxgrinning--00xx3:

17th March 2011, 17:16
Your Dad, 50 years young, same as me.

I actually dreamt about this last night. It shook me to the core.

Ive had a past bad experience of getting involved with a wrong one through my own stupidity, like my daughter aged 28 warned me she was not good for me, I too, took no notice.

I lost well over 140 thousand pounds for my troubles over a 2 year period. Im truly grateful I lost nothing else.

I am so glad that you are safe and well for the sake of you and your family
This is all i was trying to say at the start that some of these women NOT ALL some do this and i beleive in my heart of hearts My Dad would be here today if he had listen to me about this women she used him and the family He was made to pay everything
The problem with my dad was he trusted to many people
I could see from day one that this women didnt love dad she loved his wallet
And he sent off money to get her a visa to move here u no what she did spent it on taking her and her family out buying new clothes and shoes,
He sent more
and then he said to me she is sorry she wont do it again
I no that this killing isnt as clear cut as it is made to be i cannot go into that because of trial but there is nothing i can do now
But i do not want anyone else to ever go through what i have ever
And u no the sad thing is this man might walk free and there might be no justice even i no the trial will take 10 to 15 years to finish .
And as for the uk emberssy they stink they did nothing to help us get dad home nothing i had to begg the world for money to get him home ,
I was told if i didnt hurry up and pay my dads body would be berried in the philopines a porpers funeral i couldnt bare that for him .
And when we had managed to raise money to get him i told them i could pay u no what they did?
Tell me it was more money now because i had to pay for a crate on top of charges to bring him home they ripped us off when we was greifing,
And you no the uk emberssy sent us emails How to and who to contact because dad was murderd lovley Not one person came to visit to see if we was ok
And the police here can do nothing or tell us nothing because its different law there,The uk emberssy told me that millions of uk men die and are murderd there every year ,
I read this online you no what it is money swindle they money swindle british men

17th March 2011, 17:18
we are expecting our first baby boy May 14.

I know my cloud had a silver lining, so will yours Jess congrats that is lovley news i am happy for you and your wife you have been lucky in love and life bless you xx

17th March 2011, 17:53
Im working Jess so replies are brief sorry.

I can well believe it, its a total outrage!

How bad is that, to tell you British men die everyday.

I got to work again. Ill post again later today

17th March 2011, 17:57
Im working Jess. Ill post later on ok.

I can well believe how you were treated. Outrageous!

17th March 2011, 18:18
we all will loose someone some day , just remember the memories you will never loose them

17th March 2011, 18:19
Im working Jess. Ill post later on ok.

I can well believe how you were treated. Outrageous!

Ok cool :)

17th March 2011, 18:21
Can't beat a bit of irony :D

Far from Jess's initial comments being ignorant I would say the opposite is more true. In fact she showed a lot of insight. The description fitted my ex wife to a tee.

I don't understand why the family friend was banned, Fred told him to let it go, in so many words then steve. R jumps in and bans him. Even after explaining that he was a friend of Jim, cut no ice.

Bereavement is tough, unless you've been through it, you will never understand it, we say and do things totally out of character.

I would of thought, given the circumstances, more tolerance and understanding would of been shown.

Just the opinion of a simple truck driver :rolleyes:

was wondering the same myself as dont see what i said was inflammatory as someone likes to put it! I like the way everyone seems to attack me once im banned and cant reply... I am a good friend to the family and have supported them since the beginning. Thanks for the support gwapito u seem like the only sensible one on here...:xxgrinning--00xx3:

17th March 2011, 18:26
All you are doing is disrespecting his daughter by continuing your personal rant.
How about this for me being mature ... you are gone!! :Wave:

How am i having a personal rant? All i was doin was sticking up for a friend!

17th March 2011, 18:32
How am i having a personal rant? All i was doin was sticking up for a friend!

you are and have been an amazing friend to us through all this and i no my dad would be proud of u and he knows who is true friends are x

17th March 2011, 18:38
you are and have been an amazing friend to us through all this and i no my dad would be proud of u and he knows who is true friends are x

And we will always be here for you.... better be careful what i say tho eh! Some one might take offence! :omg:

17th March 2011, 18:43
Alls quiet on the western front !!!:D

17th March 2011, 18:48
Alls quiet on the western front !!!:D

I cant talk at mo was eating me dinner and baby stole broccolie off me plate now she wont let go all hectic now lol

17th March 2011, 20:18
Thanks for the congratulations Steve (r), much appreciated :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Also, Finlay thanks for your gratitude, most acceptable although, I was only telling the truth, as I saw it.

Graham w48 also contributed too!

Finlay, I guess you weren't cut much slack because of your new status here, that's understandable, you have to earn trust.

We all make mistakes so, let's forgive and forgot.

All of us have one main thing in common, our Filipino partners. Yes, we argue so times but, that's friends, we are good people Finlay.

Unlike facebook etc this forum is not free, it comes at a cost to Keith win2win. Many of us contribute as and when we can, its not compulsory.

Me personally find this forum a God send.

Welcome back Finlay, I hope you get as much enjoyment from being a member here, as much as I do.

17th March 2011, 20:21
You have to pay for this site? I didnt pay lol :NoNo: why dont u just make a group on facebook when it is free then?

17th March 2011, 20:41
Jess, to be honest, I don't know how it works.

I know Keith runs a betting business, I think its all interconnected.

Im sure there's a reason why.

No one is asked to contribute!
It states the service is free.

The reason some do is because the forum has helped them.

I wish I not mentioned that now!

Anyway, where were we?

17th March 2011, 20:43
u finished work now then?:)

17th March 2011, 21:01
No, still working. I post when I can. I won't finish until 3 or 4 a

Im presently tucking into my sardines and rice.

Your baby got good taste, taking your broccoli:xxgrinning--00xx3:

17th March 2011, 21:05
there's no fee in joining and becoming a member in the forum, but it costs to run it..and keith's (admin) responsible for that..but there's an option to donate, although not compulsary..

17th March 2011, 21:06
sardines rice :Erm: lol broccoli :xxgrinning--00xx3:

17th March 2011, 21:09
there's no fee in joining and becoming a member in the forum, but it costs to run it..and keith's (admin) responsible for that..but there's an option to donate, although not compulsary..

ohh i see was wounder why that green donate was for i thought it was for japan because other sites have recently put on a donate thing for japan x

17th March 2011, 21:21
Hey! Don't laugh at my freshly cooked sardines and rice, ill have you know this filipino diet has lowered my blood pressure to a normal reading.

The only time we eat western stylie is when we visit our local outlet village.

You should try it, better still, you could introduce the diet to your daughter. If she eats broccoli, she will eat anything:icon_lol:

17th March 2011, 21:23
Thanks for the congratulations Steve (r), much appreciated :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Also, Finlay thanks for your gratitude, most acceptable although, I was only telling the truth, as I saw it.

Graham w48 also contributed too!

Finlay, I guess you weren't cut much slack because of your new status here, that's understandable, you have to earn trust.

We all make mistakes so, let's forgive and forgot.

All of us have one main thing in common, our Filipino partners. Yes, we argue so times but, that's friends, we are good people Finlay.

Unlike facebook etc this forum is not free, it comes at a cost to Keith win2win. Many of us contribute as and when we can, its not compulsory.

Me personally find this forum a God send.

Welcome back Finlay, I hope you get as much enjoyment from being a member here, as much as I do.

Thanks :D i did see what Graham w48 said to so thank u to him too. I was only sayin the truth to, as some one new coming onto this site i thought it all pretty disgusting, if that is what forums are all about then i dont want to know.. I ve never registered on any forum before and and wont be on here again...But when I read what was being said to Jess I had to say something... I only came across this site because i was trying to find out info about what happening with Mark Dizon...

17th March 2011, 21:25
Hey! Don't laugh at my freshly cooked sardines and rice, ill have you know this filipino diet has lowered my blood pressure to a normal reading. The only time we eat western stylie is when we visit our local outlet village. You should try it, better still, you could introduce the diet to your daughter. If she eats broccoli, she will eat anything:icon_lol:

I have tried philopine foods My dad tried to force them on to me lol i like me old fry up chips and basic junk lol hahaha I prob have a worse diet than u hahaha i dont care my diet is 20 fags and 3 cans coke 2 pack crisps and choc lol yummie hahaha
I do like this one thing my dad used to make me eat from philopines its like a little tart thing with almonds on them and they was so yummie i cannot remember what they called i think they was a pudding but i dont no lol u no what i mean maybe u wife might?

17th March 2011, 21:39
Hey northampton_ gir.
Please take care ok and best wishes for the future.
I have followed all the posts on here and was deeply saddened for what has happened. Please believe that there is still a lot of good left in the World. Your Dad would want you to be happy thats for sure.
Best wishes to you and the little one.

17th March 2011, 21:41
Hey northampton_ gir.
Please take care ok and best wishes for the future.
I have followed all the posts on here and was deeply saddened for what has happened. Please believe that there is still a lot of good left in the World. Your Dad would want you to be happy thats for sure.
Best wishes to you and the little one.

Thanks Jim x

17th March 2011, 22:01
O hdear Jess! I can say Ive never eaten like that:NoNo:

I guess you got time on your side, you can make up for it. Just don't let your baby copy ah!

The dessert may be buku pie :D

17th March 2011, 22:10
The dessert may be buku pie :D[/QUOTE]
maybe was,
Thats one thing ill never get now was looking forward to them in april when dad came back lol :D My kids are not allowed any junk hahaha have to have 3 propper meals cause i am mean old mummie lol

17th March 2011, 23:11
Good for you Jess! At least you know it's wrong, there's hope for you yet :D I

That desert may of been one of Mr Kippling's finest almond slices, it has been said he makes exceedingly good cakes?

Anyway, buku is coconut. Ill ask the wife tomorrow about the name this elusive tart with an almond perched on top, unless we can be enlightened by somebody else on here?


17th March 2011, 23:22
Good for you Jess! At least you know it's wrong, there's hope for you yet :D I

That desert may of been one of Mr Kippling's finest almond slices, it has been said he makes exceedingly good cakes?

Anyway, buku is coconut. Ill ask the wife tomorrow about the name this elusive tart with an almond perched on top, unless we can be enlightened by somebody else on here?


Well they didnt taste much off coconut lol :NoNo: have u ever tasted balut lol my Dad refused to try it But malissa loved it haha :Erm::NoNo: me i say :NoNo: hahahaa

17th March 2011, 23:33
have u ever tasted balut lol my Dad refused to try it But malissa loved it haha :Erm::NoNo: me i say :NoNo: hahahaa

Fred will treat you to the delights of balut, when you go over there in time...watch out, it'll put hairs on your chest. :omg:

17th March 2011, 23:34
Fred will treat you to the delights of balut, when you go over there in time...watch out, it'll put hairs on your chest. :omg:

:icon_lol::yikes: no way errrrrrrkkkkkkkkkk

18th March 2011, 00:05
Only once Jess.

I promised the wife I would before we both left The Philippines.
I twas truly awful.

Mine was well ripe, feathers, beck even the waggly tail! Or was that a dog? Anyway, an experiencenever to be repeated, promise:NoNo:

18th March 2011, 14:07
Only once Jess.

I promised the wife I would before we both left The Philippines.
I twas truly awful.

Mine was well ripe, feathers, beck even the waggly tail! Or was that a dog? Anyway, an experiencenever to be repeated, promise:NoNo:

That is awful lol i would not try but then again i also think haggis is sick too and i wouldnt try it haha :icon_lol:

18th March 2011, 14:20
Nothing wrong with Balut, just like a boiled egg, but a bit stronger tasting. :)

18th March 2011, 14:23
Nothing wrong with Balut, just like a boiled egg, but a bit stronger tasting. :)

boiled chicks :bigcry: :yikes:

Arthur Little
18th March 2011, 14:32
i also think haggis is sick too and i wouldnt try it haha :icon_lol:

Aww ... haggis is ok :Kilt: ... as long as you don't think too much about its ingredients!!! :icon_lol:

18th March 2011, 14:33
I was only sayin the truth to, as some one new coming onto this site i thought it all pretty disgusting, if that is what forums are all about then i dont want to know.. I ve never registered on any forum before and and wont be on here again...But when I read what was being said to Jess I had to say something... I only came across this site because i was trying to find out info about what happening with Mark Dizon...

like what is pretty disgusting, read the whole thread and tell me then what you find disgusting :crazy:

but as your not coming back here again, you'll not be reading this, and i've got better things to be doing :rolleyes:


18th March 2011, 14:37
like what is pretty disgusting, read the whole thread and tell me then what you find disgusting :crazy:

but as your not coming back here again, you'll not be reading this, and i've got better things to be doing :rolleyes:


Why are you being horrible again thought all the argue was sorted? :doh

18th March 2011, 14:38
Aww ... haggis is ok :Kilt: ... as long as you don't think too much about its ingredients!!! :icon_lol:

Well if i hadnt been told its ingredients i would have most probably tried it and maybe even liked it to late :laugher:

18th March 2011, 14:52
Hi Jess, Joe is mixing you up with Finlay:NoNo:
Blame his old age.

Note, he quoted from Finlay last post.

Steve, the duck egg you tried was without baby chick, that's not is termed as balut.

It's how I described it in my previous post here :xxgrinning--00xx3:

18th March 2011, 14:54
like what is pretty disgusting, read the whole thread and tell me then what you find disgusting :crazy:

but as your not coming back here again, you'll not be reading this, and i've got better things to be doing :rolleyes:


I have read the whole thread! How many times have I got to say it! It's disgusting the way Jess was being treated u muppet! She was being abused and bullied by afew ppl on here whether you want to admit it or not... Why you carrying this on for anyway if you got better things to do?

18th March 2011, 14:59
Hi Jess, Joe is mixing you up with Finlay:NoNo:
Blame his old age.
here :xxgrinning--00xx3:
that was old news how comes we can all be banned for saying anything we want but once we all calm down and all be friends ppl can still carrie on and now they dont get banned? one rule for one and one another if i get banned now for speaking gwapito u can find me on facebook because ur kind and i like talking to you about philopines And Dad x:)

18th March 2011, 15:10
Your NOT goin to get banned Jess!!!.

The post by Joe was directed at Finlay. What Finlay says does not affect your status here. My facebook contact is mark frankham I use the same pic. But it won't be needed Jess. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

18th March 2011, 15:25
Your NOT goin to get banned Jess!!!.

The post by Joe was directed at Finlay. What Finlay says does not affect your status here. My facebook contact is mark frankham I use the same pic. But it won't be needed Jess. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

:xxgrinning--00xx3: so getting back to the egg I was thinking the egg i no mallissa eats is a baby chicky inside it and you can see it real and its all slimy not like a egg with a shell if u no what i mean hahah so what egg is steve on about is there more than one ~? gosh :

18th March 2011, 15:48
Probably just a duck egg without the chick, yes you are right, balut has a fully formed fetus, yum yum NOT!

Better just taking supplements for the vitamins and minerals it provides:D

A cowards way out:D

18th March 2011, 15:52
Probably just a duck egg without the chick, yes you are right, balut has a fully formed fetus, yum yum NOT!

Better just taking supplements for the vitamins and minerals it provides:D

A cowards way out:D
Id rather be a coward lol i wouldnt wanna eat a baby chick :bigcry: poor thing so sad but i wounder does it taste of chicken fried egg lmfaol

18th March 2011, 16:07
I didn't mince it on my palette, if that's what your asking.

It was a case of getting it down my neck asap!

It was a one off occasion.

18th March 2011, 16:15
I didn't mince it on my palette, if that's what your asking.

It was a case of getting it down my neck asap!

It was a one off occasion.

lol i would do same lol :laugher:
whats u got for lunch today? my Dad was a big fan of pansit if thats spelt correctly

Arthur Little
18th March 2011, 16:51
.. I ve never registered on any forum before and and wont be on here again...But when I read what was being said to Jess I had to say something... I only came across this site because i was trying to find out info about what happening with Mark Dizon ...

:rolleyes: ... fair enough!


read the whole thread and tell me then what you find disgusting :crazy:

but as your not coming back here again, you'll not be reading this

I have read the whole thread! How many times have I got to say it! It's disgusting the way Jess was being treated u muppet!

Uh ... oh! Insulting our senior, most experienced and highly respected Moderator is not helping matters, Finlay! :nono-1-1: Joe, himself, has been "through the mill"... and, for this very reason, unstintingly devotes every minute of his spare time to helping others - even during his long working hours, as you've already seen - so WE DO NOT take kindly to your reference to the word "muppet". :angry:

You have, so far, been given one warning as to how you conduct yourself on this forum. And, whether you decide to stay a member here or not, is up to you ... for the moment! But, ultimately - should you persist in this AGGRESSIVE manner - the decision will be taken for for you. :ReadIt:

18th March 2011, 17:05
Joe, himself, has been "through the mill"... and, for this very reason, unstintingly devotes every minute of his spare time to helping others

So joe owns this site or does steve? I am confused in who is the boss?
I no fin was only trying to protect me and some off the people on here can say what they want and then nothing happens to them?
Fin called joe a muppet yes
But what about the things some of the people was saying to me not one off them had a warning or banned why then? am i not as important as the rest off you guys ??
So what you mean is that we have to watch what we say because if u dont like it then we will warned but we can take comments from people on here as rude but nothing will be done x And i dont wanna argue with u arthur i really dont because its all been sorted but can you not see my point of view?

18th March 2011, 17:08
That's correct Jess :xxgrinning--00xx3: I like that as well, nice with rice and hot and spicy banana sauce.

Today it's talapia with the obligatory rice :D

Really nice Jess, how about you?

Oh ignore the arguing. It's not about you ok.

If you want to start another thread, feel free. Looks like we hijacked this on. Much good info.

Start a Jessica's thread?

18th March 2011, 17:10
That's correct Jess :xxgrinning--00xx3: I like that as well, nice with rice and hot and spicy banana sauce.

Today it's talapia with the obligatory rice :D

Really nice Jess, how about you?

Oh ignore the arguing. It's not about you ok.

If you want to start another thread, feel free. Looks like we hijacked this on. Much good info.

Start a Jessica's thread?

How do we start a new thread u make on call it philopine food hahaha

18th March 2011, 17:17
Jess, Fin won't let it go.

K eithis boss, he has moderators to help like most forums do, nothing unusual in that.

If Fin wants to argue then let him. Your not his keeper.

W eare getting on fine, not just me, surely you can see this Jess?

18th March 2011, 17:19
Ok I will start one called ' Jessica's thread' ok?

18th March 2011, 17:21
Ok I will start one called ' Jessica's thread' ok?

Okie dokie :xxgrinning--00xx3:

18th March 2011, 17:23
:rolleyes: ... fair enough!

Uh ... oh! Insulting our senior, most experienced and highly respected Moderator is not helping matters, Finlay! :nono-1-1: Joe, himself, has been "through the mill"... and, for this very reason, unstintingly devotes every minute of his spare time to helping others - even during his long working hours, as you've already seen - so WE DO NOT take kindly to your reference to the word "muppet". :angry:

You have, so far, been given one warning as to how you conduct yourself on this forum. And, whether you decide to stay a member here or not, is up to you ... for the moment! But, ultimately - should you persist in this AGGRESSIVE manner - the decision will be taken for for you. :ReadIt:

I'm not the one carrying this on but will defend myself if necessary! Jess was called a lot worse in some of the posts on here! Can't see what i've said as being "aggressive" lol...
Double standards me thinks!:crazy: I was banned for what? Speaking the truth as I see it :D

18th March 2011, 17:27
Jess, Fin won't let it go.

K eithis boss, he has moderators to help like most forums do, nothing unusual in that.

If Fin wants to argue then let him. Your not his keeper.

W eare getting on fine, not just me, surely you can see this Jess?

It's not me that wont let it go! I m not the aggresive one here just like your not:D but like I ve already said I will defend myself when ppl are being rude to me!

18th March 2011, 17:34
Oh and by the way I am a WOMAN! Maybe i should take offence that ppl assume I'm a man eh! See ppl quick to bash Jess for "assuming" all filipino women are the same then ppl do it themselves! I'm actually beginning to feel sorry for the filipino women that are married to some of you! They must be getting the wrong impression of english men! :yikes:

18th March 2011, 17:48
This seems the only time this blogg is full is when everyone likes to argue about stuff But to be fair jo did start this again It was all ok before that :Wave:

gwapito i am waiting for the group to start lol cant find it hahaha? did u make it yet?

18th March 2011, 17:49
I have read all the posts on here and am entitled to my opinion. I am just shocked at some of the responses i ve seen. Some of you have said some really horrible things to northampton girl when some of YOU dont know all the facts! You all seem to want to start an arguement with anyone that doesnt agree with you... Oh an by the way I m not a relative but a good friend of Jim's. And as for northampton girl having her eyes opened it looks more like she s been bullied and abused by some of you lot until you actually read what happened to her dad.

I'm not the one carrying this on but will defend myself if necessary! Jess was called a lot worse in some of the posts on here! Can't see what i've said as being "aggressive" lol...
Double standards me thinks!:crazy: I was banned for what? Speaking the truth as I see it :D

Common finlay!! lets just be nice to each other,...we shouldn't disprespect each other and being racist is not allowed especially in this country right? ...a lot of us has been offended by northamptongir earlier remarks about filipinas,so just accept that!!

We are here to give help and advice to the best we can,if you can only read the forum thousands of post each day then you will realize...the forum is free to use but only to those sensible people,we play around sometimes,constructive arguments ,but losers can go home and moan at themselves!!

you said we dont know all the FACTS about what happen to Jessica's father,now if you know all the FACTS why not give it to the Philippine Authorities??that would make a lot of sense, innit?:rolleyes:

18th March 2011, 17:51
This seems the only time this blogg is full is when everyone likes to argue about stuff But to be fair jo did start this again It was all ok before that :Wave:

gwapito i am waiting for the group to start lol cant find it hahaha? did u make it yet?

My thoughts excactly...:doh

18th March 2011, 17:54
Common finlay!! lets just be nice to each other,...we shouldn't disprespect each other and being racist is not allowed especially in this country right?
Sorry when did finlay be racist? i missed that one?

18th March 2011, 18:01
Sorry when did finlay be racist? i missed that one?

I'm sure you'll spot one in all her replies...Its just traumatic to read all the lines for you both...giving me headache:D:icon_lol:....but i'll give you a clue:Erm:...post #191...happy???:xxgrinning--00xx3:

18th March 2011, 18:02
Oh and by the way I am a WOMAN! Maybe i should take offence that ppl assume I'm a man eh! See ppl quick to bash Jess for "assuming" all filipino women are the same then ppl do it themselves! I'm actually beginning to feel sorry for the filipino women that are married to some of you! They must be getting the wrong impression of english men! :yikes:

I really dont care if you are a woman or a man, you'll get the same treatment. The difference between you and Jess is that you are the one who is carrying on the insults. Jess has understood the reason we were locking heads to begin with and now she understands where we are coming from,so we can empathise with her situation and try to help her. She has made some interesting posts already, and is getting into other subjects, nice to see :xxgrinning--00xx3:

You on the other hand wade in here with guns blazing, talking from your rear, ,I will leave Joe to relpy to your personal attack, but I think I know what the outcome will be.

Didn't think you were coming back though :Erm::Erm:

18th March 2011, 18:03
Common finlay!! lets just be nice to each other,...we shouldn't disprespect each other and being racist is not allowed especially in this country right? ...a lot of us has been offended by northamptongir earlier remarks about filipinas,so just accept that!!

We are here to give help and advice to the best we can,if you can only read the forum thousands of post each day then you will realize...the forum is free to use but only to those sensible people,we play around sometimes,constructive arguments ,but losers can go home and moan at themselves!!

you said we dont know all the FACTS about what happen to Jessica's father,now if you know all the FACTS why not give it to the Philippine Authorities??that would make a lot of sense, innit?:rolleyes:

I never came on here being rude or horrible in the 1st place... My 1st posts were not insulting or rude yet i got banned but others can be rude or start things off again and nothing gets said... Think your twisting what i said about knowing all the facts as well... I know the same as Jess... All i was saying is some ppl on here were being rude and abusive to Jess without knowing all the facts! No matter what Jess said in the beginning it is no excuse for the behavior directed at her...

18th March 2011, 18:06
I'm sure you'll spot one in all her replies...Its just traumatic to read all the lines for you both...giving me headache:D:icon_lol:....but i'll give you a clue:Erm:...post #191...happy???:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Nope cant see anything racist :doh

18th March 2011, 18:09
I'm sure you'll spot one in all her replies...Its just traumatic to read all the lines for you both...giving me headache:D:icon_lol:....but i'll give you a clue:Erm:...post #191...happy???:xxgrinning--00xx3:

hey must be getting the wrong impression of english men! ?
I might not be bright but i dont understand how that is racist? fin and i are both english why would she be racist against english men?

18th March 2011, 18:11
I never came on here being rude or horrible in the 1st place... My 1st posts were not insulting or rude yet i got banned but others can be rude or start things off again and nothing gets said... Think your twisting what i said about knowing all the facts as well... I know the same as Jess... All i was saying is some ppl on here were being rude and abusive to Jess without knowing all the facts! No matter what Jess said in the beginning it is no excuse for the behavior directed at her...

We cannot do anything about it finlay!!! ..its done!!! jessica posted rude remarks about filipinas and we reacted ,its normal...we just cant say Thank you for saying sarcastic words to us ,do we?? she just get the same dose of what she wants..we cannot roll over and jump on each others throat,that is not healthy!!!
why don't we just group hug for a change??..you are not banned ..you are still typing here..alright??

18th March 2011, 18:13
I really dont care if you are a woman or a man, you'll get the same treatment. The difference between you and Jess is that you are the one who is carrying on the insults. Jess has understood the reason we were locking heads to begin with and now she understands where we are coming from,so we can empathise with her situation and try to help her. She has made some interesting posts already, and is getting into other subjects, nice to see :xxgrinning--00xx3:

You on the other hand wade in here with guns blazing, talking from your rear, using hear-say as facts that you have no idea about, then talking trash and treating our Filipino members like dirt, throwing insults .... do I need to go on? You treated this place like a dustbin, like I said before adding fuel to a fire that was out. As for getting a one day ban, yes, that was me, I didn't want you to spout your rubbish and offend more people. I thought that a 'time out' would give you time to reason and understand what you had done. Obviously, you are the type that likes to have the last word :crazy:
I have no problem with Jess, she seems to be a very mature girl now she understands that not all Filipins are what she first thought, maybe you can learn from her. But I dont think you are quite there yet..

I will leave Joe to relpy to your personal attack, but I think I know what the outcome will be.

Didn't think you were coming back though :Erm::Erm:

Think its others that want to carry it on... What is it do you not like it when a woman sticks up for herself:D I have not been rasist or aggressive to anyone on here so where you getting that from i really dont know...

18th March 2011, 18:18
We cannot do anything about it finlay!!! ..its done!!! jessica posted rude remarks about filipinas and we reacted ,its normal...we just cant say Thank you for saying sarcastic words to us ,do we?? she just get the same dose of what she wants..we cannot roll over and jump on each others throat,that is not healthy!!!
why don't we just group hug for a change??..you are not banned ..you are still typing here..alright??

I got banned after 3 posts. None were insulting or rasist or aggresive as it keeps getting put..:doh

18th March 2011, 18:19
Oh dear, you really dont see it do you. :doh:doh

18th March 2011, 18:20
New thread 'Jessica's filipino foods'

Sorry for the thread disruption.

Terpe had just posted some useful info as

18th March 2011, 18:21
I got banned after 3 posts. None were insulting or rasist or aggresive as it keeps getting put..:doh

Its getting boring now,..Its both your choice leave or stay???...I have to excuse myself now as i have more interesting things to do..bbfn:Wave:

18th March 2011, 18:23
What steve.r said:
You on the other hand wade in here with guns blazing, talking from your rear, using hear-say as facts that you have no idea about, then talking trash and treating our Filipino members like dirt, throwing insults .... do I need to go on? You treated this place like a dustbin, like I said before adding fuel to a fire that was out. As for getting a one day ban, yes, that was me, I didn't want you to spout your rubbish and offend more people. I thought that a 'time out' would give you time to reason and understand what you had done. Obviously, you are the type that likes to have the last word
I have no problem with Jess, she seems to be a very mature girl now she understands that not all Filipins are what she first thought, maybe you can learn from her. But I dont think you are quite there yet.

Slight exaggeration here...:doh

18th March 2011, 18:23
Hi Jess, Joe is mixing you up with Finlay:NoNo:
Blame his old age.

Note, he quoted from Finlay last post.

Steve, the duck egg you tried was without baby chick, that's not is termed as balut.

It's how I described it in my previous post here :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Gwap, I think you are refering to the photo I posted of Charie holding the Penoy, you are right, it is not quite a Balut, as the chick has not really formed. But I have eaten balut several times, but its not that bad. Had worse in Maccy D :icon_lol:

18th March 2011, 18:26
oh i'm sure the guys here know how much women stick for themselves..they are in a relationship with Filipinas :icon_lol: they know they're in trouble if they try to shut us up! :D

18th March 2011, 18:27
But I dont think you are quite there yet.

Slight exaggeration here...:doh

A bit, but you cannot let it lie can you. Move on, stop trying to justify yourself. Jess is making friends here. You are not. :Wave::Wave:

18th March 2011, 18:30
oh i'm sure the guys here know how much women stick for themselves..they are in a relationship with Filipinas :icon_lol: they know they're in trouble if they try to shut us up! :D

Glad to here it:D

18th March 2011, 18:32
New thread 'Jessica's filipino foods
Terpe had just posted some useful info as

I cant find it why how do i find it?

18th March 2011, 18:34
A bit, but you cannot let it lie can you. Move on, stop trying to justify yourself. Jess is making friends here. You are not. :Wave::Wave:

:icon_lol: I'm not trying to justify myself to you or anyone! As i keep saying I DIDN'T START THIS AGAIN! Don't reply to my posts if you don't want to hear a response...Simple...:rolleyes:

18th March 2011, 18:38

Here Jess

18th March 2011, 18:38
jess, just click the "New Posts" on the upper left side of your screen..

18th March 2011, 18:41
Jessica press 'new posts' the page will refresh. Just like you are doing now.

Arthur Little
18th March 2011, 18:46
So joe owns this site or does steve? I am confused in who is the boss?

:NoNo: ... neither, Jess ... the owner is, as Gwap says, a bloke called Keith - better known as 'Win-2-Win'. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I no fin was only trying to protect me and some off the people on here can say what they want and
then nothing happens to them?
Fin called joe a muppet yes
But what about the things some of the people was saying to me not one off them had a warning or banned why then? am i not as important as the rest off you guys ??
So what you mean is that we have to watch what we say because if u dont like it then we will warned but we can take comments from people on here as rude but nothing will be done x And i dont wanna argue with u arthur i really dont because its all been sorted but can you not see my point of view?

Yeah ... I realise *she (*as it now turns out) had registered here in your defence. And that's totally understandable - given that WE'VE since been made aware of your tragic loss - but she went about things the wrong way ... and came across as being aggressive. Which was WHY a day's ban was imposed. Moreover, she failed to take heed of my earlier attempt #96 to pacify her outbursts (by urging her to concentrate on channelling her energies into helping YOU) ... and continued to behave in an undignified manner - despite others' well-intended efforts to make her see reason.

And yes ... WE, also, thought it had all been sorted out - until Finlay decided to "add more fuel to the fire" by seemingly refusing to let the matter rest. So :please: don't be offended ... my subsequent message to her is no reflection on [I] you, Jess. :NoNo:

18th March 2011, 18:57
:NoNo: neither, Jess ... the owner is, as Gwap says, a bloke called Keith - better known as 'Win-2-Win'. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Yeah ... I realise *she (*as it now turns out) had registered here in your defence. And that's totally understandable - given that WE'VE since been made aware of your tragic loss - but she went about things the wrong way ... and came across as being aggressive. Which was WHY a day's ban was imposed. Moreover, she failed to take heed of my earlier attempt #96 to pacify her outbursts (by urging her to concentrate on channelling her energies into helping YOU) ... and continued to behave in an undignified manner - despite others' well-intended efforts to make her see reason.

And yes ... WE, also, thought it had all been sorted out - until Finlay decided to "add more fuel to the fire" by seemingly refusing to let the matter rest. So :please: don't be offended ... my subsequent message to her is no reflection on [I] you, Jess. :NoNo:

Please explain whis post was aggresive as you keep putting it... The only aggressive posts i see on this thread is at the beginning when everyone attacked Jess! And again I DIDN'T START THIS CONVO AGAIN! Oh and by the way myself and my family are helping Jess more than any of you will ever be able to and it doesn't involve slagging off the phillopines or her Dad for deciding to go there as was assumed!

18th March 2011, 19:05
okay..this thing goes round and round now...:Cuckoo:

18th March 2011, 20:05
Is this an example of going off topic?

Let's let sleeping dogs lay :)

18th March 2011, 20:20
You seriously think these women love you guys How stupied can u be For one your old enough to be the fathers grandfathers and they are only in love with one thing ur wallet.
All these women are trained from birth to prostatute themselfs, so You all need to take one big look at yourselfs open your eyes your being used,
As for now they tell u they love u yea till your dead they can take all ur belongings and move on to the next uk man
not only is it wrong its sick.
Come on would you want your 16 year old daughter marrying at 60 year old man .
Why you think half the women come to uk?
Cause the parents marry them off basicly sell them for pasos
This is just as bad as traficking sick

jess you seemed to have said sorry in a way for this post, thou not directly, most people would have probably got banned straight away on here for a post like that, even thou we are a friendly bunch on here :rolleyes:, many of us are engaged to or married to filipina's/Brits so don't expect us to be :D about the post, and you can probably understand now, why some people were :cwm23: with the post and their replies. but like the saying goes, treat people how you would like to be treated :D

Hi Jess, Joe is mixing you up with Finlay:NoNo:
Blame his old age.

Note, he quoted from Finlay last post.

gwapito my friend i'm younger than you :D and I've not mixed up anyone :NoNo:, I've asked finlay32 what she has found disgusting ??? wheres the quotes and then tell me why you think these people posted what they did ?

I have read the whole thread! How many times have I got to say it! It's disgusting the way Jess was being treated u muppet! She was being abused and bullied by afew ppl on here whether you want to admit it or not... Why you carrying this on for anyway if you got better things to do?

if you've read the thread you can understand why some people are :cwm23: with jess :doh, what would you expect with the post I've quoted from her :doh, so if you think she has been 'abused' and 'bullied' then that's her own fault for insulting filipina's :doh

as for calling me a muppet :NoNo:, now who's insulting people :doh

that was old news

sorry it might be old news, but some of us work, so i will reply when i can.

Your NOT goin to get banned Jess!!!.

your right gwapito i'm not going to ban anyone, but if there are any more insults i will

so jess as i've said before i'm sorry about the death of your father, and maybe most can forget your first post and move on..

18th March 2011, 20:33
jess you seemed to have said sorry in a way for this post, thou not directly

What does this mean that i have to actully go to every single member on here and say sorry? I said sorry on this wall that was hard enough for me to do Also yes what i said was maybe sxxt i explained why i said these things
Nothing more i can do if ppl dont wanna forget no loss to me
Other thing i have looked through other blogs on this site and i have seen a few comments just as bad as mine maybe not as up front as me but some ppl beat around the bush dont they and thats not me
I have and always will speak my mind
I wont spend my hole time on here saying sorry

18th March 2011, 20:47
wow i am lost i think :NoNo::NoNo::NoNo:

18th March 2011, 21:23
And i'm being told it's me thats carrying this on :crazy::D

18th March 2011, 21:24
Well said Jess :xxgrinning--00xx3:

18th March 2011, 21:36
can we close this thread fellow moderators and admin? this just goes round and round..:doh

18th March 2011, 21:40
yes closed :xxgrinning--00xx3: