View Full Version : wonder wat pinays think of shameless

10th January 2011, 23:19
shameless has started a new run tonight and originally coming from manchester i think its great but i wonder what our partners think of it and wonder what they got themselves into coming here:D

from wat i have seen theres not quite the same sort of TV over there

11th January 2011, 10:50
Hi Sparky Been a long time. As for shameless. The wife got no idea. I wont have it on. I just dont get it the humour. I dont get whats funny about a bunch of lazy so and so's. Taking the pee out of the British tax payer Shameless indeed Just my opinion. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

11th January 2011, 12:22
I agree.
I can see the comedy, but I can also see a bunch of idle chavs being made to appear somehow 'loveable'.

Unfortunately so many people in this country seem to be brainwashed by the media in every aspect of their lives, that I just find it both sad and infuriating.

The soaps are just mindless shouting matches, and a lot of the documentaries are about pathetic losers who just need to get some discipline into them.

Maybe that's why I prefer watching programmes about wildlife and primitive tribes...so much more intelligence and good sense shown in them. :rolleyes:

11th January 2011, 12:29
wonder wat pinays think of shameless

not my kind of humour :NoNo:

I prefer watching 'Hells Kitchen'' :xxaction-smiley-047:xxgrinning--00xx3:

11th January 2011, 23:20
The first couple of series were good, but the joke is wearing thin now.
...I think I've been brainwashed, by the right wing masses on here. :D :Cuckoo:

12th January 2011, 01:19
I wouldn't necessarily class myself as pure right wing...just generally a miserable old git. :icon_lol:

Funny how you turn into your dad. :NoNo:

12th January 2011, 17:17
When I watch some of these programs, I really worry about what the UK is coming too. I remember taking a wrong turn near Newcastle once and ended up on a road which looked worse then a war zone.

If you put a load of people into an estate like that and never give the new generation hope of escaping, and brainwash them into thinking its acceptable, you just create a society seperated by class!

2nd February 2011, 22:26
Not worth watching imo.