View Full Version : Brown Trouser Time for another Thieving MP

11th January 2011, 13:01
Guilty ! :D

This maggot is still clinging onto his seat as an Independent. Not for long though he'll be in a cold sweat tonight as the spectre of Wandsworth Prison looms over him :icon_lol:


MP Eric Illsley has admitted he fraudulently claimed more than £14,000 in parliamentary expenses.

He pleaded guilty to three false accounting charges over claims for council tax, maintenance, repairs and utility bills for his second home.

Illsley, appearing at Southwark Crown Court, previously denied all charges.

He was re-elected as Labour MP for Barnsley Central in May, but was suspended from the party after being charged and now sits as an independent.

On Friday, former Labour MP David Chaytor became the first person to be jailed over the Westminster expenses scandal.

Illsley is the only serving MP among those facing court. The judge, Mr Justice Saunders, adjourned the hearing for four weeks for a pre-sentence report.

If Illsley receives a prison term of 12 months or more he will be disqualified from being an MP under the Representation of the People Act 1981.

Arthur Little
11th January 2011, 18:40
Guilty ! :D

he'll be in a cold sweat tonight as the spectre of Wandsworth Prison looms over him :icon_lol:

:yikes: ... he's already got the "threat" of Dedworth :cwm24: looming over him!

11th January 2011, 18:46
18 months in jail or a night with Dedworth..... I'll take jail :icon_lol:

12th January 2011, 19:17
He reckons he will resign before he's in court for sentencing :xxgrinning--00xx3: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1346463/MPs-expenses-Eric-Illsley-quits-Commons-pleading-guilty-14k-fraud.html

He's got a Law degree from Leeds University - he obviously paid scant regard to the law when he dipped his sticky fingers in the petty cash drawer

Ako Si Jamie
12th January 2011, 23:35
He says he deeply deeply regrets his actions. :rolleyes:

Yeah right. Deeply deeply regrets getting caught more like.

Arthur Little
12th January 2011, 23:58
He's got a Law degree from Leeds University - he obviously paid scant regard to the law when he dipped his sticky fingers in the petty cash drawer

Lawyers? Huh :rolleyes: ... why is it, I wonder, that so many members of the legal profession seem to imagine they're above the law?!

13th January 2011, 10:48
Lawyers? Huh :rolleyes: ... why is it, I wonder, that so many members of the legal profession seem to imagine they're above the law?!

It worked well for Tony Blair - is he still "employed" as some sort of middle east peace envoy or has that charade now been dropped ?

Arthur Little
16th January 2011, 00:15
It worked well for Tony Blair - is he still "employed" as some sort of middle east peace envoy or has that charade now been dropped ?

Middle East Peace Envoy? :rolleyes: That's laughable :laugher: ... considering it was Blair himself who was responsible for ordering our troops into Afghanistan! :doh

16th January 2011, 11:17
Peace envoy ?

That should keep him busy for the next few hundred years. :rolleyes:

As for that smug-looking overfed Barnsley crook ?

At least a year in jail, followed by 3 years REAL community service while he pays off the money he stole...at minimum wage rate of course.

16th January 2011, 17:31
I can't understand the morals of these people. I work for a billionaire, but wouldn't claim a penny more then is necessary. I wouldn't take anything more then I need from him. It's a moral obligation and trust, the guy wouldn't know if I claimed for 10 coffees a day when out, or took a the cash that chandlers offer me to overcharge the client. He wouldn't feel it, but morally I think I'm paid to do a job, I accepted that salary and I'm trusted for that. Why do these people think that what they have done is acceptable. Morally its wrong, legally its wrong.

16th January 2011, 18:39
.......but morally I think I'm paid to do a job, I accepted that salary and I'm trusted for that. Why do these people think that what they have done is acceptable. Morally its wrong, legally its wrong.

Well said Ricky. I too spent over 30 years travelling on expenses. I knew how to line my pockets if I felt like it, but it's just not me. I couldn't do it.
Well done Ricky and all those morally responsible people out there.

I have never said this before on this forum, but these thieving politicians make me sick.
They DO know exactly what they are doing

16th January 2011, 22:54
I think the first Conservative (and Black) Lord Taylor is up in Southwark Crown Court tomorrow. I didn't get the Sunday Times but it seems a whistleblowing MP has dropped 6 others in the poo :D

Six more MPs are facing fraud investigations over their expenses after being ‘shopped’ to police by a disgruntled Labour colleague, it was reported last night.

The MP was said to be angry that he was unfairly singled out over his own expenses claims.

According to reports, the six politicians – who cannot be named for legal reasons – include one ex-Labour Cabinet Minister, two Labour MPs, one Liberal Democrat and two Tories.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1347603/Whistleblowing-MP-shops-6-colleagues-police-expenses-fraud.html#ixzz1BEo572zw

17th January 2011, 00:07
'Is it cos I's Black ?' :Erm:

Bunch of bloody crooks and conmen on the make.

We always knew it I suppose.:rolleyes:

17th January 2011, 09:40
'Is it cos I's Black ?' :Erm:

Bunch of bloody crooks and conmen on the make.

We always knew it I suppose.:rolleyes:

He will have plenty of company.

All da nig bros from the hood will have their ass's at da cawthouse for robbin an smokin weed