View Full Version : Good news... thug jailed

11th January 2011, 15:42
He'd better get his locks shorn off sharpish so as not to attract Big Bubba :D



A student who admitted throwing a fire extinguisher from the roof of a central London building during the student fees protests has been jailed.

Edward Woollard, 18, from Hampshire, was among protesters who broke into the Tory party headquarters and emerged on the roof on 10 November.

He was jailed for two years and eight months after admitting at an earlier hearing to committing violent disorder.

11th January 2011, 15:56
2 years and 8 months for a moment of madness :crazy:

11th January 2011, 15:59
2 years and 8 months for a moment of madness :crazy:

Yes a moment of madness maybe but if that fire extinguisher had landed 3 feet further back he'd be facing life for murder and there would be a Policeman's widow and kids without a Dad. He was lucky to get a slap on the wrist.

11th January 2011, 16:09
I agree that an example needed to be made of him, and in any case the punishment DOES fit the CRIME.

What a stupid thoughtless fool.

It was a miracle that nobody was killed. :NoNo:

11th January 2011, 16:09
...but it didn't hit anyone, you're not supposed to be sentenced based on what if's..... just facts of what actually happened.....

11th January 2011, 16:26
...but it didn't hit anyone, you're not supposed to be sentenced based on what if's..... just facts of what actually happened.....

OK I'm in favour of hauling him back before the court and alongside todays conviction for Violent Disorder have him for Attempted Murder - Max Sentence Life

11th January 2011, 17:14
No evidence of attempted murder either :Erm: :crazy:

I know peado's and drunks who have drove over kids and killed them get less than that.

11th January 2011, 17:24
No evidence of attempted murder either :Erm: :crazy:

I know peado's and drunks who have drove over kids and killed them get less than that.

:confused:Well if taking a heavy metal cylinder onto a roof then forcefully hurling it down on hundreds of people isn't attempted murder I don't know what is. He didn't trip over and knock it off the ledge someone had left it on.

We all know that mowing someone down is a definite non custodial particularly if you are a criminal failed so called asylum seeker

11th January 2011, 17:26
Ah, but they (drivers) will have claimed it was an accident rather than an intentional act...not that I'm condoning it.

Whereas, deliberately throwing a very heavy object off the top of a building onto a crowd of people below, without being aware that someone may be seriously injured or killed as a result ? :NoNo: