View Full Version : All i can say is, how did i never think about a Filipino as a partner.

13th January 2011, 19:30
Well guys, first off what a great forum, lots of help on here plus lots of hard luck stories, but i guess that comes with many long distance relationships.
This is my story, All was ok in my life before Xmas, I am a single male divorced, 44 years old living in Ilford, Essex with my 2 dogs (Japanese Akita's)
I have friends from all over the world with my dogs, most of them on Facebook, then one day in December i was a little bored and decided to look at the applications on FB, AYI (Are You Interested) was one of them, where you just click someone if you like their profile picture, or send them a wink, it does cost to join, but it was only a bit of fun, so i never paid for reading the messages sent, Then i noticed that this lady from Belfast had clicked back, so this continued for a couple of weeks, then all of a sudden i thought i have to find this lady from Belfast as she is a stunning looking girl, all i had to go on was her name was Ailene and she was from Belfast, well there was 2800 Ailene's on Facebook, it took me 2 long days then all of a sudden i found Ailene's profile, i was so happy, so i sent a little message saying if you would like too add me then please do,
Then a day later she added me, It turns out she isn't Irish but a Filipino living in Northern Ireland for the last 2 years as a nurse and is flying home on the 31st of this month, so we got chatting about life and things in general, lots of jokes and making each other smile, one joke i kept on about that i was 4'10" infact i am 5'10" but it was nice to have a laugh and make each other feel at ease, her joke was i didn't search for her i hunted her down :NoNo:, i phoned a few times that also broke the ice and i was enjoying getting to know this so called Irish girl lol,
So just before Xmas i messaged her, would she like to go out for a drink? thinking no chance of that happening, what with the distance and the really bad weather at the time, then out of the blue i got a reply back saying ok if you want too, i have family about 10 miles where Ailene is living so i found out what a small world, so i can go visit them as well at the same time, so i looked online for a flight as it was only £77 return, bingo went and looked at my passport and it had expired in June 2010, not to be detered i thought right a coach, i searched online and managed to get a coach leaving London Victoria at 1500 on the 27th Dec and getting into Belfast at 0700 on the 28th Dec i booked it so i could be back on the 31st at 0600 intime for New Years Eve with my brother and sister, I arrived in Northern Ireland for the 1st time in 30 yrs what a difference from the old NI I knew, I went and saw my cousin and told her what i was doing she knew i was mad but not this mad surely, I stayed at a hotel for 2 nights in Carrickfergus County Antrim, where Ailene had friends and did her groceries, so our first date was going to be in Belfast at 1330 in Central station, as she couldn't be seen with this stranger by her friends and her friends knowing nothing, so we decided to play it low key, as it was only a 1st and maybe last date anyway, now she was living and working 2 stations up from where i was staying and there is only one train every half hour, so we were both on the same train but which carraiges? so we were both nervous by the speed and words in our text messages too each other lol, i asked her which carraige she was on and she said "guess" lol well the train pulled into the station i looked in the 1st carraige and the 2nd didn't see her so i went for the 3rd carraige i was bricking it by this time, i told her that i would need a hand getting on the train as being a dwarf at 4'10" and the stationmaster was happy to carry me onto the train hehe. i sat in the 3rd carraige with my head down low and still texting Ailene knowing we were now together in a funny sort of way, so i texted her can you tell me what carraige you are in as i will have to walk up and down the train until i see you, but i couldn't do that as i was too nervous i was happy too sit in my seat and be nervous, then my bravado was a bit up and i said can you please tell me where you are or i will phone you and i will find out myself when your phone rings, lol, i never did phone, so i got off the train at Belfast Central and went with the flow of passengers, well to be honest i legged it up the stairs not to be seen by Ailene lol i then went to the exit/'entrance to the station near to the big Xmas tree and watched as everyone went by, big, small, pretty, ugly, i looked at them all, but no, Ailene wasn't to be seen, so i phoned her and said "were you on the train? she said "yes", but she was still on the platform waiting for everyone too leave the train, whereas i was at the opposite end of the station, so after a few minutes our paths met on the concourse of Belfast Central station. well if you are still reading when i get time i will put the next episode of this journey up on here,

catch you all soon Gary.

13th January 2011, 21:21
Waiting with baited breath , interesting tale Gary :)

Why didn't you get an internal flight straight to George Best Airport and jump on the train across the road ? - a couple of stops and you're at the main station ?

13th January 2011, 22:32
Now that's romance ! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I feel like I've just picked up a book, and can't wait to turn over the page. :icon_lol:

Keep it coming !:)

13th January 2011, 22:46
..and then..?.Ill keep readin :)

13th January 2011, 23:24
with my 2 dogs (Japanese Akita's)

:xxgrinning--00xx3: story and :xxgrinning--00xx3: dogs
i use to have a full blooded shar pei dog :rolleyes: how i miss her :bigcry:

i have you watched :cwm24:


13th January 2011, 23:38
Great story Gary...
Im from Antrim originally.....
Didnt need your passport...driving licence is accepted!

Norn Iron has changed a lot in recent years!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Looking forward to the next page....

Arthur Little
14th January 2011, 00:38
:cwm24: ... WOW ... a great opening episode, Gary ... can't wait for the next instalment! But ... tell me ... how does the pseudonymn Ana Wallace fit-in with a man's profile? :rolleyes:

14th January 2011, 00:44
:cwm24: ... WOW ... a great opening episode, Gary ... can't wait for the next instalment! But ... tell me ... how does the pseudonymn Ana Wallace fit-in with a man's profile? :rolleyes:

Pen name ! :icon_lol:

Arthur Little
14th January 2011, 00:45
Oh ... and :welcomex: to the filipino/uk forum, btw.

Arthur Little
14th January 2011, 00:56
Pen name ! :icon_lol:

Ah ... but isn't a 'pen name' more what one would call a "nom-de-plume"? :Erm:

14th January 2011, 00:58
Yes..if you're posh...sounds a bit effeminate for a bloke though, eh. :Erm:

Arthur Little
14th January 2011, 01:06
Yes..if you're posh...

... or French! :D

14th January 2011, 01:10
He`ll probably never post again...We`ll just have to make the rest up!

14th January 2011, 05:35
:Erm: am wanting to read the next chapter of your story AnaWallace.:heartshape1: Hope its a happy ending:)

14th January 2011, 12:54
:Hellooo: Hi Gary, welcome to the forum :Wave:

Very nice intro story, enjoyed reading it :xxgrinning--00xx3:
But................. need to know what happened next :rolleyes:

C'mon Gary, don't keep us waiting too long :)

14th January 2011, 13:13
He`s probably living in the middle of his next post and hasnt written it yet..
Probably wont post again IMO..:NoNo:
Lets make it up!!

14th January 2011, 13:17
He`s probably living in the middle of his next post and hasnt written it yet..
Probably wont post again IMO..:NoNo:
Lets make it up!!

That's a good idea Fred.
Each member adds maximum two sentences, but it has to make sense to a previously quoted sentence.

I'll start:-
" and then, just as I was about to turn around....................

14th January 2011, 13:45
and then, just as I was about to turn around....................
I felt my hair piece slip..Embarrassed I hurriedly ran around to the blind side of the Christmas tree and.....

14th January 2011, 14:01
I felt my hair piece slip..Embarrassed I hurriedly ran around to the blind side of the Christmas tree and.....

decided to continue our meeting without my hairpiece, but before I could adjust myself I felt someone grab my arm........

14th January 2011, 14:11
Terp.. Reminds me of a Christmas game we played as a family called consequences..
I think we should add our next sentence to the preceding body of text so that it looks as though Gary had typed it in one continual post..Thus..

and then, just as I was about to turn around....................
I felt my hair piece slip..Embarrassed I hurriedly ran around to the blind side of the Christmas tree and..
decided to continue our meeting without my hairpiece, but before I could adjust myself I felt someone grab my arm........

Arthur Little
14th January 2011, 19:07
I felt someone grab my arm........

... it was the polis! :Help1:

14th January 2011, 19:15
and then, just as I was about to turn around....................
I felt my hair piece slip..Embarrassed I hurriedly ran around to the blind side of the Christmas tree and..
decided to continue our meeting without my hairpiece, but before I could adjust myself I felt someone grab my arm........
... it was the polis!
and they told me I was being arrested for stalking with intent, as I matched the description of a 4ft 10in kalbo dwende lurking at Belfast Central station.
Then I woke up. It had all been a terrible dream. I walked off the train and prepared myself to meet the potential love of my life.

14th January 2011, 19:16
And now we all await the real next chapter of...........................................

14th January 2011, 23:22
Well that went down like a lead balloon!..
Im not playing anymore!
Terpe.. You should use the odd swearword..You are hilarious when you do that!

15th January 2011, 01:03

15th January 2011, 22:17
i was just about to add my bit:doh

17th January 2011, 14:48
:icon_lol: you guys are so hilarious...

best of luck Gary...don't keep us waiting please:NoNo:

19th January 2011, 16:08
He`ll probably never post again...We`ll just have to make the rest up!

You may well be right

19th January 2011, 22:03
ouch , my sides are hurting, this was so funny, i got brenda my gf snoring in my ear on skype, im reading this story and im peeing myself laughing,, thanks guys , i needed the laugh :icon_lol:

21st January 2011, 03:32
he could be busy courting this time around:)...exciting!!

21st January 2011, 12:40
I have to say Aileen and I were both amazed when we finally clocked each other. She smiled as she struggled to contain the surprise that illuminated her small round face as she realised instantly that not only was I not a chubby 4' 10" but a heavily muscled 5' 10". I gasped as I took in the fact that not only was she a beauty of a type i had never seen in person before that day but further she taller than me. We embraced without hesitation and the warmth and scent of her empassioned breath sent a bolt of electricity coursing through me in a way that i'd never known.

She spoke softly as she said,....well if your still following i'll update when i can find some spare time..ingat :)

21st January 2011, 12:56
My heavy muscles seem to be more affected by gravity these days:icon_lol:

South-east boy
21st January 2011, 13:20
Hi Gary! I enjoyed reading that! Looking forward to the next installment! You better hurry, or the others will have told the full story of what they think happened! :icon_lol:

3rd February 2011, 11:02
My heavy muscles seem to be more affected by gravity these days:icon_lol:

Hi Gary! I enjoyed reading that! Looking forward to the next installment! You better hurry, or the others will have told the full story of what they think happened! :icon_lol:


3rd February 2011, 15:45
It looks like Fred's prediction was correct

"He`ll probably never post again...We`ll just have to make the rest up! "

Post 13 2 weeks ago

3rd February 2011, 20:32
It looks like Fred's prediction was correct

"He`ll probably never post again...We`ll just have to make the rest up! "

Post 13 2 weeks ago

Wonder what happened next?? :doh

5th February 2011, 14:23
so what had hppened next? or did i missed the end,Blimey!!! i never read a book, i hated it,but i quit enjoy your love story.

14th March 2011, 01:04
2 months on and still waiting to find out what happened at Belfast Central Station - I guess we will never know :bigcry:

14th March 2011, 01:34
Too long winded for me. Lost interest halfway through the first post:NoNo: