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17th January 2011, 20:00
i have just read the rant topic about a fat bloke . so here is a list for u to consider according to all of u who joined in that fat bloke baiting.
fat people -- die its all ur own fault
smokers -- get cancer u bas--tards
drinkers-- f-ck up ur livers and die u did it to ur self
anorexics- ur fault should have had a meal
cant be arsed to use the zebra crossing-- get run over do us all a favour
prostitute-- get aids and die
just a small list for ur consideration. is this how u really think.
i could go on and on but consider this, many loved ones on here have not paid into the NHS so shall we ignore them to, take away their right for prompt treatment????? i think that thread is extremely offensive and should be removed. and to those of you that thought it was funny to use those names and offensive cr-p u spouted think again, bet most of u aint perfect.

17th January 2011, 20:06
well Ash i for one just said how can they let someone get like this, and for many its how they are most i beleive was ment as just a comment, we are all not perfect just as you mentioned we all have faults but we live with them, we all die one day wether you are fat, thin or what ever

17th January 2011, 20:14
read it again and see if you think it is not offensive, it generalises about all fatties!! and he has the right to sue if he feels he was not treated appropriately, same as anyone, would that vile crap been posted about a cancer sufferer suing the NHS no it would not.

17th January 2011, 20:18
Too true Ste, we all die sooner or later.
I think the UK is going like USA, obesity is rife with school kids. When I was a kid I played most sports, now a days the kids sit at home playing video games and eating crap and fizzy drinks. not to late Ash, Iam not taking the Mick.

17th January 2011, 20:19
Ash some things that dont affect me or intress me i dont read or if i do i just make a coment then move on , there are many many threads on here i dont agree with but its my choice wether to read them or coment on them ,you seem to have taken this one to heart and dont take this the wrong way is it because you are large , your words Ash not mine,

18th January 2011, 02:58
Personally I have always known that it runs in the family.. Its not that hard to imagine that the fat kid at school , also has a fat Mum or Dad!! Always seemed pretty obvious to me.
I guess some in the fat group must get sick to death of being teased and bullied by the confident skinny kids..
Seems the bullies are still at large even when they are in their 50`s!! Must run in the family!
Its easy for skinny people that have been able to stuff themselves all their lives and still weigh 9 stone when they are 50 to point the finger!!
I weighed 10 stone until I was 35 years old and my favourite food was Dona kebab a good fry up and 4 sugars in my cup of tea at a workingmans cafe !! 7/8 pints of bitter down the pub was certainly not unusual either...People with heavy tendencies will only have to read that list and put on 2 Kilos..
These days all I eat is chicken breast,fish and boiled rice and Im 2 stone overweight!!
Must be the SMB!
Dont worry about it Shrek..Some people are just..... (Self moderated)
**** em!!

18th January 2011, 05:39
i have just read the rant topic about a fat bloke . so here is a list for u to consider according to all of u who joined in that fat bloke baiting.
fat people -- die its all ur own fault
smokers -- get cancer u bas--tards
drinkers-- f-ck up ur livers and die u did it to ur self
anorexics- ur fault should have had a meal
cant be arsed to use the zebra crossing-- get run over do us all a favour
prostitute-- get aids and die
just a small list for ur consideration. is this how u really think.
i could go on and on but consider this, many loved ones on here have not paid into the NHS so shall we ignore them to, take away their right for prompt treatment????? i think that thread is extremely offensive and should be removed. and to those of you that thought it was funny to use those names and offensive cr-p u spouted think again, bet most of u aint perfect.

Hi shrek48,
People who insult others obviously think they are perfect.
They must not have any mirrors in their house :NoNo:

Doc Alan
18th January 2011, 14:23
Ash, I hope you read my responses to that rant. I offer health advice on the forum without judgement, as you well know, and no doctors or other health care workers should refuse to treat ANY condition, no matter what the cause.

18th January 2011, 17:22
Thank the lord there are still some reasonable people on this site:xxgrinning--00xx3:
Yes doc your responses were spot on. and for those interested i know im fat because i eat to much, but its an illness/sickness like any other. i gave up smoking from 40 a day to nil in one go easy, but i dont condemn those who cant.
everyone is entitled to their veiws but to be cruel and rude and ill informed is not acceptable.

18th January 2011, 18:08
Thank the lord there are still some reasonable people on this site:xxgrinning--00xx3:
Yes doc your responses were spot on. and for those interested i know im fat because i eat to much, but its an illness/sickness like any other. i gave up smoking from 40 a day to nil in one go easy, but i dont condemn those who cant.
everyone is entitled to their veiws but to be cruel and rude and ill informed is not acceptable.

Well said that man:xxgrinning--00xx3:

18th January 2011, 22:49
Not everyone agrees with sensationalist rubbish spouted by the Daily Mail and reposted here.

But as mentioned above, read DocAlans sensible, measured responses. I agree 100% with him.