View Full Version : Whatever happened to British detained?

18th January 2011, 05:11
Any one know what happened to her?
Did her husband ever get out? Did she get locked up too?? She did stop posting here pretty suddenly..
She seemed really desperate at the time and her pleas for help on certain expat forums were treated in a disgusting manor IMO.. Anyway...Hope she`s OK..

In six days Kevin and my staff are detained already for two months. Since the arrest, Kevin and I have been exchanging letters everytime my daugther visits him. From his letters, he had been narrating what life they got behind bars, he as well told me the treatment they get from prison guards, police and inmates.

From May 15th to June 18th Kevin and the staff were detained at PNP Custodial Center in Camp Crame. He said that most detainess in there are those who are accused of HIGH PROFILE crimes such as drug related cases, murders, terrorism, kidnapping, name it. He was so afraid when he was first sent there as everyone detained are really facing charges that most people would be scared of to talk about. He was placed in a cell with other three detainees. They have TV, a CR and bed. The detention is in a maximum security but then inside they are free to move, walk and have some exercise. There is a small shop in which you can have the things that you also get outside (ciggies, soda, chips, etc) it is like a small grocery inside the detention. Inmates are a little friendlier and they do not steal food, money and personal things as most detainees are from a well off families. Actually he said he saw Sen. Trinales and some other High profile criminals. But they are not bad, he even said they even help each other, give each other advice and even share their life story. The only problem are the guards. He calls them beggars in uniforms. They are the one who steals food, clothing and even cash. Extortion inside the detention is a big problem. If you dont give what the guards want, you can't get priviledges. You must have something really to bribe these guards in able to move around or even get favors. Each day, I must give P1,000 to Kevin for him to pay these and that... if you send a food it must be multiplied to three as each gate must have the same thing or the detainee won't get it. Example you bring a burger, it must be three burgers so the other two will be for the guards and the other one is for Kevin. That is the rule Kevin and I have to remember.

Same with the staff, I have to pay a protection money for them. It is P200 every week for each staff. Everytime I send food it must be multiplied to three as the guards must have their share. If you ge sick, you must pay back the medicines, the check up twice as expensive outside. Basically, inside the detention the rule is all about money...

19th of June, Kevin and the staff were transfered to San Mateo Municipal Jail. Kevin describe this jail as a hell hole. Why? Kevin is placed in a small cell together with 90 Filipino prisoners. The wall is tinted with human urine and stained with blood. Floors are infested with cockroaches and rats. You must sleep on the floor with a small box as your bedding. You'll lucky enough to get a plywood as your bed. Same thing as in Crame, once they are transfered you must pay for a protection money. Kevin was asked to pay P1,000 and the staff paid P700 each. Kevin has to pay for a bedspace. This is if you want to sleep lying on your back. If you do not pay you will sleep sidewards...it means sleeping only half of your body must occupy the space. It is too difficult for Kevin as he is big. He said it is like you are already facing your sentence as it is very hot inside (because there are 90+ prisoners). He said that those who are detained at the city jail are not well off not like at Crame. So small things will be missing and inmates acts like animals. They can start a fight over a piece of bread. The prisoners are stealing his foods, water and even clothes. I have to send Kevin the oldest set of clothing so the inmates wont get an interest over it. He said at night he must avoid walking as he can tip off the prisoners. That is how they are over crowded. And one of the biggest problem is using the CR. Actually he said if you want to take a bath in the morning, you must start to queque in (fall in line) early as it needs two hour before you will get your time. He has to pee in a small bottle same as the others, and needs to pay to pooh. It is as well about money, and those who do not have, must face the sad reality on being treated like a dog. Kevin told me that everytime he speaks to the inmates your heart will beak apart knowing how petty their crimes they have commited. There are some who stolen P200 but since he cannot bail him self he has been detained more than half a year already. There are some who have'nt got visitors more than a year already. If you do not have a visitor you are not allowed to get out your cell and no chance of getting a little air and sunlight. That is why Kevin is visited twice a day so atleast he will have a chance outside the cell to have some stretching, a little air and a bit of sunlight. And he said the worse thing in there is the food. It is placed in a big bucket full of mixed rice and vegetables scooped and placed in a plastic cup and distributed to prisoners. He told me that it was like feeding a dog with a left over food. And he really pity the inmates who doesn't have visitors and food from their families as they have no choice but to eat the supply. Prisoners have nothing to do as no space for a little recreation. You can only do two things...sleep or stare on space. Kevin has to write sitting or facing the wall as the wall is his table or write lying down. He has to move near the bars so he can have a little supply of light. These are the same thing Rowena, Sheryl and Grace have told my daugther who everytime visits them and brings food. They told me that the only thing they are waiting for everyday is the food...getting their food means they can be out the cell and have a chance to get a little nice air.

However , Rowena is different. Because she has HEPA B she has to be isolated to others. She is placed in a small stock room without a door almost same size as a wardrobe cabinet. She has to sleep on the floor also. When she gave birth a week ago, she has to bring her newly born baby with her. They both sleeps on the floor and on that area.

Their situation really is very inhuman. If you will read their letters all you can do is cry...it is very sad that they have to suffer to all these because of a selfish accusation and an arrest illegally. These are all because of money, jelously and blackmail. Kevin, my staff and I have done nothing wrong but to help Filipinos with thier VISA. We hope that soon the truth would come out and we will get the JUSTICE that my husband and my staff deserves.

18th January 2011, 13:31
According to Tawi, they are both still in jail, but their staff were released.

18th January 2011, 13:34
According to Tawi, they are both still in jail, but their staff were released.

yep, tawi posted a while back that they are still in prison :bigcry:

18th January 2011, 13:48
This is not fair for the couple. Not fair trial at all.:bigcry:

18th January 2011, 13:51
This is not fair for the couple. Not fair trial at all.:bigcry:

you and i dont know the real story, according to the above poster if they had enough money they would be out of prison..as they refuse to pay out they are learning their dance moves :Erm:

18th January 2011, 21:58
Last I heard from a reliable source(prison staff)the couple were still inside awaiting trial.

19th January 2011, 03:16
Poor *******s!!!!

Seems she was paying off the guards for food and a bit of space to allow him to sleep flat on his back instead of on his side in a small cell housing 90 inmates..Would have thought that now she is in there ,the bribe money is no more for either of them..
They have been convicted of nothing yet..
Now,no one can hear them scream..:NoNo:

19th January 2011, 03:18
you and i dont know the real story, according to the above poster
if they had enough money they would be out of prison..

A big "IF" !!

19th January 2011, 15:50
I remember reading/posting about a German geezer that got himself released and now devices his time helping other expats that shouldn't be inside get out,, From memory he seemed very well connected,,
Now where are his contact details? Anyone remember?
but might be worth sending him a line on her behalf.

19th January 2011, 21:02
I remember reading/posting about a German geezer that got himself released and now devices his time helping other expats that shouldn't be inside get out,, From memory he seemed very well connected,,
Now where are his contact details? Anyone remember?
but might be worth sending him a line on her behalf.

Fred is it this organisation :-

20th January 2011, 00:11
Thanks Terpe..
Yes thats the one.:xxgrinning--00xx3:


20th January 2011, 08:54
This is scary stuff! :rolleyes:
I think we do need to contact him & make him aware of this forum. Let Filipinouk represent us?

Their Business was too dangerous to be in, possibly illegal recruitment?...But they need some help, or they could just languish in jail, for years?

24th January 2011, 03:54
Yes Sim.. VERY scary.
I have just read the letters that he sent to her from the hell hole he`s in.. http://taylorsqualifiedworkers.blogspot.com/
Cant believe I did not take the time to read them before whilst she was an active member here.. I feel bad about that now.
The man was obviously feeling very low as he was writing but what really got me was the agonising worries of what would happen to his kids if his Mrs were to be locked up.. Its hard to believe that as they have no other family the kids would be adopted.
Imagine that. They have not been found guilty of anything yet!!
Something has got to be done..
Might be an idea if we can make a list of people and organisations to write to on their behalf ?
I dont want to let this thread slip to easily..
What if it were one of us?
Actually,IT IS one of us.. British detained is still a member here.


24th January 2011, 12:32
maybe we can put the 2 of them in touch with each other, unless they are already talking :Erm:

24th January 2011, 12:38
Surely the british embassy would be getting involved in this matter to sort this problem out for one of its nationals?

24th January 2011, 12:48
Surely the british embassy would be getting involved in this matter to sort this problem out for one of its nationals?

I was just thinking the same.
Normally the Embassy would make at least a couple of visits.

There does not appear to be any mention of Embassy involvement in any information I have seen anyway.

That surely should be a place to contact?

24th January 2011, 12:54
i have just watched all 3 parts, we should get alfred on to there case and see how he can help :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

24th January 2011, 15:05
I read on a blog or somewhere, that the British Embassy have been involved, but wont intervene in Philippine law, or words to that effect?

Seems Philippine law hasn't been upheld though, as they haven't been charged with anything & it's around 20 months, since Kevin was jailed & Charlene sometime later. :NoNo:

24th January 2011, 15:09
The Brit embassy will not get involved because it has no direct jurisdiction regarding the Filipino justice system..
He will be lucky if he gets one unproductive visit per year..Let this be a very important lesson to ANY Brit abroad with legal problems..
The Brit embassy is a money making exercise..Thats all.
They couldnt give a damn about British citizens unless the Sun newspaper gets involved with embarrassing and scandalous misgivings regarding its citizens abroad.
Im afraid its down to us!! Like the Taylors..We are on our own.
I agree with BAB..We need to contact this German guy..As a group..
I have other irons in the fire but not holding my breath..
Lets just do what we can..Each of us.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

24th January 2011, 16:16
Looking again but for life of me cannot find email or contact details for Alfred?
Dont tell me he wants $50 just for me to say Hello!!


24th January 2011, 18:13
Kevin had quite a number of consular visits from the embassy,he has had health problems including a suspected heart attack,foreign prisons are scary places,especially for a "straight" guy like kevin,suddenly you have no control over proceedings and theres very little he can do except get his head down till this situation is resolved,I am back in Pinas soon,if I am in Manila I will pop in.

24th January 2011, 18:27
Looking again but for life of me cannot find email or contact details for Alfred?
Dont tell me he wants $50 just for me to say Hello!!



Did your try these:-
General Inquiries

Personal Inquiries to Mr. A. Lehnert

25th January 2011, 01:00
Kevin had quite a number of consular visits from the embassy,he has had health problems including a suspected heart attack,foreign prisons are scary places,especially for a "straight" guy like kevin,suddenly you have no control over proceedings and theres very little he can do except get his head down till this situation is resolved,I am back in Pinas soon,if I am in Manila I will pop in.

Id be careful if I were you Tawi.. The nasties might see you as a fresh source of funds..

25th January 2011, 01:02

Did your try these:-
General Inquiries

Personal Inquiries to Mr. A. Lehnert

Thanks again Terpe..You are an absolute gem!!
I`ll fire off an email later and see if it does any good..

Keep the ideas coming. Anything is worth a try..

25th January 2011, 03:20
Looks like my post on another group may get the ball rolling..
Perry "The bear" Gambys has got the bit between his teeth now and it seems he means business!
Go Perry!!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

25th January 2011, 08:00
http://www.amnesty.org/ Is an obvious one. :)

25th January 2011, 16:11
Looks like our member British detained is not in prison after all.. A death camp might be a better description!

Another detainee dies in jail; 18 others at risk for lack of medical attention in San Mateo prison


26th January 2011, 00:09
Link to a Perrys site that seems to be organising a campaign to help the Taylors..
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/philip...eams1/messages (http://groups.yahoo.com/group/philippinedreams1/messages)

29th January 2011, 04:04
Just a quick update..

One of many guys on other lists have been contacting Alfred from info@foreign-assistance-center.com
I contacted him myself early on with not much luck in regards to action..Probably due to the fact that he needed to know where the funding was coming from.
Since he must be getting a lot of emails and telephone calls it looks like he has traced and visited Charlene and Kevin.. This is what the guy that is in contact with him says..

"Hi Bill, Mr Lenhert is being very upfront with us.I asked what a lawyer would cost and that was his reply,minimum P650,000. Now if you can find a competent lawyer to take this case like this for less then we can hook him up with Mr Lenherd.From what i can gather,Mr Lenherd has to educated most lawyers when it comes to foreigners and the laws in this country. Let me say i would be more confident in a lawyer recommended by Mr Lehnerd to get the results needed.
If nothing else at least we can verify where they are and their condition.We will have a better understanding of what is going on if we can get Me Lehnert to start digging and hell,who knows Mr Lehnert may be able to get something happening really quick if there was no arrest warrent or if it is found out Mr n Taylor was arrest illegally. All i know is that all this talking is not getting Mr Taylor anywhere,if we act,we act now.Mr Lenhert needs to know what support he has before he tackles this situation. There are "doors" that need to be opened and the "keys" to open those doors expect "appreciation".
This is serious **** and it is going to take some serious support. Just for conversation sake,100 guys donating P6500,heck even i can afford that.Maybe that is what we should shoot for,100 names,can we do it?"

"Just got of the phone with Mr Lenhert.He has found Mr Kevin and Charlene,they are not at Camp Crame but where they are at is not good, and they are in very bad shape. I told Mr Lenherd that he will not here from me again until i can have at least 100 names.It's up to you all now.Please pass this info to any and all foreigners."

Basically this guy reckons we need 100 people that are prepared to donate 6,500 Pesos each..


Personally I have no problem with donating that amount but I do think we need a lawyer that is prepared to work MUCH cheaper in the knowledge that there are 100`s of foreigners backing him/her..
IMO that would make them famous!! at least within the Filipino/expat community..
I have been very surprised by the volume of support by people that had never even heard of the Taylors.
It has been suggested that we take things slow...I agree.

These efforts may well come to nothing but at the very least the Taylors know there are people thinking of them since the visit by Alfred.


29th January 2011, 05:09
I would certainly put my name down on that to help a fellow out, its a crazy situation, reading through all the posts and the blog, my goodness, in this day and age you wonder how this could happen.

I cant believe the British embassy is not helping him out further on this,

Does the UK, press understand what is going on? Where is his home town, can we write to his local papers get them on the case as well?

29th January 2011, 05:43

We have had some people try to contact the Brit embassy but they cannot give us any facts as it would breach the "data protection act"
If a Brit has problems abroad,the last place I would suggest to go is the BRITISH EMBASSY.. Others may disagree.
Thanks for the pledge.. If you want to make any pledge count please join http://groups.yahoo.com/group/philip...eams1/messages (http://groups.yahoo.com/group/philippinedreams1/messages)

where he has a poll operating..Its really just a token of support to indicate if we can move forward or not.

29th January 2011, 08:35
Does the UK, press understand what is going on? Where is his home town, can we write to his local papers get them on the case as well?

He's from Swindon...There was some local press coverage, which you can find on the net.
Another Brit David Scott, who found himself briefly in Jail & then on the run on Adultery charges, was from Swindon too (why are they all from Swindon?)...He had quite a lot of help from his MP of the time, Anne Snellgrove, there was a fair bit of local TV coverage. She helped him secure some type of temporary visa, for his gf & child...Though obviously they weren't still in jail.
David Scott made some noise about Kevin Taylors plight, as he is/was a member here, but it seems to have gone quiet?
I think maybe we need to contact the local BBC, so people don't forget him.

Well done Fred for getting the ball rolling. :xxgrinning--00xx3:...things sound terrible for them. :NoNo:

29th January 2011, 16:44
Thanks Sim..
Need help though!!
mails to whoever!!
Getting a bit stressful to be honest...Im not used to all this work!! :icon_lol:
Think I need a brandy!

29th January 2011, 16:51
Regarding Charlene herself,wasnt her first husband the american doctor?I think unless I am very much mistaken she had dual-nationality :Erm: Her dad works abroad and is quite well off,I have sent an e-mail off to someone for a little info but they are taking their time getting back to me.

29th January 2011, 17:04
Regarding Charlene herself,wasnt her first husband the american doctor?I think unless I am very much mistaken she had dual-nationality :Erm: Her dad works abroad and is quite well off,I have sent an e-mail off to someone for a little info but they are taking their time getting back to me.

Keep sending them Tawi..
Eventually you will hit pay dirt!!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

29th January 2011, 17:09
A friend passed me his mobile tonight in a bar after I told him the story..It was a Filipino fella asking about the Taylors details..
Seems this fella is a Government big wig..:yikes:
Tuesday he said..
Lets see.

29th January 2011, 17:22
Thanks Sim..
Need help though!!
mails to whoever!!
Getting a bit stressful to be honest...Im not used to all this work!! :icon_lol:
Think I need a brandy!

I'm working on an e-mail to my local BBC TV station, which covers Swindon...Will send it off this weekend.

30th January 2011, 01:01
how bad is mr taylors health :Erm:

maybe trying to get some help and advice in this country first and then trying to get a recommended lawyer in the philipines to help out, before we start spending any cash.

there must be organizations which can help considering his bad health :xxgrinning--00xx3:

30th January 2011, 11:07
Fred, here is a link to Charlene's Blog...... you may have seen it.


There does seem to be a lot of support on a forum based in Cebu...
Still scary stuff indeed.

30th January 2011, 23:03
Have contacted:-
BBC Points West
ITV West Country Tonight
+ local Swindon/Wiltshire papers

Better go national next.

31st January 2011, 03:48
Well done Sim..
I love the law of averages..
The more people that know..the better chance something might occur!
All we need is ONE sympathetic millionaire and we can get them out with a single bribe!! Cut through all that red tape!!
Joke lang!

31st January 2011, 21:30
Had a reporter from local ITV call me this morning...He may want to come & speak to me. :yikes:

31st January 2011, 23:12
Had a reporter from local ITV call me this morning...He may want to come & speak to me. :yikes:

well done sim, you might as well kill 2 birds with one stone, and tell him about how unjust it is for a Brit to bring their wife to the Uk compared to a European :angry:
:rolleyes: we get to see you on tv :rolleyes:, don't over do the make up :D

1st February 2011, 01:01
Sim..Keep us informed and if you need more info just ask.. Although,our info is still rather limited !!
well done mate!!
If he does come round Keep her diary open on your computer and get him to read Kevins letters etc..


1st February 2011, 02:43
A new Yahoo group purely devoted to helping Kevin and Charlene has been set up here as the amount of responses were simply flooding the other groups! The new consolidated group..


You can join easily and instantly.

1st February 2011, 07:59
Sim..Keep us informed and if you need more info just ask.. Although,our info is still rather limited !!
well done mate!!
If he does come round Keep her diary open on your computer and get him to read Kevins letters etc..


I wrote a longish email, with links to her blog (Kevins letters) Charlenes original thread on here & this thread that you started...I think they are trying to contact his parents in Swindon?

1st February 2011, 08:31
I got a feeling they dont want to be contacted Sim..Got a Facebook message from his brother saying they have been bled dry..I assume he means by Filipino lawyers..:NoNo:

1st February 2011, 12:30
Just found this...I also contacted them.


1st February 2011, 13:47
Looks like we've made a small dent mate.. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

1st February 2011, 14:03

Keep fighting for Kevin, imprisoned without trial in Philippines
11:20am Tuesday 1st February 2011


THE mother of a man who has been imprisoned without trial in the Philippines for almost two years has spoken of her heartbreak.

Marie Taylor’s comments come as members of the Cebu BritClub, an online group for Brits in the Philippines, launched an online campaign to try and help free 45-year-old Kevin Taylor.

Mrs Taylor, of Stratton, said the father-of-three had been forced to endure horrific conditions since he was thrown in the San Mateo Municipal Jail, in Rizal, in May 2009.

She added that his health was starting to deterioate including failing eyesight.

“Kevin has to sleep on the floor on a piece of cardboard because there is no bed. It is demoralising,” said the 67-year-old, who is married to Gerald, 70.

“If a Filipino was arrested here he would be treated humanely. Over there they do not treat prisoners like they do a dog.

“We phone him once a week and he says he stinks because he is not able to wash or change his clothes and he is very, very low. It is not a happy situation.”

Kevin and his partner Charlene Tambago were arrested for offences relating to illegal recruitment but since their arrest almost two years ago the pair still have not gone to trial with hearing being repeatedly deferred.

“There has been a hearing every month for the past two years,” said Mrs Taylor.

“There was one last week but it was deferred. Last time the complainants didn’t turn up, so it was postponed again. Another hearing is due on Thursday or Friday this week.”

And she fears if her son’s case goes to trial and he is sentenced, the time he has already spent in jail will not count and he will have to start his sentence from scratch enduring even more years of hardship.

“We have had no help from anyone. We have had one letter from our MP Justin Tomlinson when he first came into office saying he would do what he could but we have not heard a thing from him. I am disappointed,” she said.

However, she said that the group Prisoners Abroad has been fantastic and goes to see him as often as possible.

The latest offer of help has come in the shape of Harry Plant, of Durham, who is a member of the Cebu BritClub.

He became aware of Kevin’s plight earlier this month and has posted messages on the club’s online forum asking for more information and trying to rally up the troops to help - whether that is by helping with legal represention, food, money, clothes or medical supplies.

“It has snowballed over the last few days and I felt we should contact the local paper the Swindon Advertiser to see what you know,” said Harry.

“Let’s find out whether our proposed involvement would be welcome or advisable.”

The Free Kevin Taylor campaign is now online. To find out more log on to http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/Help_Kevin_Taylor/

1st February 2011, 14:33
All down to you Fred :xxgrinning--00xx3: you kicked it all off.

1st February 2011, 16:17
I might have kicked the ball Sim but a couple of talented players are off and running with it!!
Your one of them!! Appreciated.

2nd February 2011, 03:31
Harry Plant has a house in cebu went to his house blessing in 08 he is tenacious but in the UK at the moment

6th February 2011, 21:46
That's a lotta money for a lawyer! I can't afford to send anything but I'll help spread the word.

8th February 2011, 13:02
Well Done Fred:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Joined the group on Yahoo & Made a pledge as its least I can do.

8th February 2011, 23:38
Well Done Fred:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Joined the group on Yahoo & Made a pledge as its least I can do.

They will appreciate the support Pete..:xxgrinning--00xx3:
They are aware of the support as one of our members is in contact with his parents.

That's a lotta money for a lawyer! I can't afford to send anything but I'll help spread the word.

That is probably worth more than money.. Cheers.

11th February 2011, 17:35
quick update..

One of the members of the yahoo group.. http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/Help_Kevin_Taylor/messages
went and visited Kev and Charlene!
Here`s what he discovered..

So after following the news about Kevin since about 2 weeks back I decided there was enough sitting on our hands being done and did muster the courage to go pay him a visit.
I say muster the courage because I could have very well ended up detained myself, or that was on my mind anyway.

So, arrived in Manila just before noon and the 1 st challenge had been to find a taxi willing to go all the way to San mateo, but I think good karma allowed me to get a taxi with a guy who knew where the jail was and was willing to wait for me whilst I did chat with Kevin and Charlene.

So we pick-up some burgers and jollibee chicken as I recall Charlene writing that it's kevin's choice of outside food (would be mine too if I was detained)

We then reach the jail and I'm sceptical as it looks nothing like a jail (I was expecting something like we see in the movies) dang, it even has karenderia at the front and signs for iron works all over the gate.

Anyhow, I walk over to the gate and the wardens welcome me inside, the feeling is not of penitential mood but much more relax, inmates already shouting kevin's name by then as they all have view on the gate.

The wardens take my ID and cellphone and ask me to sign the blotter.
No search, no patting down, no metal detectors, it's now confirmed, I have the face of a saint ;-)

I now enter the central court where many inmates are having their visitors, all eyes on me of course.
Again, the feeling is not as I'd have imagined being in a jail, many wives are there to visit (some husbands too, there are 22 females and 196 males there) kids playing around, everyone eating as it's lunchtime.

- Kevin's condition:
First time I met him so it's not easy to tell, but from the few pictures of him online it's obvious he lost weight, he said he actually went down to 62kg in the 1st year, but is now 70kg.
It's confirmed that he lost 1 eye from diabetes and the 2nd one looks kinda veiled with White glaze.
He never see a doc although he did see the jail nurse occasionally.
He does look weak and somewhat much older than his real age.
His spirit seems quite okay but might have to do with getting a 1st visit by a foreigner in nearly 2 years, also my visit allowed him to see Charlene, it's obvious those two are dearly in love!

-Charlene's condition:
She was limping heavily when we went up to the lady's visitor bench, she later told both me and Kevin that she was made to do 200 crunches by the guards, reason being that "someone" sent a complaint to the head warden and this was her punishment, Kevin did feel very upset about this obviously, they also mentioned that she gets harassed a lot and receive suggestive Love letters from other inmates and constantly subjected to "words" that Kevin doesn't understand.
She does also suffer from diabetes and needs insulin on a daily bases.

- the kids and Charlene's family:
Kids are SAFE!!!
They have been split to several members of the family, both of Kevin's biological children are with Charlene's sister, children of Charlene are with her previous in-laws,
Now this is where it gets weird, Charlene's sister does not visit anymore, Charlene's family have now said they don't want anything to do with criminals,
The eldest of Charlene's daughter used to visit but it was motivated by money, every-time Kevin's dad would send cash this daughter would do the groceries for say 1500 php and keep the 500 change, sad way to treat a mother right?
Their last visit from the daughter was January 2, last visit from the sister: a year ago!
(anyone in contact with the sister, please just observe status quo/silence, they aren't in speaking terms but she still has Kevin's 2 kids, Kevin said they will sort things out when they get released, for now it's the best situation one could expect, better than adoption!)

-Their needs:
Boredom is the main enemy, bibles are in Tagalog and the only English book available is Harry Potter, Kevin read that 10 times already.So,
1) BOOKS: loads of them!
2) Clothes: shorts, underwears, and Yellow colour T-Shirts only, they are only allowed bright yellow tops.(XL and L sizes)
3) Razors, shaving foam, soap, toothpaste, shampoo....all the stuff needed to keep clean on a daily basis
4) ideally Kevin would need to see a doctor, cost for this (doc+transport) has been placed at 3000Php
5) Charlene did mention that Kevin could use ointment named Caladril as he sleeps on plywood in a nasty cell and gets rashes.

those are basic stuff that would be highly appreciated by both of them.

from my side i did ask if giving him a piece of foam for bedding would be fine and he said yes, they will just have to bribe a guard to smuggle it in.

the food is appalling as you can imagine but for those who can afford their own groceries they are actually entitled to cook their own food, so the way it works there is that when Kevin's dad send money they cook and feed selected inmates, then they get food from those inmates, on a rotation basis if you like, depending on who's got money.

Charlene mentioned Prisoners abroad, but contrary to what i thought they don't actually go visit there in person, they just send cash through LBC. (money donations can be given to them that way, but will have to be a trickle as Kevin said that the money has to be counted by the wardens and within 5 minutes the whole jail knows how much he has with him, with loans and "fees" being submitted to him non-stop)

last September 20th the other staff got out of jail, on bail, when i questioned the fact that their offense is non bailable Kevin said the staff did forward a request to the judge and it was granted.

that's about it really.

from my side i will be planning another visit to Kevin next week, possibly Thursday, and that will be my last trip to see him (i hope) as I'm not coming back to Philippines for the next year or so.

i was one of the first to pledge money to help him, then when i saw that there was a lot of talk but no action i went ahead and did it, without drumming it up beforehand.

i could have never been cheeky enough to say that i would go if peoples paid my flight, 2 night hotel expenses and bribe money like some have done on here, i think that's sick to make those type of offer, either you help or you don't, but disguising help to Kevin and Charlene as a "free weekend in manila all expenses paid" is just disgusting.

i couldn't care less if they are guilty of the crime, my motivation was fueled by empathy, i just got a daughter 2 weeks ago and trying to put myself in Kevin's shoes for a moment just riped me apart, anyone with the slightest amount of empathy would have done just like i did today.

Now, i'm not a rich man, if i was i would have helped more, so if anyone who did pledge a few weeks back or would like to contribute to this week and next week's expenses all are welcome.

if you don't want or can't send money, you can send a book, a pair of slippers, even just 1 piece of razor or soap.

i know we can get things collected somewhere here in Cebu and i'll gladly bring those to Kevin.

my expenses for today were:
- 1206 Php for the taxi fare (receipt shows 1006 but had to add 200 for the driver to agree going that far and wait at the jail, which seems fair enough)
- 585 Php for the food

i expect much of the same for next week, so donations will be appreciated, thanks

(Kevin did see the funny side about the Frenchman helping out the Englishman, we all know the cross-channel poking is just friendly banter, we're all brothers, especially in hard time!)

11th February 2011, 18:04
A message from Kevs Dad..


11th February 2011, 23:32
Good Stuff Chaps:xxgrinning--00xx3: sorry been so busy recently will try and join up the Yahoo groups then see what I can help do from there.

maybe a balikbayan Box could be sent over from Flilip Uk contents collected and sent over? I know it will take a while to collect and send but may help those who cant contribute much money wise?

Have a facebook and twitter page been created yet? the more publicty the better as you say.

12th February 2011, 02:08
Oh BTW.. David is making one more visit to San Mateo on Thursday before leaving the R.P..
Any donations can be sent by Western Union to David Miras
collected at the Ayala Mall branch of Cebu City or by skype credit
(Cash would be better as he can get them what they need whilst in Manila)
check http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group...aylor/messages for more details.

12th February 2011, 03:55
Good Stuff Chaps:xxgrinning--00xx3: sorry been so busy recently will try and join up the Yahoo groups then see what I can help do from there.

maybe a balikbayan Box could be sent over from Flilip Uk contents collected and sent over? I know it will take a while to collect and send but may help those who cant contribute much money wise?

Have a facebook and twitter page been created yet? the more publicty the better as you say.

Good idea about an LBC BB box!! :xxgrinning--00xx3:
Could put anything inside from a carboot sale..Like loads of 20 pence books and bright yellow T shirts and other stuff David mentioned like antiseptic creams,soap,toothpaste etc.. Maybe tins of cheap baked beans,HP sauce that kind of thing. Could also include letters from members etc.
It would be great if we could pull that one of as a Brit Filipino online community!!

12th February 2011, 04:07
As David said Fred we need to be careful that we don't start arousing a sense of envy in the other inmates or in the guards, remember the guards will be getting paid pennies and might not be a lot better off than some of the prisoners.

I think if a box were sent in the full knowledge that much of it would be shared, then it would be a very good idea.

12th February 2011, 07:35
Thanks Fred :xxgrinning--00xx3:
The Yahoo group is a bit crazy & difficult to keep up with, but finally some good seems to have come from it.

12th February 2011, 12:06
Thanks Fred :xxgrinning--00xx3:
The Yahoo group is a bit crazy & difficult to keep up with, but finally some good seems to have come from it.

He he..Yeah!!
A few of them will, I'm sure get some cash to David so he doesn't go to the prison empty handed on Thursday !!
Thats good enough for me at this point..

12th February 2011, 12:10
As David said Fred we need to be careful that we don't start arousing a sense of envy in the other inmates or in the guards, remember the guards will be getting paid pennies and might not be a lot better off than some of the prisoners.

I think if a box were sent in the full knowledge that much of it would be shared, then it would be a very good idea.

Point taken Jim.. and thanks for the western union info..They mentioned another filipino cash delivery company Ive never heard of.. Wonder if they are cheaper?

12th February 2011, 15:15
Most of the Western Union shops are Cebuana Lhuillier pawn shops :)

The Cebuana Lhuillier are everywhere :) I don't know about local transfer via them but yeah it might be cheaper.

Saying that Western Union might be a lot cheaper on internal transfers in the Phils I only really know about the international service which is robbery :D

18th February 2011, 15:46
Dear forum
I am one of the moderators of the Help Kevin Taylor yahoo group (http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/Help_Kevin_Taylor/) I am writing to let you know that thinsg are happening in support of the Taylors. This includes contact with the Parents in the UK, Contact with the FCO and visits with Kevin and Charlene by members of the yahoo group. So far a Frenchman visited last week and will go again next week, an Aussie ex of Glasgow went 2 days a go and will go again in 3 weeks and there is to be another hearing for the couple on 8th March.
There are a number of things happening in the background and I urge everyone to please just sit tight for a week or two to allow things we have put in place to work through. If we have no success by early March we may well try to get a co-ordinated campaign going. But having discussed strategy with Kevin’s parents i ask everyone just for now not to rock the boat.

18th February 2011, 16:44
i have posted a lot about this case on the help kevin taylor yahoo group. but to answer the question. The embassy (actually it's a consular service part of the foreign and commonwealth office - FCO) visit about once every 3 months and that is to pass on the donation from Prisoners Abroad of £25 per month (paid quarterley) and a vitamin allowance of £12.75 per month. The embassy and FCO WILL NOT DISCUSS the case with anyone except family under data protection laws but they are asking Kevin for permission to talk to me. They are limited in what assistance they can give as they cannot interfere with another country's judicial system no matter how unfair the case seems. i will post more information in due course but the reason http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/Help_Kevin_Taylor/ was set up was that people from many groups could have 1 place to discuss and offer help. I have to say that the Brits (and although I live in Ireland I am one) have been embarrassingly thin on the ground in helping compared to the aussies/ Kiwis / yanks and French

21st February 2011, 06:04
Thanks Currywolf..And welcome to the forum.
Ive stayed pretty quiet recently due to your requests not to rock the boat...
There have been a few Brits from this site that have joined the Yahoo group and pledged money..
It would be nice if we could get some more..
We will look forward to the next visitors report.
Im pretty sure that the money sent to David will make K&C life a lot more comfortable than it has been in a long long time..:xxgrinning--00xx3:
Something to be proud of.

21st February 2011, 06:12
Most of the Western Union shops are Cebuana Lhuillier pawn shops :)

The Cebuana Lhuillier are everywhere :) I don't know about local transfer via them but yeah it might be cheaper.

Saying that Western Union might be a lot cheaper on internal transfers in the Phils I only really know about the international service which is robbery :D

Jim..Costs to send 2 K internal transfer was only 130 Pesos... Not too bad IMO.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

21st February 2011, 23:58
That's not bad Fred, 6 percent is a lot better than the 10 percent to send 50 quid or 25 percent they charge to send 20 quid internationally.

I side stepped and used paypal, much cheaper :D

23rd February 2011, 12:21
Latest hearing today & tomorrow???
Hope it's good news.

23rd February 2011, 15:28
Sim..Any speculation at this time could effect the case.. Please forgive me for editing your post and contact me via PM for further details.

8th March 2011, 17:15
As before.. I wont let this slip..
Lots of stuff happening behind the scenes which at this point I cannot comment on.. Will update as appropriate..

8th March 2011, 22:46

10th March 2011, 14:16
I have recieved the following letter from Charlene to you all. I have retyped
thye hand written letter verbatim and will post the scanned original later but
the content is exactly as follows: From Frank..List moderator.

To the group from Charlene 17 feb 2011
Dear all,
God be with you! Thank you so much for your support and for those who kept us
going. It was a nice surprise to know that we are still remembered and that many
others are with a kind heart to help us.

It's been almost two years now since Kevin and I are incarcerated , we have been
through a lot of hell and pain while in here. We have almost lost our lives
during the typhoon, been very ill and mentally drain. But during the time that
Kevin and I almost loosing every bit of our hope you guys came along and that is
SOMETHING we are so grateful about. My tears and my broken hearty was filled
with joy as you have given us the care, love and hope we needed.

Thanks you so much for being so kind to us both inspite of us being strangers.
Thanks you for the things you given us as it was a big help honestly. Things
that we are not expecting from people who are strangers things that are so
important for us to survive. Thank you so much.

Honestly, everyday as I wake up, first thing I think I am worried about is how
will Kevin get food, that really hurts me especially when he sends letters
asking if I have some food and I can't give him anything as I myself doesn't
have as well. It almost broken my heart when the food supply is fish as I know
he can't eat it and he will go hungry again.

I feel useless when a simple disposable razor and a hair cut for him he can't
have as we have nothing. For the past year we tired to survive form everything
we can get through donations and Dad's help. Many times we just cry as we are so
shy already to ask Dad But now we are so grateful to have you guys. Not only for
the things you can give us but also for the moral support and care we needed.
May the Lord God always return all the favours and blessings you have given to
us. You all gave so much to us.

I thought the blogs that I made before I came in here were forgotten. I thought
there is no miracles. But with what happened, it is truly God's own will and by
using all of you . MIRACLES are true. Kevin and I will loose hope especially now
that we know many are fighting for us to survive. I also hope that you will
continue supporting us and help us pray for our children, for us both and that
our case will soon be dismissed. Let you always join us every night to pray for
God's help and his guidance for us while we are fighting and may HE continue
giving us the strength and hope. Thanks you again and God Bless you all.
Charlene Taylor
San Mateo Jail

This is what I want to share to you all. A prayer that keeps me going and that
reminds me God is always there
Dear God
Blessed be thy Lord God for keeping me sound and safe. I lift unto you all my
woes and grace upon me your mercy. I understand that you have better plans for
me yet I will keep on asking you to help me through.

This place I call my own which I don't intend to stay long. While my journey of
going home is still far. Keep me warm and safe from danger and to my detractors.
Cover my children with your loving heart that they will understand the
situation. Guide their young minds for them not to bitter but help them be a
better individuals. Remind me how I was chosen to have this ordeal so i will
never forget what you have promised. I raise on to you all my anxieties and
return to me your graces. Help me change for as better "me" so when the time
comes that the gate will open I can walk home with a good heart.

For whatever will happen to us both, I know someday we can be with our children.
Prepare them for everything Lord and so I am to be strong. Calm my heart when I
am lost - show me the road to your promise.

Lord God open my heart always. I will hold on to you forever, sorry as I have
failed you many times, but I promise, I am still the same child you have brought

Guide me when I am asleep and when I am awake remind me that you will redeem

21st March 2011, 15:32
A message from Frank who has worked tirelessly along with others from the Yahoo group to help our fellow FilipinoUK member British_detained that stopped posting to us from the day she was locked up in San Mateo..

Dear all

I mentioned that there was a case to be heard on 21st March. This was considered
the main case out of the original 20. Well, it was heard and it has been

This is fantastic news

When we started the stated aims of the group was to give humanitarian aid and to
seek expeditious hearings. That has been achieved in great measure. The actions
of some from this group have made such a massive difference. And potentially
moves us very much closer to a further goal of reuniting Kevin and Charlene with
their children and families.

We are not quite out of the woods yet. There are two hearings set for later this
week but it is believed that these too will be dismissed. The final case is set
to be heard on 9 May. I don't have full details of this yet but I am told it
definitely is the final hearing and that Kevin believes it will be dismissed.

The progress made recently after so many months of inactivity in the case I
really think is the product of some efforts made privately. The family, spurred
on by the tremendous support given here on the group have been able to make head
way for the first time in 2 years.

Congratulations group and thank you all


21st March 2011, 15:38
thats really good news :xxgrinning--00xx3:

21st March 2011, 16:11
That latest news posted by fred is great.
I, for one, am humbled by the efforts and compassion shown by those who have made an impact.
Let's all hope and pray that it continues to go well.

Arthur Little
21st March 2011, 17:25
Let's all hope and pray that it continues to go well.

:iagree: ... Amen to that! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

stevie c
21st March 2011, 17:33
fantastic news :xxgrinning--00xx3:

21st March 2011, 20:01
2yrs for it to be dismissed :angry:

21st March 2011, 20:03
Wonderful news Fred!

5th April 2011, 03:47
Message from Kevin,reproduced by Frank.
Thanks Frank!

Dear all

I have recieved a letter to you all from Kevin. I have reproduced it below as

March 30 2011
San Mateo Municipal Jail
Guitnang Bayan 1
San Mateo 1850

Hello Guys
Well we hope you are all doing fine, Better than us maybe haha (Joke). I thought
we should write to you guys and thank you for all the work and support you have
given to Charlene and I in the past two months. To be truthfull just before Dad
called us to say that the ex-pats have got together and were concerned about our
cases and welfare, we had given up any hope of going home from here. But you
gave us a renewed hope that we would soon be able to enjoy our marriage and
children in peace and safety. Both Charlene and I would like to thank you from
the bottom of our hearts for everything it gave us both renewed faith in the
Human race a shot in the arm just when we needed it most

Friends I can assure you, we are not Illegal recruiters, we tried to bring help
to those in the provinces who were unable to get the right documentions and all
we wanted was to live in peace and raise our young family. Anyway that was then
and this is now. And I hope that one day soon we will be able to thank you all
in person

Once again many thanks to you all and may the good Lord bring you many blessings
for the future

Forever faithfull

Kevin Taylor

5th April 2011, 06:57

5th April 2011, 06:57
I hope the couple would soon be released..I know lots of the forum members here are waiting for their letter stating they'll be out soon..Thanks for the continuous update Fred! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th June 2011, 16:23
Hi Fred, any update or did I miss it

22nd June 2011, 14:18
Hey all! Sorry I've been offline for so long. I've been busy.

Anyway, since I moved back to the PI a few weeks ago, I decided to visit the San Mateo jail. Charlene, aka BritishDetained, wasn't there because she got transferred to the Marikina jail, but I got to talk to her husband.

Kevin seemed okay at the time I visited. I had to wait a couple minutes while he packed up his chess set. He had been in the middle of a chess game with an inmate whose cheese had fallen off the cracker. I wondered why Kevin played chess with a crazy person, but he didn't seem to mind. He was nice enough to give the crazy guy some cigarettes (his winnings) win or lose.

Kevin and I talked for about an hour in the tiny courtyard with all the other inmates around us. He seemed at ease, though he did say it had gotten harder since Charlene's transfer. He said that Charlene was not allowed to have any contact with anyone, presumably because of something she had done wrong.

Before I left the jail, Kevin told me that he had requested to be transferred to the Marikina jail and was expecting to be transferred that night, if things went their way. I wish I knew if he got transferred or not so I could visit. Currently, my only source of news about the couple is the Yahoo!Group, and that's been quiet lately because everyone's just been waiting for the court hearings.

29th July 2011, 21:56
http://www.swindonadvertiser.co.uk/news/local/9166631.Parents_losing_hope_for_son_stuck_in_foreign_jail/?ref=mr :NoNo:

Arthur Little
30th July 2011, 10:23
:icon_offtopic: ... if I might be permitted to ask: "Whatever happened to 'Sim11UK' lately?". :rolleyes:

1st September 2011, 08:53
Anyone heard anything more?

1st September 2011, 15:41
Ongoing...I have contacts in the Pinoy penal system, the last time I asked the case was still ongoing :rolleyes: Its Pinas,money talks and...........:NoNo:

2nd September 2011, 04:02
Last update from Frank from the Yahoo site.
Im taking a back seat due to some emails I received some months back which I`d rather not go into but still watch with interest. Keep supporting and asking questions on...http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/Help_Kevin_Taylor/

It's been a while since writing to the group, but that does not mean we have
gone away or given up. Much of the time has been sitting waiting for news. Cases
have been heard and deferred and despite agreements when money has been sent to
cover the settlement 10k becomes 12 becomes 16 becomes 20 – surprise, surprise.

But we continue to support K & C as best we can, and visits to the jail have
continued (Thanks again Eden and Jim) (Both from FilipinoUK I believe)

They are both at the same jail now and although the regime is more strict and
access to phones etc is much harder their living conditions are improved.

Recently Gerald wrote to Sec De Lima directly and copied the Filipino
Ambassadoralong with his M.P. and the UK Foreign Secretary. The Swindon
Advertiser ran a follow up story:


And the International Commission on Human Rights who are sending and envoy to
Sec De Lima about another case are being asked to raise this case too.

Thanks you all for staying with this for so long your support is invaluable and
when all seems lost to know there are kind caring people who just are here means
a lot.

Kind regards to all


A couple of extra pieces of news.

Firstly the hearing of the 6th: There were 2 cases to be heard. 1 the
prosecutor is asking to prosecute the non attending witnesses - who knows what
is behind that but case not completed. I don't know whether K & C's lawyer asked
for dismissal but that's the situation with case 1. Case 2 -farcical! The police
did not have the correct paperwork for the case and it was deferred to 1
September!!!!!!!!!. Gerald is now going to write to Sec De Lima and ask just
what is going on when repeatedley no witnesses attend and prosecution paperwork
is not prepared or they do not get K & C in court at the same time deferral
afetr deferral etc. The British Government say they cannot intervene in another
country's judicial system - understood - but Gerald can start to ask some pretty
pertinent questions about what is going on.

Secondly, Gerald was moved today to Marikina so he should be back with Charlene
again and at least they can start to organise the case between them again.

That's it for now



Looks like they were due in court yesterday... I wonder how that went?

2nd September 2011, 14:59
Just noticed that this thread has had very nearly 7.000 views!!:yikes:

2nd September 2011, 21:47
Just noticed that this thread has had very nearly 7.000 views!!:yikes:

Not surprising :)
Their story is sad & frustrating...Not forgotten though.

3rd September 2011, 00:12
It also illustrates what a tightrope ALL expats are walking in the Philippines.

20th May 2012, 15:51
any more news?

17th June 2012, 01:20
The Yahoo!Group set up to help Kevin and Charlene has been inactive for a while now. I think it was a big turn-off for people that some old members personally attacked new members who suggested asking for help from people/organisations those old members didn't like. I actually quit replying to the groups' emails after I got tired of all the insult-slinging and sarcasm around the end of things.

Last I heard, K and C were still incarcerated and they were back in the San Mateo jail. I think that's good for them. I visited them in both the San Mateo and Marikina jails. The San Mateo jail is way more lax than the Marikina jail, which is a 5-storey building with lots of guards and tight security. Last time I visited, the couple were still in the Marikina jail. Kevin didn't seem to be in bad shape apart from his clinical depression (which he's had since he was in the UK) and age kicking in. The guards all liked him in both jails as he wasn't a troublemaker (the bruised knuckles I saw on my first visit was from him punching some inanimate object). As for Charlene, last time I visited, she was still in the guards' bad graces for "being a troublemaker". I don't know how the situation is these days, apart from them still being in there without trial.

17th June 2012, 06:40
I still can,t believe they are still in jail after all this time. One of the reasons they are still in jail is because the Prosecution Witnesses keep failing to show up, so the judge keeps adjourning the case. So this will go on and on at the expense of K and C.

17th June 2012, 08:25
Why didn't Cameron ask Aquino why all this was taking so long when he visited number 10 :NoNo:

17th June 2012, 09:48
Because it has no political value .

There are hundreds of Brits incarcerated all over the world in similar or worse circumstances.

Outside of this country you can forget having any kind of protection...unless you have friends in high places or a support group with lots of money. :rolleyes:

17th June 2012, 23:11
It also illustrates what a tightrope ALL expats are walking in the Philippines.

A very sobering read, especially if you've been keeping up to speed on the new minimum wage requirements to bring in your partner to the UK from outside Europe.

If I were in a situation of falling short in wage requirements, I'd definitely try and improve my lot here first before leaving the security of these shores.

12th July 2012, 04:46
Looks like good news may finally be on the way regards the Taylors.. :xxgrinning--00xx3:
Message below can be found on the yahoo group.

Dear all
> >
> > After months of hiatus, 4 cases were heard on Tuesday last week. There have
been so many hearings where the witnesses failed to attend and the judge has
repeatedly set the case back.
> >
> > However this time the judge finally enforced witnesses attendance, who,
having stated that it was to expensive to continue attending (no cash cow â€"
no cash!) backed down. The judge also ruled that there was insufficient evidence
and the cases were accordingly dismissed.
> >
> > For these cases only a requirement for an affidavit from each witness
remains (500php per signatory) as a final formality for the cases to be closed.
> >
> > Which leaves only 1 final case to be heard on 2nd august and it is believed
that this will go the same way.
> >
> > After over 3 years and hesitant but continuous steps in the right direction,
this is fantastic news. We will hold celebrations in check until after 2nd
August but the champagne is waiting on ice.
> >
> > Gerald and Mary again wish to thank everyone who has shared in this very
difficult journey and experience with them. As more news breaks we will of
course let you all know.
> >
> > Frank

12th July 2012, 08:01
Thanks for the update Fred.

Yes it's better news, But what I would call a 'glad sad' day.

Everyone will be glad this whole sorry story may soon be ended. But also so sad that 3years has passed with the Taylors incarceration and the huge impacts on their lives and those of their children, family and friends.

Lets all hope and pray they will soon be freed from the nightmare.

14th July 2012, 14:01
I'm one of the religious providers to the jail and I came to know the Taylors...I pity Kevin as mentally, I can say he isn't stable due to his depression and that may be because of hunger and lack of foreign language around him (talking in English). Charlene is now working with her Wardina at the office but still can't see Kevin much. Both re-seeking mental help at National Center for Mental Health once a month and taking medicines for their depression. Help them please, before both lose their mental state!

14th July 2012, 14:12
Sometimes I speak with Charlene as she joins the bible study. Yet Kevin would not be able to join as he couldn't understand the lectures. But we tend to notice him often, as he just walks around the jail looking for nothing and sometimes stays at the library reading. He caught my attention one day when he was selling something ... could be chutney....I asked why he sells and he said to buy food...pity though really. I wish I could get more people to visit Kevin and Charlene AS I STARTED TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THEM. BOTH WELL-EDUCATED BUT END UP IN A PLACE THEY SHOULDN'T BELONG. I always visit now to speak to them both and at least give Kevin some bread, as he always asks me to bring him..

15th July 2012, 09:47
Survivor. Lots of people from here and the Yahoo group have visited when they can and have offered as much in donations for food and clothes as they can. Thanks for your support too. Im sure your visits to K@C are invaluable.
Not long now.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

18th July 2012, 04:30
Another case from lower was dismissed Monday. That's 3 cases out of 26 cases. All in all about 24 cases had been dismissed both from MTC and RTC. Only 18 dismissal orders are available as each dismissal order will cost Php 550 each... but as I spoke with them last Monday they are too shy to ask from their dad for payments of their disistances. Kevin is very ill at the moment suffering from LBM for 4 days now, I will visit them again tomorrow for meds

18th July 2012, 05:21
I came to know the couple a year ago...was visiting the jail to provide bible study to inmates then I came to notice Kevin...a white man in a Philippine jail. He was quiet and very observant about what was going on. One day I approached him and asked how he was, as I observed this man seemed to worry about something. Then I was surprised knowing that a foriegner can go hungry in a jail due to lack of food and supplies of his needs.
Charlene is a very strong-willed person, I admire her for being vocal about the needs and rights of Kevin. This is why I like the two. Day and night I tried to research about them and I'm glad I did, as I'm happy to know many are helping them

18th July 2012, 05:40
there are times when I visit I spoke with Kevin and ask what else he needs…was told actually by some officer t speak with him as he seems to suffer severe clinical depression. I thought I was only him goes to mental hospital but what surprised me is that also Charlene suffers from panic depression. poor thing that both well educated individual was destroyed by being sent to jail that they should not be. From many problems such cases, jail condition especially going hungry all the time makes your mental state deteriorate. Now Cha is at the admin utilized her intelligence to get they needs. working as secretary and helper at the admin while Kevin stay at the library more times. I can only give help to them by giving some food and most especially spiritual advice. But what these two couple needs are family…family from you guys. Now they are almost going home, most probably by september, but same thing will the life that had been destroyed will be fixed AGAIN? Lets support them, help them and let their plight be a light for us so we can do our decisions in life better.

25th August 2014, 08:55
Hello to everybody Hope you all keeping well. I have a update from Kevin / Charline today,they are waiting for a Proclamation date
to be set,this could be within the next two weeks.They wont know the precise day untill a day before the court hearing .If they are
released it will be on that day .
Then Kevin has to get to the British Embassy some how and pay for 5 years visas ect thats outstanding.He will have no where to go but out on the street.
This puts more pressure on us to find the funds for his Airfare to get back to the U/K.
Once again I dont like to ask but we need help with all the extra problems we have.
Sorry if we are at your hearts again for help.
Regards Gerald / Mary.

25th August 2014, 11:32
Hello to everybody Hope you all keeping well. I have a update from Kevin / Charline today,they are waiting for a Proclamation date
to be set,this could be within the next two weeks.They wont know the precise day untill a day before the court hearing .If they are
released it will be on that day .
Then Kevin has to get to the British Embassy some how and pay for 5 years visas ect thats outstanding.He will have no where to go but out on the street.
This puts more pressure on us to find the funds for his Airfare to get back to the U/K.
Once again I dont like to ask but we need help with all the extra problems we have.
Sorry if we are at your hearts again for help.
Regards Gerald / Mary.

Jesus, 5 years' back fees! How can they justify that? Plus the airfare - that,s a lot of dosh to find.

Seems to me even after release he is still being punished.

10th October 2014, 03:49
Kevin Taylor’s Letter of 19th August 2014-10-08

Dear Group,

Greetings and good day to you all and I hope you are all doing well. I thought I had better write to you all as you guys have been a great help and comfort to Cha and me over the past five years and its praise indeed to you all as supposedly us Westerners are cold and uncaring. So again I thank you all from the bottom of our hearts.
Now I will try to update you on our cases but I can’t say too much about what is happening to us at the jail as the letter may not pass the check at the gate oh.
We had a hearing on July 3 where the fiscal and defence attorney gave their formal offers and finally closed the case, with the judge setting the case for judges resolution which I have been told will take 90 days, so maybe the last week in September we will have a verdict. I have also been informed by several Bfmp (?) officers that we have a very good chance of acquittal.
If we are acquitted and have no pending cases we will leave the jail the same day and this is normally after visiting so around 6pm. Too late to get to the Consulate. Although we are very happy that we can leave the jail soon and end this nightmare we are also very apprehensive about the future because as we walk out that gate we will have nothing and be thrust straight into poverty with no money for accommodation, transport, food or clothing and all we have are the clothes on our back.
I got Cha to phone her father the other week to ask for immediate help from them for groceries and toiletries as we were completely out. She also asked him for help when we leave jail as we need accommodation, but he was cold to her and informed her that the family will not help us at all and if we want the children back we have to find an abode. We can’t really complain at this because the family have looked after the children for 5 years now. I have appraised my father of the situation that we will be in when we leave here but his hands are tied due to financial constraints after looking after us all these years and Prisoners Abroad will not help me until I get back to the UK. Dad did suggest that I go straight to the Consulate in Manila for help but Pro- Consul Mrs Victoria Buenaventura informed me last Friday 15th (Aug) that all they will do is issue a list of hotels for us which confirms what consul Brendan Gill told me 3 months ago. But both parties do give some kind advice. Victoria suggested to me that I write to the UK Government and suggest how they can help us and Brendan did say that the British Government do repatriate families in exceptional circumstances such as flood and fire and where the family has lost everything and are in Danger with no income. Wouldn’t you agree that this is exactly what Charlene and I are facing now, right, so I’ve taken Victoria’s advice and started writing to the various Government agencies both UK and Philippines, such as MP for North Swindon, Justin Tomlinson, MP for South Swindon, UK Prime Minister, Philippines President, UK Home Secretary, UK FO Secretary, UK Visas Manila, and anyone else I can think of and what I am asking them for is immediate relief for when we leave jail, accommodation and dosh for food, clothing and transport while our papers are being fixed and I am also asking for repatriation for me, Charlene, Charlene Jnr, Charlotte and Caitlin. I’m asking that all the girls go back with me as that’s the only way we can stop complainants from extorting money from us, right, because I know that if I go back alone people will find Cha and the girls and I will get calls for dosh for them every week just to stop Cha going back to jail, oh.
Also I know that once I go back home I will never be allowed to come back here due to unpaid visa fees for 5 years, hmmm, so I really don’t want to lose Charlene and the three girls because of this and I hope you guys can understand me on this, please.
I’m really all that Cha has at this time and I won’t turn my back on her. So please if any of you guys know people in high office in the UK or even here can you please write, email, phone or contact them in some way and urge them to help me with the task in hand and maybe get us immediate relief on leaving here and repatriation for all of us please.
Well, this letter is 5 pages long now, so I will just tell you about our life in jail. We get very jealous to the guys in here on Sat and Sun as during the week they cry poverty to us then they have Adult visitors on these days and I really feel down as I see them eating good food, getting groceries and their basic needs and I know that it’s wasted on them coz all they do is come to the cells and promptly sell their goods cheaply for fags then claim poverty again so that they get grace from the Service providers when they come here, which I’m not entitled to as I’m a foreigner and so must be rich, oh. All the Credits in the cells have stopped for us now as we are near verdict and it’s only the co-op that will give me credit now as Sir Diaz pities me. So we are surviving on sardine, dried noodles, bread and coffee. The only drawback is the co-op is more expensive than the shop. ie an extra 3 or 4 pesos on top of shop prices and I have to credit some items in bulk, like coffee, 10 sachets for P100, 10 bread for P80, 1 tin sardines P18, noodles are P9, chips are P9 and soft drinks P20 a bottle if I do credit 1 bottle of soft drinks every Monday for when I see Cha for our weekly visits as a treat for us both.
Peter did notice my fat belly on his last visit but that’s from eating rice and noodles all the time (many carbs) and no exercise as most of the day we are lying on our backs, hmm. My BP and Cha’s BP is constantly high due to being stuck in the cells all the time. My last BP was 190/100 so I get a maintenance drug every day. They don’t have budget for my anti-depressants any more so I have asked PA if they can provide for me.
I finally got goggles with the right spec. the other month, yahay, but the other week I forgot where I placed them then sat on them due to lack of space in my terima, grrrr but luckily I just snapped both arms at the hinge so we temp glued them back on and all I need to get are two arms, yahay.
It is a struggle at the mo coz we don’t really have a variety in what we eat and the food provided is indescribable. So we are stuck for choice really, oh.
Well that’s all from us at the mo and I thank you all again for helping us and taking an interest in our well being.
Thank You All,
Yours faithfully,
Kevin and Charlene,

10th October 2014, 10:44
Fred - was going to pm you but seems you don't accept Private Messages. Anyway, if you can contact me, I might be able to offer some assistance.

10th October 2014, 10:52
Irishman..He will need all the assistance he can get once released..
What did you have in mind?
Whatever it is,I`ll post it on the Yahoo group for you if you like.. His father, Gerald will see it there.


10th October 2014, 11:15
H Fred - not sure what Yahoo group you are referring to but would like to contact you privately

10th October 2014, 11:26
Hi Fred - not sure what yahoo group you are referring to but would like to contact you privately

Google it: 'Friends of Kevin Taylor Yahoo Group' - you should find the link

10th October 2014, 21:04
H Fred - not sure what Yahoo group you are referring to but would like to contact you privately
I think its a closed group now.. Not sure.
If you look at my visitors messages you will see the second message contains an email address..
You can contact me there if you like.. I am not in contact with Kevin or Charlene but will be able to give your message to Kevins Father via the group.

10th October 2014, 21:05
5 years!! :NoNo:

11th October 2014, 03:39
A disgusting way to treat any people
Cameron should get involved and summon the Philippine Ambassador here in London and demand answers
To sit rotting in one of their squalid jails for 5 years just waiting :NoNo:

11th October 2014, 04:03
A disgusting way to treat any people
Cameron should get involved and summon the Philippine Ambassador here in London and demand answers
To sit rotting in one of their squalid jails for 5 years just waiting :NoNo:

The British gov make it perfectly clear that they will not get involved in the R.P justice process no matter how screwed up it is or how badly its citizens are treated.

It's a good lesson learned and something those of us living anywhere abroad have to face. The Brit Embassy is a visa fee collection center. Nothing more. Can't even renew passports there these days. :crazy:

Useless twots.

11th October 2014, 19:06
Well I joined the group and this is one of the latest updates:


12th October 2014, 03:10
I,m sure he,ll get help from the expats out here as there are lots in Manila, but the big problem is getting his family out the government will need to step in I think.

12th October 2014, 09:28
The govt. will do nothing....unless one of the kids gets shot after speaking out against the Taliban, then the whole family are whisked over and settled here. Don't even need to be British for that.

22nd October 2014, 22:11
Pair’s hopes stall as Philippines jail hell goes on


23rd October 2014, 03:20

It amazes me the comments fellow ex pats make on this case saying like, "Serves him right", etc. They are dumb asses, ignorant people. The fact is, they are being acquitted so no crime has been proven. If found guilty, then by all means slag them off, but we all know how the justice system works here. For example, you just have to be accused of a crime to be thrown into the legal system and jailed - only to be found not guilty after having spent many years in jail without any compensation.

Yep I agree.. These rather silly twots that comment anonymously with no knowledge of just about anything or with any wholesome life experiences except their insular and small boring lives should be pitied and boo`d IMO!!:icon_lol:
The nasty little man that says he is a Brit expat in the R.P is a bloody little liar!!
Probably never got much further than the Calais beer run and only the once!

Michael Parnham
23rd October 2014, 06:06
Definitely wouldn't live there now, after reading this thread! :NoNo:

23rd October 2014, 09:30
Definitely wouldn't live there now, after reading this thread! :NoNo:

Lol, it,s all about keeping your head below the radar and minding your own business and things will be ok. But if you step on someone,s toes here - being a foreigner - you will suffer big time. If a wife wants you deported, all she has to do is accuse you of something and that,s it! Away you go, and don,t come back. You have very little rights here unless you have unlimited deep pockets.

23rd October 2014, 18:04
Bit of mucking about finding the interview with Kev here on the BBC local radio station but here`s the interview if you can be bothered to look for it!!


The interview timeline starts at about 30.00...then skip too 36.00..and then .one,thirty five.. Sorry..My keyboard digits are playing up a bit.

23rd October 2014, 18:12
The British gov make it perfectly clear that they will not get involved in the R.P justice process no matter how screwed up it is or how badly its citizens are treated.

It's a good lesson learned and something those of us living anywhere abroad have to face. The Brit Embassy is a visa fee collection center. Nothing more. Can't even renew passports there these days. :crazy:

Useless twots.

All that b*****ks in the front of your passport about Her Britannic Majesty's Government Secretary of State blah blah blah blah blah is clearly a waste of time :cwm23:

23rd October 2014, 18:33
All that b*****ks in the front of your passport about Her Britannic Majesty's Government Secretary of State blah blah blah blah blah is clearly a waste of time :cwm23:

Good word that B@llocks!!.. I tried sending numerous emails to MPs, Consuls, etc, regarding passport renewals and they will not reply.. What a shower!

charlene taylor
27th October 2014, 13:24
Hi, this is Charlene Taylor. On 29 October will be our promulgation and I'm hoping that we will be free soon. Thanks for all your support and help. It's been five years since I last got in touch with you. Kevin and I are happy that there are still people like you guys. Thanks again, and we need your prayers that we will be acquitted on Wednesday.

27th October 2014, 23:45
Hey Charlene!
Its a shame that you couldn't post on your old name (British detained) so that we could verify your new member name as genuine..
Anyway.. Rest assured that there are a lot of people thinking about you and Kevin and your pending release..
Fingers crossed.. Not long now! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

charlene taylor
28th October 2014, 04:24
Yes it's me Charlene Taylor....I forgot my password, it's been five years How's you guys...how about Tawi? Kevin and I were excited for tomorrow and hopefully we will be acquitted so we can go home

charlene taylor
28th October 2014, 06:57
I hope we can go home tomorrow....

28th October 2014, 11:09
Yes it's me Charlene Taylor....I forgot my password, it's been five years. How's you guys...how about Tawi? Kevin and I were excited for tomorrow and hopefully we will be acquitted so we can go home

I hope we can go home tomorrow....

Charlene. For some reason your last 2 messages have not shown up..I`m waiting for Admin to find out why that is.. In the mean time I`ll put them up in quotes above.

Anyway..Keep us updated on how you get on tomorrow.. Good luck...You are long due some!

If you have time please check out the Yahoo group we set up..
I believe you have had a few visits from the members there!


28th October 2014, 11:34
Replies: 135 (http://filipinaroses.com/misc.php?do=whoposted&t=29095)
Views: 30,998

charlene taylor
28th October 2014, 11:43
Yes I checked the yahoo group, but I don't know if how to post messages. I already joined in yesterday

28th October 2014, 11:57
Charlene..Where are you now? how are you managing too communicate on the internet?
What are your and kevin`s plans once you get out? Where will you live?
Have you seen the kids recently?
Lots of questions!
BTW..In the Yahoo group just click "new topic",post your message and click send..
Lots of people there waiting for you to do so!

charlene taylor
28th October 2014, 12:25
I'm at the Warden's office. I work as an prison aide to office admin

charlene taylor
28th October 2014, 12:27
We don't have a place to stay...I have no contact with my family and we don't know where they changed house...so honestly tomorrow Kevin and I don't know where to go... my plans is Kevin would be home back in the UK so he can help me and the kids to get a visa by Dec... but right now I'm hoping we have a place to stay if we are acquitted tomorrow

28th October 2014, 13:07
Good luck Charlene. Lots of folk on here thinking about the both of you. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

charlene taylor
28th October 2014, 13:08
Thanks so much....by the way why aren't my messages posted yet?

charlene taylor
28th October 2014, 13:12
I hope I can still get into internet tomorrow after this....but anyway, if we are acquitted, I will try to get online together with Kevin

28th October 2014, 13:33
Keith.. Is it possible to override the newbies PM rights so that I can talk with her Privately?

I'm trying to work out ways to help them if I possibly can.

28th October 2014, 13:38
I'll have a fiddle under the bonnet for you... give me 5 mins then send a PM :xxgrinning--00xx3:

28th October 2014, 14:17
Thanks Keith!

28th October 2014, 15:19
Check the Yahoo group... A member there has offered you accommodation.
Let me know if it falls through for any reason..
One way or another we will get it sorted.
The worst is hopefully over.. Good luck tomorrow!!

28th October 2014, 17:57
We don't have a place to stay...I have no contact with my family and we don't know where they changed house...so honestly tomorrow Kevin and I don't know where to go... my plans is Kevin would be home back in the UK so he can help me and the kids to get a visa by Dec... but right now I'm hoping we have a place to stay if we are acquitted tomorrow

Hi Charlene - I added you on yahoo messenger and replied to your post on the yahoo group - I also sent an e-mail to Fred a while back but got no reply - anyway will send you a personal e-mail.

28th October 2014, 23:54
Hi Charlene - I added you on yahoo messenger and replied to your post on the yahoo group - I also sent an e-mail to Fred a while back but got no reply - anyway will send you a personal e-mail.

Irishman... I have not received an email from you. If I had, I would have replied.

29th October 2014, 09:08
Irishman... I have not received an email from you. If I had, I would have replied.

Use PM

29th October 2014, 10:33
She has said that they got 8-12 years and will be transferred too another prison in two weeks.(2 serve a minimum of 2 years)
Dont ask me!:Erm:

29th October 2014, 10:40
So as they have done 5 they should be released? :Erm:

29th October 2014, 10:52
Something don,t sound right here. They have not been convicted as far as we know, as the key witness failed to show up in court each time

29th October 2014, 10:58
Something don,t sound right here. They have not been convicted as far as we know, as the key witness failed to show up in court each time

That's what we were told..We were also told that the judge had said the charges were dropped and they were to be released by the end of this month.

As you say...Something definitely ain't right!

29th October 2014, 11:17
something don,t sound right here they have not been convicted as far as we know as the key witness failed to show up in court each time

That was everyone's understanding too ...........
Especially Charlene and Kevin :NoNo:

29th October 2014, 14:31
Use PM

Can't send him PM

29th October 2014, 14:42
Irishman... I have not received an email from you. If I had, I would have replied.

Not sure what happened then - checked your visitor messages and sent to the email there. Anyway, doesn't look like they will be needing it now?

29th October 2014, 18:27
This has recently been sent to me and explains in some detail what happened yesterday.

subject …..KEVIN TAYLORHi ……..
​As you may now know, the news is not good. Due to one persistent claimant, demanding P60,000 damages, plus, taking into account all the other 'dismissed' cases, the judge found it necessary to impose fines amounting to some P216,000 and (presumably 'in lieu' of such) handed down prison sentences of circa 8 years.... reduced to about 2 years for time served.
We understand that the sentences will be served in the new Bilibid prison in Muntinlupa. We understand this to be a 'mixed' prison but the indications are that the couple will be incarcerated in separate prisons. This has yet to be confirmed.
I have spoken with Kevin’s father Gerald this morning and offered our condolences. They are coming to terms with the situation. At least they are no longer in limbo and they now know how things stand.
The good news is that the sentences could be reduced to One Year depending upon ‘good behaviour'. (I have knowledge of sentences in Bilibid being halved on this basis)
Kevin has expressed his definite and continuing devotion to Charlene with a determination to provide for her as best he can, seemingly, upon completion of his sentence, Kevin will be deported, at the expense of the Philippine government, and all outstanding fines revoked.
This leaves us with the question, "Where do we go from here?" Hopefully, we will, individually and severally, continue to offer the same support as before.
In order to assist in our decision making, I am seeking clarification of the situation as per the email copied below. There may be some merit in canvassing for Kevin's immediate deportation on the lines of section 11) below?Comments/suggestions please!​ No doubt you will pass on this information to others whose conscience sees them wanting justice.
Note to the parents
To Gerald and Mary, (Kevin’s parents)
You have done your best! As devoted parents you have our continuing support.
For now, take a rest and have a break, guilt free! You both deserve it!!!​
Best Wishes,​

Date: Wed, Oct 29, 2014 at 10:14 AM
Subject: URGENT! Re: Kevin Taylor
To: cons.manila@fco.gov.uk
Attention Hon. Ambassador Asif Ahmad
Cc: ukinthephilippines@fco.gov.uk (ukinthephilippines@fco.gov.uk), and Mr. Brendan Gill.
Dear Hon. Ambassador, Asif Ahmad
I am URGENTLY seeking news regarding Mr Kevin Taylor, a British subject imprisoned at San Mateo. I am a friend of Kevin’s parents, Gerald and Mary Taylor. Your Mr Brendan Gill is dealing with this matter.
Mr Taylor and his partner Charlene attended a hearing today with the expectation that all charges against them were to be dismissed and that he would be released, unfortunately, we hear that they have instead been committed to a further term in prison.
Could you please clarify the exact position regarding:-
1) On what basis were the sentences handed down and what is the duration of these sentences ... for both Kevin and Charlene?
2) Were any fines imposed? If so, were these issued jointly or individually against Kevin and Charlene?
3) Are the prison sentences ‘in lieu' of these fines? That is, will the fines be relinquished after sentence is served, or will they stand?
4) Would immediate payment of such fines have constituted immediate release?
5) Is there any likelihood of an Appeal being successful or would such be ill-advised?
6) In which penal institutions will Kevin and Charlene serve the remainder of their sentences?
7) What means of contact will there be within these institutions ... for receiving donations, food/ clothing/ medicinal parcels? Do you have Telephone Nos, email addresses etc. to allow us to contact them?
8) What visitation rights will they have? How much liberty will they have? Will they have access to each other?
9) What standard of medical care will be available? We understand that Kevin’s eyesight is failing rapidly!
10) On release, what future will the couple have together? Will Kevin be deported and if so, on what terms?
11) Could a request be made for Kevin to be deported immediately.....? Perhaps on condition that he serve his remaining sentence in a UK jail? Such could be made on 'humane grounds' ... on the basis of his failing health/eyesight, removing the burden of his imprisonment from the Philippine Correctional system, thus allowing him greater means and access for providing support for his partner Charlene, as well as his family.
12) What further help and support can the British Embassy or FCO offer?
We are in close contact with various groups and individuals who have offered support to Kevin and his partner Charlene over the past 5 years. The above information will help us greatly in determining what level of support we can continue to offer.

Any further information or advice from you would be most welcome, thankyou. Signed Mr. …… (Name withheld in this note)

30th October 2014, 01:53
Can,t believe all this crap

30th October 2014, 09:19
​As you may now know, the news is not good. Due to one persistent claimant, demanding P60,000 damages, plus, taking into account all the other 'dismissed' cases, the judge found it necessary to impose fines amounting to some P216,000 and (presumably 'in lieu' of such) handed down prison sentences of circa 8 years.... reduced to about 2 years for time served.

Am I reading this correctly? They're being incarcerated for 2 more years for the sake of a poxy £3000 :Erm:
If this money were to be raised then would they be released :Erm: Or would it take a further £10K to expedite the process :cwm25:

30th October 2014, 11:46
This is already too much for the couple! :NoNo: Justice system in the Philippines is really something I would NEVER be proud of or even believe in at what cost. :cwm23: I'm so sorry to Kevin and Charlene for being put in this horrible horrible situation! :cwm3:

30th October 2014, 12:16

Am I reading this correctly? They're being incarcerated for 2 more years for the sake of a poxy £3000 :Erm:
If this money were to be raised then would they be released :Erm: Or would it take a further £10K to expedite the process :cwm25:

That was my interpretation :Erm: Surely between supporters and a bit of local help from the British Embassy this could be sorted. Or am I being naive?

Michael Parnham
30th October 2014, 12:41
It's certainly a very messy situation, I don't think £3000 would bring things to a conclusion. Someone else would put another obstacle in the way for even more money and so it would go on. Very unfair to play with peoples emotions like this, I really feel for them!

Ako Si Jamie
30th October 2014, 22:10
How cruel!

Building up their hopes only for the carpet to be pulled away from them. :Blacklistnonono:

charlene taylor
31st October 2014, 08:15
Thanks for the help, but guys we need now your help more as we will be transferred to a bigger prison in 15 days... we need to buy and get a lot of things ... lists are in the yahoogroup...try to call Kevin at the jail, he needs people to talk to now pls

31st October 2014, 11:17
From Yahoo group..
Let's do what we can.

Attorney came today and give us the things that may happen.... we already submitted appeal and the result maybe after 60 days....if it favors us we will be free on that day but for the meantime....in 10 to 15 days we will be transferred to cerrectional and a lot of things that we need to buy...again Kevin and I are asking your help

Things needed
10 white shirt (Cha) 10 orange shirt (Kevin)
White sheets and covers
Foam for Kevin and mat
Towels white
Shorts Kevin any color
Shorts Cha white only
Pants Cha white only, Kevin any color

Packed or canned goods
Biscuits and breads for Kevin...vitamins for Kevin
Coffee or tea for Kevin

31st October 2014, 11:26
For those of us over here who want to help out in some way then how do we go about it?

31st October 2014, 12:46
Usually Simon we send cash straight to those in our little group that visit Cha and Kevin delivering bits and pieces like she`s asking for..Its a bit Ad Hok but it works..
On other occasions any amount of money is sent too Gerald and his wife (Kevins mum and Dad)via his personal PAY PAL account that then attend too much of their needs.. BTW.. We are talking Razor blades,a jar of Marmite and the kind of stuff on Charlenes list..
Simon..If you want to send a bit of cash for a few pair of shorts and one or two Tee shirts and some cans of Tuna etc,join our little group here.. https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/Help_Kevin_Taylor/conversations/messages/1868

I have just asked for updated donation updated details and Geralds Paypal acc etc so its clear too members that want to help out.. I`ll put any other credible donation facts just as soon as I have them confirmed...
Cheers mate!


31st October 2014, 13:08
Cheers Fred,

I've now joined yahoo and am awaiting confirmation to join the group :smile:

31st October 2014, 15:07
Directly from our Group..

At Present,
Cash can be sent, via Western Union or similar, for payment to.........
The Payment should be in Pesos!
Eden is in Manila and will purchase what is required, so far as is possible.

The 'Transaction Codes' (MTCN) should be emailed to Peter, at email
You also need to quote the Exact Amount, in Pesos, which Eden is due to collect.
Peter will send this information to Eden.

So far as I know, address details for Eden are not required.
Certainly, from the UK, where I donated, these were not needed.

(The above arrangement will stay in force until the move to new detention centres necessitates a change. We will keep you advised.)

Thank You,

Sounds like any cash sent needs to get there before they are transferred Simon.

31st October 2014, 15:10
Don't worry Charlene..We will do our best!!
Keep your chin up..At least it's the beginning of the end now.

2nd November 2014, 14:24
Simon.. Was you able to join that group by the way?? A few people tell me their membership still needs to be approved? Is that right?

charlene taylor
4th November 2014, 03:55
We are given only 15 days to file an appeal....that's our main problem. As I've checked the legal fees (google to Court of Appeal legal fee) can any one check or recommend a cheap lawyer for appeal please? As, if we win the appeal, Kevin and I will be free in 90 days

charlene taylor
4th November 2014, 04:01
I spoke with a lawyer yesterday and one will come tomorrow, Atty Ignacio Casaino. I will inquire for the fees and charges as we need to file an appeal before the 13th ....we need help for this please.

I will be transferred maybe on the 14th and Kevin may be on the 21st. But I am asking for consideration as we don't have things to bring yet. Soon as Kevin and I are at Correctional, we can have an access with the internet legally...so Kevin can message you

charlene taylor
4th November 2014, 04:08

Those are the payments for appeal. Kevin will be placed in RDC camp Sampaguita Bilibid Prison I will be at Correctional Institution for Women. Was told that I will be first to be transferred, as I have another female inmate convicted...but with Kevin, he will be last to be transferred as info must be subject for review with Immigration. But he is not allowed to be deported unless half the sentence is served

charlene taylor
4th November 2014, 04:12
We have two options, Parole and Appeal.... for parole we will apply it once we've served he minimum, which is 8 yrs...with appeal, if we win in 90 days we can go home. No payments for parole that's good. Only appeals are paid, plus the lawyer, but I asked for a cheap lawyer to do the Appeal. Anyway, it's only filing - no more hearing or trial

charlene taylor
4th November 2014, 04:34
There are two uniforms given each prisoner....usually that is what's to be used outside the cell. The clothes and other stuff are placed in the prison locker with key together with other stuff that the inmate will bring, and their groceries. I was told that water is payable in the Correctional, so Kevin has to bring a water container to save him from buying all the time.

Plus, since other foods are expensive inside, it is better to bring your own foods. That is called 'extra foods' ...there are supply foods from the prison, but again, foods from inside are usually not enough. Toiletries are not free nor given by the prison - such as soap, shampoo, deodorant and laundry soap - usually inmates are allowed to work inside prison to buy these things ... like me, I will be working at the Admin as Admin Jail aide as i was also in here and will get salary every month. But since Kevin is a foreigner he's not allowed to work unless he will do livelihood.

Plangana, tabo, hanger and sabunan are personally used by inmates - which are important to have as you cannot borrow them from others, especially new comers... it's ok to have second hand as brand new isn't important. 2 big plastic box containers at least 45 or 30 L big are important as those are where you have to place your stuff before putting into your locker as bags are not allowed. I advance that Kevin will bring extra foods as he will be changed double usually that is what they do for foreigners. But it is important that he has his own money to pay for the internet and cellphone and water

charlene taylor
4th November 2014, 04:35
He can receive visitors but it is important to give the list of possible visitors now to avoid delays, as he will put that in his carpeta...inmate's records same as me.

charlene taylor
4th November 2014, 04:39
So again, as soon as I get onto the computer, I will keep on sending messages to you, the same as Kevin

charlene taylor
4th November 2014, 04:41
Don't worry Charlene..We will do our best!!
Keep your chin up..At least it's the beginning of the end now.

Yes and now we can compute the exact date of our release..... Kevin has 1 year and two months left...I have one year and 8 months left. Not yet included my GCTA as I'm an Admin jail aid usually I get higher points to be deducted on my sentence

charlene taylor
4th November 2014, 04:43
I was told that the computation is for every 15 days it is considered as one month already...yehhey and for Kevin for every 25 days that is one month. That's good, right?

charlene taylor
4th November 2014, 04:55
Well I'm hoping that our appeal will be granted. No need to pay the fine - we get that computed and converted to time allowance on good moral. What we need now, is to sort out the appeal and the things needed before we will be transferred

charlene taylor
4th November 2014, 04:58
For those of us over here who want to help out in some way then how do we go about it?

You may contact Kevin's father for details as he calls here regularly...anyone can call Kevin also here in the jail. You may get his number from Kevins dad, mine is 5704615 for more details on the case....but again please contact the group for donations

charlene taylor
4th November 2014, 05:06
he can receive visitors but it is important to give the list of possible visitors now to avoid delays as he will put that in his carpeta...inmates records same as me.

Here is the address for me:

Correctional Institute for Women,
Nueve de Pebrero, Mandaluyong City

charlene taylor
4th November 2014, 05:08
Here is the address for me:

Correctional Institute for Women
Nueve de Pebrero, Mandaluyong City

Kevin Taylor

National Bilibid Prison - RDC Compound Park
Camp Sampaguita, Muntinlupa, Rizal, Philippines

charlene taylor
15th November 2014, 06:31
Transfer date

Cha 19 Nov 2014
Kev 21 Nov 2014

Might change without prior notice....
I will get in touch once I get into the net, thanks a lot :Hellooo::Hellooo:

15th November 2014, 11:47
Thanks for letting us know Charlene!
Hope you have been keeping a diary BTW.. You could write a book one day about your experiences.. Could be a bestseller.

charlene taylor
21st November 2014, 03:43
Transfers were suspended at the moment due to incident that happend at NBP - 2 inmates died due to stabbing. No updates nor news yet as it has been closed door issue at New Bilibid Prison for security...now I'm worried about Kevin going there

Michael Parnham
21st November 2014, 06:41
Wow, Charlene they certainly know how to play with one's emotions, hope you can have peace of mind soon. Btw Fred's last comment take note, great idea, good luck!

charlene taylor
21st November 2014, 11:19
Wow, Charlene they certainly know how to play with one's emotions, hope you can have peace of mind soon. Btw Fred's last comment take note, great idea, good luck!

Actually I am really keeping my journal as I will start writing a book :Wave:

I hope though we were convicted, you guys still continue supporting us as we need it more now

26th January 2015, 11:27
Looking forward to the book, hope the release is soon. Got another mate who has been detained for just under a year and a half but his case is different - he is fighting extradition to the States - hope you're both positive and in good spirits.

13th March 2015, 17:14
Hello, (if there is still anyone out there)

Since the conviction, this Help Group seems to have gone quiet.
The latest news is that Charlene has recently been moved to her new correctional. We do not know how she is doing there as there has been no contact. However she did indicate that she would be well able to cope there. Also, hopefuly her own family are now supporting her!

Kevin is still in San Mateo where his health and situation are not good. As a 'convicted' prisoner he has lost most of his privileges and is confined to his cell, which does not help. His latest tansfer estimate is late April but this will probably roll on and on because of the serious disruption in Bilibid prison

When Charlene was moved, she was obliged to run up a bill in the jail shop for items essential for her transfer.
This amounts to around P6000 and it falls to Kevin to pay this. Of course he has no means of paying it so his credit has been withdrawn and he is not allowed to make any purchases for his own sustenance. Hence he has to rely on the meagre prison fare. He has contracted scabies and needs regular medical attention, not least for severe depression.

Kevin's parents have been rendered almost destitute by this long ordeal but still send what little they can.

It would be so wonderful if our Members could make yet another effort to donate towards Kevin.

He needs Help now, more than ever!

His father, Gerald is still able to take donations in the usual way.
I hope this request does not fall on deaf ears?

Yours Truly
Grace Mannors


Michael Parnham
13th March 2015, 17:27
Thanks for the update Fred. News isn't getting better just yet unfortunately!

6th April 2016, 15:53
I hope charlene and kevin are now tasting freedom,i havent followed their story for a while as i have been travelling,I did have good news about another friend only a fortnight ago,he had been held in the NBI prison as apparently the land of the free,the home of the brave,yup the good ole US of A had issued an arrest warrant against him.He has been locked up in pinas for the last two and a half years,the charges were farcicle,south china morning post ran a story on his incarceration last year.He was freed 2 weeks ago and is back in London,it cost him around 40k sterling in legal fees and associated costs,he isnt very complimentary about the PI understandably,alls well that ends well,i hope kevin and charlene's story has a similar happy ending.

6th April 2016, 16:05
i hope kevin and charlene's story has a similar happy ending.

No Tawi...They are still locked up to this day.
Kamusta Ka??

7th April 2016, 13:03
I am ok fred thanks,but thats really extracting the urine with kevin and charlene,bang outnof order,kev's health must be shot,my mates had 2 teeth extracted since being back,he said the NBI nick has a dentist who visits but he only does extractions,no fillings no root canals or anything.One of the provisos of my friends release was that he didnt try and complain or take legal action over his arrest and incarceration,luckily he had money or he might still have been in,remember he did two and a half years inside,he actually got married inside,has kevin actually been found guilty and given a sentence or is he still lost in the system in limbo?

7th April 2016, 14:26
I am ok fred thanks,but thats really extracting the urine with kevin and charlene,bang outnof order,kev's health must be shot,my mates had 2 teeth extracted since being back,he said the NBI nick has a dentist who visits but he only does extractions,no fillings no root canals or anything.One of the provisos of my friends release was that he didnt try and complain or take legal action over his arrest and incarceration,luckily he had money or he might still have been in,remember he did two and a half years inside,he actually got married inside,has kevin actually been found guilty and given a sentence or is he still lost in the system in limbo?

They were both found guilty on a technicality and have since been moved to Bilibid..If you search through this thread you will see that Charlene has actually posted here from inside from 2014.. She posted 2/3 times.. Check posts 132 onwards.

I think the lesson to be learned from all this is to PAY before charges are brought and BEFORE you enter the so called justice system...PAY and pay whatever they want with a minimum of negotiation...If you can..

7th April 2016, 14:47
Yup,because the further down the line you go the more palms youmhave to grease and the more cash youmhave to shell out,always best to extricate yourself from deep s**t at the first step,i will have a read,thanks fred.

7th April 2016, 15:11
No worries.. Glad you are good BTW!

Ako Si Jamie
20th May 2017, 00:45
Are they still in jail or have they been released?

11th August 2017, 10:51
Not good :NoNo: Still there :NoNo:


THE heartbroken father of a man jailed for fraud in the Philippines has launched another push to get his son released from prison.
Gerald Taylor’s son Kevin, 51, originally of Stratton, was jailed for 12 years along with his partner Charlene in 2009 for running an alleged employment scam.
The father-of-three, who has maintained his innocence throughout, has appealed to the Foreign Office, his MP and even the Pope to release him, but he remains incarcerated.
Now Gerald, 75, has written to Filipino justice secretary Vitaliano Aguirre II to plead for an update on Kevin’s appeal for freedom.
Gerald said the strain of not being able to speak to Kevin face-to-face was something that intensified on a daily basis for him and wife Mary.
He said: “We are in a prison of our own. The mornings are the hardest because I wake up at 5am waiting for the phone to ring.
"I wait and if it doesn’t I know because of the time difference that we won’t be hearing from him today. And this has gone on for months.”
Fresh hope was sparked when the Filipino government announced it would free approximately 200 prisoners as a gift to the Pope with Kevin’s name submitted for clemency.
Gerald also hoped the election of a new president last year would mark a turning point and speed up Kevin’s release but as yet his situation remains unchanged.
Gerald and Mary have not been able to see Kevin on Skype in more than six months and communication by letter is very slow paced.
All the while Kevin’s health continues to deteriorate, he is almost blind, can barely walk and has boils and scabies.
The letter says: “We still have no means of communicating direct with Kevin and his aged and ailing parents in the UK are in a desperate state, not knowing his situation.
“Can you please inform as to what is the current situation with the Appeal for Executive Clemency on behalf of Kevin Taylor and Charlene? Might they be included in future lists? We trust that, under your expert guidance, matters will very soon come to a happy conclusion
“It would be an act of enormous human kindness if you could inform me at your earliest convenience what is the current situation with Mr Kevin Taylor. His parents in the UK live only in the hope that they might see their beloved son once more before life fails them.”
Gerald said he fears never seeing Kevin again.
He said:“I think about him every day. We are not getting any younger and we don’t know how much time we have left. To see him home where he belongs is our main priority.
“We are in limbo. We can’t go away because we want to be here should he phone or anything develop.”

Arthur Little
14th August 2017, 18:07
:doh ... y'know, ever since it was first raised in 2011, *this thread has attracted 59,713 views!

............................................................................................................... :yeahthat:'s 17,430 more than the daily update on the peso - which began nearly 21/2 years later - with (seemingly) ... :anerikke: ... if anything - even less significant progress! :bigcry:

Yet, proportionately, :icon_rolleyes: ... at 202 replies as against the latter's 2,074 the *former has actually received marginally fewer than one tenth of the responses accrued by the latter in comparative terms.

Michael Parnham
15th August 2017, 14:59
:doh ... y'know, ever since it was first raised in 2011, *this thread has attracted 59,713 views!

............................................................................................................... :yeahthat:'s 17,430 more than the daily update on the peso - which began nearly 21/2 years later - with (seemingly) ... :anerikke: ... if anything - even less significant progress! :bigcry:

Yet, proportionately, :icon_rolleyes: ... at 202 replies as against the latter's 2,074 the *former has actually received marginally fewer than one tenth of the responses accrued by the latter in comparative terms.


Arthur Little
15th August 2017, 15:30

Apologies for my lo~ng, complicated rigmarole ... all it was really meant to do was, emphasise how unbelievable it is to discover this couple's extremely sad plight's not any nearer to being resolved. :NoNo:

16th August 2017, 01:16
Apologies for my lo~ng, complicated rigmarole ... all it was really meant to do was, emphasise how unbelievable it is to discover this couple's extremely sad plight's not any nearer to being resolved. :NoNo:

Thats because they were found guilty,albeit on a technicality and are serving their time..12 years.
You would be surprised just how many goods were delivered to Kevin and his Mrs in San Mateo because of this thread BTW..
Not much more we can do unless someone fancies visiting them in Bilibid.
I did my best to alert awareness ..Actions speak louder than words and unfortunately I can do no more...
Who wants the baton??
Hopefully they will survive their remaining time there but I think the damage done is probably irreparable.

Arthur Little
16th August 2017, 01:54
I did my best to alert awareness ..Actions speak louder than words and unfortunately I can do no more...


Indeed, it IS Fred ... :iagree:. But, like you say, you've done your best for them, which I'm sure their respective families appreciate.

21st October 2018, 17:36
GREAT NEWS...Charlene is out..Kevin will be released hopefully this month but will go straight to BI detention awaiting deportation back to UK.
Nearly there!
Hopefully,Charlene will announce this great news here in this thread and provide additional updates!

22nd October 2018, 00:11
Good luck to them. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

charlene taylor
29th October 2018, 12:12
Hello, been trying to post but too difficult. Anyway, Kevin is now at immigration detention center

charlene taylor
29th October 2018, 12:15

Finally I made it. Kevin and I would like to send our deepest gratitude to each and everyone for all the help you had been extending to us. We won't be able to make it without you all.

God bless

charlene taylor
29th October 2018, 12:22
Thank you guys...Kevin has been transferred now at immigration detention center. I will keep you all updated

Caleb brab
29th October 2018, 19:16
As per I know they both are still in jail.

charlene taylor
29th October 2018, 21:26
Hi Caleb, nope - I have already been released a month ago :Rasp:

30th October 2018, 13:29
Hi Caleb, nope - I have already been released a month ago :Rasp:


2nd November 2018, 15:18
Charlene wanted to share this to you guys..


Michael Parnham
2nd November 2018, 17:13
Charlene wanted to share this to you guys..


Thank you Rayna :xxgrinning--00xx3:

4th November 2018, 14:29
Let us hope their nightmare is soon over. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

charlene taylor
5th November 2018, 06:49
Thank you so much for all your concerns.. I'll keep you all updated

4th November 2019, 11:27
It`s tough to share this stuff but I reckon it`s got to be done.. There but for the grace of God go us all.. Please help out if you are in a position too.. Cheers.

From Charlene..

Just to update everyone on Kevin's situation.... immigration had literally thrown all his things I can't retrieve anything there. Was able to visit Kevin at the new bilibid prison yesterday and was very frustrated finding out that immigration had no court order to turn him back there... BUCOR had left with no choice but to admit him. He is now at the minimum security camp together with others who are still serving their sentences.
I was only able to get kevs two shirts and pants and some foods .
Kevin has no bed to sleep into...he was sleeping on an old paper box.

Please sorry for asking everyone...pls help me get him clothes, a small sleeping mat and some foods.

I need to get to Department of Justice to Lodge his paperwork so he can be released as he has no other conviction... basically he is being held at NBP without court order... without any pending conviction
I already informed his family and they are very devastated over this..but couldn't help me with Kevins needs

I'm asking everyone to pls assist me...

He is at the minimum security camp at national bilibid prison...

12th February 2020, 13:07
Kev is home at last FFS!!

Kevin Taylor touched down at Heathrow Airport on Tuesday night, where he was greeted by his parents and supporters.
The 54-year-old has been in-and-out of prisons and detention facilities in the Philippines for a decade.
Together with his Filipino wife Charlene, 39, the former recruitment firm boss was convicted of defrauding jobseekers in the Asian nation with promises of employment in the UK.
He was initially arrested on the fraud charges in May 2009 and held for more than five years without trial. In 2014, Kevin and Charlene were convicted and each sentenced to 12 years imprisonment. Recent changes to the law have meant an early release for the pair.
Charlene was released in September 2018. Kevin was moved to a crowded deportation facility.
Welcoming her husband’s repatriation, Charlene, with whom Kevin has three children, said: “I’m so excited for him.”

12th February 2020, 14:40
Thank goodness for that ! Hooray ! :Jump::Jump::Jump::Jump::Jump:

The scariest aspect of living in this country... ending up in jail here. OMG ! :bigcry:

12th February 2020, 16:05
Kev is home at last FFS!!

Kevin Taylor touched down at Heathrow Airport on Tuesday night, where he was greeted by his parents and supporters.

Great news, been a long struggle, I guess that Charlene is still in the Philippines.

It's going to be very difficult starting from such a bad position, hope he can pull his life back together.