View Full Version : Van Helsing ... where are you when we need you ?

19th January 2011, 14:15
… and there was I thinking & believing that the Missus didn’t want to take me to Cotabato because of the fear of Muslim & Communist rebels, and all the time it was to hide the fact that the area is a coven of vampires under the influence of Dracula !

Tawi, weren’t you there recently ? Any puncture marks on your neck ?
… or did the garlic & holy water do its job ?
Any need to resort to the gun with the silver bullets ?

19th January 2011, 19:59
Tawi, weren’t you there recently ?
And I thought the stories ceased abruptly the day I left ;)

19th January 2011, 20:15
We've got a full moon tonight...watch out! :yikes:

20th January 2011, 01:01
maybe it was tawi doing the biting :Erm: