View Full Version : The Marriage Licence

21st January 2011, 05:17
We applyed for our Marriage Licence on Wed In Talisay and it will be issued on the 31st

We arrived at City Hall around 2pm and were eventualy directed to an office on the third floor

We showed the nice lady our papers which were

1. my full UK birth certificates
2. my passport
3. my C.N.I. from the Brit Consul here in Cebu
4. my cenomar from the N.S.O.
5. my decree asbsolute

6. our certificate of Marriage Seminar

7. her N.S.O. birth certificate
8. her Barangay clearance
9. her Cedula community tax certificate
10 her postal I.D.
11.her cenomar

12. her parents atended to sign the advise form for under 25,s
13. her parents I.D.

All of these origionals then had to be photo copied 3 times and collated in 3 piles plus they wanted the stamped embassy copy of my C.N.I.

You could save a bit of time if you bring the copies with you as the on site photocopier was working flat out with a queue cost 80 piso for 46 total copies

The nice lady , who was dealing single handed with about 10 other couples then handed us 1 application form me to fill the left side Jhean the right there was a template on the wall

Errors are tipexed out and when she is satisfied all is correct she gave us two more to be filled out identicaly It took about 2.5 hours cost 370 piso and was fairly fun or perhaps thats how I decided to see it:xxgrinning--00xx3:

21st January 2011, 07:51
4. my cenomar from the N.S.O. :Erm: Thought that was just your fiancee who had a CENOMAR...I never had one? :Erm:

21st January 2011, 08:13
4. my cenomar from the N.S.O. :Erm: Thought that was just your fiancee who had a CENOMAR...I never had one? :Erm:

was thinking on that as husband never asked for that as well nor me :Erm:

must changing rules...

21st January 2011, 08:24
It was on the Balamban requirements list and as Ive been here 4 months decided to take no chances with Talisay and spent the extra £2.70 the process is very cheap so didnt want to not cover any bases Talisay didnt decline it and it entered the application

The whole process took time but was very inexpensive over all I reckon I spent about 1500 piso including cenomars nso birth certificates and application fee

The British CNI however was almost 10,000:censored:

21st January 2011, 10:24
Another interesting and informative post.
I'm sure many people will benefit from your detailed efforts. Thank you. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Oh and very best wishes to you both for a fabulous future together.

Cost of British CNI bit of a shock though! :doh

21st January 2011, 15:17
Hi KeithAngel,

Thanks for the information. You got a Cenomar, i thought that ur fiancee is only required for that. Up to this time, I havent request for cenomar coz I know it has validity since our intended marriage is moved to May or JUne. correct me if IM wrong, you get your CNI from the British Consulate here in the Phils, you didnt get it from your country? HOw long did you have to wait to release of your CNI? There was one time I asked our Local Civil REgistry here, that they will not honor CNI coming from the UK, all you have to get is a CNI from British Consulate here.(Phils.) Thats why I would like to know how long to wait, coz my fiance from Belfast, will just be around for more than a month here. Although we will just have a civil wedding. Hope our time will not be constricted. We just want our plans to push through.

Thanks in advance. Any informations is much appreciated.


22nd January 2011, 03:22
To apply for both parts at the British consulate your fiance would have to be in the Phils first for 21 days appling the 22nd then it can be collected 21 days after that and I believe is valid for 3 months

So in your case your Fiance should make the initial application in the UK and exchange the Brit version in the Embasy in Manila or make an appointment if they wish to exchange in Cebu with Moya Jackson

Ask at your intended city hall about there requirements and most important when the seminar is run as sometimes like where we are its every two weeks you might need to find another place that fits your time scale (just for the certificate of marriage counciling)

If they say they want a Cenomar for your fiance just apply when you apply for yours and be sure to get your fiance to give you the Names of his parents, as it appears on his full UK birth certificate, most important the spelling!!!

If you get your timing right on exchange and seminar you should be ready to apply 3-4 days after he arrives then plus 10 days for the liscence

My advice would be to also make a booking with the Judge for your proposed wedding date that fits this time scale and get HIM/Her the liscence as soon as you have it to make the contract:xxgrinning--00xx3:

22nd January 2011, 10:04
HI KeithAngel,

You think he needs to be here for more than a month? He is allowed for 1 month vacation, and he needs to ask the manager for another extra days to stay here for our proposed marriage to take place. Im just quite worried of some things and time will be so much pressure..

22nd January 2011, 11:57
If you do all the advance stuff like where and when to take the seminar and getting your paperwork in order and he brings all of his there should be no problem unfortunatly in the Phils unforseen circomstances can sometimes take over like the Brit consul goes on holiday or they run out of Marriage Liscence paper (this happened to my neibhor) Do your bit and make sure he does his good luck:xxgrinning--00xx3:

22nd January 2011, 13:58
HI KeithAngel,

You think he needs to be here for more than a month? He is allowed for 1 month vacation, and he needs to ask the manager for another extra days to stay here for our proposed marriage to take place. Im just quite worried of some things and time will be so much pressure..

i know someone who stayed in phils only for two weeks and managed to marry his girlfriend...that was less than two months ago so 1 month for u isn't too bad unless you're planning for a big wedding that needs long preparation....just keep things and dates organize and u be alright :)

23rd January 2011, 05:16
Thanks. I hope so...fingers crossed.:):):). We have to think positive. Some requirements had some changes, so thats keeps me confuse and worried. Anyway, thanks for the encouragement.


23rd January 2011, 14:20
Your Welcome hope its all clear now:xxgrinning--00xx3:

29th January 2011, 02:52
To every one the guy who lives next door is a yank and he has just noticed his Wedding Certificate had a misspelling of his wifes first name as does the NSO version and it will take 3-6 months to rectify this be vigilant ?The contract was right but they didnt notice on the day the mispelling

He also said when you get married to be sure to ask for a rush filing to NSO or it will take up to six months to get the NSO version which you will need for visa apps etc:xxgrinning--00xx3:

6th February 2011, 07:41
Its not that they "should" be different just down to local interpretation of the rules

Avoiding "loss of face" means you cant easily show the written requirement to the dude with local power and expect instant compliance from talking to many expats its probably improving though:xxgrinning--00xx3:

17th February 2011, 23:22
This is all very confusing,why is it so difficult to marry in the phills? we havnt set a date yet but plan to marry near the end of the year,ive only just started to investigate how to go about it but its all so confusing.so i get a Certificate of No Impediment (im divorced) here in the uk,(belfast) then take it to the british embassy in cebu,(we will marry in Butuan city) get the phill version of the certificate then what,? what do we have to do next please?

18th February 2011, 06:26
If you read my first post on this thread and ALL the subsiquent ones you should have a clear picture I also wrote a thread called "The Wedding Seminar"

It all worked and I was married on Valentines day:xxgrinning--00xx3:

18th February 2011, 11:22
ALL THESE PAPERS/DOCS NEEDED and due to the time constraints, we had to have our wedding abroad which was less stressful than normal esp in this country:icon_sorry:
Anyway, congrats again to both of you and all the best in married life:xxgrinning--00xx3:

20th February 2011, 17:54
We applyed for our Marriage Licence on Wed In Talisay and it will be issued on the 31st

We arrived at City Hall around 2pm and were eventualy directed to an office on the third floor

We showed the nice lady our papers which were

1. my full UK birth certificates
2. my passport
3. my C.N.I. from the Brit Consul here in Cebu
4. my cenomar from the N.S.O.
5. my decree asbsolute

6. our certificate of Marriage Seminar

7. her N.S.O. birth certificate
8. her Barangay clearance
9. her Cedula community tax certificate
10 her postal I.D.
11.her cenomar

12. her parents atended to sign the advise form for under 25,s
13. her parents I.D.

All of these origionals then had to be photo copied 3 times and collated in 3 piles plus they wanted the stamped embassy copy of my C.N.I.

You could save a bit of time if you bring the copies with you as the on site photocopier was working flat out with a queue cost 80 piso for 46 total copies

The nice lady , who was dealing single handed with about 10 other couples then handed us 1 application form me to fill the left side Jhean the right there was a template on the wall

Errors are tipexed out and when she is satisfied all is correct she gave us two more to be filled out identicaly It took about 2.5 hours cost 370 piso and was fairly fun or perhaps thats how I decided to see it:xxgrinning--00xx3:

after i get the "No impediment to marriage" certificate from my local reg office here in the UK, my next move is to go to the brit embassy in manila or cebu,is thats right.
then down to Butuan,meet up with my intended and head for the city hall, what about the marriage seminar,how do i apply for that,? and do i need to do that before we go to the city hall.? im just trying to work out the sequence of events.and do we set an actual date and work to that or do we wait untill we get to the city hall and arrange a date with them.? sorry if these seem stupid questions. thanks.

21st February 2011, 05:49
Yes you are correct re the CNI

Our city hall definatly wanted the marriage seminar certificate at the time of the application other folk have had different experiences but as far as I can tell ours was the official one

If I were you and not knowing your time scale I would get your fiance to inquire as to the frequency of marriage seminars in her home area then when she knows the dates (some have big demand and so are more frequent others one a fortnight) I would plan your arrival date around this taking into account your CNI collection from the convienient location.

This would mean you should have the C?NI and seminar certidficate with in about 3 days or less from arrival and your licence apllication will take 10 further days once you have applied for the licence you will be able to provisionaly book the judge/minister they will need the licence in order to make the contract

Providing you have taken the papers with you and made sure your fiance has all hers in hand although it looks a lot its a fairly logical process if a bit paper heavy:xxgrinning--00xx3:

21st February 2011, 10:58
thanks a lot for the replies. ive just been on the fone to my local registery office about the CNI. to ask how long its valid for,the man at other end of fone said it is valid for 1 year,but what i want to know is how long will it be valid for in the phills. also do i have to take it to the Brit embassy in Manila then wait there untill in get the Phill version,? thanks.

21st February 2011, 14:23
Philippine CNI validity shouldn't be a problem, unless you go to the Philippines change it & get married a few months down the line?
Basically you go to the Brit Embassy, change the one you brought with you for the Philippine version. You apply the one day, then pick it up next day...Of course you have to pay for it as well. :)

21st February 2011, 17:02
The answer to validity with the exchange CNI in the Phils is 120 days:xxgrinning--00xx3:

21st February 2011, 19:43
thank you for the replies. what a palava,.lol.

22nd February 2011, 04:05
This is palava 101:icon_lol: after this registration of the marriage cfo seminarnso marriage certificate if the missus is coming to the uk english test to A! Bio-metrics to Manila Visa app with more Palava and lots of £££££££

Dont you just love it:icon_lol:

22nd February 2011, 04:38
......what about the marriage seminar,how do i apply for that,?

Hi briancol :Hellooo:
When my wife and I got married in the province we didn't have a marriage seminar.
When I pointed out to them that I could not speak or understand Cebuano, the lady signed the paper that it was already done. :icon_lol:

I know most people will have to do it but it is down to the place you marry in and the people you meet who help you along the way :xxgrinning--00xx3:

22nd February 2011, 13:15
ach, im beginning to think it might be easier to marry here in the uk,would it be any easier to get a fiancee visa,.?

22nd February 2011, 18:51
if i get my CNI from the reg office in belfast (apparenly its not called a CNI here)and take it to the britt embassy in manila or cebu and exchange it for the phill version,then how long is the phill cert valid for? please.

23rd February 2011, 04:33
Still 120 days:xxgrinning--00xx3:

23rd February 2011, 12:11
ach, im beginning to think it might be easier to marry here in the uk,would it be any easier to get a fiancee visa,.?

ive just been to my local reg office for forms to apply for the CNI, the official says its valid for 1 year,. but apparenlt the phill version is for 3 months, so do i have up to 9 months to submit my CNI to the britt embassy and the 3 months starts from when i submit it,or does the 3months start from i collect my CNI in belfast.? thnx.

23rd February 2011, 13:12
You could phone the Philipine embassy and ask them its there requirement:xxgrinning--00xx3:

28th February 2011, 19:35
ive just been to my local reg office for forms to apply for the CNI, the official says its valid for 1 year,. but apparenlt the phill version is for 3 months, so do i have up to 9 months to submit my CNI to the britt embassy and the 3 months starts from when i submit it,or does the 3months start from i collect my CNI in belfast.? thnx.

got this reply today,28th Feb.
It may be wiser not to apply for the CNI too early, although It is valid for up to one year. The ones presented here are usually new and rarely over six months old.

The locally accepted CNI, which you will receive from either the British Embassy in Manila, or the British Consulate in Cebu, is only valid for three months from date of issue.

Moya Jackson

24th March 2011, 19:49
Could anyone tell me which is easier, (handiest to and from the airport,& easiest to work with) to take my CNI to, Cebu or Manila,. i will be flying on down to Butuan City afterwards. thanks.

25th March 2011, 09:47
[QUOTE=briancol;282164]Could anyone tell me which is easier, (handiest to and from the airport,& easiest to work with) to take my CNI to, Cebu or Manila,. i will be flying on down to Butuan City afterwards. thanks. also, when i go to the embassy/consulate do i need to produce my g/f's documents as well,? CENOMAR, B/CERTIFICATE, and others.

25th March 2011, 10:10
[QUOTE=briancol;282164]Could anyone tell me which is easier, (handiest to and from the airport,& easiest to work with) to take my CNI to, Cebu or Manila,. i will be flying on down to Butuan City afterwards. thanks. also, when i go to the embassy/consulate do i need to produce my g/f's documents as well,? CENOMAR, B/CERTIFICATE, and others.

Hi, you need to bring your CNI to Manila. Yes, you need to produce your GF's cenomar and birthcertificate together with your CNI, Birth Certificate, Decree absolute and Passport :)

25th March 2011, 12:34
thank you very much for the reply Cessxy, i dont want to appear stupid but does tht mean ive got to fly to Butuan,get her cenomar and b/certificate then fly back to either Manila or Cebu, stay overnight to collect thm the next day then fly back to Butuan.?

25th March 2011, 17:49
Depends really on ease of arrival and onward connection where you choose to do it Ive never been to Manila so cant comment but the Cebu experience was just fine with a pre arranged appointment with Moira

You need to take Birth certificate cenomar and 1 id we took postal from your girlfriend If its ebu take good copies of everything Moira will copy your pasport you could ask Moira or the Hotel where you will stay to recieve those docs from your g/f by lbc carrier so they are waiting for you:xxgrinning--00xx3:

26th March 2011, 10:00
Thank you for you help and advice KeithAngel, its just that im a bit bewildered by all the certificate and regulations.and all from that distance plus the time difference.

17th April 2011, 15:09
does anyone know if its ok to get the marriage license in one city,but get married in another city.ie , shes living in Butuan city now but wants to ge married in the city where she was born. (Koronadal)?

17th April 2011, 16:38
Yes the licence permits marriage anywhere in the Phils but...............make absolutly sure that whoever officiates is dead accurate in where the wedding took place and where the licence was granted and name spelling etc our guy cocked it and we had to generate new paper and you need to go to the registra in the place you get married to register the marriage anyone can do that though:xxgrinning--00xx3:

17th April 2011, 16:41
Boss why not sticky this thread?

17th April 2011, 17:28
thanks Keithangel. its going to be in a church now apparently,lol.

17th April 2011, 17:36
thanks Keithangel. its going to be in a church now apparently,lol.

:omg::omg: All the best:icon_lol: