View Full Version : absence makes the heart grow...

23rd January 2011, 13:23
when is the time to say absence makes the heart grow and when to say absence makes the heart forgets.

I am sharing this thoughts to get your opinions and help me to find some signs where its heading ...:Erm:

23rd January 2011, 13:35
Absence makes the heart grow fonder or out of sight out of mind,depends upon the person,the bond,the circimstances,the commitment,a whole load of variables really :Erm:

23rd January 2011, 14:07
in my situation it does make the heart grow fonder

23rd January 2011, 20:46
Absence makes the heart grow fonder or out of sight out of mind,depends upon the person,the bond,the circimstances,the commitment,a whole load of variables really :Erm:

This makes sense to me. It's a totally individual thing depending on your value system. Only your own heart will ever know.

For me personally, the lesson of this adage, is to be sure you let those around you and close to you know just how much you do value them.
If you're not sure how much you value someone, try to leave them for a little while. I believe the answer will come to you pretty quick.

24th January 2011, 01:34
thanks for the replies. I talked it over to my younger sis. She's really worried about her BF in US as she finds that the relationships isn't as exciting as before . Well. they were sweethearts for about a 2 years now.. Maybe. that could be due to distance:Erm:


Absence makes the heart grow fonder or out of sight out of mind,depends upon the person,the bond,the circimstances,the commitment,a whole load of variables really

I will tell my sis about this thing Tawi2 and i bet, she'll be scratching her head:doh:icon_lol:

26th January 2011, 03:45

In my current situation with my husband, it does really make our hearts grow fonder...and the more we make an effort to communicate, just to make everything work:)

27th January 2011, 20:37
Maybe it should be abSTINANCE makes the heart grow fonder :Erm:

2nd February 2011, 15:32
Had this exact issue today with my Girlfriend in Dipolog.
Get on the webcam and see their face and that confirms the feelings, its nice to see the facial reactions, eg i had some clothes as gifts for her family members and seeing her reactions today, its as close to being there as possible, sight, touch and hearing -all those senses fulfilled, now if someone can invent a " touch meter" i will be really happy!!:)
Personally i think absence does make the heart grow fonder if its real love that you feel.

6th February 2011, 22:52
now if someone can invent a " touch meter" i will be really happy!!:)

That would be a wonderful invention and I'd be first in line to sign up as a test subject! :D:heartshape1:

Smell would be a great addition too! I miss the smell of my boyfriend's skin after a :Shower:.

I think absence makes the heart grow fonder if there's (a) trust, (b) commitment, and (c) attraction/love. Otherwise, you'd just be jealous of every other guy (or girl) they see every day, or you'd end up with wandering eyes, or you'd just get disinterested.

6th February 2011, 23:40
What Jane and I did was give each other some unwashed items of clothing as well as my aftershave. It all helped :xxgrinning--00xx3:

6th February 2011, 23:50
Absence makes the heart grow fonder,
after 2 years of obsticals cancelations, heart aching to be together, id say after making the heart fonder it turns to breaking the heart, its painful being apart,:bigcry:

6th February 2011, 23:51
What Jane and I did was give each other some unwashed items of clothing as well as my aftershave. It all helped :xxgrinning--00xx3:

omg dont give any details please :omg:

7th February 2011, 17:06
absence makes the heart grow... weary if there is lack of communication or contact.

7th February 2011, 21:15
Absence makes the heart grow fonder,
after 2 years of obsticals cancelations, heart aching to be together, id say after making the heart fonder it turns to breaking the heart, its painful being apart,:bigcry:

Not long now. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

7th February 2011, 21:19
Not long now. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

:) true true,:xxgrinning--00xx3:

7th February 2011, 21:23
Had this exact issue today with my Girlfriend in Dipolog.
Get on the webcam and see their face and that confirms the feelings, its nice to see the facial reactions, eg i had some clothes as gifts for her family members and seeing her reactions today, its as close to being there as possible, sight, touch and hearing -all those senses fulfilled, now if someone can invent a " touch meter" i will be really happy!!:)
Personally i think absence does make the heart grow fonder if its real love that you feel.

didnt i hear they invented a virtual reality suit, you know the one i mean :laugher:

7th February 2011, 21:55
absence makes the heart grow... weary if there is lack of communication or contact.

Elaine and I have been together for 8 months and in that time we haven't gone a day without chatting via some form of electronic communication. It takes a huge amount of effort on both sides, but it really is worth making the effort and putting back or off other things to ensure that we maintain constant communication:xxgrinning--00xx3:

7th February 2011, 22:26
One advantage of being used to sitting at a computer all day and night is that it's very easy to transition from playing computer games to chatting with your significant other.:heartshape1: I think the hard part for my relationship was not being able to go to parties together and his not being able to stake a claim on his property in public, so to speak. I still get hit on all the time because guys here think that an LDR means I'll let others touch me.

What Jane and I did was give each other some unwashed items of clothing as well as my aftershave. It all helped :xxgrinning--00xx3:
:yikes: I don't wanna know what articles of clothing y'all exchanged! TMI!:laugher:

7th February 2011, 22:29
, now if someone can invent a " touch meter" i will be really happy!!:)

I believe there are such USB devices on certain websites :shehumper:

steve monty
7th February 2011, 23:31
I think definately makes the heart grow stronger, l speak to Madel everyday for an hour. I can not think of a day that has passed that i have not called or/and text in 3 years. Also like englishman said it does take a lot of effort on both sides to maintain contact which does make it feel worthwhile and me very happy! Though i do feel before we were married it was a easier being apart over long distance, Now im finding it hard being apart from mahal.