View Full Version : Suicidal Crab…

27th January 2011, 23:10
http://www.marketmanila.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/132.jpgWe were at the beach a couple of weeks ago and I noticed something in the pool early one morning. A medium sized, very dead crab. How it got there was a mystery to me. At first I thought we had an escapee from the previous day's chili crab dish. Then I thought maybe his or her significant other had gotten flattened by a truck tire and life wasn't worth living anymore. But then the bantay or caretaker said she had found many crabs over the years in the pool... all meeting the same fate. How weird is that? We are roughly 30-35 meters ABOVE sea level, up at least 50-60 or more steps from the sand. Crabs would not only have to negotiate up a steep incline, but cross sidewalks, a cement paved street, a rock paved driveway and concrete pavers and gravel to even get close to the pool. And to do all of that only to look in, jump and drown?

Content from... (http://www.marketmanila.com/archives/suicidal-crab)

28th January 2011, 08:20
might have been drunk ?

28th January 2011, 09:42
When i was in Saudi we used to spend the weekends at the beach diving. We would make fires on the beach to roast sausages and various bbq things. Anyway, on the beach lived these crabs, they live in holes they make in the sand. One night we were all sat around the fire drinking 'squeak' (sidiki) and out ran this crab from a big hole, straight into the fire, I mean right into the heart of the fire. Needless to say, it never ran out, it just stopped and cooked. Real suicide? or just tring to prove a point?. :omg:

28th January 2011, 17:03
Did you pick it out and eat it :D

28th January 2011, 17:19
Did you pick it out and eat it :D

Naa..... I dont like shell fish :repuke:

28th January 2011, 17:45
Well don't be shellfish.... buy me a dwink :D