View Full Version : caravan

29th January 2011, 18:29
is there such a thing out in the phils a large caravan like you get at the seaside,

29th January 2011, 18:49
Stevew, this is something i have been wondering also recently,
A european large spec mobile home might be a perfect solution to a lot of our needs......

There is a company in Cebu converting seafreight containers into habitable conditions.
A mobile home would be an instant "plug & play solution until such times as we did more on planning and self builds.
The only issue in a lot of the provinces would be delivery access!!

Certainly worth more investigation i think......

29th January 2011, 19:01
Hey Alan I've been looking in to those converted sea containers...very interesting :xxgrinning--00xx3:
If you have a good look on youtube, there are basic, to spectacular homes built from several containers. :)

29th January 2011, 19:02
me too think it would be a great idea, lots of land with fantastic views and just a caravan on it , what more would we want:)

29th January 2011, 19:14
Sim, i have seen some expanding ones used for military hopsitals etc they are awesome. It would be so easy to make 2 or 3 story with easy facility to make veranda,balcony etc etc.
Im sure though planning permission would be similarto a brick build, but if like SteveW says a caravan with "wheels" it should change things in our favour...
Im sure Doc will buy in to "Skeggie in the east".....

Stevew, have a look at this http://containerliving.net/
Not sure which one Sim is familar with....

29th January 2011, 19:22
Alan yes it was that site...Matt Wilkie who is a member here www.tropicalpenpals.com

Great stuff! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

29th January 2011, 19:55
if there was a good market for british style caravans i would be there like a shot- as its my line of work

the company i currently work for- tho another division- build modular units- which are taking off in a big way, and having been inside one they are fantastic inside


might be of interest

29th January 2011, 20:16
You can buy cheap pre-fab nippa huts in Mindanao,they erect them in a day,got to be better than a shipping container(think of the heat)or a caravan :)

29th January 2011, 21:10
I read the thread title half expecting you'd had a brainwave of touring around the Phils with a 6 birth Eldis on the back of at trike or a jeepney:icon_lol:

29th January 2011, 21:29
Ian if we had the jeepney we wouldn't need the Eldis...im sure we could have fun converting that icon to resemble the V dub camper............

29th January 2011, 21:34
Very true Alan:xxgrinning--00xx3:
i dont think it needs any converting, you can easily sleep 2 on each side bench, throw a foam mattress on the floor and an other half a dozen will fit there. Who needs catering and toilet facilities?:icon_lol:

29th January 2011, 21:41
Pinoys are very adoptive when it comes to assembly...if they can build a jeepney am sure they can knock you together a caravan:xxgrinning--00xx3: