View Full Version : Could you do without a TV

2nd February 2011, 01:38
last year I stopped watching tv, canceled sky and tv licence

as I found i was not really watching anything and only have it on in the background

I do from time to time watch QI AND I've got news for you on the iplayer but you do not need a tv licence for that yet

2nd February 2011, 07:26
Its something I thought about in the past due to the vast amount of sh*te being beamed into our homes at the moment, most of it reality based nonsense, heat magazine and the like, etc. God I hate that stuff. TV on a whole seems to dumb down the population catering to the lowest denominator. Thumb up ****, brain in neutral and away we go.

To be honest i to look forward to QI and a few documentries and whats shown on Dave channel and thats about all that floats my boat.

But i don't think I could get rid of the cable TV as the wife wwouldn't have anything to watch while i'm away at work.

2nd February 2011, 08:18
Burdock, I'm pretty sure you do need a Licence if you watch anything on the BBC i-player or live stream anything from the website. We cancelled the Licences in our offices and received a letter from the TV Licencing agency sayingthat we must not watch any TV through our PC's.

The BBC live streaming and i-player dont work outside of the UK, as they restrict this free service to licence payers only. Their assumption is that everyone in the UK will have a licence.

I don't watch a lot of TV myself, perhaps an hour a week, although I need one for my kids as they watch a fair amount of childrens TV

2nd February 2011, 08:40
Burdock, I'm pretty sure you do need a Licence if you watch anything on the BBC i-player or live stream anything from the website. We cancelled the Licences in our offices and received a letter from the TV Licencing agency sayingthat we must not watch any TV through our PC's.

The BBC live streaming and i-player dont work outside of the UK, as they restrict this free service to licence payers only. Their assumption is that everyone in the UK will have a licence.

I don't watch a lot of TV myself, perhaps an hour a week, although I need one for my kids as they watch a fair amount of childrens TV

Aye, I think you're correct as well mate. I'm pretty sure you need a license too.

2nd February 2011, 08:42
I love movies, so couldn't be withoutthe telly, although I do download a few. But cuddling up with my asawa watching the cable in Phils is a must have on those warn evenings in.

2nd February 2011, 09:11
As a man living on my own, I would not want to be without my TV set, I love all nature type programmes and films and some soaps (Cor St & Emmerdale).

If my marriage had been sucesfull them I would most likly not watch as much as I do, but a TV on in the backgroung can take the edge of living alone by not being in silence so long.

2nd February 2011, 09:39
but a TV on in the backgroung can take the edge of living alone by not being in silence so long.

Same for me Mick :)

2nd February 2011, 10:18
I went without a TV for nearly 3 years , Travelling , Sports , Internet and Work left little time .....it all changed the day the Princess arrived and a new set was obtained ....LOL ....

Just to clarify you only need a lisense to watch BBC I Player IF the programme is being shown at the same time on normal TV !! if you watch it a day later its not a drama ...

2nd February 2011, 10:24
Same for me Mick :)
What a sad bunch we are :icon_lol: .... although I either have sport or the news on, otherwise a live rock DVD.

2nd February 2011, 10:28
....Just to clarify you only need a lisense to watch BBC I Player IF the programme is being shown at the same time on normal TV !! if you watch it a day later its not a drama ...

That's what I thought also. :xxgrinning--00xx3:
The thing that puzzles me is, how would the 'detector van' know one way or the other?

2nd February 2011, 10:35
That's what I thought also. :xxgrinning--00xx3:
The thing that puzzles me is, how would the 'detector van' know one way or the other?

Are there any detector vans, I was told years ago they simply went off what addresses do not have a licence:crazy:

2nd February 2011, 11:11
Are there any detector vans, I was told years ago they simply went off what addresses do not have a licence:crazy:

Prolly right there Mick ......they were recently advertising for agents to catch dodgers here in east anglia ...cant see how they can have the technology in there car / van to tell whats being streamed etc etc

2nd February 2011, 11:36
Are there any detector vans, I was told years ago they simply went off what addresses do not have a licence:crazy:

Anyway I don't have a TV license. Haven't had one for years.:)

My old Dad has one though. It's free, coz he's 90 yrs old.:D

2nd February 2011, 11:43
Yeah I could easily manage without a tv. It is becoming so dumbed down it is annoying. For example that Mary Portas series Secret Shopper - Half the programme is spent telling me what we have just seen or what we are about to see :rolleyes:. Prefer Radio 4 anyday, or a movie, or a book.

2nd February 2011, 12:15
I had a visit from the licensing board to check that I did not have any tv's connected and he did stay that there was no need for a licence for iplayer unless you want to watch live

2nd February 2011, 12:24
As a man living on my own, I would not want to be without my TV set, I love all nature type programmes and films and some soaps (Cor St & Emmerdale).

If my marriage had been sucesfull them I would most likly not watch as much as I do, but a TV on in the backgroung can take the edge of living alone by not being in silence so long.

Emmerdale filmed near me,Marlon I see everyday nearly:icon_lol:

No way would I be without my tv:yikes:Premiership football,The Ashes,Movies,Drama,Documentaries:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
2nd February 2011, 12:43
In a word ... yes! :D

Arthur Little
2nd February 2011, 12:51
TBH ... I'd much rather spend time either on here, reading :readingpapers: or simply chatting with Myrna. :blahblah::blahblah:

2nd February 2011, 13:12
.....or simply chatting with Myrna. :blahblah::blahblah:
Surely you mean listening :D

2nd February 2011, 13:38
I rarely watch my TV these days, even though I live alone. Being disabled, I work from home on the internet and find my entertainment there too.

I think you only need a tv licence to watch BBC i-player if you are watching a programme as it is being broadcast live over the TV network.

2nd February 2011, 14:11
in pinas, most houses got tv. I get to watch morning news while sipping my coffee. :)

2nd February 2011, 18:40
I spent a lot of time last year in Pinas,never watch the telly there except ABS/CBN sometimes,I can take it or leave it but I have got a nice one sitting in the corner of the living room for Human Planet.

2nd February 2011, 19:42
my tv licence is due end feruary,£145.50,for low quality tv and repeat after repeat, ha ha, i sold my tv last week ,god willing il be in philipines , by end of april,and im sure not not needing a tv , cash saved and cash for selling tv will go a long way to my ticket :Wave:

2nd February 2011, 20:27
Put simply, like Arthur, the answer is yes, i can and have done without tv. I was a follower of f1 now, its new world champion is a undercover gp2 driver, its now obvious its the car whats wins it, not the driver. I will watch some boxing but, i can do that on the pc. Im a busy guy anyway, my 2 days off is spent doing jobs and amusing the wife, thats what husbands do, right? Like most on here who can do without tv, we have it for our wife's, although mine will not watch what we call dross, soaps etc. The tv licence is only costing me £10.87 a month direct debit so, it no big deal, what bothers me its going to a bias left wing corporation (BBC) who im not in support with.

2nd February 2011, 20:35
During the past few years I've come to wonder about three things.
1. How did I ever have the time to go to work
2. When did I ever find the time to watch TV
3. What am I forgetting to do when I spend time on the forum

Ako Si Jamie
2nd February 2011, 20:56
Don't watch TV hardly ever now since I got rid of all the best channels because of the cost.

Used to like stuff like Bear Grylls and the Discovery Channel, Nat Geo & Crime and Investigation channel which I really miss. Got Freeview now and that's total gash.

2nd February 2011, 21:05

2nd February 2011, 21:09
tv is crap never anything on tv and when something is , its on to late or you are out , so yes i think i could go without the tv, now i could not live without the computer

Ako Si Jamie
2nd February 2011, 21:10
Yeah internet before TV every day of the week!

2nd February 2011, 21:11
Time was when everybody enjoyed watching TV...Those days have gone now. The internet is so much more entertaining.
I watch a little bit, the news mainly...I don't normally have a TV guide, so I never know what's on.
I really begrudge paying for a license & the BBC should stand or fall on it's own. I nearly didn't bother renewing it last time, but reluctantly caved in. :NoNo:

2nd February 2011, 21:12
Yet Sky have now exceeded 10 mill subscribers :rolleyes:

2nd February 2011, 21:18
are there any detector vans, i was told years ago they simply went off what addresses do not have a licence:crazy:
Mick.:) true mate!:)

2nd February 2011, 21:34
EVERYTHING on TV and Radio is a mish mash of stressful bull! I resent being subjected to it!:)

3rd February 2011, 00:50
went a couple years with no tv when i was at art school, didnt really miss it. dont think my mahal would manage without her daily philippines drama(if it can be called drama)

3rd February 2011, 03:42
Time was when everybody enjoyed watching TV...Those days have gone now. The internet is so much more entertaining.
I watch a little bit, the news mainly...I don't normally have a TV guide, so I never know what's on.
I really begrudge paying for a license & the BBC should stand or fall on it's own. I nearly didn't bother renewing it last time, but reluctantly caved in. :NoNo:

The Beeb is part of our national identity I would not like to see it excessively pressured by commercial concerns, personally I would miss the Tele if it were not there. Also given how often I watch BBC World world service broadcasts in the Phils I am sad to see the recent cuts that have been imposed on it across its many language services.

There are no guarantee's that the internet will remain a free source quality information in the future, as some commentators have suggested, given the recent WikiLeaks events, countries like the US might well be looking to see just how China keeps such a lid on the Internet rather than allowing continued unrestricted access!