View Full Version : Married Name Confusion

6th February 2011, 18:55
My fiancee came to the UK in June 2010 and we were married in September. However when we filled out the FLR form the guide told us to put her main name as the same one in her Passport (i.e. her pre-married original name). We also filled in the 'Other names' field for her Married name (i.e. using my surname).

However she is about to enrol for an ESOL and we're confused about whether to put the married name down or her original pre-married name, which is still on both her passport and residency permit. We don't want to screw up the ILR application in a couple of years time by confusing the government :).


7th February 2011, 10:29
The Home Office will always require the name in the passport.
The ILR application form will ask for name as in passport.

Being married legally allows the woman to use either her maiden name or to take the family name of the husband or a combination.
The marriage certification is the legal link and legal confirmation of the name change.

So your wife can use whatever name(s) she would choose.
Just as example, my wife used her maiden name as her new middle name. Not just as Philippine tradition but also to keep a nice link between all names also.

On a practical level, it is advisable to maintain consistency of ID. Means always use the same one. Less complication the better.

Hope that helps you.

7th February 2011, 12:38
I had problem when i recieved my provisional driving license coz they used my maiden name when i was a single instead of my name,surname when was single and married name.
And it was happened again in my ILR visa :angry:...btw, it was sorted now:)

7th February 2011, 12:43
I had problem when i recieved my provisional driving license coz they used my maiden name when i was a single instead of my name,surname when was single and married name.
And it was happened again in my ILR visa :angry:...btw, it was sorted now:)

I guess you used your passport as proof of ID when applying for driving license.
When you apply for ILR it states on the application form to enter the name as it appears on your passport.

But anyway as you say, it's sorted out now.
Keeping your ID details as simple as possible is important.

7th February 2011, 14:40

About 30 years ago, in UK, I changed my name (first and surname)

No forms, no legal procedure. Under Common Law one can change their name in UK unless its for an illegal reason. I changed everything to my new name, passport, driving licence, credit cards, etc.

A woman changing her name when she marries is a custom not the law. It is neither legal nor illegal to change one's name in UK

"But notta lotta people know that ! " .