View Full Version : Ready to Send Visa Documents To Phils ... Have I got Too Many emails????

New Shoes
6th February 2011, 21:24
I'm currently compiling all my documents ready to send to my girl in the Phils.
It's starting to get quite a pile!

I think I may have printed off too many emails. Initially i included every email, almost daily, but then I cut it down to include a couple per week.

I've still got a pile of emails about 1" ......... should I thin out the emails, to say one a week, showing weekly contact????

Many Thanks

6th February 2011, 22:42
I have been sending our yahoo chats just printed the first and last page still after 3 years of chatting every day my jen is complaining that she has no more room under her bed and i just sent the latest batch in a balikbayan box along with lots of chocolates and coffee other gifts for her and her family.

6th February 2011, 22:49
i would do that just show some odd days a week or even a month but try to keep a pattern, but remember you may have to get 2 copies of everything so try to cut it down a little

7th February 2011, 17:25
just want to add: I only printed off 1 email every month which is from may 2004 til Jan 2011 + our recent chat conversations (just the last 4 months)!.. however, what we also both did was, we just printed off some "screen shots" of the summary list of emails from/to each other - my husband (in my email account) and my name (in his email account)...all you do is to "type in" the name of your partner at the search mail button and press "go"....the result is, it only shows all the emails from your partner!.. Needless to say, it saves a lot of time & effort in printing off lots & lots of emails/chats....

Result: NO problem + I got my spouse visa granted just a few days ago:xxgrinning--00xx3: plus I didn't have to produce 2 copies of each and got all the emails/chats, original docs sent back to me.

All the best to your future applications:Wave:

New Shoes
7th February 2011, 21:28
Thanks for the replies! Very useful. I'm nearly ready to send off the documents :Jump:

Arthur Little
8th February 2011, 14:37
I think I may have printed off too many emails. Initially i included every email, almost daily, but then I cut it down to include a couple per week.

I've still got a pile of emails about 1" ......... should I thin out the emails, to say one a week, showing weekly contact????

Dave ... we were in the "same boat" as you find yourself now ... and, in the end - short of hiring a *jeepney :D (I was still in the *Phils at the time!) to transport more than a year's worth of emails - found ourselves having to whittle them down to the most relevant [in order of sequence] as others have suggested here. Good Luck, mate! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

8th February 2011, 23:28
I don't think it necessary, in general, to print of the content of all e-mails; you just need to show that you have been in frequest communication, so the e-mail headers should be adequate.

I am sending SMS to my fiancee by computer - it is cheaper than sending from my phone and it also keeps a written record which will be submitted with the Visa application. But, again, I will not send contents of the SMS - just a record of when the SMS was sent.

You may want to enclose a few e-mails in full over the whole period you have been in a relationship - just to prove it is a 'romantic relationship' rather than just a business one.

After all, in the days before e-mail and SMS you would not have been required to send a recording of phone conversations to prove a romantic relationship!

Arthur Little
9th February 2011, 01:20
After all, in the days before e-mail and SMS you would not have been required to send a recording of phone conversations to prove a romantic relationship!

:gp: ... hadn't really thought of it that way! :rolleyes: