View Full Version : Stress - AKA Visa Stress

8th February 2011, 07:46
I have to admit i never knew when i met my mahal how stressful it would be in obtaining visa's and such, just for us to live together or should i say even to go on holidays together and even then the journey we have had to this point has been easy compared to some of the other posters on here. I guess i am lucky in the sense that i only had to stress about the possibility of us not being together for a period of time i.e whether the visa would be approved.

I don't know how i would have coped if our situation had been any worse..

One of my good friends in the UK has a filipino Fiance and has had to jump through an amazing amount of hoops together over the years, (and his is still not finished), I never knew how much stress this has caused them until we had to start worrying about everything as well. ( i have told him about this forum in the hope that he will join and share his experience, its unique in the sense that he got approval for an unmarried spouse visa for two years but they had so many problems in getting it.)

This forum has helped me tremendously with answers to my questions, and a good luck here and there and for that i thank you for all being around.

We still have 'stress' to come in September with the spouse visa, but i am sure that the stress wont nearly be the same now that i have found and appreciate what this forum can do to eliminate certain fears.

How does everyone else cope?

Life, we only live it once, let there be less hurdles in our way to happiness......

This song sums up the post...in a lighthearted way of course http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJ44psLHvIc

8th February 2011, 10:09
How does everyone else cope?

Just sit back in front of the TV, relax, and watch the videos you made together :xxgrinning--00xx3: .... :Sex: :omg:

Arthur Little
8th February 2011, 10:51
I have to admit i never knew when i met my mahal how stressful it would be in obtaining visa's and such, just for us to live together or should i say even to go on holidays together and even then the journey we have had to this point has been easy compared to some of the other posters on here. I guess i am lucky in the sense that i only had to stress about the possibility of us not being together for a period of time i.e whether the visa would be approved.

I don't know how i would have coped if our situation had been any worse..

One of my good friends in the UK has a filipino Fiance and has had to jump through an amazing amount of hoops together over the years, (and his is still not finished), I never knew how much stress this has caused them until we had to start worrying about everything as well. ( i have told him about this forum in the hope that he will join and share his experience, its unique in the sense that he got approval for an unmarried spouse visa for two years but they had so many problems in getting it.)

This forum has helped me tremendously with answers to my questions, and a good luck here and there and for that i thank you for all being around.

We still have 'stress' to come in September with the spouse visa, but i am sure that the stress wont nearly be the same now that i have found and appreciate what this forum can do to eliminate certain fears.

How does everyone else cope?

Life, we only live it once, let there be less hurdles in our way to happiness......

This song sums up the post...in a lighthearted way of course http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJ44psLHvIc

Steve ... :welcomex: to the world of Filipino/Brit relationships.

8th February 2011, 11:42
Hi Steve,
yes it is difficult , but a forum like this can be a wealth of info as well as a place for knowing you can get some encouragement, cos many have been there and done it.

One big plus is this...your love is being tested, and sure thats not always pleasant to put it mildly, but long term you know you will have proved that it wasnt just a flash in the pan.

Im getting married shortly, but had to wait almost 2 yrs for an annulment, others here evn longer,....but it does prove your love for each other!!!, Thats not to say tho it is tough at times.

So hang in there mate, and feel free to vent and let off some steam, cos sometimes....you just have to. take care:xxgrinning--00xx3:

8th February 2011, 14:12
your lucky many of us had to wait 3 months or more just for the visa decision :angry: but theses days it could be a couple of days or wks :rolleyes: