View Full Version : Convicted ! Former MP and Ex Chairman of Scottish Labour Party

10th February 2011, 16:29
Yet another trough feeding MP is cut down to size. Don't forget to bring your toothbrush to your next court appearance Jim !

I love the way the Judge lets them stay free for a few weeks before sentencing. Gives him plenty of time to be fearful about sharing a cell with Big Bubba on his first night in Wandsworth :icon_lol:

Former Labour MP Jim Devine was found guilty of fiddling his expenses today.

Devine, 57, who held the Livingston seat, submitted false invoices for cleaning and printing work totalling £8,385.

He was found guilty by a jury at Southwark Crown Court of two charges of false accounting. He was cleared of one other count relating £360 for cleaning work.

The former backbencher, of Bathgate, West Lothian, was the first MP to stand trial in the wake of the expenses scandal.

The jury of six men and six women took two hours and 45 minutes to agree with the prosecution that on the two counts Devine showed a 'woeful inadequacy' in abiding by the core principles expected of MPs.

Peter Wright QC, prosecuting, said the case against Devine was 'very straightforward'.

The former MP made the fraudulent claims 'with a view to gain for himself, or with an intent to cause loss to another - the public purse'.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1355537/Former-Labour-MP-Jim-Devine-guilty-expense-claims.html#ixzz1DZPxZvh4


Not looking so smug now are we Jim !

10th February 2011, 16:55
Get in:xxgrinning--00xx3:

10th February 2011, 17:22
I am glad to see the cheating :censored: mps brought to justice but there's one problem with convicting them, WE have to pay to keep them in prison!
Personally I think the crown should cease their assets to repay for not only their crime but also what it cost us poor tax payers to keep them at her majesties pleasure!
I believe it costs over £30000 a year to keep a prisoner!

10th February 2011, 17:56
I am glad to see the cheating :censored: mps brought to justice but there's one problem with convicting them, WE have to pay to keep them in prison!
Personally I think the crown should cease their assets to repay for not only their crime but also what it cost us poor tax payers to keep them at her majesties pleasure!
I believe it costs over £30000 a year to keep a prisoner!

He might follow the example of that Philippine General and top himself before his next court appearance

Arthur Little
10th February 2011, 18:02
fearful about sharing a cell with Big Bubba on his first night in Wandsworth :icon_lol:

:rolleyes: ...... Big Bubba meets Big *BLubba, eh!? :icon_lol: ...... *:yeahthat:

Arthur Little
10th February 2011, 18:21
Yet another trough feeding MP is cut down to size.

Former Labour MP Jim Devine was found guilty of fiddling his expenses today.

Not looking so smug now are we Jim !

;) ... it's what's called 'Devine Retribution'!

11th February 2011, 02:09
Britains Most Wanted(or have you seen the man on the right ?)


Ako Si Jamie
11th February 2011, 21:29
I am glad to see the cheating :censored: mps brought to justice but there's one problem with convicting them, WE have to pay to keep them in prison!
Personally I think the crown should cease their assets to repay for not only their crime but also what it cost us poor tax payers to keep them at her majesties pleasure!
I believe it costs over £30000 a year to keep a prisoner!
Good point :xxgrinning--00xx3: