View Full Version : Another dishonest MP jailed

10th February 2011, 21:52
More good news today as another greedy trough feeder is jailed. One year is far too lenient thought, the Judge should be sacked


Former MP Eric Illsley has been given a year's jail sentence for dishonestly claiming parliamentary expenses.

Illsley, 55, pleaded guilty to £14,000 of expenses fraud last month relating to claims he made for his second home between 2005 and 2008.

He becomes the second former MP, after once Labour colleague David Chaytor, to be jailed for expenses offences.

Mr Justice Saunders said Illsley had breached the "high degree of trust" placed in MPs by the public.

His jailing came on the same day as former Labour MP Jim Devine was found guilty on two counts of dishonestly claiming £8,385 of expenses by using false invoices for cleaning and printing work. Devine has yet to be sentenced.

He knew what was coming - turned up with his toothbrush and pyjamas :D

Arthur Little
10th February 2011, 21:56
More good news today as another greedy trough feeder is jailed. One year is far too lenient thought, the Judge should be sacked

:) ... you must be having a "field day"!

10th February 2011, 22:11
:) ... you must be having a "field day"!

:xxgrinning--00xx3: It started off bad Arthur what with one of the "usual suspect" handwringers on the former $lut thread but I must admit it's got a lot better.

I always remember 2 years ago the doom merchants on this Forum predicting the MP's would get away with it when the Telegraph started breaking the news. Looks like Margaret Moran is coming under some serious investigation http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/mps-expenses/8307007/Margaret-Moran-investigated-over-staffing-expenses.html theres also a few bits & pieces here http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/mps-expenses/

10th February 2011, 23:07
jail em all, bring back the stocks:behead:, put em all up against the wall and shoot em :NEW4::NEW3:

11th February 2011, 00:50
Thieving crook !

Maybe they'll find a neck under that fat after a few months of lovely phlegm-filled prison rations. :D

11th February 2011, 01:09
Thieving crook !

Maybe they'll find a neck under that fat after a few months of lovely phlegm-filled prison rations. :D

He is a bit of a bloater.I hope he met Mandingo during shower time in the Scrubs tonight :D