View Full Version : car insurance

12th February 2011, 09:44
what a rip off, my insurance runs out this month and yes i have shopped around and got a better quote then last year , so i should be happy, my cat they say is worth £500, a toyota avensis done 82000 miles so to me its worth thousands, to replace it, yet the insurance they are quoting is between £270 and £480, its beyond me but like many on here will pay it but get the cheaper quote as long as it covers all i need, the rip of *******s

12th February 2011, 10:00
The value of your car has nothing to do with the quote, it's to cover the value of other people's property, 3rd party vehicles and in the worst case, someones life.

12th February 2011, 10:06
check money saving expert .com, (its something like that) my dad uses that all the time for advice on the best deals on car insurance, (and for everything else for that matter)

I would post the link, but not sure if i am allowed to on here? (admin am i allowed to do that?)

12th February 2011, 10:06
i know that , but its just so anoying and being mr tight bloodly dear too

12th February 2011, 10:07
done that all the so called cheap sites , got it down to 268 with admiral so will go with them

Ako Si Jamie
12th February 2011, 10:08
£270 is about £5 a week which ain't too bad these days even though your car is getting on a bit and if it includes stuff like breakdown and it's cheaper than the previous year, you got yourself a good deal I reckon.

Those comparison sites are a godsend. I remember before the internet when you'd have to spend hours phoning firms up to get the best deal and answering the same questions over & over again :cwm23:

12th February 2011, 10:41
Work out how much a year you spend on fuel :omg:

Just be glad you're not 18 looking for insurance on a new BMW :cwm24:

Arthur Little
12th February 2011, 11:54
my cat they say is worth £500

:cwm24: ... expensive cat, Steve! What do you feed it? Caviar?

12th February 2011, 12:40
:cwm24: ... expensive cat, Steve! What do you feed it? Caviar?

Catty remark !!!

I am surprised at you Arthur

12th February 2011, 13:57
How much Steve:yikes: I only used to pay £300 a year for the red and black beast's I used to own. My current battleship is only around £400 a year fully comp, with E-Sure, and that includes limited business use too.

12th February 2011, 14:06
late yer when i got my renewal through i checked around found one a few quid cheeper but i rang up my old company and said i would not be renewing with them as i found one cheeper with breakdown insurance incuded and they gave me a newer quote what was the same as the year b4 and got the breakdown bit as well for free. I will be doing the same this year when it due :xxgrinning--00xx3:

steve monty
12th February 2011, 14:25
I re-newed my car insurance in December and the premium had gone up, but so did all the other companies! i had no accidents, no claims but it still went up! :cwm23: I thought I heard that premiums will be going up because of the increase of uninsured drivers! :censored:

12th February 2011, 14:34
Work out how much a year you spend on fuel :omg:

Just be glad you're not 18 looking for insurance on a new BMW :cwm24:

Or a taxi driver mines £700 and thats cheap!

12th February 2011, 16:33
:cwm24: ... expensive cat, Steve! What do you feed it? Caviar?

indeed Arthur that would costy me alot more the pussy i ment:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

13th February 2011, 22:58
The missus Insurance was 1500 or there abouts!!! Ok its a brand new car but its 1 litre:omg:

Admiral, diamond and elephant came out much cheaper but makes you think how they do it...

Reading up this year its worth checking your area wheter its best to keep on your drive or garage or in the road!! As some areas have such a problem with theft of keys from the house if the car is in the street or parked away from the house/flat its harder for the car thieves to suss out which model or so the thinking goes but if its the only Toyota in the street or what not it might give the game away :P

14th February 2011, 00:32
I found out this summer that I made a mistake staying loyal to the same home and motor insurance company, I wont mention no names but, it start with Direct and ends in Line :D. I made 2 claims last winter, first I have made in years. I then had my premium renewal in August, it had gone up by 115% I questioned this and was told it was because of my claim. I looked on gocompare.com. Best thing I ever did. My premium went from £60 per month to £17.50. My lesson learnt. Always compare each and every year. Its not like the old days Walking round insurance brokers on a Saturday afternoon. We got gocompare! They saved me a few quid :D:xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th February 2011, 12:36
I use an outfit called Coverbox for my car insurance. You call them, tell them the car details, estimated millage, where it kept etc. They then work out a basic monthly payment. Then a bloke comes round and fits a tracker to your car. This is the good bit, you pay for the miles you estimate that you 'll do through the year (they do a pence per mile that costs different amounts at different times of the day). Now this is good for me as my car doesn't move for 6 months of the year so i basically getting free insurance for the time I'm at work. I've not explained it very well but check out their website.

14th February 2011, 12:44
I found out this summer that I made a mistake staying loyal to the same home and motor insurance company, I wont mention no names but, it start with Direct and ends in Line :

All my life I have checked the renewal premiums when my car / motorcycle have come due. New customers nearly always get a better deal that loyal existing ones.

In Spain a few years ago I called Linea Directa when I got my renewal as it appeared quite high. I gave a false name but everything else correctly, they quoted 20% than the renew they had sent me. When I told them who I was, they said I was being dishonest by giving a different name. After arguing with them, they offered the renewal with the 20% less. Needless to say, I went elsewhere.

14th February 2011, 16:33
i never stay with the same insurance company, well sometimes but i always cancell then rejoin watch the differance in price you save a packet, thats any insurance

15th February 2011, 01:18
Clean licence since 1973.
No claims since 1979.

My MGZS diesel '115' @ 10,000 miles a year, fully comp, gp. 11....renewed today £280.

My TVR 400SE @5,000 miles/year, fully comp, gp 20+ (0-60= 5.2 secs,.. 150mph 275bhp).

Classic insurance. £180 :Erm: