View Full Version : Lessons In Hatred And Violence - CH 4 Tonight 8pm

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14th February 2011, 19:17
This programme about hate schools should be worth watching. Tonight C4 8pm

Shame of Britain's Muslim schools: Secret filming shows pupils being beaten and 'taught Hindus drink cow p***'

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1356361/Shame-Britains-Muslim-schools-Secret-filming-shows-pupils-beaten.html#ixzz1DxU5c0aG

14th February 2011, 19:22
Will watch!

14th February 2011, 20:22
NOTHING will be done about it by our spineless government . :NoNo:

NONE of the laws that you and I have to obey will have been broken.

The racial hatred card will be played, and the majority indigenous population will be silenced and made to feel guilty about pointing the finger at these peaceful and moderate folk who are contributing so much to British society. :rolleyes:

If you have the temerity to complain you will be told that things have moved on in YOUR 'multi-cultural' country, and that you should change with the times and embrace the 'diversity' our wonderful new society.

The news and views on this will be given to you more likely than not by a news presenter from the Indian sub-continent. :Erm:

I will NOT watch the programme because it will make me feel angry, frustrated and impotent.

14th February 2011, 20:53
Call me racist whatever and i live in Jersey but when my 92 year old Grandmother who worked in munitions during WW2 and my late Granfather who drove tanks and help liberate Belguim struggle{d} for the tiniest bit of help from social whilst certain scum elements { so prevalent in UK society}are taking tax-payer benefits whilst openly pouring scorn on everything the British hold dear. Makes me weep!
Even here in very affluent Jersey we have an immigrant population saying that we should teach their kids in their own native tongue, Jeez the cheek of it! If i choose to live in any other country then i would adapt, if i didn't like it i would shut up and if i could't stand the place i would move!
As we say in Jersey, there's a boat out tomorrow morning.

14th February 2011, 22:52
Nice people and if that wasn't a bunch of racists,child beaters and preachers of hate I don't know what is:censored:
Shut all those schools,rip down the Mosque and say adapt to our way of life or get out of this country.
I am absolutely sure "rivers of blood" will happen one day,we have been warned!

15th February 2011, 09:53
Nice people and if that wasn't a bunch of racists,child beaters and preachers of hate I don't know what is:censored:
Shut all those schools,rip down the Mosque and say adapt to our way of life or get out of this country.
I am absolutely sure "rivers of blood" will happen one day,we have been warned!

You incite race hatred and you are just the same as a few people you seek to deride.
You look at the smaller picture and isloated incidents all the time instead of being a responsible person who sees the good in people.
You probably have many Asian taxi drivers in Harrogate and have a chip on your shoulder :NoNo:

15th February 2011, 12:01
i've not watched it, but all faith schools should be shut, schools should have nothing to do with religion, if you want religion go to a church..

15th February 2011, 13:17
You incite race hatred and you are just the same as a few people you seek to deride.
You look at the smaller picture and isloated incidents all the time instead of being a responsible person who sees the good in people.
You probably have many Asian taxi drivers in Harrogate and have a chip on your shoulder :NoNo:

I'm looking forward to replying in full to the comments that I am a racist on here and I have a chip on my shoulder.:NoNo:
By you very reply and no condemnation of what we saw in the program you clearly indicate a lack of moral standard and obviously think the beating of young muslim kids is ok as it;s only a small picture.
You are painting a clear picture of yourself which I'm sure members on here will clearly see.
Always back to the your a racist rubbish which you hide behind everytime-pathetic:NoNo:
Luckily the program was presented by Muslims who can see what's happening and are rightly worried and against it,they spoke well unfortunately you do not:NoNo:
Back to work now so I can't reply til later tmrw but I'm ready for any challenge you throw at me.

15th February 2011, 15:57
You incite race hatred and you are just the same as a few people you seek to deride.
You look at the smaller picture and isloated incidents all the time instead of being a responsible person who sees the good in people.
You probably have many Asian taxi drivers in Harrogate and have a chip on your shoulder :NoNo:

What a nasty, vile and unfounded accusation :cwm23:

Try searching You Tube for Dispatches - Lessons in Hate and Violence and you will see the hatred and intolerance that is spread by these so called faith schools, mosques and madrassas.

If you watch the programme it highlights the fact that 700 (over half) the mosques in the UK follow Deobandi Islam which it is alleged seeks “ to rescue the the global Muslim community from the culture and civilization of the Jews, the Christians and enemies of Islam”

So two topics to check out before you open your mouth with false and scurrilious accusations

1) Deobandi Islam
2) The C4 programme

15th February 2011, 17:51
Actualy D your thread title sans tv describes perfectly your world view :icon_lol:

15th February 2011, 18:24
Actualy D your thread title sans tv describes perfectly your world view :icon_lol:

:laugher: What a wedding night you must be having slumped over a keyboard attempting witticisms.

I love the spot of French though is that a sign of considering oneself to be part of the intelligentsia ?

15th February 2011, 19:00
Also regarding Asian taxi drivers of which there are a few in Harrogate,a lot of people won't use them as they rip off people on a consistent basis and are often caught "cabbing" where they are prohibited.
They have complete dis-respect for white girls and assume they are all sluts:NoNo:
And before you say "racist" It has been witnessed by various taxi drivers in the town.
But that is distracting from the issues the programme was aimed at and i give a lot of credit to the muslims exposing the vile preachers of hate and child abusers which you see nothing wrong with:crazy:

15th February 2011, 20:25
Also regarding Asian taxi drivers of which there are a few in Harrogate,a lot of people won't use them as they rip off people on a consistent basis and are often caught "cabbing" where they are prohibited.
They have complete dis-respect for white girls and assume they are all sluts:NoNo:
And before you say "racist" It has been witnessed by various taxi drivers in the town.
But that is distracting from the issues the programme was aimed at and i give a lot of credit to the muslims exposing the vile preachers of hate and child abusers which you see nothing wrong with:crazy:

You and Dedworth have been spouting off in racist ways here for a long time now, so it's nothing new.
But you are so funny also :laugher:
I knew the Asian cab drivers in Harrogate would be getting under your skin. :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:
Enjoy your next curry :laugher:

15th February 2011, 20:32
i've not watched it, but all faith schools should be shut, schools should have nothing to do with religion, if you want religion go to a church..


15th February 2011, 20:34
I'm looking forward to replying in full to the comments that I am a racist on here and I have a chip on my shoulder.:NoNo:
By you very reply and no condemnation of what we saw in the program you clearly indicate a lack of moral standard and obviously think the beating of young muslim kids is ok as it;s only a small picture.
You are painting a clear picture of yourself which I'm sure members on here will clearly see.
Always back to the your a racist rubbish which you hide behind everytime-pathetic:NoNo:
Luckily the program was presented by Muslims who can see what's happening and are rightly worried and against it,they spoke well unfortunately you do not:NoNo:
Back to work now so I can't reply til later tmrw but I'm ready for any challenge you throw at me.

You should have focused more on your comment in bold, instead of using Enoch Powell's quote.
You are not without some hope but you are heading down hill slowly :laugher:
We all live in a multi-cultural society in the UK and we have to make the best of it.
Remember the white christian teacher who severely assaulted a pupil last year? It happens.
Look at the bigger picture lestaxi1 before you lose perspective.

15th February 2011, 20:37

Catholic schools also preach to puplis too.
All religion should be banned from schools in my opinion :NoNo:

15th February 2011, 20:56
I await the prosecutions for assault.:rolleyes:

Religion is straightforward brainwashing.

It is EVIL and manipulative, derives its power from FEAR, and is a leftover from the dark ages. :NoNo:

15th February 2011, 21:41
You and Dedworth have been spouting off in racist ways here for a long time now, so it's nothing new.

An untrue and uncalled for infantile statement that should be removed, it doesn't surprise me though as you've had similar posts deleted before. I realise you are totally blinded by "multiculturalism" and cannot see the huge part it has played in the making the country end up as the cesspit it is today. Care to comment about the extreme Deobandi Islam that is rife in over 50% of so called "Mosques" ?

15th February 2011, 21:43
I await the prosecutions for assault.:rolleyes:

Religion is straightforward brainwashing.

It is EVIL and manipulative, derives its power from FEAR, and is a leftover from the dark ages. :NoNo:

You're right Grahamw48, there are many of us here on the forum who have no time for religion in all it's guises and deceptions.

I made many comments in the past lambasting the catholic church in particular for its apparent inflicted horrors concerning abuse, which weren't isolated incidents but were seemingly global and endemic.

Those bar stewards in the muslim faith schools who assaulted children should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law as should every adult who assaults minors in their care, whether it be in a school or anywhere else.

I don't think the muslim teachers will get away with it. It was just awful to see all the kids flinching and cowering anytime they got near to one particular "teacher".

The good thing about the show was that other muslim teachers from other schools were as equally appalled when they saw the footage, and the conclusion of the female reporter was that if this type of brainwashing would only cause the UK to reap what we sow.

Ako Si Jamie
15th February 2011, 22:42
While I embrace a multi-cultural society made up of decent folk, when it comes to the likes of Muslims who preach hatred and disrespect this country and its inhabitants, it's time to draw the line!

16th February 2011, 01:35
While I embrace a multi-cultural society made up of decent folk, when it comes to the likes of Muslims who preach hatred and disrespect this country and its inhabitants, it's time to draw the line!

J - Just for the sake of good order and before you get daubed with the racist brush by our intellectual newly wed's chum I think it might be advisable to edit your post to read " likes of fundamental and extreme Muslims"

Are you anywhere near the Alum Rock Mosque if I'm not mistaken that's featured in a documentary or two ?

16th February 2011, 01:46
Well spotted Ded amazing how even racists are learning to become P.C.:icon_lol: You should run a course :NoNo:

16th February 2011, 01:48
Aposhark is not in the real world:icon_lol:
Now he has jumped on Grahams post to suddenly agree it's all wrong what we saw in the program,but the shark made no comment but to call me a racist in his first post.
Aposhark you are now seeking cronies and wish to be seen as deploring the actions which I pointed out to you but you chose to ignore.
As we all know a multi-cultural society has not worked and will never work in this country while these schools and mosques preach their hatred,we do not have to live with it.
I have no problem with colour,creed or religion if it's not extreme and you abide by the countries laws and traditions you reside in.
But those people who wish us harm and want to alter our society into something else perhaps following the laws of Islam I will never agree to and will oppose it totally.
I actually chat to some of the Asian taxi drivers some of them are decent guys and I have no problem with,they certainly don't get under my skin at all.
By the way my favourite meal it chicken Vindaloo:xxgrinning--00xx3:

16th February 2011, 01:56
Well spotted Ded amazing how even racists are learning to become P.C.:icon_lol: You should run a course :NoNo:

I see you and your pal are singing from the same hymn sheet with the unnecessary use of the racist taunt.

For the uninitiated it used to be New Labour SOP that anyone critical of Multiculturalism, Uncontrolled Immigration, Foreign Criminals and Muslim Extremists was branded a "racist".

These two clowns have failed to realise that Labour belatedly stopped that policy sometime in 2009 when they woke up and realised Mr Joe U.K. Public had seen through it and they were on course to be slung out of Government.

16th February 2011, 01:56
Graham is his own man. ;)

Oh, and Enoch will be proved right of course.
I have no doubts about that.

Get ready for the next wave, after the Italians forward on the Tunisians to us.:rolleyes:

16th February 2011, 03:07
No one here certainly not me is saying that every thing people do is ok and i dont care what view you take in for example aguing that mass immigration without intigration is changing for the worse life in the UK

For me it becomes offensive when it is used to portay as "bad" a complete group of people be it Muslims Roman Catholics Chinese or Philipinas.

I dont personaly subscibe to religion but have no problem with those that do as long as they dont try to inpinge on my personal liberty,s similarly if you continualy caracturise whole groups of people as wanting to destroy some mythical "US" I will draw attention to your lazy and vindictive thought processes nomatter how you dress them up.

If you quack and lay eggs your probably a duck:Rasp:

16th February 2011, 07:07
If you quack and lay eggs your probably a duck:Rasp:

and "If a dog is born in a stable doesn't make him a horse" :Rasp:


16th February 2011, 10:43

Now you're saying some of the Asian drivers are nice :icon_lol:
I don't need Graham to validate my thoughts, I agree with some of his posts, he seems balanced to me.

lestaxi1, if you lose all perspective like Dedworth and continue to highlight isolated incidents instead of looking at the bigger picture, you can't really be shocked if some people disagree with you.
"Real World"? :doh
This multi-cultural society is the UK - now. It is what you, me and everyone in the UK lives in. The people in the mosques who stepped out of line will be punished.

Bigger picture lestaxi1, bigger picture :rolleyes:

16th February 2011, 10:53
You chose not to see what he rest of us see.
I can't be bothered with someone who shuts their eyes to what is presented to them and brands anyone who points it out a racist,
Please add me to your blocked list as I'm not wasting anymore time on you:NoNo:

16th February 2011, 11:07
Unfortunately it is the isolated incidents that are the thorns in the side of 'normal' peaceful societies, and as history has shown again and again, eventually result in civil conflict, if not all-out war.

Some people choose to bury their heads in the sand, some to appease, some to forewarn.

16th February 2011, 11:23
Usual apologist, multiculturalist, inane tripe from the Chuckle Brothers

9/11,7/7, Islamisation & refusal to integrate, grooming of young girls, bogus colleges, poppy burning, rejection of western values - don't these "isolated incidents" form the "Bigger Picture" ?

16th February 2011, 12:07
Yes of course they do as history has shown but luckily more and more decent folk see what's happening and are getting tired of all these demands and Islamic crap shoved in our faces,I honestly believe it's one of the reasons why there had not been a major incident for a while.
I think the extremists know the tide will turn if they decide to do another 9/11 or 7/7 at this time.
Thats not to say it will happen in the future:yikes:

16th February 2011, 13:15
Usual apologist, multiculturalist, inane tripe from the Chuckle Brothers

9/11,7/7, Islamisation & refusal to integrate, grooming of young girls, bogus colleges, poppy burning, rejection of western values - don't these "isolated incidents" form the "Bigger Picture" ?

if your bothered that much, why don't join the army and go and give these guy's a fight in their back yard :Erm: :D

is it possible you all can stop insulting your fellow forum members as much as you can, the ban button is just a click away :D :Erm:

16th February 2011, 13:42
when 2 world's collide, such a cute baby :D

16th February 2011, 13:47
when 2 world's collide, such a cute baby :D

Sorry bornatbirth, I deleted the image then saw you had commented on it.
I am struggling with getting an image at a good size. i have a pm from a mod and am trying to work out what is happening......

16th February 2011, 14:15
if your bothered that much, why don't join the army and go and give these guy's a fight in their back yard :Erm: :D

is it possible you all can stop insulting your fellow forum members as much as you can, the ban button is just a click away :D :Erm:

These issues are all in our UK backyard so I expect the Govt to do what they were elected for and sort out the mess left behind by the socialists - for that reason I write to Theresa May and local and national newspapers to highlight the numerous failings and what I expect to be done. For example I demanded the sacking of the inept UKBA Officer who instructed that suspected drugs swallowers were not to be stopped during the snowy weather.

The apologist culture of political correctness, multi culturalism, human rights, roll over and accept it etc needs to be ripped away layer by layer

16th February 2011, 14:16
if your bothered that much, why don't join the army and go and give these guy's a fight in their back yard :Erm: :D

is it possible you all can stop insulting your fellow forum members as much as you can, the ban button is just a click away :D :Erm:

Unbelievable from a Mod:NoNo:
I get called a Racist and no action taken yet you threaten Dedworth with a ban-double standards!

16th February 2011, 14:25
You chose not to see what he rest of us see.
I can't be bothered with someone who shuts their eyes to what is presented to them and brands anyone who points it out a racist,
Please add me to your blocked list as I'm not wasting anymore time on you:NoNo:

Les..Be fair!! Hes ignoring DW so perhaps its your turn to hit the ignore button this time..
Now all we need is DW to ignore Keith or visa versa and Bobs your uncle, Happy days!.
Perhaps then I wouldn't get any more annoying complaints.

16th February 2011, 14:32
Ok I've hit the ignore button:xxgrinning--00xx3:
Let's talk about colours,and needlecraft now so as not to offend any one:xxgrinning--00xx3:

16th February 2011, 14:34
all the stuff dedworth post's and all those that agree sound like racist, why are you so surprised that other's don't agree including me :D

dedworth hide's behind a screen whilst ranting this nonsense that we are all doomed by the invading foreigner's :Erm:...i thought most on here married one :Wave:

that ban is for anyone who can't play nice and it's being reviewed!, beside's i thought you were all grown up's with better thing's to :)

16th February 2011, 14:48
The section Dedworth posted in is for any subject matter as confirmed in the past by Keith.
So according to your rules the documentary in question made by Asians must be Racist then!
What Dedworth is saying and I agree and do plenty of members on here that there is a growing Islamic movement preaching hatred and division to large groups of people.
This is already in this country and of course you are aware that the 7/7 bombers used mosques to hold their planning of bombing meetings?
It is not racist to discuss these things and be appalled at what we see.

16th February 2011, 14:50
nonsense that we are all doomed by the invading foreigner's :Erm:...i thought most on here married one :Wave:

that ban is for anyone who can't play nice and it's being reviewed!, beside's i thought you were all grown up's with better thing's to :)

Where have I ever lumped foreigners together other than crims, asylum seekers and the enemy within that is the topic of this thread.

Isn't it strange that we never see reports about girl grooming, bombings, insult and rejection of UK values by nationals of countries such as France, Malaysia, Brazil, China, Italy, Hungary, USA, Philippines - surely these counties must export their fair share of perverts, 'ner do wells, extremists etc over here or maybe that's all swept under the carpet ?

Still it's all sticks and stones, maybe people shouldn't be so eager to dish out the racist jibe - Oh sorry I forgot that was a standard Labour Party tactic until the politburo decided otherwise when it knew the game was up. What did Bottler Brown call that woman ? A bigot wasn't it ?

Back on topic ...............Other than myself and Les did anyone else actually watch the C4 programme ?

16th February 2011, 14:52
It is not racist to discuss these things and be appalled at what we see.

If we are governed by the Labour Party Rule Book 1997 - 2009 it is racist :D

16th February 2011, 14:53
hasn't everything been said already :Erm:

btw do you know that johncar and his wife made their own wedding clothe's :D

16th February 2011, 15:04
hasn't everything been said already :Erm:

btw do you know that johncar and his wife made their own wedding clothe's :D

It hasn't been said already, before there was any chance to discuss any of the issues raised on the programme it was hijacked with predictable racist accusations.

Those who watched it would have seen the former MP for Keighley and a Chief OFSTED Inspector indicate that the Mosque and School concealed what was going on.


Surprise, surprise, what a coincidence 9 years after the allegations were first raised a man has been arrested


A very interesting fact about Mr & Mrs Johncars wedding outfits thank you for highlighting it

16th February 2011, 15:06
anyone got some chill pills??

16th February 2011, 15:34
Hey just thought the Prime minister is a racist for saying our multi-cultural society has failed:yikes:

16th February 2011, 15:50
This has NOTHING to do with our relationships with Filipinas....and OUR immediate families - citizens who have made every effort to abide by British immigration rules, to embrace the British way of life, and to assimilate peacefully into society.

Does anyone seriously think that I/we are not aware of racial discrimination and intolerance ? :rolleyes:

It has everything to do with genuinely felt concerns by some members, who perhaps are not ready to be brainwashed into accepting the 'politically-correct' utopian society envisaged by other members in their naive daydreams.

These are my wonderful children, for whom I have made many personal sacrifices in order to give them a good life...a nice selection for a 'racist':


Yes, I WILL protect them with my life from muslim extremists and other lunatics.
The 'racist' label is purely a red herring in these discussions.

16th February 2011, 15:54
This has NOTHING to do with our relationships with Filipinas....and OUR immediate families - citizens who have made every effort to abide by British immigration rules, to embrace the British way of life, and to assimilate peacefully into society.

Does anyone seriously think that I/we are not aware of racial discrimination and intolerance ? :rolleyes:

It has everything to do with genuinely felt concerns by some members, who perhaps are not ready to be brainwashed into accepting the 'politically-correct' utopian society envisaged by other members in their naive daydreams.

These are my wonderful children, for whom I have made many personal sacrifices in order to give them a good life...a nice selection for a 'racist':


Yes, I WILL protect them with my life from muslim extremists and other lunatics.
The 'racist' label is purely a red herring in these discussions.

Thank you Graham for pointing that out,that is exactly what we are talking about but unfortunately you can get branded a racist on here for speaking your mind by people who don't listen to what you are trying to say.
Reminds me of kids who put fingers in ears and go na na na na not listening:icon_lol:

16th February 2011, 16:52
a great read from many and Graham a great picture yet again great kids and a beautiful lady too,well lads and lasses dont know what sttarted this all and i am not intrested either my world how ever small is what i am intrested in , sod every else my family and my friends are my concern , be good and polite to others and hopefully they will be the same if not ignore them , simple but then again thats me a simple person trying to have a great life

16th February 2011, 16:58
a great read from many and Graham a great picture yet again great kids and a beautiful lady too,well lads and lasses dont know what sttarted this all and i am not intrested either my world how ever small is what i am intrested in , sod every else my family and my friends are my concern , be good and polite to others and hopefully they will be the same if not ignore them , simple but then again thats me a simple person trying to have a great life

I guess those people sitting on a bus and 3 tube trains at the wrong time and place on 7/7/2005 were ordinary folk just wanting to get on with things and have a great life amongst family and friends.

16th February 2011, 17:08
indeed the wrong place for many in this world , and i hope that i am never there , but one day i will die, with my loving emma near me i hope but if i get killed another way well i just hope that i have given my family happy memories of my life,

16th February 2011, 18:51
The wife I watched it We were shocked and angered. What were the parents of these children doing about it ? If they had been my kids I would of armed myself with the biggest piece of wood i could hold in one hand then get the offending teachers, then beat the hell out of them Sod the law. For me it ruined the following program, one born every minute. I was still shaking with anger hours later.

16th February 2011, 19:09
I guess those people sitting on at home at the wrong time and place on 20/03/2003 were ordinary folk just wanting to get on with things and have a great life amongst family and friends.

Your absolutly right :xxgrinning--00xx3:

16th February 2011, 19:32
Your absolutly right :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Good point Keith.

16th February 2011, 20:17
all the stuff dedworth post's and all those that agree sound like racist, why are you so surprised that other's don't agree including me :D

dedworth hide's behind a screen whilst ranting this nonsense that we are all doomed by the invading foreigner's :Erm:...i thought most on here married one :Wave:

that ban is for anyone who can't play nice and it's being reviewed!, beside's i thought you were all grown up's with better thing's to :)

I always feel like this when she gives me a tampo :laugher:

16th February 2011, 21:09
What goes on in the outside world, whether we like it or not, is our concern. You make that statement to the grieving widows at Wotton Bassett watching there dead loved ones going by in coffins. These and the thousands before them have made it possible to have a 'great life' here in the UK. We owe it to those fallen servicemen to have concerns on what happens outside our little circle of comfort. Ignorance is not an excuse. Good thread Dedworth. Keep up the good work :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Ako Si Jamie
16th February 2011, 21:13
J - Just for the sake of good order and before you get daubed with the racist brush by our intellectual newly wed's chum I think it might be advisable to edit your post to read " likes of fundamental and extreme Muslims"

Are you anywhere near the Alum Rock Mosque if I'm not mistaken that's featured in a documentary or two ?I'll leave it as it is. A racist in my eyes is someone who has hatred for everyone who's of a different race to them such as white supremists. It just seems nowadays someone makes a comment about a person of a different race and they get branded one. It's getting so stupid now, a kid at some school has been branded a racist for calling a fellow pupil 'Chocolate Brownie' even though this kid is white and has Brown as his surname. :doh

As for Alum Rock, I live the other side of the city now although I did live in Asian communities such as Sparkbrook & Small Heath, the area where the school on the programme is.

16th February 2011, 21:48
Another pic' of my 'diverse' family: :D

16th February 2011, 22:38
oh its hot in here,,, must be the vindaloo ,:action-smiley-081:
why do the muslims get planning permission so easily to build their mosques ?
why are their wants and demands given to them so easily ? ,,, is it for their votes? or maybe to keep them quiet?
why have i as a white english man lost my freedom of speach ?a black muslim has freedom of speach. sorry can i say black or is it racist ?
i grew up around bradford , and keighley hot spots if you like,i watched them over the years growing in numbers, them running their illegal brothels,young white english girls 11,12,13 yrs old introduced to drugs groomed and put to prostitution by these muslims,(my lovely young neice included,she has suffered physicly and mentaly even now still affected by the experience,areas of keighly, the police dare not interfear, they do as they like,4 days after reporting harrassment on an old guy and his wife entering their house uninvited to do this, 4 days thats 4 days the police turned up in numbers , what good is that? the cavelry turns up after the battle is done, fear they are feared,
multy cultural no no, its fast becomming a muslim country and our govermont welcome it, on englands green and pleasant land, just dont say im racist , im just a witness of the truth, bring back my heratage , the golly wog, black n white minstrels, ba ba black sheep,
the right to joke about other races as we have always done, ie,, the scotsman the english man and the irish man,without being accused of racism. this is not the england i knew, this my view and my right as is all our rights to say what we think, now thats england freedom of speach rip :Britain::Britain::Britain:

16th February 2011, 22:53
areas of keighly, the police dare not interfear, they do as they like,4 days after reporting harrassment on an old guy and his wife entering their house uninvited to do this, 4 days thats 4 days the police turned up in numbers , what good is that?

Only 4 days - that's a result :icon_lol: it's taken them 9 years since it was first raised by the local Labour MP to pull someone for child abuse at the madrassa

Ako Si Jamie
16th February 2011, 23:04
Talking about Golliwogs. I heard of a garage in Birmingham back in the 70's or 80's which was called Golliwogs. Guess who drove the van? A black guy - and he never had a problem with it!

16th February 2011, 23:10
Sorry to read that Imagine, you are so right. Alright for these do gooders, untouched by the evils of this world to spout out there liberal views :NoNo:

16th February 2011, 23:45
Talking about Golliwogs. I heard of a garage in Birmingham back in the 70's or 80's which was called Golliwogs. Guess who drove the van? A black guy - and he never had a problem with it!

nice one, mmmm who did decide what was and what wasnt racist , a white govorment?
i had never before the racist laws heard any complaints from the black comunitys,
but a short time after these laws, i heard of black guys refusing to be fired from their jobs claiming it was discrimination, i realy believe that now it is the white english guy who is discriminated against

16th February 2011, 23:46
Sorry to read that Imagine, you are so right. Alright for these do gooders, untouched by the evils of this world to spout out there liberal views :NoNo:


Ako Si Jamie
17th February 2011, 00:08
nice one, mmmm who did decide what was and what wasnt racist , a white govorment?
i had never before the racist laws heard any complaints from the black comunitys,
but a short time after these laws, i heard of black guys refusing to be fired from their jobs claiming it was discrimination, i realy believe that now it is the white english guy who is discriminated againstIt seems to some people that the white man is the only one capable of being racist :rolleyes:

17th February 2011, 00:17
It seems to some people that the white man is the only one capable of being racist :rolleyes:

is it cos im white

17th February 2011, 00:28
Well at last I'm glad many of you have posted on here as myself and Dedworth were being called racists on here for daring to highlight the programme and the social problems we face.
We were being told we were the only 2 people on here with these views in not so many words so it's good to see some support from the forum members.

We are not racists but do not like the many changes imposed on us and the cruelty of extreme Islamic idiots and the slow eradication of our old values which made the country a once great nation.

Some people don't even listen and just call you a racist,others shrug their shoulders and say it's not their problem.

Well one day it may be!
One other thing often pointed out also is that we don't see good in people,only take a snapshot of problems etc etc.

I am a very happy person,get along with everybody and am well liked (or so I'm told):icon_lol:
I will always help people,I give to charity etc,etc
I do take exception to people featured in that documentary and would happily of planted one on the chin of that child abuser if I had been within 2 foot of him,I don't think thats the actions of a racist.
I''m guessing one or two on here would have turned a blind eye and said it's an isolated incident:NoNo:

17th February 2011, 00:31
Note Post # 55 - is a malicious post - my original comment #52 has been copied, altered and reposted purporting to be a quote from myself

17th February 2011, 00:34
oh its hot in here,,, must be the vindaloo ,:action-smiley-081:
why do the muslims get planning permission so easily to build their mosques ?
why are their wants and demands given to them so easily ? ,,, is it for their votes? or maybe to keep them quiet?
why have i as a white english man lost my freedom of speach ?a black muslim has freedom of speach. sorry can i say black or is it racist ?
i grew up around bradford , and keighley hot spots if you like,i watched them over the years growing in numbers, them running their illegal brothels,young white english girls 11,12,13 yrs old introduced to drugs groomed and put to prostitution by these muslims,(my lovely young neice included,she has suffered physicly and mentaly even now still affected by the experience,areas of keighly, the police dare not interfear, they do as they like,4 days after reporting harrassment on an old guy and his wife entering their house uninvited to do this, 4 days thats 4 days the police turned up in numbers , what good is that? the cavelry turns up after the battle is done, fear they are feared,
multy cultural no no, its fast becomming a muslim country and our govermont welcome it, on englands green and pleasant land, just dont say im racist , im just a witness of the truth, bring back my heratage , the golly wog, black n white minstrels, ba ba black sheep,
the right to joke about other races as we have always done, ie,, the scotsman the english man and the irish man,without being accused of racism. this is not the england i knew, this my view and my right as is all our rights to say what we think, now thats england freedom of speach rip :Britain::Britain::Britain:

i didn't realise people still think like this, it's something my grandfather would say :NoNo:

17th February 2011, 00:37
Well at last I'm glad many of you have posted on here as myself and Dedworth were being called racists on here for daring to highlight the programme and the social problems we face.
We were being told we were the only 2 people on here with these views in not so many words so it's good to see some support from the forum members.

We are not racists but do not like the many changes imposed on us and the cruelty of extreme Islamic idiots and the slow eradication of our old values which made the country a once great nation.

Some people don't even listen and just call you a racist,others shrug their shoulders and say it's not their problem.

Well one day it may be!
One other thing often pointed out also is that we don't see good in people,only take a snapshot of problems etc etc.

I am a very happy person,get along with everybody and am well liked (or so I'm told):icon_lol:
I will always help people,I give to charity etc,etc
I do take exception to people featured in that documentary and would happily of planted one on the chin of that child abuser if I had been within 2 foot of him,I don't think thats the actions of a racist.
I''m guessing one or two on here would have turned a blind eye and said it's an isolated incident:NoNo:

here here, well said :xxgrinning--00xx3:

17th February 2011, 00:46
Note Post # 55 - is a malicious post - my original comment #52 has been copied, altered and reposted purporting to be a quote from myself

are you really complaining about it :icon_lol:

17th February 2011, 00:47
Baa Baa Black sheap tut tut you will be saying Blackboard next evil man:icon_lol:

17th February 2011, 00:47
i didn't realise people still think like this, it's something my grandfather would say :NoNo:

obviously you you didnt live through and witness what has happened to our freedom,
again i quote i am not racist , im just a witness to the changes and loss of our traditions,
i will add that every person what ever his / her race or colour is capable of good or bad doings, it is the change to our traditions, heratage, a whole way of life just to accomodate and keep racial harmony, and of course votes, excercise your right to speak your beleifs as i am too while we still have some rights

17th February 2011, 00:47
here here, well said :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Seconded - a sound post from Les. The poor old hate school is feeling "victimised" and has suspended operations until next month - this should be an opportunity for the authorities to step in and shut them down for breaching the School Session Times (England) Regulations 1999


17th February 2011, 00:49
Baa Baa Black sheap tut tut you will be saying Blackboard next evil man:icon_lol:

i dare not ask for a certain colour initials n b,, for certain its racist , and perhaps that one is offensive

17th February 2011, 00:51
Dare you ask for a black coffee or do you say without milk:icon_lol:

17th February 2011, 00:54
Dare you ask for a black coffee or do you say without milk:icon_lol:

can i have ethnic chocolate instead

17th February 2011, 00:57
Erm white chocolate or non-white?

17th February 2011, 00:58
Sorry to other members if were just acting childish but this is how sad a nation we have become not even daring mention the colour "Black" sometimes in case it offends!

17th February 2011, 00:59
are you really complaining about it :icon_lol:

Actually yes I am complaining citing double standards – after today’s perpetrator bitched you chastised me for changing a name see Post #38 formerly known as $lut of The Year thread

bornatbirth said

btw when quoting somebody dont change the name, thx :xxgrinning--00xx3:..next time :xxaction-smiley-047

17th February 2011, 01:02
after the stick you give keith, live with it :D

17th February 2011, 01:06
Sorry to other members if were just acting childish but this is how sad a nation we have become not even daring mention the colour "Black" sometimes in case it offends!

theres no doubt this has become a childish society in more ways than a mixed society,
our chidren, we cant smack them just because a minority abuse this parental right,
any discrimination or protective laws just dont seem to make a 50/50 balance it seems to swing the opposite direction,
a naughty boy society , i hang my head in shame

Arthur Little
17th February 2011, 01:17
i didn't realise people still think like this, it's something my grandfather would say :NoNo:

Perhaps you should've taken heed of what your grandfather said :rolleyes: ... sounds like he was/is a very wise man!

17th February 2011, 01:27
a remember int tolden days, i wa proud to be a yorkshire man,nowadays if am asked where im from i try not to say bradford ,
int tolden days i waz proud to be british , nowadays im ashamed,
i packed my bags and fled to scotland, and very soon the pole tax was sent after me,
poor scotland they never deserved being ruled by england

17th February 2011, 01:27
Perhaps you should've taken heed of what your grandfather said :rolleyes: ... sounds like he was/is a very wise man!

sorry arthur, that's a very old and out dated view...my grandfather liked to rant probably why my grandmother left him :Erm:, sadly they both have died.

17th February 2011, 01:28
Perhaps you should've taken heed of what your grandfather said :rolleyes: ... sounds like he was/is a very wise man!

here here

17th February 2011, 01:38
Perhaps you should've taken heed of what your grandfather said :rolleyes: ... sounds like he was/is a very wise man!

And probably one of the millions (like both of mine and my dad) who fought to keep the British way of life.

I'd have been ranting too, having seen hundreds of thousands of good men die for their country, only to be betrayed by idiots who were busy smoking pot back in the 60s and later selling their birthrights to the highest bidder. :cwm23:

I am old enough to remember what we have LOST.

17th February 2011, 01:45
One thing I have noticed is that those that move from the UK no longer complain..That includes me and I used to bitch with the best of them about the PC brigade trying to re teach me how to think and how to re adjust to a country I was born in and once loved ..
Im starting to see Nigels point of view about reading too many newspapers and watching to many news channels.
There is nothing any of us can do about these issues any more as the damage sustained in the UK is too severe.. The gate was left open far too long and the horse is no longer anywhere to be seen..
Im beyond caring..
Mentally,I feel so much healthier!

17th February 2011, 01:49
Fred, sadly you're right.

17th February 2011, 02:01
And probably one of the millions (like both of mine and my dad) who fought to keep the British way of life.

I'd have been ranting too, having seen hundreds of thousands of good men die for their country, only to be betrayed by idiots who were busy smoking pot back in the 60s and later selling their birthrights to the highest bidder. :cwm23:

I am old enough to remember what we have LOST.

enough to make em turn over in their grave

17th February 2011, 02:20
I will tell you this Im no racist Im married to my Filipina who is having our first child soon. Arthur is right about what Born a birth said about his Grand father. Mine too, they would all be turning in there graves after seeing the state of this county they fought for on the Somme Both my Grand dads were there. All my uncles fought in the 2nd world war 2 didnt come back and my Dad in Korea, what was it all for? Jack **** I say. Millions died in the name of freedom, freedom for whom? Not us, we are the slaves now, whats gone around has come around. Did i hear right, Born a birth saying the ban button is only a press away, who does that sound like, it sounded like a past Mod who got himself banned.

17th February 2011, 02:40
Actualy D your thread title sans tv describes perfectly your world view :icon_lol:

That crossed my mind too.

17th February 2011, 03:13
I will tell you this Im no racist Im married to my Filipina who is having our first child soon. Arthur is right about what Born a birth said about his Grand father. Mine too, they would all be turning in there graves after seeing the state of this county they fought for on the Somme Both my Grand dads were there. All my uncles fought in the 2nd world war 2 didnt come back and my Dad in Korea, what was it all for? Jack **** I say. Millions died in the name of freedom, freedom for whom? Not us, we are the slaves now, whats gone around has come around. Did i hear right, Born a birth saying the ban button is only a press away, who does that sound like, it sounded like a past Mod who got himself banned.

I wonder how the British public ever allowed things to go so far?
Cant imagine the French or even the Filipino`s ever letting their governments go against the peoples wishes to such an extent.
Perhaps its because they know we are such a tolerant lot and took advantage of that..
British people are being scammed..Have been for years IMO and they have allowed it to happen.

17th February 2011, 03:36
Perhaps its because they know we are such a tolerant lot and took advantage of that..

That is one of our defining qualities Fred, not something that was necessarily there throughout our entire history but it is a part of our national character that I grew up with and something I value greatly.

The question now is what do we want to lose, we can be reactionary and play to the agenda of the enemies of our way of life, or we can try to rise above simplistic reactionary politics and be something better.

I am not a religious man but I have always had great respect for the Christian notion of turning the other cheek, for that I will doubtless be flamed by others.

17th February 2011, 04:25
The question now is what do we want to lose, we can be reactionary and play to the agenda of the enemies of our way of life, or we can try to rise above simplistic reactionary politics and be something better.

Jim..I understand what you mean perfectly.
The problem for me Jim is thats what many of us have been doing for years.
Turning the other cheek and being true to our tolerant nature..Just getting on with it ,stiff upper lip and all that..
But with what reward?
For me,it seems that our out of touch Politicians have been misrepresenting us for so long now that we are regarded by the world as a nation of soft touches..
Look at the type of thing that has happened as a consequence since.. When I got married 22 years ago,my wife was with me in the UK 2 weeks later..End of story..And why not?? It was my right!!!!
I felt quite proud as I introduced her to the UK back then!
These days we have good honest guys like Alan who are still stuck in Cebu as its the only way after 3 years of marriage he can be with his wife..Not to mention the many sad distances that separate many of the Brit-Fil married membership here..
Then we hear more stories of another sector of extremist immigrants that are free to live in the UK that treat our tolerance with contempt!
Hey!!! Rant over...I can feel the old demonic emotions coming back..
One of the reasons I left.:icon_lol::icon_lol:

17th February 2011, 05:11
There is no reward Fred only the knowledge that you are true to yourself.

If we stop trying then the one thing we can be sure of is that the forces of the manipulatable reactionary minority will be twisted against the long term interests of the majority of reasonable people.

Our problems with our politicians are another issue and a major one at that, as a young man I will freely admit that I was so clueless that I would not have known how to even begin to evaluate whether our politicians were acting for themselves or even paying lip service to the notion that we are all in this together, for the greater good and so on. I did have an emotional response to what was going on in the 80's though and not a good response I might say :)

It is probably even harder for the young folk today to get to grips with politics and as we all know there is great apathy when it comes to political debate in the UK these days.

We need to solve these kinds of problem first otherwise those who desire to see the end of our way of life have already won and it is only a matter of time before all the doom-sayers prophesy's come true.

Lets deal with the politics first, somehow. Simply reacting against the news headlines won't fix anything it only increases the polarisation in our country.

I'll PM you on your "two weeks" point, i wasn't aware :(

Alan, well I've met Alan, really good bloke and like me he is a victim of the system and that is a system that is not getting any better largely because of the perceived problems with our immigration policy that have encouraged tighter and tighter controls.

Relax friend Fred, you escaped ;) I'm sorry to have resurrected some of the old demons.

17th February 2011, 07:30
Wow busy thread lots of replys

First D what exactly did you find to be malisious? all i did was made your post reflect the equal horrors of aspiring to a good life but unfortunatly being in Bagdad on that date when the "smart bombs" rained down

For me its all the same no matter if your a family suffering loss there or in London Its also in my view true that past behaviour leads to cause and effect consiquences that indeed may have unfortunate and terrible affects on ordinary folks lives.I could therefor wholeheartedly agree with you as im sure would you with me:rolleyes:

The problems of living in our Country today unfortunatly dont have easy answers and I notice my own nostalgic feelings to the time when every year was better than the year that passed it Although I can also remember the terror felt by the family at the threat of nuclear war.

No system that runs as ours will be able to act other than as the fire brigade running from blaze to blaze much more worrying is the kind of protectionist view that circulates always looking to keep the threat level high and devide us from what should be our common cause to gether as humans, our kids all have the latest gadgets whilst countless million struggle and die from lack of basic nessesaties like clean drinkingwater.

The household corporations responcible to none but their share holders move production to whereever its cheapest and ensure that wages for ordinary people in the UK require benifits after there 40 hours just to pay the bills, that wasnt the case when most of us entered the workforce.

If its true that our society is being manipulated then you can be sure that the perpatrators are white, public school boys with an agenda of devision and profit and not because of the 12% non white population has somehow taken over, We are a patient lot bye and large but lets be clear where the anger we may feel belongs self serving M.P.s and Lords, Bankers who rob our pensions
not simarlarly abused brown people with diferent roots.

Racism is of course alive and well here in the Phils to both local folk and longnoses and once you have been on the recieving end it may change your world view.

I think the best plan for the world would be where no frontiers existed unfortunatly that may yet come true but not from any liberal intention to share our resources its up to each one of us to decide what will happen and the legacy we will leave our kids and grandkids and drawing attention to the hate for people who may be seen as different is the first step.

In the mean time feel free to express yourselves as will I:xxgrinning--00xx3:

17th February 2011, 18:32
Being tolerant is our defining quailty You got to be having a laugh! Its a bloody weakness Its being like that whats got us into this mess! We were sold down the river by all past and present governments and will continue to be. Enoch Powell was right and they all knew it. We are about as free as the North Korea's its all bullshit. Let the self appointed know all's say different I know im right along with Ded and Co.

Arthur Little
17th February 2011, 19:00
... the ban button is only a press away, who does that sound like, it sounded like a past Mod who got himself banned.

:gp: ... some say: "Good old Dom!" :panach28: ... others [like yourself] tell the truth! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

17th February 2011, 19:09
Good ole Dom!!!..:xxgrinning--00xx3:

17th February 2011, 19:41
Being tolerant is our defining quailty You got to be having a laugh! Its a bloody weakness Its being like that whats got us into this mess! We were sold down the river by all past and present governments and will continue to be. Enoch Powell was right and they all knew it. We are about as free as the North Korea's its all bullshit. Let the self appointed know all's say different I know im right along with Ded and Co.

You are dead right gWaPito there is so much that has gone wrong with no fabric to society.It is not about tolerance it is about having no backbone morally or otherwise and allowing the scum, crims ,chancers to gain the upper hand and walk all over us. Past and present governments are to blame particularly the last shower of sh1t.

We need a drastic overhaul of the immigration system, withdrawl from all human rights conventions replaced by a British bill of rights, prison regimes made harsher and a possible reintroduction of corporal and capital punishment - the germs need to understand who's in charge. The fat bloated public sector should be cut back to the core with a reduction in national and local elected representatives.

Arthur Little
17th February 2011, 19:46
Enoch Powell was right and they all knew it.

:iagree: ... which is probably the reason he lost out in the Conservative Leadership Contest during the mid 1960s - being deemed to pose too much of a "threat" to an increasingly stuffy Establishment with his "Rivers of Blood"
speeches :rolleyes: - and we were landed with a limp-wristed Edward Heath ... who, according to my dad at the time, sounded more like a bleating :sheep: ... yet went on to become the Prime Minister - whose BIGGEST mistake was to misguidedly take :Britain: into the European Common Market at the dawn of the following decade. :doh

17th February 2011, 19:49
You are dead right gWaPito there is so much that has gone wrong with no fabric to society.It is not about tolerance it is about having no backbone morally or otherwise and allowing the scum, crims ,chancers to gain the upper hand and walk all over us. Past and present governments are to blame particularly the last shower of sh1t.

We need a drastic overhaul of the immigration system, withdrawl from all human rights conventions replaced by a British bill of rights, prison regimes made harsher and a possible reintroduction of corporal and capital punishment - the germs need to understand who's in charge. The fat bloated public sector should be cut back to the core with a reduction in national and local elected representatives.

**** me!! Reminds me of Tom Browns school days!!!

17th February 2011, 19:58
Wow busy thread lots of replys

First D what exactly did you find to be malisious? all i did was made your post reflect the equal horrors of aspiring to a good life but unfortunatly being in Bagdad on that date when the "smart bombs" rained down

It is malicious because you have conjured up a sentence and put my name to it thereby giving the false impression that I wrote it.

I've not quoted the rest of your sermon with the nonsense of terror of nuclear war, tears for the Iraq toilet state and the bitterness towards business. I can only visualise you having existed in one of these pseudo socialist twee North London type abodes frequented by creatures such as the Blairs and Millibands. Evenings spent supping Chablis, toking on a joint or two, whilst discussing Thatcher bashing the miners, next weeks demo about cruise missiles and articles in the Guardian and New Statesman.

Arthur Little
17th February 2011, 20:05
**** me!!

:NoNo: ... :68711_thanx:, Fred ... think I'll give that one a miss!

Reminds me of Tom Browns school days!!!

With Dedworth as 'Flashman' :D ... and Gwap as his "fag", you mean? :laugher:

17th February 2011, 20:05
I see they are still blowing the crap out each other in Iraq:NoNo:

17th February 2011, 20:18
Like you Fred and like many hundreds of thousands before, our wife's etc got there visas because we were in gain full employment. Its a simply formula. Many have gone into work they dislike for a number of months to get the pay checks to get the visa. Surely 6 months of a not so good job, is a small price to pay to get your partner here. The guys with all the flowery words surely could see further than the end of there nose? My cupboard is not that full of them but, I could see it. There are many nice lovely people who would love to come here, whats the answer, let them all over then cross that bridge when we come to it? Does the tax payer support them? Its the government protecting the tax payer. I hope i dont sound harsh, its not men't if it does.

17th February 2011, 20:39
A number of posters on this thread need to cheer up and be thankful for what they've got! Their talk of this country going down the pan is an exaggeration and some suggestions to fix it are sinister to say the least!

In my opinion, we are lucky to live in one of the greatest countries on earth. We have freedom of speech, a high standard of living, good education system, free healthcare, a democratic government, low crime levels and many other benefits.

I admit that there are many problems, but these are in a different league to those faced by people in other parts of the world, who are struggling with poverty, war, disease and corrupt leadership.

So how about a positive post or two? :xxgrinning--00xx3:

17th February 2011, 21:12
Being tolerant is our defining quailty You got to be having a laugh! Its a bloody weakness Its being like that whats got us into this mess!

"One" of our defining qualities, at least during the time and in the place that I grew up, perhaps tolerant and fair I should have said.

I will quote a verse of Burns as an indicator of where I come from and the values I hold dear. By the way my father agreed with Powell in the 60's even then as a child under 10 years old I felt uncomfortable with my fathers views.

This is the English translation of the last verse as some of the old scots words can be a bit hard even for the best of us -

Then let us pray that come it may
(As come it will for a' that)
That Sense and Worth over all the earth
Shall have the first place and all that!
For all that, and all that,
It is coming yet for all that,
That man to man the world over
Shall brothers be for all that.

Original -

Then let us pray that come it may
(As come it will for a' that)
That Sense and Worth o'er a' the earth
Shall bear the gree an' a' that!
For a' that, an' a' that,
It's comin yet for a' that,
That man to man the world o'er
Shall brithers be for a' that.

17th February 2011, 21:14
There are plenty of positive posts on here,but this is a difficult thread due to it's content.
It's proven to be a very interesting and much read and debated post and that's a healthy situation.
There are many advantages of the UK of course but many things deteriorating too and we should not close our eyes to this.
Feel free to start a nice cheerful thread I will happily join in:)

Ako Si Jamie
17th February 2011, 21:18
Agreed Mr Cabbie! Let's blame Thatcher. :D

17th February 2011, 21:22
A number of posters on this thread need to cheer up and be thankful for what they've got! Their talk of this country going down the pan is an exaggeration and some suggestions to fix it are sinister to say the least!

In my opinion, we are lucky to live in one of the greatest countries on earth. We have freedom of speech, a high standard of living, good education system, free healthcare, a democratic government, low crime levels and many other benefits.

I admit that there are many problems, but these are in a different league to those faced by people in other parts of the world, who are struggling with poverty, war, disease and corrupt leadership.

So how about a positive post or two? :xxgrinning--00xx3:

just like here then :laugher:

17th February 2011, 22:15
Lets keep thhis civil please guys, or I'll be the one butting people out ok. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

17th February 2011, 22:39
politics, and religeon, its got to be trouble even to just debate about them ,

i think maybe we should all agree to disagree , put aside our different views,
we have a right to our own views, and to each one sees his view as true as the next one,
that will put an end to this thread,
who started it anway, bet hes laughing his head off at us all:laugher:

17th February 2011, 22:41
There are plenty of positive posts on here,but this is a difficult thread
Feel free to start a nice cheerful thread I will happily join in:)

like Arsenal for the treble :xxgrinning--00xx3:

17th February 2011, 22:50
like Arsenal for the treble :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Look we will have the title and you can have your first European cup-deal?:xxgrinning--00xx3:

17th February 2011, 22:53
It's a good healthy discussion and a bit heated yes but were grown men I think we can take a bit of banter without bursting into tears:NoNo:

17th February 2011, 23:26
Lets keep thhis civil please guys, or I'll be the one butting people out ok. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

alf garnett is alive and well :Erm:

did we all laugh at him or with him :Help1:

17th February 2011, 23:33
alf garnett is alive and well :Erm:

did we all laugh at him or with him :Help1:

Fine, I'll delete my post if all we're permitted is to be yes men.

I said nothing personal, and neither did I specifically flame anyone.

Perhaps I'll just butt out myself if I'm expected to have to read such childish and bitchy 'responses'. :rolleyes:

17th February 2011, 23:42
you see nothing wrong with it :Erm:

reading this thread is very depressing and i find it strange that so many posting here are so young and sound like my grumpy old grandfather who arthur thinks must be a very wise old man...to bad nobody cried at his funeral.

btw who exactly is allowed to post in this thread :Erm:

it maybe best to close this thread before we all get over excited :)

17th February 2011, 23:49
Wow we are reaching censorship now on this forum.
Right let's all talk about flowers and pretty colours now:crazy:

17th February 2011, 23:52
Right let's all talk about flowers and pretty colours now:crazy:

it would be better than reading the offensive rubbish posted in this thread by many who should know better :xxgrinning--00xx3:

17th February 2011, 23:55
How did you ever become a mod?
The only thing offensive was the preachers of hate and child beaters which this post highlighted,Maybe try reading the thread you may learn something:NoNo:

17th February 2011, 23:57
Wow we are reaching censorship now on this forum.
Right let's all talk about flowers and pretty colours now:crazy:


...and someone's grandad is the benchmark by which we are to be judged.

I'm off. :NoNo:

17th February 2011, 23:57
I could never get on with the Guardian A lot of words all amounting to the thing Utter rubbish. Jim Otley Nice poem I agree with Mr Burns too! All brothers together. But what if some of our brothers come here and dont want to play ball? This is the essence of Ded's thread. Some of these teachers are grooming these kids to hate us. Is this right? How about the conditions on getting a British Passport Surely it says we all got to rumble nicely together? Ok not in those words but similar.

Ako Si Jamie
18th February 2011, 00:02
it would be better than reading the offensive rubbish posted in this thread by many who should know better :xxgrinning--00xx3:Maybe you should explain!

18th February 2011, 00:04
How did you ever become a mod?
The only thing offensive was the preachers of hate and child beaters which this post highlighted,Maybe try reading the thread you may learn something:NoNo:

i have learned what men of a certain age really think and even some younger, im really surprised by the views from many of the posts in this thread by many of the long term members and this is :crazy:

18th February 2011, 00:09
I think a lot of us on here as you point out, many in fact! do not agree with you so I'm afraid your privileged position as a mod does not give you a right to dictate to us how we feel right now if you were up for election I feel you would loose your deposit.
You are taking the view that as you do not agree with people on here as mod you are right we are wrong:NoNo:

18th February 2011, 00:56
Would you all speak to each other like this if you were face to face? Treat people on here as you would in public, and also this is my forum, treat it as if you are in my home ..... that's with respect if you can't figure it out.

18th February 2011, 01:08
come on guys, lets all go for a vindaloo :action-smiley-082:

18th February 2011, 01:37
How very interesting Til Death do us part was brought up. Of course we were laughing at him That was the object:NoNo: the funny stuff was based around his lay about kids and his beloved West Ham. Yes There was what you would call today racist digs. It was not called that in those days. There was a guy who saw 2 world wars, the changes going on in the 60's was massive. We had labour shortages so we had to bringin from outside. I knew people who left the west end to live and work where I live I would not class those as racists Far from it. They wanted out from the changes being enforced upon them. Oh Arthur What did you mean by me being Ded's fag? I hope its not slang for Bitch? No I never read the book Even the famous 5. Rather read General McArthur.

18th February 2011, 02:42
i have just gone through this thread and you know what its boring after a while talk about going round in circles, yes we may like in a bad place but if its that bad move, yes we can say what we want and nothing gets done about it , again as long as yourself and others around you are fine then realy who gives a jot,like i have said before, my family is my concern first and will always be that way,usualy the rest of the world takes care of itself, someone said on here about not reading papers and watching to much tv , well i do that and you know what i am a little more happy,

18th February 2011, 02:55
Being tolerant is our defining quailty You got to be having a laugh! Its a bloody weakness Its being like that whats got us into this mess! We were sold down the river by all past and present governments and will continue to be. Enoch Powell was right and they all knew it. We are about as free as the North Korea's its all bullshit. Let the self appointed know all's say different I know im right along with Ded and Co.

FactCheck: Enoch Powell's 1968 speech
By Channel 4 News Updated on 07 April 2008
Forty years ago, Conservative politician Enoch Powell made one of the most controversial speeches in British history - and effectively ended his political career.
The 'Rivers of Blood' speech outlined his fears at the numbers of immigrants coming into Britain, and their impact on society as he knew it.

FactCheck looks at some of the claims in his speech, and how they compared to the wider picture then and now.

All quotes are from Enoch Powell's speech (http://www.channel4.com/news/articles/dispatches/rivers%2bof%2bblood%2bspeech/1934152.html) to the Conservative Association meeting in Birmingham, 20 April 1968.
The elderly widow
"'Eight years ago in a respectable street in Wolverhampton a house was sold to a Negro. Now only one white (a woman old-age pensioner) lives there. This is her story...'"
Powell tells the story, which he quoted from a letter, of one of his constituents - a widow whose sons had died in the war. The unidentified woman had taken boarders in at her seven-bed house, but gradually her white tenants had left, and she refused to let rooms to immigrants.

Powell recounted how "negroes" abused her at 7am when she refused to let them use her phone. "She is becoming afraid to go out," quoted Powell. "Windows are broken. She finds excreta pushed through her letterbox."

The emotive tale touched a nerve, but who was the woman? Powell steadfastly refused to identify her, writing to a Labour MP: "I never disclose ... particulars likely to assist in the identification of constituents ... whose cases I may use to illustrate circumstances."

When grilled on television in January 1969 by David Frost, Powell was repeatedly asked whether he had verified the story. He deflected the questions, saying instead that he had "verified the source" and hadn't the slightest doubt the story was true, and typical.

Had Powell got his facts right or could he have fallen prey to National Front propaganda?
So had Powell got his facts right or could he have fallen prey to National Front propaganda? Local and national press at the time tried to track down the elderly widow, but to no avail.

Last year, the Radio 4 programme Document enlisted a historian to help sift through the paper trail. They narrowed it down to around 200 women who matched criteria such as having lived in the same street for years, being widowed during the war.

The search narrowed down to one woman: Drucilla Cotterill, a homeowner in Brighton Place, then aged 68, who had been taking in lodgers for some years.

Most of the pieces fit, although Cotterill didn't match up completely: she didn't have a telephone, or lose sons during the war.

The BBC interviewed former child residents of Brighton Place, who remembered excrement being put through a letterbox, and a dead dog being put through a window. However, other evidence suggested that things were far more friendly.

"It is hard to know exactly what his constituents were saying to him at the time," said Robert Pearce, a former professor of modern history and author of Enoch Powell, a biography out later this year. "But if it were a real person, it seems unlikely that it was all accurate."
Party policy?
"The answers to the simple and rational question are equally simple and rational: by stopping, or virtually stopping, further inflow, and by promoting the maximum outflow. Both answers are part of the official policy of the Conservative party."
Although some quarters of the party welcomed Powell's speech, he took things a fair jump further than the official party line in calling for the "maximum outflow" of immigrants.

As the 1966 election manifesto shows, moves to allow immigrants to go back were strictly voluntary: the party would, it said, "help immigrants already here to rejoin their families in their countries of origin, or to return with their families to these countries, if they so wish".

As party leader Edward Heath in his statement on Powell's dismissal from the shadow cabinet:

"I have repeatedly emphasised that the policy of the Conservative party is that immigration must be most strictly limited and that immigrants wishing to return to their own countries should be financially helped to do so. But everyone already in the country must be treated as equal before the law."
Migration numbers
"In 15 or 20 years, on present trends, there will be in this country three and a half million Commonwealth immigrants and their descendants. That is not my figure. That is the official figure given to parliament by the spokesman of the Registrar General's Office."
As we'll see in the next claim, if anything Powell seems to have underestimated the numbers of immigrants that would come to Britain. But at the time, his three and a half million figure was the kind of dubious statistical representation that gets FactCheck's calculator burning.

As Bill Smithies and Peter Fiddick pointed out in a 1969 analysis of Powell's speech, the 3.5 million estimate was given in a parliamentary answer to the anti-immigration MP Sir Cyril Osborne.

He had asked in June 1967 for the government's estimate of the present and likely future coloured population of Britain if the current rate of immigration and immigrant fertility continued - both of which were unlikely to happen owing to newly imposed controls on immigration, and because fertility rates were expected to decline as an immigrant group got more settled and grew older.

Still, on this basis, the government gave estimates of one million in 1966, 1.75 million in 1975 and 3.5 million in 1985, although these needed to be taken with caution.

If anything Powell seems to have underestimated the numbers of immigrants that would come to Britain.
According to official statistics, it's estimated that 472,500 new Commonwealth immigrants entered Britain between 1955 and 1962, when Commonwealth citizens became subject to immigration control and counting procedures were tightened up. There were then around Commonwealth 60,000 immigrants a year throughout the sixties.

In 1968, there were a total of 84,470 immigrants in 1968, 64,380 of them from the Commonwealth. In 1969, the number declined to 48,090; in 1970, 42,380, before peaking at 72,510 (when laws changed).

"There is no comparable official figure for the year 2000, but it must be in the region of five to seven million, approximately one-tenth of the whole population, and approaching that of Greater London."

Never mind dependants born in the UK: according to 2001 census data, 4.9 million of the UK's population was born overseas, more than double the 2.1 million in 1951.

The decade up to 2001 saw the biggest increase in the post-war years in foreign-born population: 1.1 million, nearly double the 600,000 increase between 1961 and 1971.

However, the majority of immigrants nowadays come from Europe, rather than the Commonwealth. And what Powell didn't anticipate was the rise in short-stay migration: just over a third of foreign-born migrants who came to the UK in the nineties left the country within four years of arrival.

According to the 2001 census, 87 per cent, or around seven in eight, of England's population described their ethnicity as white British.
Rivers of blood
"As I look ahead, I am filled with foreboding; like the Roman, I seem to see "the River Tiber foaming with much blood'."
Just as no one in Casablanca actually says "Play it again, Sam," this is the closest the "Rivers of Blood" speech actually gets to its common title. What's the story behind the line that cemented Powell's reputation for racist rhetoric?

Powell is quoting a prophecy from Virgil's Aeneid, a Roman epic telling the mythological tale of the founding of Rome.

On arriving in Italy after many trials and tribulations, the Trojan warrior Aeneas consults a priestess, the Sibyl, to find out how his plans to create the new empire will turn out.

Her reply includes the line quoted by Powell: she tells Aeneas that in the process of creating Rome, she saw wars and the River Tiber foaming with blood.

'If it was any old person, you might think they'd just picked a line they liked the sound of and used it, but Powell was one of the best classicists of the twentieth century ... He'd have been well aware of the meaning of the line.'
Mary Beard, professor of classics at the University of Cambridge
"She was saying that you're going to found a multicultural, cosmopolitan state - and in the eyes of the Romans, Rome was the greatest civilisation - but it will be a painful process," said Mary Beard, professor of classics at the University of Cambridge.

Could this suggest a slightly more measured view of immigration - which may bring necessary problems in order to achieve a greater end - than the rest of Powell's speech?

There are other examples of rivers being used in Roman literature as a metaphor for mixed nationalities, giving the idea of a flood of new people coming in - although Powell's quote comes specifically from the Aeneid.

"If it was any old person, you might think they'd just picked a line they liked the sound of and used it, but Powell was one of the best classicists of the twentieth century," said Beard. "He'd have been well aware of the meaning of the line."

Either way, any nuances of the Latin were lost on Powell's audience.

18th February 2011, 03:18
Like you Fred and like many hundreds of thousands before, our wife's etc got there visas because we were in gain full employment. Its a simply formula. Many have gone into work they dislike for a number of months to get the pay checks to get the visa. Surely 6 months of a not so good job, is a small price to pay to get your partner here. The guys with all the flowery words surely could see further than the end of there nose? My cupboard is not that full of them but, I could see it. There are many nice lovely people who would love to come here, whats the answer, let them all over then cross that bridge when we come to it? Does the tax payer support them? Its the government protecting the tax payer. I hope i dont sound harsh, its not men't if it does.

I used to work 6 months jobbing (self employed) around the country and then off to various countries for the next 6 months.. After I got married I had about a 50 quid left and had to borrow some money from my Mum to pay the wife's airfare.. I left and went straight back to work painting & decorating trying to get some cash to rent a room before she arrived.. It was a bit tight but managed to get everything sorted for her arrival in the UK..
When she arrived we both went to work..Simple as that.
These days FORGET IT!!!! I`d have no chance.. With cheap labour walking visa free through immigration every day,filling the UK building sites up with cheap labour,I wouldn't stand a chance..:NoNo:
No wonder why the rules for spouce visas have changed..First they have to check if the Brit husband can compete with the crowds of Europeans they let in!!
You couldnt make it up!

18th February 2011, 03:24
noy just the building sites but everywhere, you cannot blame them would you do it if you where in there shoes, i am lucky in a way , yes have bills to pay but with emma here with me and is working too, we are blessed , her money is going into savings to help us get out of here sooner then later:)

18th February 2011, 03:31
Sorry Apo Just a short response Im just going home. To quote what you quoted Thank you The old lady said they did indeed put there dumps through my letter box along with a dead dog but, they were a friendly lot! With friends like that who need a foe.

18th February 2011, 03:37
you cannot blame them would you do it if you where in there shoes,

Of course I would do it if I were in their shoes!! :xxgrinning--00xx3:
Id get work wherever I could find it to any country that would let me in..I`d even share a room with 5 others to keep costs down..I`d work like a dog and send everything I earned back to my Mrs and kids..I`d do it for years on end if necessary .

18th February 2011, 03:40
indeed thats what most would do

18th February 2011, 03:46
Sorry Apo Just a short response Im just going home. To quote what you quoted Thank you The old lady said they did indeed put there dumps through my letter box along with a dead dog but, they were a friendly lot! With friends like that who need a foe.

There was no "old woman" though, that was the point.

18th February 2011, 03:50
Of course I would do it if I were in their shoes!! :xxgrinning--00xx3:
Id get work wherever I could find it to any country that would let me in..I`d even share a room with 5 others to keep costs down..I`d work like a dog and send everything I earned back to my Mrs and kids..I`d do it for years on end if necessary .

Yep, anyone can find work if they really look hard enough and are willing to lower their expectations if it pays the bills.
The world is full of people who feel they are too good to work their "fingers to the bone".

The immigrants in the UK work very hard and there are many thousands of British people who want easy jobs given to them on a plate.

18th February 2011, 06:03
"KeithAngel said

First D what exactly did you find to be malisious? all i did was made your post reflect the equal horrors of aspiring to a good life but unfortunatly being in Bagdad on that date when the "smart bombs" rained down

For me its all the same no matter if your a family suffering loss there or in London Its also in my view true that past behaviour leads to cause and effect consiquences that indeed may have unfortunate and terrible affects on ordinary folks lives.I could therefor wholeheartedly agree with you as im sure would you with me"

It is malicious because you have conjured up a sentence and put my name to it thereby giving the false impression that I wrote it.

I've not quoted the rest of your sermon with the nonsense of terror of nuclear war, tears for the Iraq toilet state and the bitterness towards business. I can only visualise you having existed in one of these pseudo socialist twee North London type abodes frequented by creatures such as the Blairs and Millibands. Evenings spent supping Chablis, toking on a joint or two, whilst discussing Thatcher bashing the miners, next weeks demo about cruise missiles and articles in the Guardian and New Statesman.

To your first point "In modern usage an aphorism is generally understood to be a concise statement containing a subjective truth (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Truth) or observation cleverly and pithily written."

I note your sense of humour is diferent to mine you might have recognised the basic humanity in the transferance of your words and simply agreed that it was just as valid. Ordinary people dead in Bagdad in the past may well lead to ordinary people dead in London both are equal tradgedy,s

As to your second astute observation spot on (irony) Except I was up a mountain growing my food and finding myself accepted as an imigrant by my kind neihbours:icon_lol:

And to quote Fred

"Good old Dom":xxgrinning--00xx3:

18th February 2011, 10:04
:doh:doh:doh:doh:doh Please consider visitors and newbies to the site who may read this and never return.

18th February 2011, 11:03
And of course consider members who raise a valid point and are lambasted on here for being racist.
It's a shame we can't have a proper debate and to be honest I think that the forum has lost it's freedom of speech element and we are only going to be able to chat about topics that are only"pc".
It's a shame as I have enjoyed my time on here and don't talk about this type of thread all of the time.
Think it's time for me to go everyone.
So Mr Administrator please delete me from your forum and I wish the best to all on here but don't want to feel I'm bringing the forum down.
cheers Les

18th February 2011, 11:32
Lex I get called all sorts of things you and everyone else is entitled to there opinion and to ague there case as vociferously as the Boss and Mods allow

I dont myself see how you can complain about free speech and then want others not to have the same?:xxgrinning--00xx3:

18th February 2011, 11:51
to be honest, posting such a contreversial thread such as this was asking for trouble,

18th February 2011, 12:02
meaning of life, what is, is :rolleyes:

move on or i'll send me misses around :xxaction-smiley-047 :action-smiley-060::spank::xxsport-smiley-002: and you wouldn't like that :cwm24:

your worse than my 10yr old and 4yr old :NoNo:


18th February 2011, 12:03
to be honest, posting such a contreversial thread such as this was asking for trouble,

I wouldn't call it controversial this type of topic has always been acceptable on "Loose Talk, Chat and Off Topic" - merely a TV Doc that exposed the promotion of extremism and separation that was was going on behind closed doors at a mosque and "faith" school with a bit of child abuse thrown in for good measure. Very shortly the insulting "racist" accusation was thrown in which is the usual response from persons of a certain political persuasion to those calling into question the multicultural dungheap also known as the United Kingdom.

No doubt very few of the contributoers watched the programme in question it is on You Tube and will soon be on http://www.channel4.com/programmes/dispatches/episode-guide/series-80/episode-1

18th February 2011, 12:08
Lex I get called all sorts of things you and everyone else is entitled to there opinion and to ague there case as vociferously as the Boss and Mods allow

I dont myself see how you can complain about free speech and then want others not to have the same?:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Totally wrong I never said people can't say what they want ,bloody hell stuff is made up on here as we go along.
I'm afraid that some of the mods don't read the threads or would not come out with such childish comments.
Anyway leave you all to it.

18th February 2011, 12:16
to be honest, posting such a contreversial thread such as this was asking for trouble,

That is what Dedworth has been doing all along.
He hardly ever posts about anything to do with the Philippines.
I wonder why?

18th February 2011, 12:19
To any mod on here can you please delete my account,looked around site can't seem to find unsubscribe button:xxgrinning--00xx3:

18th February 2011, 12:21
That is what Dedworth has been doing all along.
He hardly ever posts about anything to do with the Philippines.
I wonder why?


Here speaketh the man who the other day said

"I don't see your posts Dedworth - you are in my ignore list. "

18th February 2011, 12:23
well, you have made your mind up, you are free to make it.

You all have a responsibility to respect EVERYONE who comes to this forum, something I think you have lost sight of. As I see it, the admin team, myself included, has given lots of freedoms to all of the antagonistic and bullying views in this thread.

Maybe try to find positive news stories, wouldn't that make a change for some of you.

18th February 2011, 12:33
well, you have made your mind up, you are free to make it.

You all have a responsibility to respect EVERYONE who comes to this forum, something I think you have lost sight of. As I see it, the admin team, myself included, has given lots of freedoms to all of the antagonistic and bullying views in this thread.

Maybe try to find positive news stories, wouldn't that make a change for some of you.

Yes, Yes, YES
To be controversial occasionally is to be expected by all of us but to do this day after day, post after post takes some doing and seems to bear no reflection to what the real reason Keith set this site up for.

18th February 2011, 12:36
Yes I was well respected being called a racist:NoNo:
Sick of saying this but a valid and interesting subject was brought up,As soon as any sort of comment was made we're racists-for heavens sake it was the muslims who were concerned.
When someone calls me a racist I'm going to have a go back and I was trying to point out how sad the situation and worrying these extremists are.
I have posted plenty of friendly,fun,helpful posts on here and have a decent rep on here so I can't be the devil you all think I am.
But threats of the ban button,silly comments by one particular mod leave me to believe you have a policy of not ticking the person who called me a racist with any form of warning but would rather lambaste myself and Dedworth.
Lots of members have defended what we said on here and agree with our concerns but you chose to ignore that.

18th February 2011, 13:18
People on here need to look up the meaning of the word 'racist', as I don't see any on this thread.

Can you all agree to disagree now as we do in a civilised society without reverting to calling people things they are obviously not. If people are unable to understand the meaning of the words they are using, they should not be using them as they just make themselves look dumb.

18th February 2011, 13:33
I do apologise for that I wasn't,actually called a racist but this comment by Aposhark is tantamount to the same thing "You incite race hatred and you are just the same as a few people you seek to deride"
So actually looking back on that it is actually worse than being called a racist.
The people I seek to deride are Islamic extremists and child abusers and I'm the same as that am I:crazy:

18th February 2011, 13:38
I wasn't talking to anyone in particular, it's just that time and time again some people on this forum seem to think the word racist means something it doesn't :doh

18th February 2011, 13:46
Well Keith I'm sad to leave but I think it's the right thing to do.
Thanks for all the help and in the main this forum has been great and I have enjoyed it.:xxgrinning--00xx3:
I hold no malice to anyone on here but feel with the events that have happened I wont feel comfortable posing on here especially to any controversial subjects.
All the best les
(please delete account Keith)

18th February 2011, 14:28
i dont know what everyone is arguing about :furious3:, i'm sure we all agree those that preach hate should be brought to justice or kicked out if their not brits and not every muslim is a terrorist :NoNo:

anyway all this is :censored:, its friday afternoon and in 2 1/2hrs time, i'll be off home to see little joe :Hellooo::Jump:, and while i'm with him i'll forget about all the :censored: i've been thru and whats coming up in the wks head, aposhark do the same, becuase you've better things to be doing at home :xxgrinning--00xx3:

18th February 2011, 16:26
Apo I suggest you look through your selective quotes again. Radio 4 did track down a lady and to quote 'all the pieces fit except her have a phone and her losing sons in the war'. The tv networks like today still have there own agendas Lets remind ourselves of Blair and his lies and even bigger crime in my eyes. Fred You would do it all again to bring your family here I bet you would. We all would. A member here called White Raven He was processing his visa at the same time as my wife. Take a look at his posts. He was 47 doing agency work. He did it! There is no excuse for anyone else. Apo You did comment to Fred's post on this and I agree with you. How right you are and others also singing the same hymn. Its not long term Fred. We do what we got to do. for those finding it boring Dont read it. Just like me. Hence why my postage is low I read and post when I got something to say. You got nothing worth while to say Then dont post it. The fact is 20 years ago if you didnt work you were broke. Now You dont work you have many benefits. So what is the reason to go out to work for a min wage. The reason is folks is to get 6 months wage slips together to get you heart broken partner here. So forget comparing the money benefits between working and not working. Yes You wont be much better off by working So what What it will mean is that you will get your family here. So please lets stop moaning about the unfairness of it all. 2 wrongs dont make a right.

18th February 2011, 16:38
indeed to all if you have something to say then say it , its a free country they say still, just grow up many of you on here , in the last few days this thread has been terible and like someone said if someone new was reading this it would put them of, its pissed me off and i dont know what half of you are on about half the time, i class myself as inteligent, yes i know i spell very poor but hey ho we all are not perfect other then my Emma, so the world sometimes is a **** place to be in but while we are here enjoy and try to be good to others ,

18th February 2011, 17:13
Fred The wife found the film you mentioned Its in lovefilms listings. Will watch it Mon or Tues :xxgrinning--00xx3:

18th February 2011, 17:39
An interesting read in the Daily express today. Front pages 'work shy to lose benefits The greatest welfare shake up for 60 years' well done David! Worth having a read on there site. Very good :xxgrinning--00xx3: According to the Express To quote 'Mass immigration has been fuelled by the broken welfare system, the work and pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith said yesterday.' There was me thinking it was because of our wonderful climate. What do I know Im only a truck driver

18th February 2011, 17:43
welli dont think this is new news they say it all the time and nothing changes, the only thing that might change is for new people claiming

18th February 2011, 17:56
this thread has caused so much unrest and looks like bad feelings have arisen from it,

if we have a vote ,, to close the thread down, please count my vote ,

close thread,,,, vote,,,,,,, yes

anybody else ?

18th February 2011, 19:33
An interesting read in the Daily express today. Front pages 'work shy to lose benefits The greatest welfare shake up for 60 years' well done David! Worth having a read on there site. Very good :xxgrinning--00xx3: According to the Express To quote 'Mass immigration has been fuelled by the broken welfare system, the work and pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith said yesterday.' There was me thinking it was because of our wonderful climate. What do I know Im only a truck driver

funny you mention the front page of the express gwapito, there are 2 sides to every story, it showed the express front page and the mirrors front page on the news on the beeb, same story but of course they report a different outcome :Cuckoo:

but is hate also fueled by the media ??









18th February 2011, 19:37
Fred The wife found the film you mentioned Its in lovefilms listings. Will watch it Mon or Tues :xxgrinning--00xx3:

have you applied for your visit visa yet gWapito ? i'm starting to collect bank statements to apply for a VV for my misses Aunt, hopefully i can get her here b4 the summer hols :rolleyes:

18th February 2011, 20:37
Imagine I thought you going to Phil on the 17th I hope all is ok ?

18th February 2011, 21:11
Joe Been a change of plan for the time being. Her mother hormones have kicked in Now she wants to do it all by herself. We go back to Phil in time for all souls later this year for 6 weeks. If she has a change of mind by then We will process the visit visa. Keep us posted on your progress :xxgrinning--00xx3:

18th February 2011, 21:19
we really need her aunt here april/may as we will have to start paying the childminder near £600a month, for looking after both the kids for 1hr in the morning, and less than 3hrs in the evenings for 4 days a week :cwm24:

but it looks like i'll apply in june, and hopefully she be here for the summer hols or i'll have to pay about £1,400 for Aug :angry::bigcry:

Ako Si Jamie
18th February 2011, 21:37
and also this is my forum, treat it as if you are in my home ..... that's with respect if you can't figure it out.And that's why people have a problem with certain Muslims as illustrated in this thread because there's a lack of respect for this country's traditions and it's people. Nothing to do with race.

Now, can you kindly change the colour scheme of this forum as it's offensive towards my religion! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
18th February 2011, 21:51
Oh Arthur What did you mean by me being Ded's fag? I hope its not slang for Bitch? No I never read the book Even the famous 5. Rather read General McArthur.

:NoNo: ... nothing like that! It's many years since I read the novel, 'Tom Brown's Schooldays' but, basically, the story revolves around mid 19th century life at one of the famous English Public Schools for Boys - Rugby, in Warwickshire - where newcomer, 11 year-old Tom is singled out by Flashman, the Head Boy/Prefect - and a notorious bully - to be the latter's runaround.

In the latest edition of Chambers' Dictionary, the word 'fag' - apart from being slang for cigarette - is defined as "a schoolboy [or servant] who carries out menial or tiresome tasks for another ... senior lad.

Now of course, that is NOT to say that either you or Dedworth fit the bill as role models for the fictional characters mentioned above. :rolleyes: It was simply my :idea: of "a little" :joke: in response to Fred's mention of the well-known book ... and, not least, a light-hearted attempt to dispel the doom and gloom that the bickering :xxangry-smiley-038: on this thread has provoked.

18th February 2011, 21:51
Joe, imagine paying that in tax and some more each month, then read the papers to see where its going. You are right The media are solely responsible for all this hatred, not on this thread! I add. Its up to us to weed out the rubbish. It our responsiblity to read watch and learn the ways of this world to get a balanced view. You cant shut yourself off. Its here whether they like these sorts of threads or not. This is not the first time this has been raised on here and it wont be the last. No one is being insulting its just good old straight talking. You only got to look at the views and post numbers on this thread If it was so boring as one member stated This thread would of disappeared off the scale like many of theirs ages ago.

18th February 2011, 21:59
Imagine I thought you going to Phil on the 17th I hope all is ok ?

hi gWaPito, that was my trip to israel to visit my lady, a problem came up and i had to cancel my flight, but possibly israel may be back on soon, its to be discused as yet, and will only be for the one week instead of 2,after that brenda is returning to phil, i cant go with her just yet :bigcry:, as i am still making my house fit to rent,plus i have now a hospital examination id like to get done,(the cheemo set off a possible bowel problem) fingers xd will be ok, i also have oncoligy appointment, on 9th march,when i can ask for treatment records ect to take to phil, just incase, was at ongoligy 2 weeks ago, says everything good and doesnt forsee any problems of cancer returning :)

18th February 2011, 22:03
we really need her aunt here april/may as we will have to start paying the childminder near £600a month, for looking after both the kids for 1hr in the morning, and less than 3hrs in the evenings for 4 days a week :cwm24:

but it looks like i'll apply in june, and hopefully she be here for the summer hols or i'll have to pay about £1,400 for Aug :angry::bigcry:

wow joebloggs thatssss expensiivvve

18th February 2011, 22:09
i dont know what everyone is arguing about :furious3:, i'm sure we all agree those that preach hate should be brought to justice or kicked out if their not brits and not every muslim is a terrorist :NoNo:

anyway all this is :censored:, its friday afternoon and in 2 1/2hrs time, i'll be off home to see little joe :Hellooo::Jump:, and while i'm with him i'll forget about all the :censored: i've been thru and whats coming up in the wks head, aposhark do the same, becuase you've better things to be doing at home :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I can manage my own time quite well thanks Joe :yikes:

18th February 2011, 22:16
Arthur I knew you men't no harm! How can you? Your Arthur Our gentleman Arthur :D Arthur It would of peter'd out, you know this We been here before. No one was arguing Just putting the worlds to rights. Ill be honest I of the wife didnt get offended by any of it. Because none of it was offensive. Some want to grow bigger shoulders or Like you be measured in your critique A few could learn from you Arthur :xxgrinning--00xx3:

18th February 2011, 22:17
I can manage my own time quite well thanks Joe :yikes:

i meant why waste your time :furious3: with people when you could be spending that time with your wife and daughter :rolleyes:, kids grow up quick, and one thing you cant get back is time :NoNo:

take it easy ex-neighbor :rolleyes:

18th February 2011, 22:31
i meant why waste your time :furious3: with people when you could be spending that time with your wife and daughter :rolleyes:, kids grow up quick, and one thing you cant get back is time :NoNo:

take it easy ex-neighbor :rolleyes:

Sorry Joe, perhaps I was a little quick with my reply, I apologize. :icon_sorry:

18th February 2011, 23:09
Been looking at this forum and thinking you guys dont understand Islam and the racism coming out from people who think dat because they marry woman with brown skin they wont be called racist!

Insha’Allah. May you one day discover the Qur’an

لكل نبإ مستقر وسوف تعلمون
"For every happening, there is a finality. And you shall come to know"

18th February 2011, 23:25
Been looking at this forum and thinking you guys dont understand Islam and the racism coming out from people who think dat because they marry woman with brown skin they wont be called racist!

Insha’Allah. May you one day discover the Qur’an

لكل نبإ مستقر وسوف تعلمون
"For every happening, there is a finality. And you shall come to know"

Hi Luv2Allah,

I have been defending muslims on this forum only because I feel the muslim world has been unfairly victimized over hundreds of years by christianity.

My wife has brown skin and I dislike all religions.

For me the koran, the bible and the talmud are all as bad as each other.

No religion is the only way for me :xxgrinning--00xx3:

18th February 2011, 23:35
This thread is based on a tv doc want was screened last Monday at 20hrs. None of us claim to know about Islam but what im saying I know when teachers in that program were secretly filmed abusing kids. It could of been in an Roman Catholic School for I care It still would of got the same response. Its wrong to treat kids like that. You think its right to teach hate? You think its right to hate your adopted country? At the same time taking the British tax payers money at the same while preachng all western culture is immoral. Surely all the Newspapers cant be wrong? Oh the school they shown in Oxford was doing it the modern and In my eyes the correct way to teach, in a fun interesting way. Just my opinion:xxgrinning--00xx3:

19th February 2011, 00:03
oh Apo tsk tsk tsk.

19th February 2011, 02:35
Been looking at this forum and thinking you guys dont understand Islam and the racism coming out from people who think dat because they marry woman with brown skin they wont be called racist!

Insha’Allah. May you one day discover the Qur’an

لكل نبإ مستقر وسوف تعلمون
"For every happening, there is a finality. And you shall come to know"


Can you enlighten us to this new strange toy to hit our shops??Its a Muslim speaking doll but no one knows whats it says.

Im assuming no one has the guts to pull the cord.:icon_lol:


19th February 2011, 02:43

Can you enlighten us to this new strange toy to hit our shops??Its a Muslim speaking doll but no one knows whats it says.

Im assuming no one has the guts to pull the cord.:icon_lol:


oh fred are you sure thats not a racist joke :laugher::laugher::laugher::laugher:

19th February 2011, 02:54
Fred From what I learnt this Monday was To get the doll to react you got to snack or kick it. Please correct me if im wrong.

19th February 2011, 03:01
Fred From what I learnt this Monday was To get the doll to react you got to snack or kick it. Please correct me if im wrong.

Never tried.
You first!

19th February 2011, 04:11
I got to say something here. Apo Your pleading post, i didnt know whether to throw up or laugh. You let down the male race and shown your true colour YELLOW. You knew very well its about teachers knocking kids around. Very disappointing Apo. Take Joe's advice and spend more time with your wife and baby. Apo we are doomed any way The voodoo is upon us so, when you start feeling pricks in your back, you have the comfort we are all feeling the same thing. :D

19th February 2011, 09:40
oh Apo tsk tsk tsk.

If we didn't have religion, we wouldn't have all this brainwashing of children.

19th February 2011, 14:05
If we didn't have religion, we wouldn't have all this brainwashing of children.

yeah, and this world would be a safer place to live.

19th February 2011, 15:35
Amen to that :icon_lol:

19th February 2011, 15:52
All you learned folk know full well neither the Bible or the Koran instructs us to go out and kill each other. We all know its a few head cases making mischief, putting mildly! Dont blame religion. Any more mis quotes from Mr Powell Apo? You said sorry to that newbe for no reason at all. Me Not?

19th February 2011, 16:40
Not turning this into a religious thread just pointing out some facts ..... both books do have statements that tell you to kill.



However, they are just story books, and reading LORD OF THE RINGS does not make it alright to kill Dwarves because it says you can :D

Now can we get back to loving each other and doing the right things in life? :)

19th February 2011, 17:34
i love ya boss:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

19th February 2011, 17:51
All you learned folk know full well neither the Bible or the Koran instructs us to go out and kill each other. We all know its a few head cases making mischief, putting mildly! Dont blame religion. Any more mis quotes from Mr Powell Apo? You said sorry to that newbe for no reason at all. Me Not?

Maybe I could be wrong but I thought Joe was a mod, perhaps my memory deceives me :doh :NoNo:
Please try to type in English, Gwap; it would be more helpful to understand what you are trying to say :NoNo:

19th February 2011, 17:55
i love ya boss:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

I do too, but only because I know pink ties rock his boat :laugher:
(don't tell the wife though :icon_sorry:)

19th February 2011, 18:25
I thought it was one of the commandments? never mind What do I know, ask Apo, he's our resident know all ha ha ha. Apo You been found out, you lost the argument, now you resort to insults tsk! tsk! tsk! tsk! You will be glad to know This +++ked out corrupted Nokia N 86 is going week on Monday for a Galaxy S hence all my errors. Apo Sticks and stones ok. Joe You mentioned that the Papers bear some responsibility on this race hate stuff. May be they do but, they have an invaluable duty to report injustices going on and its us who should read and act on it. Or at least form an opinion. Its our duty. Our moral right as Keith Angel said 'defend the defenceless'

19th February 2011, 18:53
I thought it was one of the commandments? never mind What do I know, ask Apo, he's our resident know all ha ha ha. Apo You been found out, you lost the argument, now you resort to insults tsk! tsk! tsk! tsk! You will be glad to know This +++ked out corrupted Nokia N 86 is going week on Monday for a Galaxy S hence all my errors. Apo Sticks and stones ok. Joe You mentioned that the Papers bear some responsibility on this race hate stuff. May be they do but, they have an invaluable duty to report injustices going on and its us who should read and act on it. Or at least form an opinion. Its our duty. Our moral right as Keith Angel said 'defend the defenceless'

Insults Gwap, no, never...it is all in the best possible taste mixed with a smattering of humour.
Catholic schools have always seemed to spend an inordinate amount of time on worship when they should be concentrating on grammar, spelling and punctuation.
Another reason to be an atheist :icon_lol::icon_lol:

Don't worry Gwap, I do like you, in fact I worship the quicksand you walk on :laugher:

BTW, stick with the old phone, I much prefer it when I haven't the foggiest clue what you are on about :laugher:

19th February 2011, 20:02
Must be a lot of Catholics on here Apo. Aka Mother Superior. Lets stick to the subject ah.

19th February 2011, 20:22

19th February 2011, 22:35
So how do you clean your ass with just water and your hand? :Erm: :yikes:

19th February 2011, 22:47
So how do you clean your ass with just water and your hand? :Erm: :yikes:

somehow i think i should know this one,,,,,,,, but the answers just trickled through my fingers :laugher:

19th February 2011, 23:31
Finger Licking Good it is not :NoNo:

19th February 2011, 23:46
Finger Licking Good it is not :NoNo:

well i think its a load of sh*te, :action-smiley-082: :laugher:

20th February 2011, 00:57
Apo I been reading your Apple thread with interest. Its been good reading, dont you agree? The contributions from the ladies are quite impressive, dont you agree? At a guess I would say they are Catholic's, dont you agree? Yet you put down there faith, claiming they preached too much, while neglecting there a b c's (reference post 200) dont you think that is offending all who is Catholic? Yet, you speak up on behalf of the Muslims. Im puzzled Apo I really am

20th February 2011, 01:36
Apo I been reading your Apple thread with interest. Its been good reading, dont you agree? The contributions from the ladies are quite impressive, dont you agree? At a guess I would say they are Catholic's, dont you agree? Yet you put down there faith, claiming they preached too much, while neglecting there a b c's (reference post 200) dont you think that is offending all who is Catholic? Yet, you speak up on behalf of the Muslims. Im puzzled Apo I really am

You're puzzled?

Read my post 183 on this thread.........

Gwap, there are many atheists on this forum as there are in the UK, it is just a fact of life.
Don't be too puzzled with facts of life.
In the "Life In The UK Test" it reiterates that only 10% of the UK population say they go to religious services.
Catholics in the UK are putting down their own faith by "voting with their feet" :doh

20th February 2011, 01:43
Really..... is there a point in you two bitching ? I dont need an answer, just think about it. :doh

20th February 2011, 02:00
Nice to see you bitching too :icon_lol:Steve.r :)

20th February 2011, 02:07
Thank you mod for your contribution :xxgrinning--00xx3: very constructive Cheers. Im missing my mates Ded Les and Graham :NoNo: im sure they would have more to say on this subject. I would also wish a member of the Catholic community would speak up in defence. Apo is happy now, his competition has gone. Apo You are now the big fish in a small pond again. I dare say you will be in your element now. Better go now before teacher starts waving his stick at us for being naughty boys Gosh Give me strength

20th February 2011, 02:37
Thanks for the message.i agree with all you said. Im unable to reply in the same manner This blessed phone wont let me. Would be good if I could give you my Email. I wonder if our leader could pass it on to you. No, the message was not from Apo! From the opposite camp.

20th February 2011, 02:47
This mostly apears to be a conversation amongst men which fits well with the cultural model over here when expats gather mostly they talk together and there wives and girlfriends do the same its the same in Portugal and I guess Spain these country,s are "Catholic" to but the difference between concious choice and cultural norms is huge.

from my own experience the amount of folk who made any kind of desision other than the default they where born into is tiny and if I had claimed to be a satanist it wouldnt have impacted on my experience here a jot although it might have been more dificult to arrange the Minister here than in the UK:icon_lol:

Thanks Gwap for noticing and quoting the defence of the defensless bit Chivalry is still not dead and thats good:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Does opposite camp have any thing to do with pink ties?

20th February 2011, 03:56
Hey Keith You can guess who just got out of bed. Pink ties and camp Very good. I read what you type Keith I like, amongst very few other on here, what you have to say. Im going home now. Would love to stay but, my warm bed awaits. Until tomorrow

20th February 2011, 04:04
Sleep well:xxgrinning--00xx3:

20th February 2011, 16:42
I agree with you Keith Angel, who does need to watch the news when you only got to read the forum:D speaking of which, i haven't seen Ded in a while I hope he's OK. Its good to see one of the 'Big Guns'Les back:xxgrinning--00xx3: all we need now is both Graham and Ded to make a return :D:xxgrinning--00xx3: all good for balance and harmony :D

20th February 2011, 17:11
I agree with you Keith Angel, who does need to watch the news when you only got to read the forum:D speaking of which, i haven't seen Ded in a while I hope he's OK. Its good to see one of the 'Big Guns'Les back:xxgrinning--00xx3: all we need now is both Graham and Ded to make a return :D:xxgrinning--00xx3: all good for balance and harmony :D

Thanks gWaPito but i'm not" back" I just wanted to apologise to Jamie for lack of pop quiz.

Arthur Little
20th February 2011, 18:24
Thanks gWaPito but i'm not" back" I just wanted to apologise to Jamie for lack of pop quiz.

Why not Les? :rolleyes: You've been a loyal and respected member of this forum for more than 4 years - nearly twice as long as ME even - your contributions are greatly valued by many here ... not least, for their good, down to earth common sense ... blended with unique Yorkshire humour ... as is the help and advice you so freely offer to those of us wrestling with computer :dumbputer: problems. Hell ... the very fact that you wanted to update Jamie on what was happening - or not happening - with your pop quizz says it all! :anerikke:

Damn it, man ... don't throw all that away ... :please:! You'd miss US ... and WE'D certainly miss YOU! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

20th February 2011, 18:34
Thanks Arthur thats a really nice reply.
My problem is once I've gone this far it's hard to turn back,and I have cut of my nose to spite my face in the past:icon_lol:
I will just see how I feel in the next few days and keep quiet.
Thanks again for your support.

20th February 2011, 18:39
we all say things sometimes , the great thing here is we understand, indeed arthur is correct , think about it les :)

20th February 2011, 18:45
I will 2nd that Arthur. I would also like to extend those sentiments to Ded and Graham48. These are the people what got me back using the forum. People with a bit of edge, with something worth while to say.

20th February 2011, 18:46
Thanks Arthur thats a really nice reply.
My problem is once I've gone this far it's hard to turn back,and I have cut of my nose to spite my face in the past:icon_lol:
I will just see how I feel in the next few days and keep quiet.
Thanks again for your support.

lestaxi1, We've never really had much communication. But I have always enjoyed your spirit. If there are times I don't agree, that's fine, that's life.
Carina always tells me about the spice of life.
Please reconsider. Yep sleep on it if you must. But I really understand how being part of this little on-line community can become something important in your life.
C'mon lestaxi1 you know it makes sense. This is cyberspace. After a few days all is back to normal.

I'm looking forward to the pop quiz mate

20th February 2011, 18:49
Les, be a WINNER mate:xxgrinning--00xx3:

I'll even come to Harrowgate :doh

20th February 2011, 18:58
come back Les, theres much to be learnt from you,
from another yorkshire man :Wave:

20th February 2011, 19:06
Enough of that, shall we get back on topic? Speaking of which, any sign of Apo today? Perhaps he got himself grounded .

20th February 2011, 19:24
Enough of that, shall we get back on topic? Speaking of which, any sign of Apo today? Perhaps he got himself grounded .

And the current topic is ..................?
Personally, I want lestaxi1 to feel some support.

Arthur Little
20th February 2011, 19:32
I will 2nd that Arthur. I would also like to extend those sentiments to Ded and Graham48. These are the people what got me back using the forum. People with a bit of edge, with something worth while to say.

:iagree:, Mark ... so would I !

Arthur Little
20th February 2011, 19:39
I really understand how being part of this little on-line community can become something important in your life.

I'm looking forward to the pop quiz mate

:gp:s Yes ... ME too ... on BOTH counts!! :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
20th February 2011, 19:53
we all say things sometimes , the great thing here is we understand, indeed arthur is correct , think about it les :)

Indeed we do, Steve ... at the end of the day, we're ALL friends ... with so much in common ... even IF sometimes we agree to disagree! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

come back Les, theres much to be learnt from you,
from another yorkshire man :Wave:

Indeed there IS, Stewart ... we have a lot to learn from each other ... let's ALL do it together! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

:poke: ... so you "Three Musketeers" ... Les, Graham & Dedworth ... YOUR *FORUM NEEDS YOU!!!
*(With apologies to the late Lord Kitchener) :D

20th February 2011, 19:54
Terpe The topic is the thread title. Les knows my feelings on this Les has had my support all the way through. A lot of support is coming out the woodwork now I wonder where this support was when we (Graham Ded Les and myself) were being spoken to like kids because certain mods didnt like what we were saying? I put it to you You were all hiding under the bed sheets. Note Keith Angel's post 213 It would serve many people to read it. We were harming no one, just a group of guys putting over points of view. You want to show support now:NoNo:

20th February 2011, 19:57
This mostly apears to be a conversation amongst men which fits well with the cultural model over here when expats gather mostly they talk together and there wives and girlfriends do the same its the same in Portugal and I guess Spain these country,s are "Catholic" to but the difference between concious choice and cultural norms is huge.

from my own experience the amount of folk who made any kind of desision other than the default they where born into is tiny and if I had claimed to be a satanist it wouldnt have impacted on my experience here a jot although it might have been more dificult to arrange the Minister here than in the UK:icon_lol:

Thanks Gwap for noticing and quoting the defence of the defensless bit Chivalry is still not dead and thats good:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Does opposite camp have any thing to do with pink ties?

Tell you what Keith, this is a very good point you hint at.
In principle it happens (Men and women) but................ my dear, it has absolutely nothing to do with "Catholic" culture.
Your assumption is a bit like saying 25% of road accidents are caused by drunk drivers,
so lets focus on the 75% caused by sober drivers.:doh

Ako Si Jamie
20th February 2011, 20:32
I agree with gWaPito. People were just trying to make their point in a mature manner. Nothing nasty or malicious about it and for what it's worth, I've never heard either Les, Dedworth or Graham say anything along these lines in any thread. They may speak their mind and some over-sensitive members may take offence but it's a forum where people air their opinions. Fine, if there were hateful remarks and personal insults, that's understandable, but there weren't.

This is a pretty cool forum not like some forums where a lot of the members are a bunch of :sexy_146: but I think it does help when the place has a few characters to give it an edge like gWaPito said!

That's my opinion anyway :)

20th February 2011, 21:06
Nice one Jamie, you stood firm as well:xxgrinning--00xx3: Not quite sure what tangent Terpe as gone off on though:NoNo: All Keith stated was some facts, among then was most people keep to the beliefs they were born into. He mentioned a group of guys talking as expats would do. At the end of that sentence, he happened to mention that these, the countries he mentioned, are Catholic countries. He also said it wouldn't make a jot of difference.

20th February 2011, 21:32
i believe that if my opinion or belief in something is not everybodys viewpoint,if they see things differently,i understand accept i take no offence and i respect them for their honesty of their view,,
in the same light i hope my views will be treated the same way,
there isnt realy any good enough reason to fall out or feel bad about it, the important thing is that we can all speak our views/beleifs freely with no offence

20th February 2011, 21:35
Nice one Jamie, you stood firm as well:xxgrinning--00xx3: Not quite sure what tangent Terpe as gone off on though:NoNo: All Keith stated was some facts, among then was most people keep to the beliefs they were born into. He mentioned a group of guys talking as expats would do. At the end of that sentence, he happened to mention that these, the countries he mentioned, are Catholic countries. He also said it wouldn't make a jot of difference.

No need to worry to whatever tangent I go off on.
As long as I know.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

20th February 2011, 22:01
Terpe The topic is the thread title. Les knows my feelings on this Les has had my support all the way through. A lot of support is coming out the woodwork now I wonder where this support was when we (Graham Ded Les and myself) were being spoken to like kids

As far as I am concerned I contribute to those threads/posts I feel I can offer some value too, and that I have an interest in. My support for les is being made because I simply do not feel comfortable with les quitting the forum due to what I see as unjust reasons.
I don't feel comfortable with the phrase 'coming out of the woodwork'. But if you're comfortable OK

20th February 2011, 22:03
And the current topic is ..................?
Personally, I want lestaxi1 to feel some support.

Don't go lestaxi1 :NoNo:

Just because we don't always see eye to eye is one of those things.

You have your opinions and that is good.

You are very balanced as you post on so many other issues as well as politics and/or religion.

If I have offended you, it was not my intention. It is just that I have equally forthright views and I never was a wallflower, well, not many scousers are :laugher:
It is the Irish blood in us :Jump:

20th February 2011, 22:21
Im not worried Terpe:D Just curious as to what you men't. Guess we will just have to wait until Keith Angel gets online.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

20th February 2011, 22:21
You have all made me feel really humble and I'm very touched by those of you who care:)

Of course I don't want to leave this fantastic forum is part of my life now but certain things I will argue til the day I die.

I notice there are messages of goodwill but not from a certain member:NoNo:( sorry now thats sorted)
But so be it but I will say now I'm not a racist but I am in favour of our brave soldiers and will always despise poppy burners and people who think that that is OK.
Regarding this thread I did feel a lack of support and was saddened that some people took it as trivial and made silly remarks that tainted the whole thread.

I'm not from the "dark side" and enjoy a laugh and let me explain why I tackle some of the more controversial subjects head on.

I am 100% patriotic and will never lie down when someone criticizes the armed forces,or the British way of life.

If the documentary had been about white supremacists preaching hate and bullying young children my response would have been the same.

You can understand my anger as being classed as the same people as the documentry showed:cwm23:

But very few people picked up on this and chose to chastise me and some others,dedworth,Graham,gwapito,jamie etc as being childish etc.

I have to say it but it appeared some of the mods never seemed to get the just of the thread either and looked at us as troublesome when all we wanted to do was agree with a documentary made by Muslims which we agreed with,that does not make any of us racist.

I feel we were treated badly and I guess that made things worse.

I totally agree with Keith when he points out that this argument puts people off especially newcomers and women he is 100% right:Erm:

I'm not sure what the answer is to that maybe a thread entitled "read at your own risk as this may contain controversial material" and maybe make it not be available to access for newcomers to the site.

The other choice is to ban the controversial threads but that is a shame and basically we enter censorship on this forum which h is a shame.

I tend to wind Keith up a football,sometimes think I'm a better pc expert than maybe I am,I make cheeky remarks but that's who I am and I can't change.
If someone even Keith with his great knowledge of pcs which sometimes makes me feel like a newbie recommends something I will find an alternative just to challenge him:icon_lol:
I can't help it he supports scouserpool and me man utd so i have to fight him:icon_lol:

Some may say hmm Les never takes much about Filipino matters or his girlfriend-that is true and here is the reason:bigcry:

I totally love my girlfriend but as some of you know its a tough thing being in love with a Filipino and once we get closer to being together I will talk more but in the meantime it's hard and I throw myself into other subjects to take away the pain of not being with her so now you have your answer to anyone who ever wondered why on earth I'm on this forum.

I hope this explains a lot but I to want the other guys back on here,not to gang up on anyone but they deserve to be heard too and I miss Graham, and even Dedworth too:yikes::icon_lol:

20th February 2011, 22:34
...... and made silly remarks that tainted the whole thread..............
:xxparty-smiley-004: Can't be me I only post serious stuff :Bolt:

..... ever wondered why on earth I'm on this forum.

I often wonder why I'm on here :Erm: :shemademe:

20th February 2011, 22:36
:appl: il drink to that lestaxi1:Beer:

20th February 2011, 22:46
:xxparty-smiley-004: Can't be me I only post serious stuff :Bolt:

I often wonder why I'm on here :Erm: :shemademe:

It takes your mind off football:icon_lol:

20th February 2011, 23:37
It takes your mind off football:icon_lol:

one reason to stay les, to laugh at dedworth and chelsea :laugher:

tomoz is another day les, stick around :xxgrinning--00xx3:

20th February 2011, 23:58
Les I often wondered why you post on here, because you never talk about the Philippines or your girlfriend, but I guess you've explained your reason, so I accept that.

What I personally object to are threads like this, with a common theme running through them & taking over the forum. There is an element of bullying & if anyone dares to challenge them, then they are shot down, called a handwringer, or told not to post, if they don't have anything intelligent to say. :NoNo:

That's why I wont bother getting involved, because I can't be :action-smiley-081: going round in circles, it's a waste of my life, got better things to do.

I know this thread got blown out of proportion & yes I saw the first 10 mins of the programme & was appalled, but we ended up with 'Rivers of Blood' etc. This sits uncomfortably with me, seeing we are in mixed race relationships & offer immigration advice it makes the forum unfriendly, especially for our Filipino friends looking in here.

If you are staying then welcome back, if not c'est la vie :)

21st February 2011, 00:20
I was delivering in a well know west end store last night, I have been going there for years, the guys know me well. Most that work there that time of night are Muslim. I shared what was going on, on this thread. They said 'mark, its like us saying all white British are full time members of the national front, its too crazy for words. I mentioned about the parents, why dont they deal with the teachers, he said, mark They know what these schools are Thats why they send them there. He also said there is a good chance that the Muslim poster was a wind up.

21st February 2011, 01:19
Simon, its a thread Not a chat room. Like yourself and many others felt for some reason uneasy so, thought best to give it a wide berth. Unlike others who didnt like but still had to have a moan about it. Simon My wife is from the Phil, she was far from offended. Perhaps the program in question didnt do race relations a favour either. What Ded was high lighting was cruelty to children. For the life of me, I cant understand why a few found it distasteful. I know many posters and viewers didnt. Yes It was I who mentioned the rivers of blood but, many agreed. This is nothing what so ever to do with our wives. This is to do with people who refuse to be a part of British society, yet want all the benefits. You say Simon, all it is, is going round in circles, isn't it what its all about? Chewing the cud and all that? Doesn't the chat go around in circles in most of those threads? Nothing wrong in that Simon. Its what us men do. I, for one dont go on threads I dislike and pipe up the words 'this boring' then disappear. like you, you didnt like so you stayed away. Off Topic a wee bit. When the word Handwringer gets mentioned, it makes me smile, it reminds me of Les Dawson playing the washer women.

21st February 2011, 02:46
Assalaam Alaykum. More and more people turn to Islam after discovering the wonders of the faith. I understand how some here do not understand as their hearts are blackened and their minds closed. but it is willed by Allah to deliver his message to the world.

21st February 2011, 03:22
Luv2Allah... You are obviously a troll with bad intentions and on the WRONG forum.. Change the record and speak in English or I`ll pull your cord...Remotely!

21st February 2011, 03:54
I got a blackened toe nail, I wonder if thats got something to do with it? See you cats on Wednesday :xxgrinning--00xx3: i hope the others are back by then. :Wave: Oh Thanks for the rep, whoever gave me it. Xxx

21st February 2011, 04:37
Thanks for you comments Gwap I often find myself in a minority position but thats my choice no one ever said it would be easy or comfortable to be honest with myself. Its fairly easy to know if people are being interlectualy honest by there willingness to enter into open debate and address the points raised.

Deflextion,avoidance and childlike comments dont hide this for a moment.

Personaly on our multi-cultural forum I find it sad that we have so many posts on these kind of themes its great that abusive people will be uncovered and prosecuted for offences commited no matter who they are, Women with failed relationships being vilified no thanks,Celebrating remote controled drone deaths of unknown people I dont think so.

Feel free to post what you like/is permited but be sure I may time by time notice the trend and comment accordingly thats the freedoms my forebears fought for.

21st February 2011, 07:56
Simon, its a thread Not a chat room. Like yourself and many others felt for some reason uneasy so, thought best to give it a wide berth. Unlike others who didnt like but still had to have a moan about it. Simon My wife is from the Phil, she was far from offended. Perhaps the program in question didnt do race relations a favour either. What Ded was high lighting was cruelty to children. For the life of me, I cant understand why a few found it distasteful. I know many posters and viewers didnt. Yes It was I who mentioned the rivers of blood but, many agreed. This is nothing what so ever to do with our wives. This is to do with people who refuse to be a part of British society, yet want all the benefits. You say Simon, all it is, is going round in circles, isn't it what its all about? Chewing the cud and all that? Doesn't the chat go around in circles in most of those threads? Nothing wrong in that Simon. Its what us men do. I, for one dont go on threads I dislike and pipe up the words 'this boring' then disappear. like you, you didnt like so you stayed away. Off Topic a wee bit. When the word Handwringer gets mentioned, it makes me smile, it reminds me of Les Dawson playing the washer women.

Gwap I know you are married to a Filipina, so am I...we are the converted, but this 'general theme' has racist undertones (no I'm not calling anyone here a racist)...You even said the same in another thread & then the next day backed down, saying you must have lost your sense of humour. :doh

Immigration is a touchy subject in this country & I don't like putting fuel on the fire, with dominant threads like this...Remember there are many out there, who aren't as tolerant as us & would like to see zero immigration & are vocal about it. :)