View Full Version : "Come to bed early!" says your Filipina wifey - Here's how to stay up late! ;-)

20th February 2011, 00:04
1. If your married to a filipina, you will know that they tend to get up early, and as they tend to get up early, they tend to fall asleep early!:)

2 When she says "Come to bed now" just fob her with "Oh I'm just going to have one more cup of tea!" or "Oh I'm just going to send this email!" (etc)

3 When she says "Get to bed now!" fob her off with "Oh I forgot to put the cat out!" (etc)

4 Around 9pm she'll fall asleep, and start snoring for the glory of Philippines!:philippines: She's gets up early so falls asleep early, it's a body clock thing.

5 You can now stay up until 2am! She's not going to know! If she later asks what time you went to bed, just tell her you went to bed at 9.30!

6 Party on dudes!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Isn't a mans wisdom wonderful?:rolleyes:

20th February 2011, 00:53
You can now stay up until 2am!

no wonder i don't get the post until after 1pm everyday :D

20th February 2011, 02:57
The flaw in this aguement is if your missus is frightened to go to bed alone:rolleyes:

20th February 2011, 05:24
The flaw in this aguement is if your missus is frightened to go to bed alone:rolleyes:

no flaw for me, she has little joe, 2 birds , one stone :xxgrinning--00xx3:, thats why im still up at 4:30am :Jump:

20th February 2011, 08:35
you carefully noticed the filipina habit of sleeping early and waking up early. Its not just body clock, it's part of our culture that when you wake up late in the morning- you're a lazy person.

20th February 2011, 09:40
some thing missing here , when emma says come to bed i get the wink as well:hubbahubba: and everything is turned off then tv and laptop and i am following that beautiful shape up the stairs, early nights bring them on:do_it::do_it::do_it:

20th February 2011, 11:52
some thing missing here , when emma says come to bed i get the wink as well:hubbahubba: and everything is turned off then tv and laptop and i am following that beautiful shape up the stairs, early nights bring them on:do_it::do_it::do_it:

That's why there are kids everywhere in the Philippines.
"I" had my first baby at 53 y.o. - you still have time at only 52 y.o.

20th February 2011, 12:24
I was going to mention what about a sex life:Cuckoo:
But felt too embarrased:Rasp:

But I would be in bed early as well, blow the cat and email:crazy:

20th February 2011, 13:14
.....blow the cat ....

Now that's a fetish you don't hear of often ;)

20th February 2011, 14:02
depends on the pussy i think :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

20th February 2011, 14:53
no flaw for me, she has little joe, 2 birds , one stone :xxgrinning--00xx3:, thats why im still up at 4:30am :Jump:

Now this concerns me ..... I can understand her going to bed with little Joe, but 2 birds and a stone? I can see the stone for protection, but dont the feathers of the birds make you itch ??:icon_lol::icon_lol: