View Full Version : I am new here and engaged to Filipino girl

26th February 2011, 00:58
I am new here and need help,
I am currenctly engaged with a girl from Philippines, working on working visa in Czech Republic. I am also Czech citizen.
Can someone advise us on how possible is for her, without going to Philipines and if it's even possible to marry for us in UK?
For me is no problem as I am EU citizen to live and work in UK, but for her I am worried it maybe a problem.
Please help
Thank you for any advise

26th February 2011, 01:04
Just to be more specific, she is Filipino citizen and now on working permit visa in Czech Republic living and working and I am czech citizen planning to work and live in UK at the end of this year.

26th February 2011, 01:13
welcome to this friendly forum karel,
im afraid i dont have the answers for you, but if your patient im sure someone with more knowledge will be able to help,in the meantime have a look around the forum you might find some or all your answers already there, good luck :)

26th February 2011, 01:28
thank you for your reply. I hope to get some advise.

26th February 2011, 08:44
Hi Karel79, welcome to the forum.

From the information you provided it should be possible for you and your fiancee/wife to live and work legally in UK.

It might be better if you would marry in your own country, but not essential as long as you would marry in UK with 6months.

As a start please read the background rules here:-



Then you can ask some specific questions.

Good news for you is that not only is quite a straightfroward application process, but there is no charge.
For British Citizens here in UK the costs involved are quite large.

26th February 2011, 09:26
Hello Terpe,

Thank you very very much for your feedback.

The problem is if we marry in my country, it is out of Shengen and she might have problems to enter then to UK. So you say we have to marry within 6months she enters UK correct?

26th February 2011, 09:55
Hello Terpe,

Thank you very very much for your feedback.

The problem is if we marry in my country, it is out of Shengen and she might have problems to enter then to UK. So you say we have to marry within 6months she enters UK correct?

Karel, if you read throught the UKBA links I sent you should have a much better overall understanding of the situation.
If you would apply to have your family permit for fiancee then you would need to get married within 6 months. That's why I suggested you think about getting married in your own country and apply for family permit as spouse.
Schengen area is not applicable, besides which, UK is not Schengen member.

26th February 2011, 09:58
Karel, more info for you here:-http://www.ukvisas.gov.uk/en/howtoapply/infs/inf18eeaswissnationals

26th February 2011, 10:11
Thanks much Terpe, I just read through it and found that family permit for non EEA seems reasonable way. Thanks much really. We try to get all information possible so we see what are our options.

26th February 2011, 10:21
Karel, if you read throught the UKBA links I sent you should have a much better overall understanding of the situation.
If you would apply to have your family permit for fiancee then you would need to get married within 6 months. That's why I suggested you think about getting married in your own country and apply for family permit as spouse.
Schengen area is not applicable, besides which, UK is not Schengen member.

Thanks much Terpe, I just read through it and found that family permit for non EEA seems reasonable way. Only real requirement is that I need to work continuously in UK for 12 months. My girlfriend's work contract ends in 17 months, so I guess we might have enough time to do marriage in czech republic and me moving there and work there 12 months. I don't want her visa to run out and go back to Philipines that's only my worry. You know how are processing times etc long.

26th February 2011, 11:08
Thanks much Terpe, I just read through it and found that family permit for non EEA seems reasonable way. Thanks much really. We try to get all information possible so we see what are our options.

Once you made some study of the UKBA information feel free to ask any questions you still feel unsure of.
There are quite a number of previous posts here on this subject. Just make a search and see what comes out.
Happy reading

26th February 2011, 12:49
Karel, if you read throught the UKBA links I sent you should have a much better overall understanding of the situation.
If you would apply to have your family permit for fiancee then you would need to get married within 6 months. That's why I suggested you think about getting married in your own country and apply for family permit as spouse.
Schengen area is not applicable, besides which, UK is not Schengen member.

for him to apply for a family permit for her to come to the UK as his fiancee , i think he would have to be already present and settled in the UK, and Czechs are also subject to the Worker Registration Scheme (WRS), as fiancee are not classed as family members unless you are settled.

so like terpe has said it would probably be better if you married in your own country..

26th February 2011, 13:48
Hello Joebloggs,
Thank you for your reply.

Yes I believe I have to be working under current rules in UK for 12 months before I can get my Filipino wife ( after we marry in Czech Republic ), to UK. I just hope if I am settled there, not a problem for her to come under family permit for non EEA member.
Do you know someone who has this experience from other EU country doing that?

Thanks for any feedback

Arthur Little
26th February 2011, 20:54
So many rules and regulations, eh Karel!? :rolleyes:

Stlll ... not to worry :NoNo: ... simply stay tuned to this friendly online site ... be guided by my friends' knowledgeable advice ... and you'll find the answers you're looking for. :xxgrinning--00xx3:


26th February 2011, 22:40
Hello Arthur,
Thanks much for your reply. I am used to it, just want to make sure we do the right thing.
Thanks everyone this is really nice your advices and help here.

26th February 2011, 23:11
Hi there, it may be obvious to many on here but, your wife to be will only be entitled to a Chec passport. She will not be entitled to a British passport even though she will be working and living here. This is fact. Good luck in your quest :xxgrinning--00xx3:

26th February 2011, 23:18
So you preffer it is better we marry in UK?

27th February 2011, 00:00
Hi Karel, I dont know who you directed your question at so ill guess its me :D No matter where you marry your lady, if she chose, she could only have the passport of your country. I know of someone who married a Polish guy thinking she will get a British passport on the strength of living and working here only alas, its not the case. She could only apply for citizenship in your Czech Republic which is another ball game completely.

27th February 2011, 00:17
Thank you for your reply
gWaPito, it was directed to you.
but if she lives and work in UK 5 years, after 5 years she is entitled to UK passport for sure I think.

27th February 2011, 01:06
The answer is no. This is coming from the horses mouth ok. The only way she will get a British Passport is to marry a British citizen. Again I state this as fact. Sorry. At least you can both work here then after 6 months go back home and claim back all the tax you have both paid out. Not a bad deal after all.

27th February 2011, 09:46
The answer is no. This is coming from the horses mouth ok. The only way she will get a British Passport is to marry a British citizen. Again I state this as fact. Sorry. At least you can both work here then after 6 months go back home and claim back all the tax you have both paid out. Not a bad deal after all.

:NoNo: gwapito


Can I be naturalised as a British citizen?

If you are over 18 and have been living in the United Kingdom for the last five years (or three years if you are married to or a civil partner of a British citizen) you may be able to apply for naturalisation as a British citizen. You may also be able to apply for naturalisation if you or your husband, wife or civil partner is in crown or designated service outside the United Kingdom. Applications for naturalisation are made using application form AN.

27th February 2011, 10:02
Yes, exactly gwapito is wrong, after 5 years we can be naturalized. And I don't have to re-enter every 6 months to UK, I am EEA member. Maybe my Filipina wife might have to, but not me.

27th February 2011, 10:26
not sure Czech Republic allows dual citizenship:doh

27th February 2011, 15:14
Im not wrong Karel. I was talking about your wife's status here in the Uk, not yours. Im going by the experiences of someone I know who married a polish. The phil women concerned has found out she will never be granted a British Passport The Polish guy will The Phil wife wont. Look Its no odds to me what you out come is. You asked for someone with life experience of this situation, im one of those guys. I found out all about this while visiting Phil friends over the Christmas period. Read again what Joe posted It states 'may be allowed'. I wish you well, just enjoy spending the British tax payers money every 6 months. I would do the same if I were in your situation :xxgrinning--00xx3:

28th February 2011, 12:00
Hi to all!
It's so nice to be here. I am so excited to join you. :):

28th February 2011, 17:01
I wonder what rights I have in the Czech Republic as a EU Citizen??
Can I claim unemployment benefit etc?? What about education for my British kids if we move there?
Could i claim child benefit etc or any benefits what so ever? What about health,doctors and hospitals? Would all that be free for us? Apart from Ski instructors,is there any work there for us Brits?
Say Im not entitled to any benefits...How much income would I need to live with reasonable lifestyle..(Me the Mrs and 2 kids?)
Cheers Fred.

28th February 2011, 20:47
I was thinking along those same lines FRed. I didnt mention it in case of up setting the lovey gang. Welcome to the friendly forum Dianne

28th February 2011, 22:36
Im not wrong Karel. I was talking about your wife's status here in the Uk, not yours. Im going by the experiences of someone I know who married a polish. The phil women concerned has found out she will never be granted a British Passport The Polish guy will The Phil wife wont. Look Its no odds to me what you out come is. You asked for someone with life experience of this situation, im one of those guys. I found out all about this while visiting Phil friends over the Christmas period. Read again what Joe posted It states 'may be allowed'. I wish you well, just enjoy spending the British tax payers money every 6 months. I would do the same if I were in your situation :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Gwapito, if they stay in the UK for 5yrs they can get PR - permanent residency (similar to ILR) and one year later apply for citizenship..

European Economic Area nationals and Swiss nationals

If you are a national of a country in the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland, or you are the family member of such a person, you will automatically have permanent residence status if you have exercised EEA free-movement rights in the UK for a continuous five-year period ending on or after 30 April 2006. You do not need to apply for leave to remain. You should have held permanent residence status for 12 months before you apply for naturalisation.

In May this year all transitional arrangements (like WRS) for A8-countries will disappear.

and why would he need to keep leaving the uk every 6 months ? ! ?

1st March 2011, 03:36
I was thinking along those same lines FRed. I didnt mention it in case of up setting the lovey gang. Welcome to the friendly forum Dianne

They were just questions gWapito..
I am really interested as I'm always looking for alternatives to the UK..:xxgrinning--00xx3:

1st March 2011, 12:13
By returning back to his mother country and remaining a permenent resident he can claim back the tax every 6 months Thats worth a tidy some. This is the practice of a few where I work cF

1st March 2011, 19:07
Sorry Fred for misunderstanding your post to Karel. I thought with the multiple question mark following each of your questions with a hint of sarcastic humour I thought you were indeed being serious.

You been out the country too long
Freddy boy!:D