View Full Version : Hi everybody...HAS THE VISA PROCESS CHANGED?

1st March 2011, 23:04
Would like to sat thanks to everyone who helped me and my new wife with the CNI saga before xmas....everything went to plan in the Phillipinnes and we are now married... (: (:

My wife has now gone back to BAHRAIN to tie up all the loose end on her job..and wants to apply to join me here in the uk now...

We have all my wage slips for last 6 months and last 6 months of bank accounts...pics of wedding and letter of my rented place....Nso wedding certificate etc.

But it appears the uk goverment is moving the goal posts every time i or my wife look on the relevant websites... ):

Can anyone please just state roughly what order we should now proceed? My wife has gone to the uk embassy in bahrain and they say she needs English test and also tuition? But she speaks better english than the majority of my friends and family...

1st March 2011, 23:08
Does she have to pass an english test before she applies for the visa to come here to the uk? At the moment the embassy in Bahrain is bouncing her backwards and forwards from themselves and the uk border agency,....with no proper answers...if anyone has a few pointers for us it would be much appreciated and then we could plough on with our application for my cutey wife....:Rasp:

1st March 2011, 23:13
And they are telling her to apply online only? is this because not enough staff to process the visas now or is it a conscious decision to move everything online only?

We dont really know how to proceed.....:doh

Has anyone got a simple order of what thing to do first ?

Really sorry for all the questions but my wifes now in bahrain and when she went back there was no stress but now with the current situation i dont want to leave her there longer than neccesarry

2nd March 2011, 00:13
English test - Yes http://filipinaroses.com/showthread.php/29911-English-Language-Test-UK-Border-Agency-Partners-List-Accepted-Qualifications

Online- Yes .... you can download a practise form http://filipinaroses.com/showthread.php/29694-UK-Fiancee-Visa-Application-Forms-Download