View Full Version : Moan United Observation from Football365

9th March 2011, 22:19
As you probably know - the secret of good comedy is timing. What you probably didn't know is by that rationale David Gill, he of the shiny Manchester United suit and 'I Love Malcolm' t-shirt, is an absolute comic genius.

In his evidence to a Commons committee on the governance of football, Gill explained the policy of his club towards the thousands of red-shirted cash regis...erm, fans, that file in and out of Old Trafford every week.

"We, as an executive team, on behalf of ourselves and the club do have extensive communications with our fans.

"We take those elements of fan communication very seriously."

This pledge came around 48 hours after Alex Ferguson had issued a media black-out that even encompassed their own fan-subscribed TV channel.

Terrific stuff Dave.


Here he is - a slimy individual

Debt has not impacted Manchester United - David Gill
