View Full Version : visa increases

john sergison
21st March 2011, 11:18
i have just read the latest increases in the visa fees from april 2011

so while my blood was up i have just written to my MP and the PRIME MINISTER to voice my feelings

ILR SPOUSE up 8% to 972 and dependant daughter up 94% to 486

i think all on here need to write and complain because they are walking all over us .

if they are serious to reduce immigration make the initial visa expensive and keep the flr and ilr and citizenship reasonable.

i know this would penalise new applicants but it seems the right way.

ok blood is going lower now

take care all

21st March 2011, 12:00
i think they will now go up every year( maybe even twice a year apr/nov) , i think they have done for the last few years :cwm23:

and they are finding other ways of making you pay, ilr for a dependant use to be free for under 18yr olds :angry:, english language test :angry:, higher prices. maybe i was lucky only paying £4,000 in visa fees for the misses and kids :doh

Arthur Little
21st March 2011, 12:37
Have the increases actually been approved yet, though? :rolleyes: ... last I read, they were in the pipeline awaiting official ratification.

21st March 2011, 13:28
Have the increases actually been approved yet, though? :rolleyes: ... last I read, they were in the pipeline awaiting official ratification.

Not yet approved Arthur.
The Gov't has had 'higher priorities'.

Could they include this kind of increase in the budget announcement i wonder?

Arthur Little
21st March 2011, 13:43
Not yet approved Arthur.
The Gov't has had 'higher priorities'.

That's what I thought, too, Terpe :rolleyes: ... let's hope they continue to give priority to those other "priorities"!!

Could they include this kind of increase in the budget announcement i wonder?

Could do, I suppose :rolleyes: ... but of course, this particular measure isn't going to impact on the average citizen. :NoNo:

21st March 2011, 19:53
they will be approved, they always are :doh

21st March 2011, 21:53
they will be approved, they always are :doh

Unfortunately everyone know that it will happen by hook or by crook.
No-one will object in sufficient 'important' numbers.

In my personal opinion it's a disgrace. :NoNo:
BTW I also wrote to my MP about this but so far no reply.
I'm sure he will though, he's pretty good like that:)

21st March 2011, 21:58
i wrote to my MP more than 3yrs ago asking why i had to pay for a visa to bring my wife to the UK and a European living in the Uk didn't, i still haven't got a reply :angry: