View Full Version : fell out

21st March 2011, 22:21
i fell out with my boyfriend... i think the strain of the complexity regarding visas is taking its toll on both of us. im so sad:bigcry: ... sometimes id like to think that breaking the law is far more rewarding... i know of people who came here and overstayed their visas and now granted with ilr... wish i did the same... :bigcry::bigcry::bigcry:

21st March 2011, 22:26
crime does pay sometimes
time and distance causes problems, it caused problems for me and my misses :NoNo:
but dont give up yet, life is full of ups :Hellooo: and downs :bigcry:

21st March 2011, 22:29
I'm sorry to read about that, and hope that you make up again soon. I can't offer you any practical advice regarding your Visa application, although many on here can. All I can say is breaking the law isn't the right way to go about it. British Immigration laws are getting tougher all of the time, if you get found out, you might face a ban on re-entering the UK for 10 years.

On another note, I see you are in Stamford:xxgrinning--00xx3: I hope you like my place of birth, I think it's a beautiful town and would love to move back there one day:)

steve monty
21st March 2011, 22:55
I'm sorry to hear you fell out with your boyfriend. Applying for a visa is a stressful process. I can feel your pain as myself and wife are hoping to apply soon too. Try to remember that it may take time to get the groundwork done for a successful visa, but it is only short term compared to a life time together. short term gain of overstaying visa could put 10 years of being apart like Ian said, not worth the risk. If there are any problems you face which you think people could help you with, you have a wealth of knowledge ready for you here, and people here to support you. Chin up as we would say!! :)

22nd March 2011, 09:14
jobloggs, englishman2010 and steve thanks for your kind words... and pardon me for saying something off the rail - it's said out of desperation...

@englishman2010: i do love stamford!!! it's a quaint little town full of hoity toits hehehe not sure if that's how you spell it. anyway, i just love england full stop! this is where i want to be for the rest of my life.

oh well, will be in the Philippines soon. would be interesting to see what happens when i lodge my application. i have a bundle of papers with me, hope it's enough to support my application but we never know.

by the way, we've kissed and made up!:Jump:

22nd March 2011, 09:21
by the way, we've kissed and made up!:Jump:


22nd March 2011, 09:29
every relationship has its ups and downs keep going will be worth it :)

22nd March 2011, 09:34
jobloggs, englishman2010 and steve thanks for your kind words... and pardon me for saying something off the rail - it's said out of desperation...

@englishman2010: i do love stamford!!! it's a quaint little town full of hoity toits hehehe not sure if that's how you spell it. anyway, i just love england full stop! this is where i want to be for the rest of my life.

oh well, will be in the Philippines soon. would be interesting to see what happens when i lodge my application. i have a bundle of papers with me, hope it's enough to support my application but we never know.

by the way, we've kissed and made up!:Jump:

:icon_lol: yes Stamford is a bit posh, but I love it there. I spent the first 27 years of my life in Stamford and go back every few weeks to see my family. There are some beautiful stone buildings all around the town, and I love to spend a nice summers day having a picnic on the meadows or at Burghley House.
It's also a very historical town, the ancient Queen of Anglia, Bodicea was from Stamford. The Romans established it as major settlement and were going to have it as the capital of Britannia as it was halfway between their other major settlements in London and York.

Enough of the history lesson:icon_sorry::icon_lol:

I'm pleased you've made it up, and hope you can get your visa situation sorted out very soon:xxgrinning--00xx3:

stevie c
22nd March 2011, 09:55
HI anna I'm sure all relationships have there ups & downs none more so than those that are involved in visa applications i know this first hand as me & my wife went through all kinds of stress & doubts only last November but glad to say we were successful in her being granted a spouse visa so don't worry too much as I'm sure when the time comes you will also be successful with your application. SO don't give up & remember love conquers all. I'm so happy that you & you re boyfriend have kissed & made up. I look forward to your happy news on the visa front soon i hope :xxgrinning--00xx3: